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The Poolside Pastor
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21.01.2022 Welcome to @the_poolside_pastor where I’ll be talking about 2 of my favourite things; Jesus & Sunshine! Or more accurately I’ll be talking about Jesus while I’m in the Sunshine One of my favourite stories about Jesus is where he talks about 100 sheep in a field. The story came about because Jesus was hanging out and enjoying time with some tax collectors and questionable characters. This enraged the law abiding citizens of the day and they snickered amongst themselves w...ondering who this man was, claiming to be the son of God and yet sitting down and eating with such ‘scum’! Suppose one of you had a hundred sheep and lost one, Jesus questioned. Wouldn’t you leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until you found it? And when you found it, wouldn’t you be sure to put it across your shoulders, rejoicing, and when you got home call in your friends and neighbours saying Celebrate with me! I’ve found my lost sheep’! Jesus went on to say that heaven is more joyful over the return of that lost one than the 99 who didn’t need rescuing *taken from Luke 15 in the Bible But this isn’t just about stories in an ancient book. This is about my friend, Jesus. Our adventures. Sometimes my lessons learned. Mostly just about how beautiful and tender and faithful I have known him to be as I’ve moved through this weird and wonderful path called life. And always to share the message that Jesus leaves the ninety-nine to find the one. Every. Single. Time. My life...My heart...This page...Is for the one x #jesusandsunshine #jesus #hope #faith #love #the99 #gospel #thelostsheep #thepoolsidepastor #funinthesun #jesusfreak
18.01.2022 Sashimi - Sashimi’s an incredible lifeguard. Rescuing is in her blood. She won’t rest until we are out of the water. Swimming in circles, herding us to the edge. Jesus - Jesus is a story of God’s reckless love for us. This God didn’t passively sit by and watch us drown. This God gets down from the lifeguard tower, into the pool & literally drowns himself to pull us up.... #jesus #thepoolsidepastor #gospel #faith #love #inclusion #sashimithedog #jesusandsunshine #sunshine #swimming #lifeguard #recklesslove #god
13.01.2022 What are you looking for? How would you answer if no one else could hear? With full freedom of expression, no fear of failure, just the honest truth from deep within you? Would you admit it, if you knew you’d succeed in finding it? Do you even know?... It’s not a trick question but the answer might need a little time to surface. The first words Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John. A question so piercing and straight to the heart! Not a command but a conversation starter. What are you looking for? I imagine it evolving Maybe I can help?... I haven’t done the number crunching myself (let me know if you want me to!) but it’s estimated Jesus asked in excess of 300 questions in the 4 Gospels and answered only 3 directly. I find this utterly mind blowing as a glimpse at modern day Christianity would suggest a rock solid foundation of, well, rock solid answers! So I’m going to do a little series on the questions of Jesus. There’s no right or wrong answers if our hearts are open to the mystery of God, wherever that may lead, and in never allowing others to determine who Jesus is or should be to us... Easy answers, instead of hard questions, allow us to try to change others instead of allowing God to change us - Richard Rohr #questionsofjesus #thepoolsidepastor #whatareyoulookingfor #jesus #gospel #faith #hope #love #inclusive #richardrohr
08.01.2022 I’m unashamedly going to admit that My Octopus Teacher has left me with somewhat of a void. A hole in my heart. More questions with less answers. (If you haven’t seen it, stop immediately and search it on Netflix. You won’t regret it. If you have seen it then this *may* make sense but you know, maybe not ;-) ) I wasn’t really expecting to revisit the meaning of life again by watching an octopus! But this utterly exquisite, incredibly purposeful creature. Multi skilled, strate...gic, both the huntress and the hunted. Childlike at play. Vulnerable. Actually, she was more open to vulnerability... I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t say she left me questioning How freaking phenomenal BUT what’s the freaking point? With just 12 months of life under her belt this fanciful sea creature found a mate, laid an incredible amount of eggs then expended so much energy trying to keep her potential young alive she didn’t have time to get nourishment herself and died. This is what we are introduced to and left with...the life of a female Octopus. What’s the point in that? 12 months! What are they even doing down there? What’s the point? Was God just showing off when they were created? Have they been left to their own demise? Is there a bigger purpose my arrogant eyes can’t see?
04.01.2022 Ever wonder what Jesus would really say if he met you? #hellobeloved #wwjs #jesus #faith #hope #love #thepoolsidepastor #bible #jesusfreak #godislove #gaychristian #lgbtiq #loveislove #loveisweird