The Quantum Movement in Noosa Heads, Queensland | Coach
The Quantum Movement
Locality: Noosa Heads, Queensland
Phone: +61 400 673 563
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25.01.2022 A POWERFUL ENERGETIC RESET LIVE Here on FB @thequantummovement!!! Every Saturday 8am(QLD)... The Reclamation of Expression All Welcome...Liberate Your Friends SHARE SHARE SHARESHARE
25.01.2022 Tune in Live now with Jason Reynolds and Paul Seils from Messages from the Underground
25.01.2022 [INTERVIEW] With Jason Reynolds and Paul Seils from Messages From the Underground Watch the Interview HERE : Join Messages From the Underground Here :
25.01.2022 Stepping into the Present Moment...
25.01.2022 [FREE EVENT-ONLINE] TOMORROW... RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process... SATURDAY 14th November 8 am(QLD) Learn how to re-integrate your resonance. Come as you are... we go live at 8am Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. ALL WELCOME Share Share Share #ownyourdeepstate #claimsovereignty #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
25.01.2022 Going Live in 15 Minutes FB @thequantummovement Reclaim Your Energetic Sovereignty... LIVE PROCESS - ALL WELCOME #reclamationofexpression #thequantummovement #presentmoment #energeticsovereignty
24.01.2022 [FREE EVENT-ONLINE For Everyone] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process TOMORROW - SATURDAY 7th Nov 8 am... Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. This process can be repeated by you as often as required. ALL WELCOME #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
24.01.2022 Live in 1 hour Dissolve uncertainty, embrace your fear and embody your energetic signature... See you there, share with your friends and family... this is how you create your environment
22.01.2022 [FREE EVENT] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process THIS SATURDAY 3rd Oct- Live Steam here on The Quantum Movement Face book page ... EVERY SATURDAY @ 8am Why attend? RECLAIM YOUR FREQUENCY SIGNATURE To move beyond anxiety, to move through your fears and establish and maintain a greater state of calm... this process can be repeated by you as often as required. Jason will be facilitating the simple yet powerful process Saturday at 8am We invite all of you to participate by joining the Live stream on this page... our main The Quantum Movement Facebook page! ALL WELCOME Please Share! Share! Share far and wide to friends and family #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
21.01.2022 [FREE EVENT- For Everyone] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process TOMORROW - SATURDAY 10th Oct 8am QLD... Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. This process can be repeated by you as often as required. ALL WELCOME #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
21.01.2022 RECLAMATION OF EXPRESSION All Welcome...
20.01.2022 [FREE EVENT] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process THIS SATURDAY 24th Oct- Live Steam here on The Quantum Movement Face book page ... EVERY SATURDAY @ 8am QLD Why attend? RECLAIM YOUR FREQUENCY SIGNATURE To move beyond anxiety, to move through your fears and establish and maintain a greater state of calm... this process can be repeated by you as often as required. Jason will be facilitating the simple yet powerful process Saturday at 8am We invite all of you to participate by joining the Live stream on this page... our main The Quantum Movement Facebook page! ALL WELCOME Please Share! Share! Share far and wide to friends and family #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
20.01.2022 [QUESTION] ARE YOU READY TO EMBRACE YOUR DARKNESS? Common asked question...... What is presence? ...But, more importantly how do i maintain it? There is no practising presence... Presence is a result of the courage to let go... Your ability to do that in the moment is the key to personal liberation and ongoing freedom... Needing silence, reflection, future observation will continue to feed a need to work upon problems which only exist to keep you distracted.. "THERE IS NOTHING TO FIX, THERE NEVER HAS BEEN" There is only exploring what i do not understand... EMBRACE YOUR DARKNESS... If you find yourself engaging in this type of practice, it is exactly what life becomes...a PRACTICE! Listen in...and Enjoy You! #presentmoment #thequantummovement #theconnection #awakeningindependence #becomingyourauthority #thequantummovement
19.01.2022 LIVE Reclamation of Expression
19.01.2022 [FREE EVENT-ONLINE For Everyone] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process TOMORROW - SATURDAY 31st Oct 8 am... Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. This process can be repeated by you as often as required. ALL WELCOME #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
19.01.2022 Reclamation of Expression
19.01.2022 Last weekend in Brisbane was The People's Revolution. I spoke in the moment about a topic i have found myself exposing more and more... Follow The Peoples Revolution to be a part of these great events
18.01.2022 [Podcast] What is guiding you? Above everything else, our current (in)ability to discern truth is what causes us to be manipulated, corrupted and controlled...... It is this maintained (in)ability which causes us to blame others and have us believe we are the result of other people's actions rather than our own. This is the very foundation of disempowerment, a life of dependency and unconscious slavery. Embrace the "WHAT" that you are! Enjoy this animation created by interviewer Valeria Teles. Listen to the full podcast here -
17.01.2022 The most imperfect video ... yet so authentically me! My name is Stace, I am from The Quantum Movement - it's so nice to share a little of me with you.
16.01.2022 [INTEGRATION] "Whilst we attempt to hold a deceit and a truth in the same space we cannot determine either" How do you determine what is true to you and what is not?... If this cannot be answered with certainty how do you believe in anything... who or what holds your freedom... this is not a question to skin across... Due to requests for a simpler explanation of yesterdays discussion, i made this... Beyond all disease, beyond the assumptions of fear, there is an opportunity to live, free. BTW...Is simplicity determined by the sharer or the receiver...? To accept your significance means letting go of all your deceits. Whilst the lies dominate the truth, the clarity of information is irrelevant... Without trust, the intention to act before proof, we become what we already are... First, we must choose to accept where we are before we can move forward. Sometimes what we do not understand only represents the amount confusion we maintain... What is truth to you? #presentmoment #TheConnection #becomingyourauthority #awakeningindependence #thequantummovement #reclamationofexpression #theattentionproject #iowpt
16.01.2022 Reclamatio of Expression
15.01.2022 LET GO OF PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT READY~~ It is not an attitude of pride, but of congruence. You will continue to love them but with another perspective, from another level of understanding, comprehension and awareness. It is the most difficult thing you will have to do in your life, and it will also be the most important: stop being linked to those who are not ready to love you....Continue reading
15.01.2022 A JOURNEY AND THE CHOICE WE ARE ALL TAKING .... Am I scared of the truth? Sometimes When I become aware of the truth I feel bound to it . It can’t escape me, it can’t be unseen, I’m too aware....Continue reading
14.01.2022 [FREE EVENT] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process THIS SATURDAY 17th Oct- Live Steam here on The Quantum Movement Face book page ... EVERY SATURDAY @ 8am QLD Why attend? RECLAIM YOUR FREQUENCY SIGNATURE To move beyond anxiety, to move through your fears and establish and maintain a greater state of calm... this process can be repeated by you as often as required. Jason will be facilitating the simple yet powerful process Saturday at 8am We invite all of you to participate by joining the Live stream on this page... our main The Quantum Movement Facebook page! ALL WELCOME Please Share! Share! Share far and wide to friends and family #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
13.01.2022 LOVE CANNOT LIVE WHERE WE REFUSE TO LOOK ... What is love? Is it merely a feeling? An energy?... Why is it so potent? Is it the thing that we are always seeking? Is it the thing that we are fearful of? Is it the thing that we find difficult to accept? Do you have love? Do you give love? Do you receive love? Have you ever stopped to consider what love is, to understand it? Love - it can feel like many things. Sometimes soft and beautiful, sometimes forceful and brutal. It can be felt in a touch, a caress, a word, a mutter. It could be the kiss of the wind on your cheek, the laughter of your child, a nostalgic fragrance .... it can sometimes smack you in the face or be a subtle whisper of an awareness down your back. It invokes many things - courage, fear, tears, joy, determination, reaction, jealousy to name a few. And are all of these emotions just more insights into you? The expression of love is interesting ... I consider how I express love in my relationships with my children, my partner, my family and friends and how it all differs, though does it really? Is love or the expression of it simply a learnt behaviour? Is it conditional? Is it based on a belief ... how you grew up? Did you learn to love by the example that was shown you, felt by you, in your childhood? Or in the absence of love, the attention you currently seek? Is love and the way you love anything more than a habit? In my truth and awareness, love means to give attention without reason. So if love is attention ... where is your attention focused? Is it externally or internally? Take the time to consider this .... What would it mean to bring your attention inward? To focus on yourself and begin to shine a light on all of the darkened and unexplored spaces within you? To come to understand yourself in an intimate way? To love yourself. Do you know how to do that? How will this effect your experience of life and the world around you - how you engage with your environment, how you see it, how you feel it? To fill yourself with your own love and attention, what would that feel like? When I am filled with love, it is not something that I do it is simply something that I am. I feel it within me ... it radiates from me, without trying, without forcing, without effort. It just is. My energy is felt ... To love myself is to honour myself. I become the teacher, I become the leader, I become the example of my worth and how I want to be treated. Yes love is potent ... and it is within you ... though it is in understanding where it is not. So I'd encourage you to take the time to consider ... What are you currently experiencing in your life at the moment? What does love mean to you? How do you express love? Where do you give love? Stacey
13.01.2022 [FREE EVENT] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process THIS SATURDAY 10th Oct- Live Steam here on The Quantum Movement Face book page ... EVERY SATURDAY @ 8amQLD Why attend? RECLAIM YOUR FREQUENCY SIGNATURE To move beyond anxiety, to move through your fears and establish and maintain a greater state of calm... this process can be repeated by you as often as required. Jason will be facilitating the simple yet powerful process Saturday at 8am We invite all of you to participate by joining the Live stream on this page... our main The Quantum Movement Facebook page! ALL WELCOME Please Share! Share! Share far and wide to friends and family #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
12.01.2022 [FREE EVENT- For Everyone] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process TOMORROW - SATURDAY 17th Oct 8 am QLD... Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. This process can be repeated by you as often as required. ALL WELCOME #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
12.01.2022 [REMINDER] RECLAIM YOUR SPACE PROCESS LIVE Process going LIVE in 15 mins @ 8am QLD... We would LOVE to have you join us in this powerful yet simple process
11.01.2022 [INTERVIEW] Silence around Suicide with Jason Reynolds & Paul Seils @messages from the For those who missed this great live interview ''Silence around Suicide - A discussion on why and how to create a shift beyond this tragedy that has become all too accepted.... ... Watch HERE on our You Tube Channel: With Thanks to Paul Seils from Messages Form the Underground :
11.01.2022 The Reclamation of Expression
10.01.2022 [FREE EVENT- For Everyone] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process TOMORROW - SATURDAY 3rd Oct 8 am... Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. This process can be repeated by you as often as required. ALL WELCOME #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
09.01.2022 [OPEN DISCUSSION] A curious question... Embracing your Sovereignty!... Can 5G harm me? Am I susceptible to other peoples fears? The impacts of external pollutants and ingestibles... From one of our private groups a question was asked and we felt it a great opportunity to dive into a topic that many people have become curious about... Let's look into our own energetic sovereignty...
07.01.2022 A POWERFUL ENERGETIC RESET LIVE on FB @thequantummovement!!! Every Saturday 8am(QLD)... The Reclamation of Expression All Welcome...Liberate Your Friends SHARE SHARE SHARESHARE
07.01.2022 [FREE EVENT- For Everyone] RECLAMATION of EXPRESSION Process TOMORROW - SATURDAY 24th Oct 8 am... Join us here Live in the morning and take part in this simple yet powerful process with Jason. This process can be repeated by you as often as required. ALL WELCOME #endanxiety #foundationsforfreedom #becomingyourauthority #iowopt #ownyourdeepstate #thequantummovement #presentmoment
07.01.2022 A recent conversation with a lovely man The Inconvenient Truth - With PSA - Paul Seils & Associates from Messages from the Underground...
07.01.2022 Find Your Foundation Unapologetically True Reclamation of Expression ... LIVE ON THIS PAGE Saturday 8am(QLD)
06.01.2022 When the Saviour Awakens...
06.01.2022 Going live in 20 minutes... Join us here for the Reclamation of Expression process
06.01.2022 [17 Days of Quantum] BELIEF SYSTEMS Everything we are, everything we experience, everything we embrace and especially the way we do it is determined by our current relationship with truth...... For some of us we believe we are a result of what exists around us... We are... In(the)significant... For others believe the environment is a direct result of what is within us... We are... (the)significant... Either way this is the individuals truth... and either way they are the creator. Conscious or unconscious makes no difference... All of life's living is determined by nothing else but by what is living... Enjoy you #presentmoment #thequantummovement #theattentionproject #becomingyourauthority #awakeningindependence #beyondanxiety #TheConnection #reclamationofexpression #iowopt
04.01.2022 Did you know... You can access every single interview | Discussion | Live sharing that we have produced on our You Tube channel! We would LOVE to have you pop on over and check us out and subscribe so you have access to everything we share!...
04.01.2022 [FREE SERVICE] Join us at 8am(QLD) 9am(MEL) 11am(NZ) RECLAIM YOUR POWER... Find Your Sustained Peace... We teach you how to MAINTAIN peace A powerful process you can apply every single day! Join us at 8am(QLD) 9am(MEL) 11am(NZ) Learn how to move beyond the philosophy and live with love SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE bring your son, your daughter, your mother and your neighbour!!! It is the space for us all to get together!
03.01.2022 17 Days of Quantum - Day 15 THE PURGE How long are you willing to maintain chaos in your life?... This is *THE* most essential practice and yet one of the most avoided...why? All disease, trauma, mental and physical pain is directly related the unresolved chaos you choose to maintain. Change your relationship to your chaos and you immediately change your life! All growth stimulates a temporary crisis...though it only is maintained through is time to understand how to permanently and gracefully move through your crisis? Remember, the greater the growth, the more significant the crisis appears. It is our ability to master the temporary experience of crisis, which creates freedom in all areas of ouir life! Learn to embrace the crisis and find freedom! Once embodied there is no doubt...are you ready for all of you? [PRE-LAUNCH OPENING] **TODAY* REGISTRATIONS CLOSE *TODAY** **Registrations Close 27 September** Are you enrolled? Limited Spaces | Foundational Members Reigster on this link or request event details here We are officially launching The Quantum Movement Learning + Navigational Platform on the 11-11-2020 But our Pre Launch begins now... However, if you are ready ‘NOW’ to embody your truth and express yourself authentically we are now commencing our Pre-Launch teaching event. Inviting in Foundational Members... Please click here & join the movement: Enjoy You The Quantum Movement
03.01.2022 Going Live in 30 Minutes FB @thequantummovement Reclaim Your Energetic Sovereignty... LIVE PROCESS - ALL WELCOME #reclamationofexpression #thequantummovement #presentmoment #energeticsovereignty
03.01.2022 [LIVE EVENT] Reclaim Your Frequency Signature We are being asked to embrace our unknowns, to let go of what has become familiar... ... Learn how to move beyond the narrative
02.01.2022 What are you waiting for?
02.01.2022 [REMINDER] RECLAIM YOUR SPACE PROCESS LIVE Process going LIVE in 15 mins @ 8am... We would LOVE to have you join us in this powerful yet simple process
02.01.2022 Actualising Independence Ep.2... The Rejecting of Independence with Paul Seils
02.01.2022 [UPDATE] Special reminder for those in daylight savings We start the Reclamation of Expression in one hour...... 8am(QLD) 9am(SYD) Enjoy you
02.01.2022 [UPDATE] RECLAMATION OF EXPRESSION We cannot go LIVE today... WE HAVE POSTED A POWERFUL EARLIER SESSION FOR YOU Please listen into this earlier process to ground your energy and... Reclaim Your Expression AWAKEN YOUR INDEPENDENCE
02.01.2022 [PRE LAUNCH-CLOSING TODAY] Expires TODAY 27th Sept Last chance to join us in the Present Moment experience and become one of our Foundational members...... WHAT WE ARE OFFERING... Present Moment - 8 Week Experience - Commences 29.09 Learn and embody HOW TO move beyond chaos into powerful creation... Combining two powerful elements Releasing + Manifestation It is only when both are understood, that their individual power can be felt. Let go of all the confusions, the pains and the doubts, there is no theory just mastering a simple practice called Present Moment. It works every time which is exactly why it is confronting, this is a cellular integration which stimulates growth. Return to your native and creative state Present Moment is an 8-Week Online Experience Weekly Live Webinars - Q&A and Accountability session Access to private Present Moment support group FREE Lifetime Access To All Updates The Quantum Space People’s Platform (Exclusive to Foundational Members 60 days FREE Access) Apply Here : Email : [email protected]
01.01.2022 [REMINDER] RECLAIM YOUR SPACE PROCESS LIVE Process going LIVE in 15 mins @ 8am
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