The Pure Bee in Leneva, Victoria, Australia | Speciality food shop
The Pure Bee
Locality: Leneva, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 417 440 963
Address: Beechworth-Wodonga Rd 3691 Leneva, VIC, Australia
Likes: 529
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25.01.2022 When you're out shopping and you see a bee t-shirt, of course you buy it! ...oh, and the flowers are starting to finish up for the season so this is all we will have at the market tomorrow - so bee quick! #beesarelife #flowerpower #thepurebee
25.01.2022 HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the bee dads. And regular dads. And single dads...and all the dads out there. Wishing you all a beautiful day, whether you're locked down in your hive or free to roam the meadows. May your little brood shower you with love #happyfathersday #family #thepurebee
24.01.2022 VIC v's NSW No matter which side of the border you are stuck on, you'll never be stuck without our honey. Here's where you can grab it on both sides of the border: VIC Haus of Meat (Birralee) Jarrah St Family Store... Baranduda General Store Azzi Nusser Service Centre NSW Olive Health Foods Locky's Countryside Meats Tony Harts Quality Meats Pemberton Pantry Albury Engineering Funky Cutz Thurgoona #itshappened #weareallinthistogether See more
24.01.2022 So, tonight I thought I'd try something different. I was tired of cooking the same old meals and decided to change it up So, out comes the Jamie Oliver cookbook and hello, Greek Chicken & Cous Cous. (Disclaimer: mine looked NOTHING like Jamie's ) Well, the girls took one look at it, proclaimed it to be disgusting And then little miss proceeded to eat a carrot for dinner instead! Help me!...what is a winner in your household?
23.01.2022 One day, the year 2020 is going to be the measurement of how bad something has been.... "I've had such a bad day. It's been a total 2020!" We've just gotta get through it first I hope you all have your visas, I mean, cross-border permits ready for the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow. See you there! #bringon2021... #thepurebee See more
22.01.2022 Nice one David Beckham but you ain't got nothin' on my hubby putting together 700 beehive frames
22.01.2022 Bees will not leave the hive if it is raining, as they cannot fly if their wings are wet. We are just like our bees and prefer to keep warm and dry and stay indoors on rainy days. With rain predicted for ALL morning, we have decided not to go to the Farmers Market today. If you have a honey emergency, you can pick up our honey from these local legends: The Haus of Meat (Birralee) Jarrah St Family Store... Baranduda General Store Olive Health Foods Lockys Countryside Meats Albury Engineering See you at the Market next fortnight! See more
22.01.2022 We may be in dark and stormy times at the moment, but brightness always breaks through to create moments of joy and colour. You can't have a rainbow without the rain! . . Ours was pretty cool
21.01.2022 A fantastic achievement from a local business.
21.01.2022 Free training for all beekeepers. A worthwhile course to help you look after your hives
21.01.2022 It's a great market family
20.01.2022 CALLING ALL N.E. VICTORIANS Come and support all your local producers by coming down to the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow morning and doing a spot of shopping. We'll be there with our delicious honey and other goodies #buylocal #supportlocalbusiness
20.01.2022 Tomorrow at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market we are having a sale on our Beeswax Wraps! On all our single wraps it's buy one get another at 50% off (of equal or lesser value). A great opportunity to replace your worn-out wraps or just add to the collection! #gogreen #thepurebee
20.01.2022 We've got honey. We've got flowers. We've got candles. We've got beeswax. We've got beeswax wraps. We've got salad dressing. It's a lovely morning, come and say hello #alburywodongafarmersmarket #thepurebee
18.01.2022 Congrats Dylan Alcott. What an amazing achievement from an amazing athlete...with many more to come no doubt!
18.01.2022 What's old is new again... wearing a mask to help prevent the spread of infection. This was drawn by May Gibbs in 1919 as part of the NSW Healths response to the Spanish Flu outbreak. #wearamask or #stayhome
18.01.2022 So, apparently we are half way through lockdown 2.0 I could have sworn we only had a week to go... it's been a long 3 weeks! And you know you're over lockdown when Fast and the Furious quotes seem relevant... We'll be at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday - so you can tell me all about it then #sendwine... #andcheese See more
18.01.2022 MARKETS ARE BACK BABY! This weekend marks the first market back for the On the Border Community Market and we can't wait! We will be at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday and the On The Border Community Mini Market on Sunday. Market life is back baby! See your smiling faces there #marketlife... #thepurebee See more
17.01.2022 It seems if you can't beat 'em, join 'em... I was never keen to get too close to the bees and stayed in my lane of extracting, bottling & marketing. Today, Andy coerced me into helping tend the all fairness I didn't do more than pass him the new queens, but hey, I was suited up with bees buzzing all around. Baby steps
16.01.2022 Finished putting the last of the 600 boxes together today. Big thanks to the Saunders crew for all their wasn't the same without you. Can't wait to see these full of bees and honey
15.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day to all the Queen Bee's out there. Wishing you a beautiful day
15.01.2022 N E W S A L E R T The awesome butchers at Butcher On Rise in Thurgoona Plaza are now also stocking your favourite Pure Bee honey. Grab some tasty meat. Grab some tasty honey. Happy days ... #butcheronrise #thepurebee See more
14.01.2022 Our little pocket rocket sold out her first batch of all natural lip balms, but has now re-stocked! If you haven't tried it yet - you must! Recently a local nurse told me how much she loves it and found it brilliant to use under her face mask to help with the rubbing/chaffing. We will have the lip balms back in stock at the On the Border Community Market on Sunday...they also make a great stocking stuffer!
13.01.2022 We got rained out last time, so we will be back on Saturday at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market with a sale on our Beeswax Wraps! On all our single wraps it's buy one get another at 50% off (of equal or lesser value). A great opportunity to replace your worn-out wraps or just add to the collection! And of course, we'll have plenty of delicious local honey too #gogreen #thepurebee
12.01.2022 Today is International Tea Day. I do love a good cup of tea and have been known to choose a cuppa as my session nightcap from time to time! And you know what is excellent in a cup of tea? Honey, of course! We will be back at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday. Just remember; social distancing rules are still in place. #internationalteaday... #loveacuppa #thepurebee See more
11.01.2022 If you need honey for that perfect glazed ham for Christmas ; dressing for the salad you said you'd make ; or those last little stocking stuffers like locally-made all natural lip balm ...we've got you! Drop into the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow or the On the Border Community Market Sunday to pick up the goods #shoplocalthischristmas #thepurebee
11.01.2022 NOW STOCKING BEEKEEPING SUPPLIES As well as our awesome honey, we are now stocking a range of beekeeping gear for those keen to look after their very own hive! We will be at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday with a display of our beekeeping range which includes; hives, suits, gloves, smokers. #fortheloveofbees #thepurebee
10.01.2022 Today is World Bee Day! What did you have for breakfast today? Jam on toast? Fresh fruit? Dried fruit in your muesli or some grilled tomatoes with your fry-up? Maybe fruit juice or a coffee? All of this was brought to you by bees! Its tempting to think bees just provide us with honey but in fact theyre behind much of the food we eat, including most fruit and vegetables. They are so important to world - both sustainably and economically.... So, show the bees and your local beekeepers some love on World Bee Day! #worldbeeday #may20 #thepurebee
10.01.2022 2020 has been one slippery slope...but we must not give up. We have to keep going. Thinking of all our fellow Victorians as we head back into another lock down #letsdothistogether
10.01.2022 Victoria is now also responding to an outbreak of Bird Flu. Sending to those affected in the Golden Plains area and the emergency response crew. Hang in there. Things have gotta start getting better soon...haven't they? #enough2020
10.01.2022 We've been busy little bees getting ready for the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow. We have some beautiful bouquets & boxes ready to go, plus all our usual goodies #proteaperfection #lovelyleucospermum #thepurebee
09.01.2022 I spy with my little eye....our honey popping up in the SS&A Christmas hampers! Get yourselves down to the Albury Ssa and get in the draw! #gottobeinittowinit #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas #thepurebee
09.01.2022 OK people! We can now socialise in groups of 20 and see our friends again What better way to reconnect than over a drink and a cheese platter. Did you know honey goes great on your cheese board? A drizzle of honey is the perfect contrast to the saltiness of the cheese and is meant to elevate the flavor of cheese, so use it sparingly. The easiest way to serve honey with cheese is to drizzle the honey over a wedge of cheese minutes before serving. So what cheese you as...k?... Honey pairs well with almost any type of cheese. It is especially good with mild and creamy cheese, blue cheese or an aged cheese. We will be at Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday for all your honey needs #yourwelcome #honeymakeseverythingtastebetter #thepurebee See more
09.01.2022 A T T E N T I O N W O D O N G A After a visit today to the lovely ladies at Funky Cutz Salons (goodbye brassy blonde ...hello classy blonde ) I have finally restocked the salon with your favourite Pure Bee honey Pop in for some honey and a haircut today #honeyandhairdressing #thepurebee
08.01.2022 When I got home from work I went for a walk through the protea patch. And I have some lovely bunches ready for the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow. Brighten up your day or someone else's with a little bunch of beauties #proteaperfection #thepurebee
08.01.2022 If you're chasing some beautiful flowers today, call into Funky Cutz Salons at Whitebox Rise who have our beautiful bunches
08.01.2022 We visited Hammersley Gorge 2 years ago and absolutely loved our time in the Karijini National Park. Some things are worth more than money. Once it's gone, you can't get it back. #itsnotaboutthemoney #worldsoldestcivilisation
08.01.2022 Happy first day of spring! A perfect sun shining day to mark it The first day of spring always promises new beginnings, new growth and new hopes...let's hope Spring delivers this year (we all need it) #springhassprung #thepurebee
08.01.2022 Just realised it's Friday and we need to get organised for the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow...where has the week gone?!!! We will have plenty of honey & beeswax goodies plus beautiful flowers to brighten your day. #marketlife #thepurebee
07.01.2022 It looks like it might be a bit rainy tomorrow for the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market... but we have plenty of gorgeous flowers to brighten your day and delicous honey to sweeten your life! Don't let the rain keep you away - grab a brolli and come down for all your favourites #thepurebee
07.01.2022 Hayfever or COVID19? We are now into hayfever season...sneezing, runny noses. But with some hayfever symptoms similar to COVID19 how do we know which is which? Did you know eating local honey can help with your hayfever symptoms? Come and see us tomorrow at the albury wodonga farmers market for your fix #thepurebee
06.01.2022 It is a challenging time living on the VIC/NSW border at the moment and a shout-out goes to the awesome Auslan Interpreter from Daniel Andrews press conference today...he hit the nail on the head how I feel about the current Covid situation! #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat . . For those playing along at home, this sign actually means a lazy or irresponsible person or to do nothing, especially when other people are working and when you are expected to work also"
06.01.2022 Just 1 more week until Christmas! So, the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market this Saturday will be our last market before Christmas. Call in to pick up your goodies and some free christmas cheer! #shoplocalthischristmas #thepurebee
06.01.2022 It's been a crazy week and I just realised I hadn't let you know we will be at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market tomorrow! If you need honey for that perfect glazed ham for Christmas ; dressing for the salad you said you'd make ; or those last little stocking stuffers like locally-made all natural lip balm ...we've got you! Drop into the market tomorrow to pick up the goods #shoplocalthischristmas #thepurebee
06.01.2022 GUARANTEED TO MAKE YOU SMILE... The finalists for the 2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography competition have just been announced...and I have to say, the turtle sums up the year perfectly! The competition exists to recognise great photography and pictures of wild animals that make us snort into our cups of tea. It also aims to raise awareness about conservation through a humorous, upbeat, and positive association with these animals. Check it out
06.01.2022 It is the biggest movement of 'livestock' in Australia with billions of bees making the annual journey into almond orchards. And, yes, bees are classified as livestock by the Australian Taxation Office! Each year, we join beekeepers from around Australia to transport beehives to North-West Victoria to pollinate the 47,000 hectares of almonds...that's a lot of trees! Almond trees are not wind-pollinated easily, so bees are required to pollinate and produce nuts efficiently.... #almondpollination #thepurebee See more
05.01.2022 Why we love bees So important to all
05.01.2022 When you're on a good thing... Our beautiful flowers also available this weekend at the Baranduda General Store. Bee quick!
03.01.2022 It's the simple things, like getting excited about your floristry supplies order Excited to see what I can create ready for the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday! #proteaperfection #flowersequalhappiness #thepurebee
03.01.2022 So, our 10 y.o. daughter decided she wanted to start her own little business making all natural lip balm (using beeswax & honey of course!). And she's done it! Say hello to The Beauty Bee The lip balms will be for sale at the Albury Wodonga Farmers Market on Saturday. Come and say will make her day ... #naturallipbalm #thebeautybee #thepurebee See more
02.01.2022 Good things happening for Brisbane...
02.01.2022 B R E A K I N G N E W S You can now get our honey from The Barista, Baker & Brewer at Wodonga Pl in Albury. Another great and easy location to keep you stocked up with #baristabakerbrewer #valentinessourdough... #thepurebee See more
01.01.2022 U P D A T E OK, so it's turned out to be more than a little rain and we have decided to pull the pin on the market this morning due to heavy rains and thunderstorms Our awesome distributors can help you with all your honey needs.
01.01.2022 Venom from honeybees has been found to rapidly kill aggressive and hard-to-treat breast cancer cells, according to potentially groundbreaking new Australian research. How fabulous is that? Still a way to go with the research, but amazing nonetheless
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