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The Rite Journey with Andrew Lines
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25.01.2022 Be the person...
25.01.2022 A longer read but well worth it.
24.01.2022 One of the important elements of our Rite Journey Program is making students aware of alternative menstrual products. Especially those that are sustainable and not single use.
24.01.2022 I suggest that this clip be watched by everyone with a boy in their life. Celia’s book ‘He’ll Be Ok’ is one of the first books I recommend to parents of boys. She sadly passed away in 2015 but her wisdom, humour and story-telling lives on.... Grab a cuppa and check this out. Thanks to Maggie Dent for the heads up.
24.01.2022 The Rite Journey and Rites of Passage are about transformation and moving into the next stage. The land around us and within us teaches with each passing season, and with each flood, drought, fire and storm, that out of change, crisis and a dying to what was, there appears a new story of form and adaptation. And how we respond and integrate change into the fabric of our ongoing story colours the character of what comes next. ... Meredith Little
23.01.2022 What do you think of this idea? We now have the ‘Gender Reveal’ at the start of the parenting journey - here’s something for the other end!
23.01.2022 Is your child hooked on Fortnite? Or any other video game, device or social network for that matter? Wondering what the appeal is and why they sometimes find it hard to get off the device? Well their obsession is no accident and not a defect on their behalf either! Instead, it is a well thought out, research backed set of criteria that creators have employed to ensure that the game has the greatest chance of hooking in those little (and big) gamers. Nir Eyal, author of Hoo...ked and Indistractible, created the Hook model to show companies how to cultivate consumer habit in order to result in people’s investment. That same Hook Model can help us understand how game creators also use this, to ensure our young gamers are spending increasing amounts of time playing games like Fortnite, and ensuring they return time and again. In understanding how this works, I think this can help parents see just what both they and their kids are up against when they are trying to manage their child’s game playing. But it also serves to highlight the positive aspects of playing games, and how they may in fact be used as a way to sustain a child’s wellbeing. Thanks to HUSHeducation for sharing.
22.01.2022 Our Rite Journey Feeling Cards Junior Edition are getting closer. The cards will be available before the end of this month. If you’d like to help build the emotional vocabulary/literacy of primary school aged children - these cards will be perfect. Not only do they include words but also images - to assist in kids beginning to understand facial expressions and body language. Stay tuned for more info on the exact release date.... And please share with folks that you think might be interested. See more
21.01.2022 Wow - imagine if every young person could speak so glowingly about the benefits of their schooling. These young men have just rowed across the Atlantic - and they are giving their schools a lot of the credit! On a slightly deeper level is the importance of the self-belief we got from our schooling. Having good relationships with our teachers from a young age instilled belief within us, which gave us the confidence to believe we could do something out of the ordinary.... One week into our crossing we lost the ability to charge our iPhones and listen to music and audiobooks. Needless to say, this was a huge part of our plan to pass the long hours on the oars and so was a serious blow to morale on board. In hindsight, though, this was the best thing that happened during the crossing it forced us to talk to each other as opposed to switching off to music. For hours we discussed all things that came to mind: our childhood growing up, who had influenced us over the years, where we’d like life to take us nextreally anything we could thing of. The topic of our schools and how unbelievably grateful we were for having such amazing teachers and being offered so many opportunities came up frequently they were, undoubtedly, a key component in getting us to the other side.
20.01.2022 They’ve arrived and you can grab them here -
20.01.2022 Our new Woman Wise Conversation Card Deck arrived today and they’re perfect for building connection with daughters or female students. We’ve developed this smaller sized set especially for families - to keep in the glovebox or a handbag for those special moments when you might have time with the girl in your life for a chat. The WomanWise cards have been designed to support important, developmentally-appropriate, conversations with girls. Such conversations can also be part o...Continue reading
18.01.2022 One of our Rite Journey Heroic Habits is compassion. Here is a beautiful example of it. Love Judge Caprio!
16.01.2022 Rites of Passage are a way of transitioning from one stage of life to another. Veteran Rites run a powerful Rite of Passage for soldiers returning from duty to enable them to transition back into their life back home. It is called ‘Rite of Return’. Here’s one man’s experience.... What is the result of my Rite of Return, what has happened since I returned home? The most meaningful and impacting change is the feeling I now share with my dear wife, twelve-year-old son and five-month-old daughter. The feeling of wholeness I finally have holding my baby girl is beyond words. It is as if I am holding her for the first time. The connection between my family is tangible. My wife has told me this is the first time we have actually connected in years. Our roles have changed completely. When I left, she was a caretaker of a disabled combat veteran. Now, we are partners in life, best friends complimenting each other’s strengths and weaknesses. I am now present and fully conscious when I am with them. I am able to give them the loving attention they deserve, rather than focusing on my own inability to cope with daily life. I am now balancing my time between being an integral part of my family, studying and working for Searching for Warriors Foundation, communing with nature, becoming active in the community, and practicing my spirituality daily. I am a balanced responsible healthy adult outfitted with the tools and processes to maintain this balance. Objectively, my anxiety, depression, confusion, fear, reclusion, and generally poor mental health has vanished. I am able to think clearly for the first time in seven years. This figure is not an exaggeration, nor can I stress the extreme levels of confusion I had been suffering. I am no longer in war mode running on cortisol and adrenaline so my mind is able to maintain an alert relaxedness. I understand that sounds like a miracle, and a miracle it is.
14.01.2022 The cheese toast and salad buffet at Sizzler was a significant feature throughout my adolescence and, despite the closure of their South Australian restaurants many years ago, it has been something of my childhood that I have been able to share with my own children on visits to Queensland in recent years. (Heck, we’ve even tried to replicate the cheese toast at home - and here’s the recipe - I know you want to! It’s a sad day for me to see them closing - another victim of the downturn in hospitality and tourism in 2020. I’d love to hear from some of you - what’s something from your childhood that you’ve chosen to introduce to your own kids?
14.01.2022 As a part of our Rite Journey Teacher Training we get teachers to contact an influential adult from their teen years to say thank you for the influence they had. We hear beautiful stories of connection, appreciation and there are often tears in the telling of the story of passing on that gratitude. Here’s an interesting article on the helping our kids with the emotions that might make gratitude more difficult.... There are plenty of times we all say thank you, and it comes without any emotional hurdle like saying thank you to the cashier as we smile through our mask and push our cart away. Or thank you to someone who steps aside to maintain a COVID-safe distance, and so on. But I am talking about the thank-yous that make us feel a bit vulnerable. For instance, telling a teacher (in person or via a letter) why you so appreciated being in their class and that you liked that thing they did when they shared a story about their days in school, or how they listened to you that time you came in having problems with a friend. When we give specific examples to people of why we appreciate them or what they did that we are grateful for, we can be self-conscious. And yet, the real gold may lie precisely in those times we find we want to give thanks but hold back. The times we are aware of a little unease most likely means the thank you will be really meaningful. I believe we all want to live life in fuller alignment with our values, but our emotions often get in the way. And I believe our kids would all say they want to be thought of as an appreciative person. I believe our kids would also say they want to be thought of as someone who can give thanks to people. I would wager that all you adults would say the same for you.
13.01.2022 Wise words from Rebecca Sparrow.
13.01.2022 This week I gave my eldest daughter Untamed by Glennon Doyle for her 25th birthday. It’s an amazing book. She covers a lot of territory including some great insights on parenting. Love to hear from anyone in our FB community who has read it.... What was the gold you got from it? See more
12.01.2022 An article well worth reading and considering. I have noticed the increase in over-scheduling of children these days. I’m not convinced it’s of benefit for the child. It’s worth considering the purpose of filling a child’s hours with a host of activities - and what they miss out on by not just being - without having their lives planned out for them.... The problem is that these activities are supplying my kids with lessons they don’t need to learn at this point in their lives, on a strict schedule, and with monthly fees. These activities do them no harm, but they increase my anxiety and limit my mobility, and the hours between 4 and 6 p.m. are a time when I need to place my needs (decompressing after all the kids are home, starting dinner, pouring a glass of wine) ahead of the shortsighted desires of my young kids a parenting move that feels countercultural in a country that provides cooking classes for toddlers and meditation sessions for those too young to be capable of reasonable thought. In the 1980s, when I was the age my children are now, I was chiseling the atrophying concrete in our driveway after school, or trying to jump a bike over slabs of wood my older brothers had dragged out from the garage. I remember going to the park without our parents or hiding in the side yards of strangers. I wasn’t anxious, and neither were my parents. I don’t remember being lured by company-sponsored anything, and my mom doesn’t either. We played on soccer teams that practiced down the street when we were in second or third grade, and I joined the neighborhood swim team. Neither sport became competitive until we were in late middle school. At that point, we could choose to join club sports or opt out. I went with the latter. I just wanted to jump off the diving board with my friends. But it seems harder to be that kind of fun-loving, casual participant today. Our kids are encouraged to commit to things at a higher level of intensity, farther away from home, at a higher cost, before we can weigh the commitment, commute and money against the rest of the family’s needs.
09.01.2022 A really important read. Like me, you might be wonderingwhat did students say was their greatest source of happiness? In other words, what actually made them happy? To this question, there was a wide array of responses, but topping the list were these three: Family Time with family (extended and immediate) was the top answer.... Friends Time with peers they enjoy, at school, evenings or on-line. Free Time Time to play, make up games, relax, and laugh. ...We met with four communities of middle school and high school students and made discoveries about their habits, attitudes and interests. Below are my conclusions on the biggest sources of unhappiness: 1. Anxiety I have written much on the angst today’s teens and twenty-somethings feel. Despite their random posts on Instagram, many worry over world problems because they’re exposed to them on social media. They have a higher rate of depression and anxiety than generations who were unexposed. 2. Entitlement A second source of unhappiness is obvious. Our generation (young and old) feels more entitled to possessions and perks than we did in the past. When we feel entitled to something, it’s easy to feel unhappy when things don’t go our way. Today, we have more stuffbut we have more expectations too. 3. FOMO Finally, our young feel the tangible fear of missing out. Because they can see on their screens all that’s going on among friends, the social media posts can create unhappiness because they’re not in the middle of all the fun, all the time. This gives new meaning to the old phraseignorance is bliss.
09.01.2022 As the lead up to the election plays out so publicly in the USA, our young people will be learning about leadership via the rhetoric that’s appearing on their various social media feeds. Regardless of political persuasions, there is an opportunity to observe and have conversations about the various characteristics and dispositions that leaders are displaying. A simple question to ask of our teens might be - Which of these people would you like to be your boss at a workplace ...and why? Our young people read so many random (and often hate-filled) opinions via social media these days - I believe it’s important for us as parents to step in and help them comprehend/understand/navigate the terrain. I’ll be mentioning the post below to my kids today. Earlier in the year I posted a phrase In times of tragic events or scary as footage - Look for the helpers and look how to help. In these current times - when we’re watching grown leaders shout, interrupt, put down, not listen perhaps the phrase we can use is - Look for the love.
08.01.2022 This coming week is the second week of our school holidays here in SA. We’re heading away camping to a little spot amongst the trees, on the river, with our kayaks. We will watch the birds, stare into the fire, listen to the trees in the breeze - be in the stillness. My partner, Frank Meuse, tells us instead of going into the forest to observe it, we also need to sit and let it observe us. I started doing that a few years ago and it reminded me of how I spent time in the when I was a teenager. I would sit on a rock and stare at a brook or a mossy landscape for hours and daydream. Later, I thought that was being unproductive. We're often guilted in some way to be more productive in our jobs and lives. I remember an elder saying that watching a fire burn is his way of meditating. I think being still in the forest is like that for me. The first few minutes my mind is still buzzing with thoughts and I talk to myself for a while. Eventually, I'm not sure how, but before too long my thoughts slow down, my mind is settled, like a fog clearing. I'm more ready to hear the birds and the way the trees sound in the breeze. I'm more ready to just smell the scents of the forest, without naming them or calculating them, just breathing them in. I imagine back to the time of our long-ago ancestors here. I can appreciate that life wasn't easy living completely off the land. I think they must have had better mental health than we do today. The land and water kept them well. But now, too much is happening in our day to slow down enough to really get the most potent attributes of nature. When we go camping or hiking, It's lovely and healthy, but I believe we miss out on something more profound. The real medicine comes in the stillness.
08.01.2022 In the next week I will be receiving delivery of our Woman Wise Deck - the third format that these conversation cards will be available in. We have created both our Man Made and Woman Wise Conversation Card Sets into this smaller ‘playing card’ size for families. They’ll fit easily into a handbag, glovebox etc so that you can initiate wonderful conversations with your girls. I‘ve heard of people who keep a set of cards in the glovebox and each trip when it’s just them and child they’ll do a random draw of the card and have a chat! The Woman Wise Conversation Cards are designed to trigger and support conversations with girls from age 13, and women of any age. These 77 beautifully designed cards are divided into six suits: My Self My Body My Mind My Relationships My Philosophy My Future Each card has a range of questions whose purpose is to prompt contemplation, conversation and connection. The cards can be used in myriad ways, and are both fun and intentional.
08.01.2022 Our Rite Journey Woman Wise Conversation Cards are now available in 3 formats. - Our full size set for use in schools and organisations. - Our WW Deck for families and one on one conversations. - Our WW app (Apple and Google Play) so that our friends outside of Australia can have access to the product without the exorbitant postage costs.... The physical cards can be purchased from the shop page on our website and the app from the respective app stores - just search woman wise conversation cards. Love you to share the resource with anyone who has girls in their life and also to hear from anyone who has got a set and found them helpful. #conversations #conversationstarters #cardresources #schoolresources #raisinggirls #daughters #parentinggirls #middleschool #counselling #counsellors #counsellorsofinstagram #teachersofinstagram
07.01.2022 Congrats to Isobel Marshall at Taboo for winning the Young South Australian of the Year. Taboo do wonderful work to help end period poverty Check out their website - And their FB page -
07.01.2022 I’m posting a couple of articles in the wash up of ‘Black Friday’ materialism madness. The first is ‘35 gifts your children will never forget’ and it’s well worth a read.
05.01.2022 The Abyss is one of the seven stages of our Rite Journey. It acknowledges that it is the toughest times in life that the growth comes, that light doesn’t exist without darkness, that diamonds are formed from pressure, that crystals often form in the cracks. Hence our icon/shield for The Abyss is a diamond - and the fact that the cartoon shows the pair leaving the darkness towards the jewels/light.... Reflecting on our own Abyss moments through life and acknowledging the learnings and growth can be a helpful protective factor for facing our next Abyss.
02.01.2022 #choosekindness
02.01.2022 This is a great list to put aside for those moments when you’ve got a free evening and don’t know what to watch! Documentaries have an incredible power to raise awareness and create transformative changes in consciousness both at the personal and global levels. Over the last [14] years, we've watched hundreds of social change documentaries and cataloged the best of them on this website. There's now so many that we realized we needed to filter this down even further. So what ...follows is our list of the very best 100 - hand-picked for their quality, insight and potential to inspire positive change. All of the films have been selected because they are either free to watch online, or can be rented online. There are several films we would have loved to add to this list, but they currently don't have an accessible way to view them. As that changes, we'll be updating this list over time. Enjoy!
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