The Reassembler in Leura, New South Wales | Business service
The Reassembler
Locality: Leura, New South Wales
Phone: +61 414 181 921
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24.01.2022 Just love these first 6 of a complete set of 24 Top Tips for work and life!
24.01.2022 A timely reminder!
23.01.2022 This is the MOST worthwhile petition to sign to show your support for the beautification of Lurline Street, Katoomba. Currently its a most unattractive avenue for the thousands of visitors who walk the 1.5km from Katoomba Station to the Three Sisters and Echo Point. Blue Mountains local groups and residents have collaborated to change this dreary entry to this beautiful not-to-be-missed spot. Do join them by signing, and sharing, this petition with everyone you know - thank you.
21.01.2022 Wishing you a Peaceful Holiday Season!
21.01.2022 At the end of a working week, everyone can benefit from these final six Top Tips for work and life!
20.01.2022 "How do I prevent eyestrain at my computer?" suggests (and I totally concur) ... "Observe the 20-20-20 rule. Looking into the distance to let your eyes relax is called the 20-20-20 rule, and is an easy trick to remember to reduce eyestrain. The rule says that for every 20 minutes you spend staring at the computer, you should spend 20 seconds looking at objects 20 feet away (6m) or at least far enough away that your eyes arent working to focus".
20.01.2022 The Reassembler found it to be a pleasure to work with Sarah-Jane Bishop and EMB Solutions!
19.01.2022 Always interested in being open to Get New Ideas! How about you?
16.01.2022 Thank you for the beautiful flowers, received from the Glenbrook/Brooklands Chamber of Commerce, for wearing my Marketing-Coordinator hat to help with the success of another wonderful Glenbrook Spring Festival last weekend. Sunshine was in abundance along with visitors, live entertainment, market and food stalls, an art and craft show, food and wine festival plus kids activities galore. I think I can safely say a great time was had by all!
14.01.2022 Keep an eye out, theres more in store for 2019!
14.01.2022 As its still Halloween in Anchorage Alaska this is for you ... "Theyre creepy and theyre kooky, Mysterious and spooky, Theyre altogether ooky ... The Addams Family"... "Artist Ronit Baranga creates ceramic sculptural works she describes as existing on the border between living and still lifeobjects guaranteed to either tickle your funny bone or haunt your worst nightmares, depending on your perspective. Baranga depicts dishware as sprouting human fingers and gaping mouths as the objects traipse across tabletops or physically cling to one another in a permanent embrace. The pieces are both silly and sinister as they come to life as if from a cartoon."
13.01.2022 Always keep your paper/scanned receipts so monthly (or more often) you can check against your credit card statements or electronic accounts when received. Remember to notify your bank immediately if there is an error.
13.01.2022 "You should know how to back up your data. We accumulate so much digital data these days! In addition to being able to do some spring cleaning and organization of your data, you should have a clear system in place for regularly backing up your data - whether its to a cloud storage location or your own physical external hard drives. Hardware can break (and of course so can software) and having an extra copy of all your data is pretty essential these days" says
13.01.2022 Heather M Elliott ND, Naturopathic Physician and Chinese Medicine Practitioner from is so on the mark especially at this time of year. Heather says "Pay Attention to your Diet and Lifestyle a healthy, wholefood diet ensure you have all the essential vitamins and minerals you need to help your body cope with everyday life. Ensure you get sufficient sleep to feel refreshed each morning and reduce or avoid smoking, excessive alcohol intake and stimulants such as caffeine and sugar. Last, but never least, drink 6-8 glasses of water daily to ensure you remain hydrated and keep a clear head."
12.01.2022 "You should know how to use a credit card correctly. Its not cashtoo many Americans (and Australians) use their credit cards irresponsibly, and in doing so, spend much more money on items than they are actually worth, pay tons of fees, and dont have the ability to reap the many benefits of the cards. Credit card balances are supposed to be paid in full every month and they are not supposed to allow you to live beyond your means" says
11.01.2022 Anna Vital from Funders and Founders offers this great infographic of helpful tips on HOW TO START THE DAY Mark Twain on eating the frog Tackle the hardest problem on your plate Tony Robbins on visualization Visualize how you will make your day... Barack Obama on working out I do it just to clean my head and relieve me of stress David Karp on real work, no email Dont check your email and do real work Craig Newmark on talking to customers Customer service" Steve Jobs on asking myself Every morning I asked myself: if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? Infographic courtesy Funders and Founders
10.01.2022 This is an event you just shouldnt miss - so save the date - Saturday 11 November!
10.01.2022 Day of the Dead ... Dia de Los Muertos.
09.01.2022 Its a simple little trick for National Organising Week 4-10mar19 ... decluttering the length of your email message writing!
09.01.2022 Never a truer word was said!
09.01.2022 The Reassembler is committed to the beautification of Lurline Street, Katoomba, and has been putting the pieces together recently to co-ordinate this double sided brochure. Visit Treeline Lurlines facebook page @treeline lurline or visit their website for more information about this fabulous community initiative.
08.01.2022 The Reassembler is proud to be a Member and contributor to the Executive Committee of the Blaxland Chamber of Commerce.
08.01.2022 How embarrassing, have you ever been at a networking event or party and simply cant remember someones name moments after being introduced? "You should know how to remember peoples names. Most people are tired of that excuse that seems to glide off of so many peoples lips Im not good at remembering names Lets stop making this excuse because a persons name is the single most important thing you can possibly remember when you meet someone new. A good way to remember someones name is to say it at least twice during the conversation." suggests
08.01.2022 If youre not sure how long you should keep documents, heres a handy little shredding schedule.
06.01.2022 International Womens Day 2019 is recognised world-wide!
05.01.2022 A few more Top Tips for this week!
05.01.2022 Being that TIME marches on in MARCH ... you should know how to manage your time" says "Time management is a precise art and science, and if you havent studied it yet, you should. Applying ... principles of time management to your life can get you back precious hours you didnt know you had, and completely eliminate much of your productivity destroying behavior."
05.01.2022 "You should know how to have a conversation with someone of any age. Its a sign of true maturity and humanity when a person can hold a quality conversation with a 5 year old or a 92 year old person without flinching. You will also learn so much about life if you do this regularly" says in their article "54 Things Everyone Needs to Know How".
04.01.2022 The Reassembler sticks to this like glue, and encourages you to do so too!
04.01.2022 Today we welcome the Year of the Pig and heres a handy tip for ensuring a welcome response to your email ... "Edit your messages ruthlessly. After youve drafted your email, re-examine it with an unsympathetic eye and take out anything unnecessary. Being clear and concise from the get-go saves time for everyone. It takes more time to craft a tight and to-the-point email, but that edited email will also be much more likely to get a response" says Jocelyn K Glei from her Zapier blog Email Etiquette: How to Ask People for Things and Actually Get a Response.
03.01.2022 Another six Tip Tips for work and life!
02.01.2022 How fabulous is it when your peers offer you a little insight into a big problem. Keep this wonderful resource of international paper sizes which includes imperial and metric measurements, pixels and both high and low resolution formats.
01.01.2022 When I need space from working at my home office, I go outside (no need to go as far as this person!) Sometimes its just downstairs, and put up the garden umbrella when its turned out to be a sunny day! This, plus a quick walk around the garden clears my head, the garden looks magical and I return to my computer feeling fully refreshed! How about you, what are your remedies?
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