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The real Sarah Armstrong

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23.01.2022 Uni..... These past few weeks I’ve spent so much energy and time trying to figure out my existence that I lost myself. I am absolutely 100% not the same person I was even just a few weeks ago. I’ve been so deeply unsatisfied with my choice to go to uni that it wrapped me up in knots, it got my head so full that I didn’t know if I was coming or going.... My relationships suffered, my uni suffered, my wellbeing suffered and it’s been a mind field of feelings and emotions that I haven’t been able to explain. If I look back at the excitement I had on my first train ride that I posted about or the feeling I had walking through those doors of the hub for the first time and compare it to the dread I’ve felt for the past three weeks it blows me away how significant and quick the change has been. For these past three weeks I’ve been hating and or contemplating quitting the degree, for a number of very justified reasons (to me). I’ve leaned on a few close friends and my mum a heap to which I am eternally grateful. I got my tarot cards read to give me guidance, I’ve even contacted my spirit guides for answers (which was unreal btw)...... I’ve been searching for answers hard core. ....AND today I’ve come full circle. I realised that it’s the living in the future that’s making me unhappy and anxious. When i live in the present moment, full of the calmness a grounding meditation and breath can give me i am at peace, I am slow, I am considered and I am relaxed and it’s how I want to be. It’s me wanting all the answers that causes the pain. When I think about if this degree is exactly what I want or contemplate what job I’m going to get, or if I’m going to continue with my masters after the bachelors degree, will we move house, should I keep my consulting in business going, should I start a wellbeing centre for youth, should I swap to sociology, the doubt and confusion creep in.....Basically when I try to put all my ducks in a neat little row for the next 5 years (yeah I know!) But when I focus on getting through the now, doing the best I can and putting my faith back in the universe to guide me on the right path. I am the very best version of me. I am still trying to figure out exactly the right things to keep me on track although anything with breathe, mindfulness and time out help, I’m consciously surrounding myself with awesome people because positive social connection feeds my soul and broadly I’m encouraged by the fact that I can work it out and do something about it. However if I see you and you ask me how uni is going prepare yourself for my very strong opinions turns out too much theory and not enough prac makes this little lady really frustrated. Truthfully I’m still not entirely sure if this institution or course are for me but for now I will ride it out a week at a time until the end of the semester. Much love

18.01.2022 My mumma sent me this today. Bless her cotton socks it made me goosebump from head to toe. ..... she nailed it.

14.01.2022 I’m currently in day 3 of my 21 days to abundance journey. I was invited to participate by a dear friend and I though why not It’s created by Deepak Chopra and another dear friend had told me a few weeks ago to follow him on insta and I did (It helped that he works with my idol Oprah ) so i thought oh this is a sign! Anyway I digress, the idea of this 21 days is to focus on whatever you desire - more love, happiness, wealth, anything at all - it can be yours with C...reating Abundance. Each day you do a task, write a mantra and do a guided meditation. The intention is to manifest the life of your dreams. Today’s task was money oriented and I’ve always battled with the notion of expecting money for nothing. I’ve never wanted to win the lotto, I’ve never wanted to get a large sum of money given say through inheritance, to me I’ve always had this idea that you work and earn your money and that any other way doesn’t represent the same value. So today I spent so much time feeling guilty about putting out to the universe that I wanted more money to pay debt and live. The thing is I want more money. Who doesn’t right!?!? but when I thought this I would get disappointed in myself and feel guilty. I really battled internally so I did what any research nerd would do and I researched guilt surrounding money manifestation and turns out it’s a thing. Then I scribbled this (before I took it to Canva to make it pretty), out of no where and I love it. I think it’s so true, if i get money through means other than working to pay my debts and live more freely then I have a responsibility to not be frivolous but to relish in the experience it creates. That is all

13.01.2022 I try to do challenges like the Norris nuts (YouTube family) because the kids bloody love it. A few months ago I made up this weeding challenge and the kids worked like maniacs for a lemonade lollipop..... blew my mind. I felt so bad given they did so much weeding that I actually gave them $5 each. They where keen to do it again but this time we did it for a block of chocolate with no rules applied i.e they can eat as much as they want when the want and it doesn’t count tow...ards their sweet quota. They where pumped. Today, for a $2.25 block of Lindt chocolate the girls pulled out 42 x 5L ice cream containers of weeds in 20 minutes. They are knackered, I am wrapt and the winner is pumped Some of my finest parenting to date

13.01.2022 Fuck me ...... ITS HAPPENING I’m currently sitting on the train for my first trip to university I’m full of excitement and nerves but I’m also incredibly proud of myself that at nearly 38 years of age I’ve embraced fear, relinquished my financial security and put my professional history on the back burner to set my soul on fire. Bring on the next three years of $2.80 train tickets ... **EDIT turns out now I have introduced myself to a metro card train tickets are actually only $1.40 peak and $1.02 off peak how good #fulltimestudent #unilife #adelaideuniversity #imcoming #superproudofmyself

11.01.2022 It may seem ridiculous but the nature of this page name has left me feeling like I have to say something and provide advice and recommendations. I constantly feel pressure (of my own doing) to create content and I hate it. I’ve toyed with the idea of just pulling it down and then each time I do the universe gives me a sign to keep it up. People out of the blue message to say they enjoy the page or when I see them they say what does Sarah say. Initially I thought I would... help people but I feel completely unqualified and like a fraud. I’m not interested in giving advice or even my opinion (not always easy). What I really want is to just do me and if that happens to impact or resonate with others then happy days! I am on my largest journey of growth to date, I’m pushing through ego, opening myself up to the universe, letting go of my past, listening to my heart and driving towards a more meaningful existence with purpose. I want to fulfil my dreams, live happy and healthy, surround myself with like minded humans and love life so hard that I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. So with that in mind I am changing the name to the real Sarah Armstrong. It will serve as a reminder for me to remain my authentic self and it is also about me discovering the real me. So this will be me documenting and sharing things that help me on my journey because just like Facebook reminds me about my memories, it will serve as a reminder of my growth in years to come. Most recently I’ve taken up yoga and I have practiced everyday over the past 23 days. I’ve made a video everyday and posted it to IGTV (I just need to work out how to share to FB). I’m currently participating in a 21 days to abundance journey compiled by Deepak Chopra to help me find abundance in my everyday life. On my 38th birthday I start my journey towards a new professional endeavour by commencing a 3 year psychological science degree whilst existing as a wife and mother to a teen, tween and toddler. This next phase of my life will be so full of lessons and change and I want to capture them all. If this doesn’t sound like a good fit for you, I get it. If your in, i hope you enjoy watching my growth and if I can inspire you at any stage it will fill my heart more than you will know. Sarah

11.01.2022 I’ve been unpacking a heap in these past 24 hours. This week after my horrid feelings on Tuesday I’ve been left with a tightness in my chest, a sadness in my eyes and worry in my heart. I can’t seem to shake it. I thought I came good Wednesday morning, cranked the tunes swayed and flowed on the train and even described myself as strutting to a girlfriend as I was walking down north terrace. I was back baby. BUT once the ego subsided and it was just me and my thoughts the an...Continue reading

11.01.2022 A friend shared this with me the other day. In the two and a half minutes I watched it I smiled, nodded, got goosebumps from head to toe and teared up. YES YES AND YES AGAIN

09.01.2022 Apart of my 21 day journey to abundance we were given this parable and asked to reflect on what it meant to us. I absolutely loved its message (I had to read it a couple of times ) PARABLE ...Continue reading

08.01.2022 Today I feel self conscious and slightly off, I’ve changed my outfit 3 times and ended up wearing makeup (well some BB cream and eyeliner) which I never do. I landed on my go to outfit of a white tshirt and jeans and ran to the train with seconds to spare. Nothing about this is easy.... Jesus I think I’m going to cry on the train. Head down. Nope all good. That was close. If I’m honest I feel vulnerable and exposed going to uni at 38 and interestingly no one makes me feel way except me. There is the self conscious part of me, do people look at me like because I’m older, if I wear this am I trying too hard, if I wear this am I too corporate. The most hilarious thing is that I know no body even cares, everyone is in their own world battling their own things, Jesus you couldn’t pay me enough money to be 20 again but the fleeting feeling is so impactful it makes a difference to my spirit. Then there is that feeling when your doing something new, you know it, and you think man, I’m never going to get this. This is how I feel everyday at the moment. I’ve realised that most things in my life have been easy over the past few years. I’ve played it safe up until now and now I am challenging my mind, body and spirit by putting myself out there. I guess this is a part of the journey, the uncomfortable side of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I come home exhausted from uni, the brain strain is real. Then there is the abject fear that I’m missing something or I’ve forgotten something in my personal life or uni life. My saving grace today is that i have confidence in my decision, a supportive husband and faith and trust in my ability. I know it will get better, probably tomorrow if I’m honest but today I feel exposed, vulnerable and anxious and it’s not fabulous. Its a funny little thing, the price we pay for growth!

07.01.2022 Meditation has been something I have added to my existence this year and I will tell anyone who listens about the profound effects it has had on my life. I saw this quote this morning and I can 100% relate. Between this and my yoga I am loving the benefits of mindfulness and the value it is creating in my life. I probably should have listened to my psychologist years ago but I guess you have to get to these places in your own time but at the moment I feel fantastic, at peace and calm most of the time and if I don’t I turn to meditation and it gets me there within 10mins. happy Friday lovely people

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