The Ridge | Arts and entertainment
The Ridge
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25.01.2022 Nature is like I will survive! This little Chrysanthemum Snowlands is determined to feed off the trickle of water that runs off the lower end of the herb spiral bed. Nature is very cool. #naturesurvives #thewilltolive #resilience #chrysanthemum #earthcare #sping #nature #observingnature #presentmoment #inawe #whenthereisawillthereisaway #theridgebrookton
24.01.2022 We recently had an overdue catch up with the family up here at The Ridge The visit brought BIG smiles to the faces of the neices and nephews. A full day of getting grubby, building sand and pebble volcanoes, eating ice-cream, picking flowers for our hair, kicking the footy and chicken cuddles of course. Such cutie pies
23.01.2022 I've been enjoying the sunshine as much as I can to help heal a little bug I've caught recently and our beautiful peacock has started to take a liking towards me... . He now fans his feathers at me and stands between Jasper and I. He gets so close. . Maybe it's because I say good morning to him every day and tell him how beautiful he is ... . How magnificent is nature. Maybe we could be just as kind to each other and ourselves more often. It's sure to create a more beautiful and connected outcome. . #naturesmedicine #natureconnection #natureheals #natureisamazing #peacocksofinstagram #peacocks #timeout #sunshine #sunhealing #timestandingstill #presentmoment #grounding See more
21.01.2022 I always dreamed of having a Peacock and then one day out of the blue, along came Andrew. I don't know why, I think I just really appreciate how incredibly beautiful they are, as are all birds, but they are just so stunning and captivating to watch. So last Sunday we welcomed Penne to the family, thanks to a beautiful family in Darling Downs who gifted her to us. Catching her was a bit tricky as they are quite a big bird and very strong, but Anton and I make such a great, we managed to do it without too much effort thanks to an old bed sheet and a repurposed Jelcobine Farm veggie box! So today, Andrew & Penne Peacock have officially been united today, after she spent the last 5 days in her isolation pen to become familiar with her surroundings. We look forward to the day when we have little babies around the place and others who come to visit when we open for Permaculture workshops and Art classes (fingers crossed by early/mid 2021) will get to enjoy their beauty too. Welcome to your new home Penne. We promise to take very good care of you and so does Andrew. Love is everything. Thank you for those who gave us some name suggestions for Penne. Some were a little bit funny! #peacocksofinstagram #peacocklove #peahen #matchmaker #love #loveislove #lovedpet #andrewpeacock #gratitude #gift #birdsofinstagram #natureisamazing #natureisbeautiful #lovecountrylifestyle #sanctuary #sanctuarylife #animalsanctuary #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #theridgebrookton
21.01.2022 Spring was one heck of a clean out. A clean out on so many levels, and it was way overdue. This past year has been one I will certainly never forget and boy oh boy did it share some truly valuable life lessons. Taking some well earned time off (especially from social media) certainly provided some perspective. It felt like the universe turning absolutely everything I thought I had in order, in it's perfect "OCD" placement, up on it's end and said, right, let's start again! ... What do you want? What don't you want? Go! We get to choose. That's the power we all have in absolutely everything we say, do, feel, act, live and love. So here's to an early, head start into 2021, off the back of a truly special astrological alignment and the summer solstice in the last 48 hours. I'm excited about what's to come next! Because I am creating it!
21.01.2022 It's a very unusually cold Spring day. Climate change is certainly showing us that worldwide. We would be well and truly passed needing firewood this time of the year. Nevertheless we adapt. We also look for more ways to improve our structures and allow more passive solar for natural heating in winter. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Thankfully for Jasper he has a new cuddle buddy and good friend. Meet Peanut. The new canine friend of our family. Peanut has been rehome...d for a better lifestyle out in the bush and he loves his 2km nature walk every morning. The computer work will be definitely done close to the fire today... #winterfeels #springiscoming #puppycuddles #cavoodlegram #cavoodlesofinstagram #peanut #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #adaptandovercome #resilience #smallandslowsolutions
18.01.2022 Diving into the endless rabbit hole of creative ideas on Pinterest for some art murals up here at The Ridge!! We have some blank spaces that need some colour for some visual and inspiring storytime - and have some fun with the brushes and maybe even the airbrushes in the process!! Source: @googlestreetart "Where Art Meets Nature"... #painting #paint #airbrush #traditionalsignwriting #theridgestudio #natureart #creative #pinterest #pinterestinspired #art #artstudio #creativeexpression
18.01.2022 The first day of Spring was going to be spent honouring the new season . Outside in the garden planting seedlings . But instead, the wet and wild weather ... . Kept us inside, pickling surplus onions and drying marinated homemade Biltong . I love how there is always something to do on a permaculture inspired property . See more
17.01.2022 Mmm... honey harvest time
16.01.2022 Do you know what a Food Forest is? We think this is the best definition in under 15 minutes. Imagine a world of food forests, no one would ever go hungry. Adaptable anywhere in any climate. Thank you Geoff Lawton for your wonderful Permaculture work worldwide
14.01.2022 We're a little bit excited for Andrew Peacock. We've found him a wifey! It was quite a depressing state of affairs at the end of last season. Andrew paced The Ridge, shedding every last feather, depressed and lonely, another season, another year, without finding his one true love....... And! the wait is now over. Andrew will be united with his lady this Sunday afternoon. Now for a name for his lady friend..... What do you think we should call our Lady Peahen? #truelove #matchmaker #wifey #love #happyending #peacocksofinstagram #peacocks #allyouneedislove #loveislove #lovedpet #birdsofinstagram #whenthereisawillthereisaway #committed #sunsetwalks #weddingbells #wheatbeltwa #theridgebrookton #theridgebrooktonwa
10.01.2022 That's some big hairsh! One of our Golden Polish girls loves to strike a pose! Look at moi! This girl has beautiful lacing but not enough beard, but she is still gorgeous and loves a cuddle. ... #effy #bighair #goldenlacedpolish #strikeapose #chickenpets #model #chickensofinstagram #goldengirls #ilovemychooks #countrylife #chickenspam #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #brookton #theridgebrookton #theridgebrooktonwa
10.01.2022 It was so much fun getting grubby again with the Belmont Forum Kids Club yesterday. We planted all of the new Spring seedlings in the community garden, for a bountiful and free harvest for the Belmont community in the coming weeks and months ahead. Thank you to all our wonderful little green thumb helpers! You guys rock! And thanks for having us again Belmont Forum! A Perth shopping centre leading the way for our kids. We LVE teaching kids how to grow FD!... We will be popping up in more locations with activities and workshops soon. Stay tuned!
09.01.2022 Here's that Fennel Chicken recipe we promised
03.01.2022 Pretty happy with these self seeded Fennel in our wheatbelt wicking beds! Unfortunately Fennel doesn't have many friends. In fact he's "Scott Nomates" at all !!! If you're growing Fennel, make sure it is out the way of everything else and in it's own isolated area. It literally has no planting companions. So we let it grow wild in one of our wicking beds and it doesn't disappoint! This one is a beauty! Some people turn their nose up at Fennel because of it's taste, but... I have found an absolutely scrumdiddlyumptious recipe and tailored it to suit my tastebuds - And it works great with Fish or Chicken. I'll share it with you in a separate post How do you like to eat Fennel? Or are you like nup! No thanks not for me! #fennel #fennelsalad #fennelbulb #wastenotwantnot #nomorewaste #growingfood #growityourself #growyourownfood #grow #permaculturelifestyle #permaculturelife #permacultureethics #permacultureprinciples #obtainayield #realfood #foodfarm #foodfarmacy #wickingbed #wickingbeds #selfseeded #delicious #health #freshfood #freshfromthefarm #brookton #theridgebrookton #theridgebrooktonwa #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa
01.01.2022 Mmm... honey harvest time The result of the Anton & Tamara beekeeping team for our second harvest for 2020 from our very healthy and happy hive. It's our first little harvest since winter, because you leave honey frames in the hive to feed the bees throughout winter. Our last harvest being March '20 just before Autumn. This early Spring harvest is the result of capeweed in abundance about the place and wildflowers - and it's delicious! We popped another box on the hive,... so we have the brood box plus two supers. Some Queen eggs in form so thats a good sign. We pulled five full frames of honey, with some half frames being left for another couple of weeks. Now to wait for the Wandoo and Brown Mallet to flower in the next couple of months before our next harvest. The flavour variation is divine! Our bees have also done a wonderful job of pollinating our fruit trees, with our citrus, stone and berries flowering like no tomorrow which mean lots and lots of fruit! We love our little sanctuary of food producing yumminess #beekeeperslife #beekeeping #honeybees #honey #honeyharvest #spring #firstharvest #smallfarmlife #permydream #permaculturelifestyle #permaculture #obtainayield #usesmallandslowsolutions #permacultureprinciples #foodislovefoodislife #abundance #foodfarmacy #medicinal #honeyheals #golden #selfsufficient #wheatbelt #wheatbeltwa #brookton #theridgebrookton
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