Sunny River | Public figure
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25.01.2022 Last week we were invited to spend an afternoon with the beautiful children at Jodie OSheas orphanage with group of amazing humans. What an honour and privilege it is to share such experiences with the people around me. To give back, and be of service to those who need it most makes my heart so full @riversofthesky @energiimpact @fstopgear @ Jodie O'Shea House
23.01.2022 What we may be visualizing as a best case scenario may actually be a limitation to our true potential. The higher-mind/self/ (whatever we want to call it) is the part of us that has a more expanded perspective. Following the feeling of excitement is the most powerful way to follow the guidance of the higher-mind. True excitement is our bodies translation of our higher-mind saying go in this direction. This is why understanding feelings and emotions can be a game-changer f...or so many people. Think of the ego mind as the part of us that is in the valley and the higher-mind as the part of us that is on the mountaintop. The higher-mind has a more expanded point of view and can guide the ego self though the valley and up the mountain. Sometimes the ego can be confused trying to do it all, thinking it knows the best route to go. The higher-self however can see the different routes and can see that going in certain directions may take longer than others. Maybe the direction the ego wants to go in will lead to a dead end and the higher mind can see that from the expanded perception. The guidance will be in the form of emotion and intuition. This is tapped into by trusting the process and knowing that we are so much more than just the ego perspective. The Ego is cool and all, Im not shunning the ego. The ego has its place and is part of the human experience, they key is to not be attached to the ego and to know its only one aspect. However, the higher-mind/self is where its at big love! @ New Zealand
22.01.2022 Life isnt about collecting toys. Life is about the people you meet and the memories you make. Life is about the beauty you have seen. . The new experiences... The landscapes that take your breath away The song that sings to you The joy you share with others The taste of your lovers lips The bliss on your own face . Magic may be rare, But beauty is everywhere. . Believe in beauty, Let it move you, And always move towards it See more
22.01.2022 Is treading the beaten path giving you the type of travel experiences youre really after? Did you know 57% Millennials visited an overseas destination inspired by social media? Would you visit if you couldnt take a photo?... These are the type of questions were asking of travellers with @kathmandugears new campaign called #HelpfulorHarmful @kathmandugear are encouraging people to consider their impact on the people and places they visit, to make better choices when they travel which will ultimately result in deeper, richer more authentic experience with our new three part documentary series on YouTube Have a watch link in BIO #helpfulorharmful
21.01.2022 When was the last time you took your shoes off and felt the earth beneath your feat? Years of extensive research has shown that connecting to the Earths natural energy, by walking barefoot on grass, sand, dirt or rock can diminish chronic pain, fatigue and other ailments that plague so many people today. This connection is referred to as Earthing or Grounding. To put it briefly, when your bare feet or skin comes in contact with the earth, free electrons are taken up into th...e body. These electrons could be referred to as natures biggest antioxidants and help neutralise damaging excess free radicals that can lead to inflammation and disease in the body. The Earth is a conductor or free electrons and so are all living things on the planet, including us. The body is composed of mostly of water and minerals which in combination are excellent conductors of electrons from the Earth providing there is direct skin contact or some other conductive channel for them to flow through. The Earths energy upgrades ones physiology by allowing the body to cope and repair thereby promoting wellbeing, vitality and better sleep. It also harmonizes and stabilizes the bodys basic biological rhythms, knocks down (and even knocks out) chronic inflammation and reduces and eliminates associated pain, making it the most natural and powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-aging remedy around! No matter what your age, gender, race or health status you will benefit from a daily dose of Earthing! . With @baileynelson
21.01.2022 In 2012, the Sumatran elephant was changed from Endangered to Critically Endangered because half of its population has been lost in one generationa decline that is largely due to habitat loss and as a result human-elephant conflict. Theres only 2400-2800 left. Sumatra has experienced one of the highest rates of deforestation within the Asian elephants range, which has resulted in local extinctions of elephants in many areas. Over two-thirds of its natural lowland fores...t has been razed in the past 25 years and nearly 70 percent of the Sumatran elephants habitat has been destroyed in one generation. In Sumatras Riau province, pulp and paper industries and oil palm plantations have caused some of the worlds most rapid rates of deforestation. Elephant numbers have declined by a staggering 80 percent in less than 25 years, confining some herds to small forest patches. These populations are not likely to survive in the long-term. We founded @riversoftheskyco with a mission to work together with influential creatives, companies and non for profits on the ground to amplify the messages that need to be heard most, to inspire activism, compassion and world wide social transformation via impact media driven campaigns. @riversoftheskyco #businessforchange @ Indonesia
20.01.2022 In this moment, there is plenty of time. In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. In this moment, there is infinite possibility... @ Bali
19.01.2022 Amen, Jason Silva
17.01.2022 Mount Etna, The Volcanic Mother of Sicily. Photo by Fernando Famiani.
17.01.2022 Will the virus end up being a positive for humanity in the long run?
17.01.2022 Hello I've been taking the opportunity over the last few months to put my phone down for once and to somewhat disconnect from social media, attempting to embrace my surroundings more and be as present a possible. I also haven't been shooting much either, it's been good to lay the camera down for a bit, and make a conscious effort to see the world through my eyes instead of the lense. Sometimes I find myself getting too caught up with my camera to get "the shot" when I v...isit a location to show off to world, instead of truely being there, considering and appreciating that beautiful moment in time and place that I'll never get back. Would you make the effort to visit half the places you go if you couldnt take a photo and show everyone where youve been? These are the type of questions were raising with adventurers with @kathmandugears new campaign called #HelpfulorHarmful @kathmandugear have released their new three part documentary series on YouTube and are encouraging people to consider their impact on the places they visit, to make better choices when they travel which will ultimately result in deeper, richer more authentic experiences Have a watch link in BIO #helpfulorharmful
15.01.2022 Trust the timing of life. Stay patient, stay calm, stay determined. Surrender to the flow. Stay focused and most of all, trust the journey @kathmandugear
15.01.2022 The more you focus on your strengths the less you are distracted by other peoples weaknesses @ Mykonos
14.01.2022 This is the entire observable universe squeezed into one image by NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
14.01.2022 Your perception of me is a reflection of you; my reaction to you is an awareness of me. . Photos taken by my brother @levicaleballan @ Alice Springs, Northern Territory
14.01.2022 Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not. Dr. Suess There are two worlds in which we live. The first is our internal world, it is made up of the way we perceive value, what we make of each moment depends upon this inner being. The second, is the world in which we live, the beautiful planet we call earth - our Home When we start to clean up our internal world, the effects resonate, and create waves of change in our external One of the most beautiful things we can do is take control of our internal beings, and become a part of this world as it grows and changes for the better. Today we are beside our global family in raising our voices about the issues we face, not just internally, but the external world that so deeply needs our love and compassion. Join @riversofthesky as we lift up the brilliant banner of being in service to others, the voiceless, the disenfranchised and the beautiful world that houses all of us ~ @tijobear @sunnyriver
13.01.2022 Finally, some progress :D
13.01.2022 Snorkeling, the only thing Im able to do that makes me think I can fly . @kingfisherbayresort
13.01.2022 How to win at the game of life. Just imagine playing a game without a rule book and no idea what the rules are, or how to play. It would be frustrating right? When were unaware of how to play, we think things are happening to us, and many times well stay in a disempowered state.... The purpose of the game is to play and enjoy figuring it out. In a similar way, life is like that too. One of the rules of the game of life is what happens is not what matters. Instead, it is about how we RESPOND to what happens that really matters which comes down to perspective. The state of being that we remain in allows us to CHOOSE the meanings we give to things in life. Another fundamental concept in life is that what we put out, is what we get back. Everything is a feedback loop, from the microcosm to the macrocosm. When we understand this, we will then begin to see that if we put out negative energy, it comes straight back and visa Versa. Another rule is that there is a correlation between what we think and feel, to what we experience. This is perhaps one of the most liberating ideas we can have in the game of life. At this point we then can direct our thoughts in the direction we want. The truth is, most of the rules we set up in life are based on a tangled web of cultural beliefs, concepts, models and myths that have been developed over centuries and passed down over generations. We have rules in our mind about what it takes for us to be happy or successful, however we can bend these rules, and when we do, everything changes. The rules that were set up for us, are the beliefs we have about how life works. These beliefs direct our life whether we are aware of it or not. The key is becoming aware of the rules so we can manipulate them. That is 90 percent of the work. When we become aware of them, we can see them for what they are and let go of them. We will then see it is not about winning, it is about enjoying the ride. The irony is the more you enjoy it, the more favorable cards fall into your lap. The more you yell UNO and the more you pass GO the more thing start working for you, instead of against you . Ft @askacustom & @fstopgear @ Bali
12.01.2022 @riversofthesky ~ As you scroll through and read this quote, notice your breathe... . To be poor and be without trees, is to be the most starved human being in the world. To be poor and have trees, is to be completely rich in ways that money can never buy. . Wealth and richness of spirit are given freely to each human, animal and being that walks this beautiful planet. Our choice, our focus, appreciation and gratitude for what is, instead of what could be, really defines th...e wealth of the world that surrounds us. You may not have noticed, but if you stood with Bill Gates on the beach, he bears witness the same sunset that you do. Our wealth in life grows internally when we learn to be grateful for how miraculous this precious moment is. There are many so called rich people, whom are unhappy with their lives, stressed and not far away from internal or literal death.If you are feeling unhappy or miserable today, remember, to go outside, and participate in observing the world around you... . Words ~ @tijobear / @sunnyriver See more
12.01.2022 One of the final drone shots we took on our last adventure to #purenz, what a dream... Oh, and heres a cool quote I read today Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. - Carl Yung @ New Zealand
10.01.2022 @lifecykel discount code : 1FFB6B89
10.01.2022 Whos using who?
09.01.2022 To perceive something, and for this to be your perception it means you are conscious of that perception and its dynamics. A perception that is not your own can very well seem otherwise, and that is because the domain of perception is in the subconscious mind. Without the conscious realization of a perception, it passively influences your life, without your awareness. When we look and observe society, it is clear that there is a pyramid class system. There are those who have... power (apex), there are those who have some (middle regions), and there are those who have little to nothing (bottom). This disposition of society has been prevalent from as far back in history as one can possible measure. A highly perceptive individual sees the world in his own unique way that he has specifically tailored for himself , due the higher level of mastery he has over his subconscious mind. A profane man typically sees the world how society wants him to, and even acts according to decrees from forces that are external to himself. Perception, how you see things, determines the limit on your cap of power. The more independent your perception, the more limitless your power potential becomes.
08.01.2022 The higher the disciple is, the more terrible is the fall. Those who have not seen the light ignore a great deal, and therefore, much is forgiven of them; howe...ver, the greater the degree of cognizance, the greater the degree of responsibility. Samael Aún Weor Gnostic Teachings Art by Livia Prima
08.01.2022 This is a follow up to my mandatory mask story, let’s talk! Let me know your thoughts regarding these topics that are affecting the world over
07.01.2022 Archives @ Gold Coast, Queensland
07.01.2022 This is a follow up to my mandatory mask story, lets talk! Let me know your thoughts regarding these topics that are affecting the world over
06.01.2022 Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world - Arthur Schopenhauer
06.01.2022 Posting this as a reminder to myself to smile more, trust in the journey of life, have faith and enjoy. Even my problems, enjoy them too, because one day I wont have them either @ New Zealand
06.01.2022 The Bitcoin Times has been getting a little bit of coverage If you've not yet read it jump over to PH and download it for free
06.01.2022 The world and everyone within it is simply a mirror, or a reflection of who we are. Heres a saying I heard from Neville Goddard, he wrote the book The Feeling is the Secret: Everyone is You means in reality, everyone is a reflection and how YOU feel about YOU is reflected back to you. For example, if YOU love YOU, then it will be easy for other people to love you. If you are hard on yourself, then other people will be hard on you. At the same time, the people you meet... in your life are connected to you in a powerful way, what we put out to other people comes back to us in a reciprocal manner because those other people are just slightly different versions of us. Thus is perhaps why the golden rule is so powerful. To treat others as you would like to be treated - because those other people are YOU Have you said I love you to yourself today? If you havent, you can certainly imagine how many other people havent. The world is simply a reflection of who we are. Perhaps its time to fully embrace and love the one you see in the mirror. This reflection is the greatest gift we can give to each other. When we want the outer realty to change we first need to change our inner reality. Want a relationship? Love yourself more by tapping into your heart and focusing on how powerful you are. Want people to accept you? Then accept ALL aspects of yourself first. Doing this WILL change your reality and relationship with other people because everyone is you pushed out... What d you think about this? do you agree? Comment below and let me know what you think P.s these are some photos from my last trip to the Ukraine - this place was insane ! @ Ukraine
05.01.2022 Always say yes to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? What could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say yes to life and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you... @djiglobal @ New Zealand
02.01.2022 Shift reality like this: Youre shifting right now and you probably dont even realise it. The truth is, we are all constantly shifting, shifting from one parallel reality to the next. Realities that look so similar and continuous that it appears to be one fluid reality. We do it so naturally we dont even know we are doing it. Think of movement and time as the two things that are shifting you through from one parallel reality to the next. Understanding what I am sharin...g with you, I believe, can be MORE powerful than the law of attraction. This is because it takes into account the awareness that we are constantly moving into new versions of ourselves every second. Every moment is new and with this comes the awareness that we can drop the limiting story we tell ourselves about who we THINK we are. If you knew that every moment you were a totally new version of you, you could let go of so much that doesnt serve you from the past. Your self image (the way you see yourself) is what locks you into the reality you are experiencing - youre always experiencing a reality that is equal to the identity youve created for your-self from a young child. You can think of your self image as the accumulation of experiences or what has happened to you in the past. You may think your self image is what people think of you, but the truth is, everyones perception of you is different. And your perception of how other people perceive you is different again, lol, so In affect, theres so many different versions of you running around out there in peoples heads you couldnt even begin to fathom, and these perceptions are also changing as you go through life. So good luck figuring that one out The key to this is first becoming more aware of who you truely are inside, or who you want to be (no one else can figure this out but you) and then making a CHOICE to be/do and behave in a way that is consistent to how you would prefer to be. Im not saying to fake it till you make it. Im saying let go of the layers of inauthenticity that youve built up to try to speak to other people. Let go of the limiting beliefs by being aware that they are on autopilot and have j
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