The Recalibration Healing in Fremantle, Western Australia | Health & wellness website
The Recalibration Healing
Locality: Fremantle, Western Australia
Phone: +61 422 554 806
Address: Gallery Suites, Ground Floor, 185 High Street 6160 Fremantle, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 I think you will enjoy this book.
22.01.2022 HEALTH DIMENSIONS HEALTHY LIFE Mind~Emotions~Body~Spirit ~ True Health fundamentally means to be in tune with nature, inner and outer~Make Health a way of life...! ENJOY EVERYTHING, EVERYDAY, IN EVERY WAY. ENJOY YOUR-SELF MOMENT-TO-MOMENT! ~Sharon Thomas~ See more
21.01.2022 FREE on Slidshare........ Share something special with your Children today, you might love it as well......Enjoy Dr. Emoto's children's book. The Message From Water.
20.01.2022 Powerful message we can all relate too!. Enjoy a beautiful weekend.
19.01.2022 ~Make Good Food A Way of Life~ Here is a favourite minestrone soup recipe I love to make. Delicious, easy and nutritious. I am sure you will love it. ~ Sharon Thomas~
18.01.2022 Certain meditation techniques can promote creative thinking, even if you have never meditated before. This is the outcome of a study by cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colzato and Dominique Lippelt at Leiden University, published in Mindfulness.
18.01.2022 Energy Healthcare and healing is fast becoming the alternative choice with your mainstream Health Care Program. Although yet to be widely accepted, Sharon has m...ade it a mission and dream to help people realize their self-healing abilities, to sense the intelligence that made the body, to heal the body, to heal your life. A shift Sharon has experienced and felt in her own life, a shift to be shared, to help others. You too, will realize that innate potential of healing from within, to empower, enliven, revitalize, and regenerate your body, your life. You will create new possibilities for your unique life path. In the healing sessions we work with our hands to sense and modulate the energy field around our client, to affect the body's information flow toward balance and harmony. There is a different level that takes place, during the healing sessions. "To a higher level....magnetoelectric, energy", a phrase termed by Dr. Tiller, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, from research conducted with Dr Eric Pearl, pioneer, for the new frequencies of healing. Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection. If you want to know more or experience a healing session contact Sharon today on 0422 554 806 for an appointment. Invite Sharon to speak with family, friends and colleagues. Plan 45 min to 1 hour for your visit. You will lie fully clothed, with eyes closed, face up on a massage table. The practitioner moves their hands around you without touching. It is best to come to the session with no expectations, just relax and observe what happens. The image below indicates what the session looks like? 1-3 sessions can help with your life's path, to bring clarity to that. Sense the Healing within you. Sense you are more than physcial Sense the light that your are Reconnect to your true essence! Reconnect And Heal from within. Heal Dis-ease, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spritual
17.01.2022 Valuable nutrition information! Worth reading
17.01.2022 Hi Everyone Let me share some information with you about my work as a Reconnective Healer an Instrument for the healing frequencies flowing through me to others. What is Reconnective Healing? Enjoy. WHAT IS RECONNECTIVE HEALING?... Reconnective Healing is a return to an optimal state of balance, wholeness and vitality. It is a bridge between the perceived limitations we have come to accept in our lives and how life can be when we tap into our actual potential. It’s tangible, measurable... You can actually feel it! Reconnective Healing gives you access to an inner awareness with a vibrational resonance that promotes strength, brainpower, wisdom, emotional stability and physical vitality. When you access this spectrum of energy, light and information, it creates a chain of events that can greatly enhance and improve all aspects of your life health, career, relationships, abundance... Seemingly unreachable potential becomes reality. Recognized and supported by science, including researchers affiliated with institutions such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford, this powerful approach to healing is something you can learn in just a matter of days. Reconnective Healing offers you the opportunity to attain lifelong optimal health and balance. The cutting-edge of information medicine. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller RECONNECTIVE HEALING: Restructures damaged DNA. Is scientifically shown to be more than twice as effective as physical therapy in restoring range of motion. Supports athletic peak performance. Contact Sharon today for an appointment. Invite Sharon to speak with family, friends and colleagues. Sharon Thomas as associated with The Reconnection, LLC makes no guarantees or representations regarding medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment, and is neither diagnosing, preventing, nor treating specific health challenges.
16.01.2022 7 Ways water's resonance within you, will enhance your life's abundance for health, wealth and wisdom. Science knows about the five elements, and how we are a product of these five elements, so is the planet, so is all creation. How these elements behave within you determines your health, 72% of your body is WATER , another 12 % is EARTH, another 6% is AIR, and FIRE is 4%.... remaining is space. If you just control the water in your system phenomenal things will happen, ther...e is always a large focus on water, because 72% of the body is water. If you give water a certain thought it will remember, if you give it a positive thought or a negative thought, a positive emotion or negative emotion it actually remembers. So treating these elements within you with a certain awareness is important because beyond doubt it’s proven water has memory so if you treat it badly, it will get back at you. Most important, is the quality of water being held in your body to make good health a way of life. 1. Practice being aware of your thoughts and how this makes you feel. If thoughts can affect water then how are your thoughts affecting you? Stay posted as we continue to show you another 6 ways where PROSPERITY BEGINS, to create abundance in your LIFE for Health, Wealth, and Wisdom. ~Sharon Thomas~
16.01.2022 NOTE TO SELF;................ Strive to Thrive, that's all. What does it matter if the list is not fullfilled. There is no failure to the committed man.. ~Sharon Thomas~
15.01.2022 Human Intention Matters ~ Sharon Thomas ~
15.01.2022 Here's the Countdown to World Yoga Day!
15.01.2022 Make Health a Way Of Life. BODY~MIND~EMOTIONSM~ENERGY Eat REAL FOOD Let's start the week with more Vegetables and Fruits in your daily eating plan, it will make... you feel lighter and more alive. Move food from your stomach within 3 hours of eating and leave at least 6 hours between each meal, and three hours before bedtime. Add some light activity, walking or dancing before bedtime, too! (Do what you can around your lifestyle) Give it a try, the only way to know how it feels! Make Health A Way of Life! ~Sharon Thomas~ See more
15.01.2022 And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?... ~ Rumi
13.01.2022 A life without love is a waste. Should I look for spiritual love, or material, or physical love?, don’t ask yourself this question. Discrimination leads to discrimination. Love doesn’t need any name, category or definition. Love is a world itself. Either you are in, at the centereither you are out, yearning. - Shams Tabrizi
12.01.2022 Research and scientists speak of the Reconnective Healing spectrum as the age of information medicine! Reconnective Healing - A Conversation, ‘What is Healing’? When we invite the healing frequencies of Reconnective Healing in, we literally begin to vibrate at a frequency that helps to change the structure of our muscles, organs and potentially our DNA, transforming us on a cellular level. Often the intelligent frequencies turn ‘on’ in response to the needs of the body withou...t the conscious intent of the participant. The intelligence of the body works on yet an even higher level with the intelligence of the Universe to help us heal, even though we may be unaware of the powerful process going on. Dr. Eric Pearl ~ Sharon Thomas ~ Foundational Practitioner - Reconnective Healing Spectrum
12.01.2022 Interesting read, about lifestyle, linked to cancer. Dr. Thomas Lodi, the leading expert in alternative cancer treatment. "It's your decision to heal, the intelligence of the body that made the body can heal the body". ~Sharon Thomas ~
11.01.2022 What is your Financial Well-being? Some surveys for 2014, say 72 percent of adults experience some stress around money, with 22 percent saying they feel extreme stress about money. The highest triggers centred around, paying for unexpected expenses, essentials, and retirement concerns. My own experience around money, and the connection with our Health and Well-being has taught me honesty about habits of thinking. Our relationship to money, the abundance or lack of it, for hap...piness and well-being we create in our minds. I think it's about our lives as out of balance, rather than the modern perspective called stress. Money can create experiences in our life for positive or negative purposes. What we need and what we want, is today's dilemma, considering the abundance all around. Practicing honesty with ourselves will help bring balance back into our lives. Money is a great tool as a practice for self reflection and honesty, for health and well-being! Check out the article below around financial Well-being! Does this article offer you any clues, or is it's message out of blance too? ~ Sharon Thomas ~
11.01.2022 The Field is a highly readable scientific detective story presenting a stunning picture of an interconnected universe and a new scientific theory that makes sense of supernatural phenomena. Documented by distinguished sources, The Field is a book of hope and inspiration for today's world.
11.01.2022 DID YOU KNOW..... Positive Emotions Create Physiological Benefits In Your Body. Make Health A Way Of Life ~~ ~~
11.01.2022 How Are you going? For Me...
09.01.2022 Great Information and interview with Dr. Eric Pearl on Reconnective Healing.
07.01.2022 It’s good to leave each day behind, like flowing water, free of sadness. Yesterday is gone and its tale told. Today new seeds are growing. ~ Rumi ~
07.01.2022 Some Great guide lines here! What do you think?
05.01.2022 LIVE LIKE A LOMA LINDAN 'BLUE ZONER FOR A LONG HEALTHY LIFE.... Yesterday, lunchtime at the Juicy Beetroot Fremantle, outdoors or indoors, it's a little piece of India...a short walk from my practice rooms, The Gallery Suites...delicious vegetarian hot Indian currry's, salads, roles cakes.. Prep starts day before and cooking begins 5.45am. Made it after 2pm...bonus it's half price, yum! While there I met a young Doctor, who asked me if I'd heard about the 'Blue Zones'. Today this article was in my news feeds. Synchronistic indeed. Enjoy!
05.01.2022 AXIATONAL LINES This excerpt is taken from a discourse given by Dr Hurtak to a conference attended by practitioners of Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection (2012). "Our Galactic body of Creation controls it's renewing functions through meridian axiatonal lines which are the equivalent of acupuncture lines that connect with resonating star systems.... When Man can discover the connection between his life space and the axiatonal grids controlling the body through endless cell division, Man will have a new science known as medical astronomy. The axial lines are part of a fifth-dimensional circulatory system combining color and sound, which are used to draw from the Overself body the basic energy used for the renewing functions of the human evolutionary body or DNA. Hence, the axiatonal lines can be used for the complete regeneration of an organ when activated by the proper energies. These grids are organized to exchange genetic information throughout the body through a network of messenger cells which are passed on to any part of the body. In other words, through axiatonal grids, there is provided the key framework that is necessary for the proper formation of a new limb, organ etc. This grid network within the body is connected with the spinal column, which is the major antenna for the grounding of Light signals. Just as the cell can be split, the whole spinal column network can be split by axiatonal lines into any number of parallel body networks because the spinal column couples all of the seven major fields of the body (the chakras) in relation to the primitive brain stem and cerebral cortex. Axiatonal lines are vibratory lines which connect levels of human electrochemical activity with astrobiological circuits that span the solar system and are connected with resonating star systems. These axiatonal lines connect the acupuncture mapping of the human biological system with superior astrological analogues." Book your Reconnective Healing and/or The Reconnection now! Sharon Thomas Certified Foundational Practitioner Reconnective Healing Spectrum
05.01.2022 Today is World Water Day, 22nd March 2016. Reminding us of our connection to ourselves and the earth as life itself.
04.01.2022 Through the principles of quantum physics, we are able explain how ancient traditions of healing work with the body’s subtle energy systems...' let me add the phenomena of Reconnective Healing to this context'. Thank you Sharon Thomas ~ Foundational Practitioner ~ Reconnective Healing ~
04.01.2022 WHAT IS RECONNECTIVE HEALING? Reconnective Healing is a return to an optimal state of balance, wholeness and vitality. It is a bridge between the perceived lim...itations we have come to accept in our lives and how life can be when we tap into our actual potential. It’s tangible, measurable... You can actually feel it! Reconnective Healing gives you access to an inner awareness with a vibrational resonance that promotes strength, brainpower, wisdom, emotional stability and physical vitality. When you access this spectrum of energy, light and information, it creates a chain of events that can greatly enhance and improve all aspects of your life health, career, relationships, abundance... Seemingly unreachable potential becomes reality. Recognized and supported by science, including researchers affiliated with institutions such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford, this powerful approach to healing is something you can learn in just a matter of days. Reconnective Healing offers you the opportunity to attain lifelong optimal health and balance. The cutting-edge of information medicine. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller RECONNECTIVE HEALING: Restructures damaged DNA. Is scientifically shown to be more than twice as effective as physical therapy in restoring range of motion. Supports athletic peak performance. Contact Sharon today for an appointment. Invite Sharon to speak with family, friends and colleagues. Sharon Thomas as associated with The Reconnection, LLC makes no guarantees or representations regarding medical diagnosis and/or medical treatment, and is neither diagnosing, preventing, nor treating specific health challenges. See more
04.01.2022 In Friendship Time Dissolves. ~Rumi~
02.01.2022 The universe is a complete unique entity. Everything and everyone is bound together with some invisible strings. Do not break anyone’s heart; do not look down on weaker than you. One’s sorrow at the other side of the world can make the entire world suffer; one’s happiness can make the entire world smile. ~ Shams Tabrizi ~
01.01.2022 Good Health Is A Way Of Life! Mind~Emotions~ Body~Spirit. Enjoy the Wisdom this article offers. It's timeless and helpful. Meditation is not another something to add to your to do list. You can keep it simple. Each Morning, take your first five minutes to check in with yourself. Upon waking, first be with yourself, deep breath in, then out. Slowly notice your thoughts, see where your day wants to blossom, where you want to create, where you want clarity, then focus to fulfil...l the moments in the days with these priorities. Just five minutes every morning...and I promise, it will help realign your thoughts to your emotions, to then move your body forward in the direction you really want. If you fall down a hundred times, what does it matter.There is no failure to the committed man. Make Health a way of Life. Let's make it happen! ~Sharon Thomas~ See more
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