Project Mayhem Strength and Conditioning | Sports & fitness instruction
Project Mayhem Strength and Conditioning
Phone: +61 431 814 254
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24.01.2022 . . Run, crawl, push, row Knee raise and burpees .... Bench press work RPE scale used . Run Situps Dips Run Toes to bar Dips Run Knee raises Dips . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhemprogram #projectmayhem #spacemonkeys #snowflakes #actanonverba @ Eagle Vale Leisure Centre See more
22.01.2022 . . Lets not leave any room for option B . Legs got smoked... . Practicing some ice bath emersion . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #projectmayhemprogram #wimhofmethod #actanonverba #snowflakes #spacemonkeys @ Eagle Vale Leisure Centre See more
21.01.2022 . . When your wrecked . Paybacks fun... . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemprogram #projectmayhem #actanonverba #projectmayhemcrew #spacemonkeys #snowflakes See more
18.01.2022 . Its Time . Might christen the garage gym with a F**ked up Friday... Psycho Saturday Sabath sunday Session . #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhemprogram #projectmayhem #actanonverba #spacemonkeys #snowflakes #garagegym See more
14.01.2022 . . Workload . #welcometoprojectmayhem... #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhemprogram #projectmayhem #actanonverba #snowflakes #spacemonkeys @ Eagle Vale Leisure Centre See more
14.01.2022 . . Work needs doing . Jerk Work... Accessory stuff Some db bench and pullups Abs and shoulders . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #catalystathletics #catalystathleticsprogram #actanonverba #spacemonkey #snowflake @ FIT H.Q. See more
09.01.2022 . . Not the most ideal place to practice olympic lifts but we roll with the punches . Snatch work... Accessory stuff . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #catalystathletics #catalystathleticsprogram #actanonverba #snowflake #spacemonkey @ Eagle Vale Leisure Centre See more
08.01.2022 . . Back at it . Snatch work... Accessory work . @atghq . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #actanonverba #snowflake #spacemonkeys #catalystathleticsprogram #catalystathletics See more
07.01.2022 . . Pressing along . Press, Jerk focus... Accessory work . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhem #catalystathletics #catalystathleticsprogram #spacemonkey #snowflake #actanonverba #atghq . @atghq See more
04.01.2022 . . Accessory work #catalystathleticsprogram .... #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #actanonverba #spacemonkey #snowflake @ FIT H.Q. See more
04.01.2022 . . Not in the mood . The work had to be done... . Snatch complex Clean complex Paused Back squats . @atghq . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #catalystathletics #catalystathleticsprogram #actanonverba #spacemonkey #snowflake See more
03.01.2022 . . Clean and Jerk work Clean Accessory work Squats (heavy and low)... *every day is leg day* Some ab work (ouch) . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhem #catalystathletics #catalystathleticsprogram #actanonverba #spacemonkey #snowflake @ Fit n Fast Campbelltown See more
02.01.2022 . . Working on power . Oly lift warmups... @catalystathletics trim the fat program to add to my current programming . @atghq . #welcometoprojectmayhem #projectmayhemcrew #projectmayhemprogram #projectmayhem #actanonverba #snowflake #spacemonkey See more