The Raw Food Girl in Southern Cross, Western Australia | Food consultant
The Raw Food Girl
Locality: Southern Cross, Western Australia
Phone: +61 433 075 878
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25.01.2022 Live in 15 mins!!!! Jump online and see the ins and outs of the 16 Weeks to Wellness Program, which is launching again on Monday for our Spring Edition ;-) Head over to, join meeting 5095288385 and password 123456. Ill see you in the inside
24.01.2022 Overcoming FEAR.
23.01.2022 If theres ever been a time to focus on health, its now. Immune health has never been so important - and I believe wholeheartedly in working from the inside out. By feeding our cells nourishing foods and help get our gut working properly so that our body can actually absorb and utilise these nutrients, and we start feeling better. For the next hour (yep, 12pm Perth time!) you can enter my 30 Day Kickstart Program at $40 off - which also includes a boxes of my favourite vegan... vanilla protein blend. This works out to just $3.20 per day... which includes 4 weeks worth of meal plan, a juice cleanse program, liver cleanse meal plan, live videos and weekly emails for 30 days. What could you cut out of your spend to add this in...? It will be the best $3.20 you spend each day! Heres what were spending daily: - $4.40 a day on a coffee - $15 on a smoothie bowl - $9 on a cold pressed juice - $2.50 on bottled water - $2.60 a day to get your nails redone Its a wonderful incentive to help those this week who are in isolation (thinking of all you Victorians!!) - your protein will get delivered straight to your door step, and the program is delivered to you online - your meal plan, recipe books, modules and support. If you want to take advantage of our $40 off price tag, reply to this email and Ill be in touch to enrol you into the program. Alternatively, simply order your box through the link below and Ill send you my Week 1 email with the resources you need to start
23.01.2022 McFlurry-style icecream bowls that are actually GOOD for you...??? I know it's not the best parenting strategy to bribe your kids with dessert every night, just for eating their dinner. Not great, yet I do it - pretty much every single night. Before you judge me too harshly, let me explain what's in the dessert and why I use it to bribe my kids to eat their kale. Here's what I put in their 'McFlurries' (to serve 4 kids):... - 2 frozen bananas - 2 cups ice cubes - 1/2 cup almond milk - 1 sachet Vanilla Complete Protein - 1 Tbsp peanut butter or almond butter - Optional: 1 Tbsp cacao Blend all ingredients together, using a paddle to blend it if you need to (I use a Thermomix). Add the ice a little at a time if using a traditional blender. Top with granola or a raw treat and watch the kids salivate over your ice-cream! This legit tastes amazing, and is adding in a whole heap more calcium, iron, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D... in short, the nutrients I see lacking in many people's diets. The Complete Protein I use delivers all of these nutrients in a simple and delicious way :-) Vanilla Complete Protein is 30% off until 12pm tomorrow - which is unprecedented, in all the years I've been using it! Never ever seen it this cheap, I'm stocking up :-) If you'd like to try it, get in touch. A whole box is $100 (until 12pm WST tomorrow), and includes full access to my 30 Day Kickstart Program with meal plans, recipes, live videos and support. Or, grab a sample pack (5 or 10 pack) with free recipe cards included, which are some of my best smoothie and smoothie bowl creations. Comment below with what you'd like to try and I'll be in touch before lunch time to process your order. Enjoy!
22.01.2022 Im really excited to launch the Spring Edition of 16 Weeks to Wellness! This is basically where Im hanging out in my spare time... with my clients and Ambassadors enrolled in the program, and creating new content for them! Im most excited about the new modules - health education is my FAVOURITE part of the program. I know that the more our clients understand the WHY behind what to eat (and how to do it simply), its then so much easier for them to start making changes. what weve got coming up in the next 16 weeks: - Module 1: Transformational Alchemy - Module 2: Plant Community - Module 3: Fear Nothing - Module 4: Your Brains Best Friend - Module 5: Spiritual Health - Module 6: Happy Hormones - Module 7: Movement Culture - Module 8: Confidence From Within Our members also receive meal plans, hundreds of recipes, eBooks, live videos and nutritional support... and you can get it all for as little as $10 per week. If you want in, these two ways you can join - either as a customer (for as little as $10 per week), or as an Ambassador, where you can actually earn an income for doing the program and sharing it. My Ambassadors also receive weekly business training, personal mentoring from me and get access to all the new content FIRST. If this interests you, comment below with your favourite food emoji or PM me directly and Ill be in touch. Bring on Spring Wellness!
22.01.2022 The Gut Health Initiative airs again tonight - and your tickets could be FREE! This month, all of my 30 Day Kickstart clients will receive free access, as well as my Alkalising Meal Plan, Gut Healing Meal Plan, Detox Program and Juice Cleanse Program.... not to mention the every day menus, which includes Vegan, Vegetarian and Flexitarian meal plans. If this interests you, select the ticket add-on option (in the ticket link below) for my 30 Day Kickstart Program. Your Gut Hea...lth Initiative ticket will be included, free of charge. Youll have all of the recipes, resources and info you need to see you through the rest of the year - not just the next 30 days! And youll also be sent a whole box of the plant based protein blend that I use as the foundation of this program, to deliver high quality nutrients to your diet. If youre in, complete your purchase via the below link comment below with your favourite food emoji and Ill be in touch to help you :-)
22.01.2022 When you need to, take time alone to heal, dont rely on others to heal you. Heal from inside and then be ready to give yourself to the world again, as a stronger being. Where do you go for some good quality alone time? I always go back to nature. If Im at home, its a walk in the bush. If Im in Perth, its usually the beach - though yesterday I spent a good few hours walking around Lake Joondalup. At one point, I found a tree growing right out into the water - so I clim...bed it and sat overlooking the water. I watched the ducks swimming around. I watched the ripples of water streaming out behind them, causing mini waves. I watched the cloud billowing in the sky, reflected back in the glassy water of the lake. I turned off my phone and listened to the quiet sounds of nature. And I walked away feeling completely refreshed #selfcare
22.01.2022 I talk about food detoxification all the time, especially with my clients. We all know the benefits of eating fresh whole foods, in terms of nutritional benefit, cleansing vital organs (like your liver!) and giving your digestive system a well needed break. But what else might we need to detox from? In the last 10 days, Ive posted on social media just once. Ive needed a digital detox ... Wherever we are, the virtual world is close by. With smartphones, laptops, tablets, and wireless Internet, were able to stay plugged in all the time. Dont get me wrong - I love being connected, both in person and online. We can reach each other from all over the globe, keeping friendships in tact and our learning game strong. My whole business is run online - but when I take a break, I know that my clients will still the resources and support they need via my weekly emails. I dont need to be online 24/7 to run a successful biz. Taking a break from social media can be a real benefit. If youve got some hard decisions to make, healing to do or emotions to work through, stay offline for a while. Youll be surprised how much clarity can come from switching off your devices for a time. 3 other benefits of a social media detox can include: 1). Less FOMO (fear of missing out!) Without the glamour highlights to compare your life to, real life can seem pretty darn good. 2). Improved self-esteem. Social media can lead us to compare our lives and achievements with everyone else to see how we measure up. Scientists have discovered that this constant comparison can lead to depression. Having a digital detox can allow you to focus on yourself and reconnect with the things that really make you happy. 3). More free time. Internet users spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes on social media each day. Switching off for a few days frees up so much more time for those hobbies and tasks you have been putting off! Switch off and start them!
22.01.2022 One major lesson Ive learnt this year is that I need to become my own anchor. Ive never really learnt how to do this - my happiness and self esteem has essentially been rooted in things outside of myself. My kids, husband, relationships with friends and family, my work, my house, etc etc. And because these things are all outside of my control, my internal anchor can sometimes become uprooted. The simplest way to explain an anchor is to think of it as a link to an emotional... state. The anchor serves as a reminder or a trigger that puts you into a certain state of being. Anchoring is such a powerful tool because with it, you can recall any particular emotional state that you desire. Ive always used external things as my anchor - but over the past few months (years really), Ive realised that true (and lasting) happiness is determined on me becoming my own emotional anchor. No one else can be this for me - it has to come from within. Becoming my own anchor simply means this: Honouring myself. Prescribing time and attention for myself, not just for everyone else in my life. Doing the things that make me feel my best, the small daily habits that stack up to be big things in time. Its loving myself enough to make time for myself - to really rest and to dream big. Be your own anchor and thats all youll ever need.
21.01.2022 I'm really excited to launch the Spring Edition of 16 Weeks to Wellness! This is basically where Im hanging out in my spare time... with my clients and Ambassadors enrolled in the program, and creating new content for them! I'm most excited about the new modules - health education is my FAVOURITE part of the program. I know that the more our clients understand the WHY behind what to eat (and how to do it simply), it's then so much easier for them to start making changes. Her...e's what we've got coming up in the next 16 weeks: - Module 1: Transformational Alchemy - Module 2: Plant Community - Module 3: Fear Nothing - Module 4: Your Brain's Best Friend - Module 5: Spiritual Health - Module 6: Happy Hormones - Module 7: Movement Culture - Module 8: Confidence From Within Our members also receive meal plans, hundreds of recipes, eBooks, live videos and nutritional support... and you can get it all for as little as $10 per week. If you want in, these two ways you can join - either as a customer (for as little as $10 per week), or as an Ambassador, where you can actually earn an income for doing the program and sharing it. My Ambassadors also receive weekly business training, personal mentoring from me and get access to all the new content FIRST. If this interests you, comment below with your favourite food emoji or PM me directly and I'll be in touch. Bring on Spring Wellness!
20.01.2022 What would a flexible career mean to you? I love having the freedom to work when I choose to work, whether thats from home, at the beach, in my favourite smoothie bowl cafe or out in the bush. I can choose to take time off when I need to, and know that Ill still always be paid - because thats what Ive built. If youve ever wondered about what it would look like to be your own boss, building an online business in the hours you choose to work, join me online at 12.30 WST to learn about how I do it. My Ambassador Program is on sale for the next 48 hours. Ambassadors are personally mentored in business, on what it takes to build an online wellness business and given the blueprint of how to actually DO it. Join me on at 12.30pm today and Ill see you on the inside
20.01.2022 Ive been dancing around this for weeks, unsure about how to go about actually sharing this piece of news which will likely shock many of you.. so Im just going to come right out and say it. Stew and I have separated. We made the decision 6 weeks ago, knowing it was the right one but also agonising over it too. We have been best friends for 13 years, and all the good things about our relationship have made it harder to acknowledge the parts that arent. Weve come to conclus...ion that for right now, its healthier and more respectful for us to live apart and learn to be co-parents. I know that separation fosters many negative emotions, that if a couple chooses to live apart from each other, it must mean they cant stand each other. This is not at all the case with Stew and I. We will continue to remain good friends, and even though its been 6 weeks since the split, we still see each other very often. Our family unit may look a little different now, but we still are a family. This decision has brought us back to Perth, we moved back just over a month ago and Ive needed that time to adjust to a whole new way of life. There have been days and weeks where Ive been absent from social media - and thats because my energy was all reserved for my kids. Ive never once been fake on this page - every single thing I post about my life is genuine. Thats why Ive chosen to focus strictly on posting about my nutrition and Ambassador programs in the recent weeks, because I wasnt ready to talk about how my family life had changed. I wont lie and say its been easy. These past 6 weeks have been some of the hardest in my entire life, but also some of the most beautiful. Ive learnt so much, grown so much. So has Stew. Our kids have too. But we are all adjusting to living in new suburbs, at new schools and in new houses. And Im genuinely excited by whats ahead of us! If Im absent from social media in the coming months, its because Im focusing on what matters most to me - my kids, my family, my friends and my 16W2W customers and Ambassadors. Until then, if I need time away from the online world, now you all know why
17.01.2022 SO FREAKING PROUD of this babe!!! @sugar_dan has reached her second Ambassador promotion in under 60 days. Pay day for you lady!!!! I love helping my ambassadors earn a side income doing something they truely love. Ive never given a thought to how much I earn (probably not something I should admit too - but its true) - my motivation to grow this business has always been about teaching people how to transform their health the way that I did. Working with my Ambassador t...eam magnifies this process... like, a LOT! Thats why my passion in coaching has exploded this year. My Ambassador team is made up of health professionals (IIN health coaches like @sugar_dan, kinesiologists, personal trainers, life coaches, yogis, pilates instructors, foodies, raving fan customers and other health enthusiasts. Many of my Ambassador team will offer their services free to our new clients, or heavily discounted. If youd like to know more about what we do, get in touch to schedule a free 15 minute coaching session with me. Ill assign you to right Ambassador who can best help meet your needs and we can all get well together
17.01.2022 Many mums declare they just don't have the time in this season of life to do the things they would enjoy, the things that fill them up and restore them. Relaxation seems like remote idea - but its one of the most essential for your mental health. Likewise, the Vitamin D we absorb from the sun helps us to feel happier, more grounded and less stressed. Today the sun was shining - and I took full advantage of it. Amid the stress Ive experienced this year, I always know that quality time spend in the sun changes my state immensely. The world is just better when the sun is shining - and Im taking full advantage of it
16.01.2022 One of my favourite quotes from NMD School last week. It totally resonated - and applies to absolutely everything. I can still have faith in God, trust in my friendships and relationships and put what I want out into the universe. But then Ive gotta go make the magic happen - and I always have the power to do just that. We ALL have the ability to make miracles happen!
16.01.2022 @danni_murray75 and I are currently doing @gabbybernstein s 6 week course together, May Cause Miracles. I did it years ago to help with changing patterns of behaviour, I loved it then and Im loving it even more now. Every day there is a new affirmation to focus on. Yesterdays was simply I believe in miracles. We were to repeat this whenever fear or negative thinking sets in, and replace it with positive energy. I taught the kids this affirmation too, and we spent an i...nteresting car ride yelling the affirmation at every traffic light we stopped at - people in the cars next to us probably thought we were crazy, but we arrived at our destination filled with smiles and laughter - which was a small miracle just on its own I really do believe in miracles. Do you?
16.01.2022 Its almost the end of Detox Week, for my clients on my 30 Day Kickstart Program. While Ive been off social media for the last few weeks, Ive still loved hearing from my clients - seeing their food diaries improve from day to day, celebrating their weight decreasing and health improving. I love waking up each day to messages like this: Being a friend of Tams, I was often interested in her work and talked with her about the kickstart program. It took a sporting injury, wh...ich meant I could rely as much on exercise for maintaining my health to finally commit. After day three of detox I was starting to feel the positive effects of my system being flushed of some of the toxins that had built up via a diet that included a fair bit of coffee, alcohol, dairy and processed food. One week in to clean eating Im feeling clear headed and can feel the difference in the way my body moves. The other thing Ive noticed is that my ability to resist the junk is stronger as I make the link between how I fuel my body and how it makes me feel. I knew Id feel good but didnt really understand the difference it would make in things like energy and mood! Im so grateful I finally made the decision to start the program and can tell its just the start of my journey to a better lifestyle. Thanks Tam. Im so proud of the progress that I see each day from my clients in my 30 Day Kickstart and 16 Weeks to Wellness Programs. Its why I love my job so, so much - because I get to spend my time helping all of these incredible people If youd like info on my programs, just let me know and Ill be in touch. Now... back to my favourite detox food - celery juice!!!!
14.01.2022 Why I freaking love to put dragonfruit in my smoothie bowls! Apart from being such a pretty colour, its actually super good for you too. Heres some of the reasons why I eat dragonfruit regularly: 1. It's rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acid, and betacyanin. These actively help to lower oxidative stress and free radical activity (i.e. aging!)... 2. It's naturally fat-free and high in fibre. This means its a great liver food, as well a beneficial colon food too. We gotta keep that pop flowing - and for that we need plenty of fibre. 3. It contains prebiotics, which are foods that feed the healthy bacteria called probiotics in your gut. All fruits and vegetables are a good source of probiotics, but being so high in fibre, dragonfruit is particularly beneficial for good gut health. Have you tried it before?
13.01.2022 My Top 3 Tips for dropping excess weight (and how to keep it off!) Billions of dollars are spent each year, from people desperately trying to find the holy grail of weight loss strategies. The 3 most effective things that will have a permanent affect on your weight are FREE... and you can implement them right now
13.01.2022 Would it be very arrogant to say that sometimes, Im so in love with my own recipes...? Yeah, it totally is arrogant. But I dont care. Quinoa Walnut Bolognese is one of my most favourite dinner recipes, and it takes under minutes to make (if the quinoa is precooked. I made this whenever we have quinoa leftovers). The kids love it too - I usually serve theirs over pulse pasta, with a dollop of hummus on top. Its full of flavour, quality carbs, good fats and essential proteins - and its completely vegan. Want the recipe? Comment below and Ill send it to you
13.01.2022 Youve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Aside from days when I fast till lunch time (1-2 times per week), I look forward to breakfast. Eating in the morning can help jumpstart your metabolism, to burn more calories throughout the day. When you eat breakfast youre telling your body that there are enough calories for your body to function optimally, avoiding an adrenaline / cortisol surge as a stress response to the body being deprived of f...ood for too long. Fasting can be highly beneficial, but not if you are someone who is highly stressed or suffering with adrenal fatigue. If this is you, your body needs to know that the source of your stress isnt starvation - and your brain needs the essential nutrients a healthy breakfast can deliver. Todays cereal bowl is filled with fresh fruit, almond milk and my own granola made with raw apple, a medjool date, walnuts, oats and a tiny bit of cocoa, pulsed up in the Thermomix. Its high in quality carbohydrates to (give me energy), packed with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with a little bit of good omega fats from the walnuts, to support brain function. Whats your favourite breakfast food?
12.01.2022 If there's ever been a time to focus on health, it's now. Immune health has never been so important - and I believe wholeheartedly in working from the inside out. By feeding our cells nourishing foods and help get our gut working properly so that our body can actually absorb and utilise these nutrients, and we start feeling better. For the next hour (yep, 12pm Perth time!) you can enter my 30 Day Kickstart Program at $40 off - which also includes a boxes of my favourite vegan... vanilla protein blend. This works out to just $3.20 per day... which includes 4 weeks worth of meal plan, a juice cleanse program, liver cleanse meal plan, live videos and weekly emails for 30 days. What could you cut out of your spend to add this in...? It will be the best $3.20 you spend each day! Here's what we're spending daily: - $4.40 a day on a coffee - $15 on a smoothie bowl - $9 on a cold pressed juice - $2.50 on bottled water - $2.60 a day to get your nails redone It's a wonderful incentive to help those this week who are in isolation (thinking of all you Victorians!!) - your protein will get delivered straight to your door step, and the program is delivered to you online - your meal plan, recipe books, modules and support. If you want to take advantage of our $40 off price tag, reply to this email and I'll be in touch to enrol you into the program. Alternatively, simply order your box through the link below and Ill send you my Week 1 email with the resources you need to start
10.01.2022 Results that speak for themselves!!! I love helping my clients and Ambassadors to get epic results on my 16 Weeks to Wellness Program. Every time we run this program, it just gets better and better - because every time, we have more wellness experts to add to our collaborative. Youll learn from health coaches, nutritionists, naturopaths, personal trainers, life coaches, kinesiology experts, pilates instructors and more during your 16 weeks with us. All clients get access to videos, meal plans, weekly emails and full support - and thats why they get epic results like this The Spring Edition of 16 Weeks to Wellness launches on September 7th - and you can join for as little as $10 per week. Get in touch for more info and Ill be in touch
09.01.2022 One of my customers posted a question in our 16 Weeks to Wellness support group yesterday, on the best ways to use cauliflower (because she had a whole heap of it to use). My go-to cauli recipe is to simply make cauliflower rice. Its a low GI, nutrient dense alternative to white rice, as well as being much lower in calories. Its also fairly rich in omega-3 fatty acids, as well as Vitamin K, which helps in preventing chronic inflammation in the joints. I pair this with vegan... curries, vegetarian stir fries, Pad Thai, lentil bolognese or any dish really - its the most versatile veggie ever! All you need to do to make cauliflower rice is to cut it up into chunks and pulse them in a food processor to make grains the size of rice. Though most people only eat the white of the cauliflower, its stalk and leaves are also edible - so why not use them! #zerowaste. Then you transfer the lot to a saucepan (a steaming basket is preferable), add about 1/2-1 cup of water and boil on low heat until the cauli is soft. I also mix a dash of Himalayan pink salt in with it, for extra flavour and minerals. Whats your go-to dinner dish?
08.01.2022 Do you suffer from a binge and then purge mindset? A healthy kick or detox shouldnt be about punishment or deprivation, but about adding in more of the foods and nutrients that your body needs most. This is how I roll while on a detox - which Im doing with my 16 Weeks to Wellness clients this week
07.01.2022 Self care practise for today... a DIY clay facial I made from FOOD A weeks ago, I came across an advertisement for a pink clay face mask, that was all primed to reduce skin inflammation, draw our impurities etc etc... i nearly got sucked in to buying it - then looked at the ingredient list and realised I had most of them in my pantry! Bentonite clay + water + berry concentrates + plant based omega oil = a beautiful DIY face mask that has left my skin feeling beautiful. And... the best part? All of these ingredients are edible. Its my belief that beauty starts from the inside out... and skin care is no different. Want my DIY facial recipe? Comment below and Ill send it to you.
06.01.2022 What makes you happy? I've been reflecting on this a lot lately. In many ways, 2020 has been the most challenging year of my life - and in other ways, its been one of the best. Its all in the way I choose to see things. The stories we tell ourselves can keep us stuck, or they can create such a compelling vision for whats ahead. Its my choice on what I focus on - its always my choice.... I decided at age 11 that I could change the parts of myself that didnt serve me, that I could recreate my own story. You see, at age 11, I was the shy kid. I was too scared to go and talk to people, too afraid of feeling rejected or worried about what people might think of me. And one day, I just decided that I didnt want to live like that anymore. I just decided. I know what lights me up, what pulls me out of a slump, what elevates me. Its PEOPLE. Talking to people, finding out their stories and leaning into their pain points. I decided that my biggest weakness was going to become my greatest strength, that I could become someone who would talk to people - any people. It's when we step into our true passion, our authentic selves that we really start to feel the joy and fulfilment that's really what life is all about. And starting this business almost 8 years ago, has given me so much of this. I've been able to choose when I work and where, how much I work and when I take holidays. Working from home means I'm always there to take the kids to school, go to assemblies, sports days. When the kids are sick, Im here. When friends need me, Im available to help them. The doors that have been opened to me since starting this business have been mind blowing. Its taken me all over Australia, helped me to overcome fears and allowed me to earn a full time wage working the hours I choose. Ive also just bought myself a car that I LOVE (without car loans or credit cards.) But what makes me feel the most alive is being able to help someone. Help someone transform, both in health and finances, the way that I did. My Ambassador Program is 70% off until 10pm tonight. If youd like to learn how to create this for yourself, get in touch. For $55, my Ambassadors get weekly training on how to use my nutrition programs, how to build an online business and how to get themselves healthy in the process. If this is you, get in touch. Id love to help you too
06.01.2022 Starting my week with the Super Green Detox Smoothie from my detox menu. Its a simple combination of greens (lots!), citrus and fruit, for maximum nutritional benefit. The vegetables are our mineral-rich foods, adding in key vitamins that we all need for good health. Fruits are an antioxidant powerhouse, and when you get the combo of fruit to lemon to greens, its actually really pleasant to sip on. My 12 year old had this as part of her breakfast and loved it - so yes, it...s drinkable! Heres whats in my blend: - 3 celery sticks - 1 small cucumber - handful of leafy greens (spinach, kale, lettuce, whatever) - handful of parsley - 1 lemon wedge with the skin on - 1-2 apples - 2 cups of water - 1/2 tsp spirulina (optional, if youre accustomed to green smoothies!!) Blend and feel great knowing that youve just added a crap load of nutrients to your body. Your body LOVES that chlorophyll! Bring on 16 Weeks to Wellness
06.01.2022 I always start my day wth is warm water with fresh lemon juice. Ive been doing it for so long, its just pure habit now! About once a month, I buy a whole heap of lemons (or better yet, read a friends overstocked tree), squeeze them and freeze the juice into ice cubes. Then, each morning either before or after my morning walk (depends on how early I go), I boil the kettle, place a lemon ice cube in a mug and half fill the mug with cold water. The I top it up with hot water a...nd sip away. Why do I do it though? Heres 3 reasons why starting your day with lemon water is beneficial: 1. Water with lemon provides the body with electrolytes which hydrate your body. As lemons also contain good amount of nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium, breaking your overnight fast with lemon water is a great way to wake up and rehydrate your body. 2. Being rich in vitamin C, this is great to help build up your immune system. Just make sure that your mug of water isnt boiling hot - the heat will destroy most of the vitamin C. Warm water is better - which is why I add the cold water in first. 3. A study published in 2014 in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, found that naringen (a compound found in lemons) calms liver inflammation. Lemon juice also stimulates the liver to release toxins You know Im ALL about liver health - youve gotta look after those livers guys! Who else is a fan of lemon water?
06.01.2022 Live in 2 mins!
04.01.2022 Standard working from home business attire: my dressing gown! This thing only comes off when Im in video conference meetings... and goes straight back on. Is it too much information to tell you that I also sleep in it...? Yep. I love working from home!!
04.01.2022 This is what 12 years of being a dad looks like... and you take it all in your stride @stew_bro! Thanks for being the amazing dad that you are. No one gets sat on, instigates tickle wars and gets the kids more excitable than you do. Even today, when its meant to be about YOU, youre still getting pushed around by these 4!!! #epicdad #fathersday
02.01.2022 What makes you happy? Ive been reflecting on this a lot lately. In many ways, 2020 has been the most challenging year of my life - and in other ways, its been one of the best. Its all in the way I choose to see things. The stories we tell ourselves can keep us stuck, or they can create such a compelling vision for whats ahead. Its my choice on what I focus on - its always my choice.... I decided at age 11 that I could change the parts of myself that didnt serve me, that I could recreate my own story. You see, at age 11, I was the shy kid. I was too scared to go and talk to people, too afraid of feeling rejected or worried about what people might think of me. And one day, I just decided that I didnt want to live like that anymore. I just decided. I know what lights me up, what pulls me out of a slump, what elevates me. Its PEOPLE. Talking to people, finding out their stories and leaning into their pain points. I decided that my biggest weakness was going to become my greatest strength, that I could become someone who would talk to people - any people. Its when we step into our true passion, our authentic selves that we really start to feel the joy and fulfilment thats really what life is all about. And starting this business almost 8 years ago, has given me so much of this. Ive been able to choose when I work and where, how much I work and when I take holidays. Working from home means Im always there to take the kids to school, go to assemblies, sports days. When the kids are sick, Im here. When friends need me, Im available to help them. The doors that have been opened to me since starting this business have been mind blowing. Its taken me all over Australia, helped me to overcome fears and allowed me to earn a full time wage working the hours I choose. Ive also just bought myself a car that I LOVE (without car loans or credit cards.) But what makes me feel the most alive is being able to help someone. Help someone transform, both in health and finances, the way that I did. My Ambassador Program is 70% off until 10pm tonight. If youd like to learn how to create this for yourself, get in touch. For $55, my Ambassadors get weekly training on how to use my nutrition programs, how to build an online business and how to get themselves healthy in the process. If this is you, get in touch. Id love to help you too
02.01.2022 Chocolate Zucchini Oats (Zoats) have changed my life!!! My meals have just got even lazier thanks to you @rhi_dick. Such a game changer Ive been experimenting with different variations of vegetables and oats, and for dinner tonight I whipped up this chocolate bowl of zucchini, cauliflower, organic oats into a creamy porridge. It tasted EPIC - and really is nails How to Plate Up principles, with half of these bowl consisting of vegetables. I know its a weird concept - po...rridge made of veggies..? But its actually really yummy, packed full of fibre, vitamins and minerals, plant protein and some good fats. And it takes less than 10 minutes to make, so thats smiles all around. Oats are a good source of quality protein at 1117% of dry weight, which is higher than most other grains. However, oats might not be ideal for people with ceoliac disease or a high level of gluten intolerance, as the protein avenin (found in oats) is related to wheat gluten and may cause an immune response. For everyone else though - oats are perfectly fine! Heres how to make it: - 1/3 cup organic oats - 1/2 cup cauliflower, grated - 2/3 cup grated zucchini - 1/2 cup almond milk - 1/2 serving chocolate Complete plant based protein - 1/2 Tbsp cacao - 1/2 Tbsp raw honey or maple syrup (or stevia for a low sugar option) 1. Shred the zucchini and cauliflower either with a hand held grater or in a food processor (I use my Thermomix, thats why its very chopped up!) 2. Combine all ingredients except for the honey and protein powder and cook on medium heat in a saucepan, stirring regularly. Or, if using a TM, its 8 minutes, 90 degrees, speed 3. 3. Once cooked, stir through the honey and protein. Top with a few nuts (I like flaked almonds or walnuts) or some berries and enjoy your chocolatey, veggie filled meal! Have you tried Zoats before? Would you?
02.01.2022 McFlurry-style icecream bowls that are actually GOOD for you...??? I know its not the best parenting strategy to bribe your kids with dessert every night, just for eating their dinner. Not great, yet I do it - pretty much every single night. Before you judge me too harshly, let me explain whats in the dessert and why I use it to bribe my kids to eat their kale. Heres what I put in their McFlurries (to serve 4 kids):... - 2 frozen bananas - 2 cups ice cubes - 1/2 cup almond milk - 1 sachet Vanilla Complete Protein - 1 Tbsp peanut butter or almond butter - Optional: 1 Tbsp cacao Blend all ingredients together, using a paddle to blend it if you need to (I use a Thermomix). Add the ice a little at a time if using a traditional blender. Top with granola or a raw treat and watch the kids salivate over your ice-cream! This legit tastes amazing, and is adding in a whole heap more calcium, iron, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D... in short, the nutrients I see lacking in many peoples diets. The Complete Protein I use delivers all of these nutrients in a simple and delicious way :-) Vanilla Complete Protein is 30% off until 12pm tomorrow - which is unprecedented, in all the years Ive been using it! Never ever seen it this cheap, Im stocking up :-) If youd like to try it, get in touch. A whole box is $100 (until 12pm WST tomorrow), and includes full access to my 30 Day Kickstart Program with meal plans, recipes, live videos and support. Or, grab a sample pack (5 or 10 pack) with free recipe cards included, which are some of my best smoothie and smoothie bowl creations. Comment below with what youd like to try and Ill be in touch before lunch time to process your order. Enjoy!
02.01.2022 My health story... in a nutshell :-)
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