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The Mind Body Connection

Locality: Mornington, Victoria

Phone: +61 424 399 555


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25.01.2022 I love all of me, messy, happy, sad, angry, in awe and so much more. Repeat after me 'I love all of me'

24.01.2022 There was a discussion around this in a group yesterday. How we compare ourselves to others and find something lacking in ourselves. In comparisons we tend to judge ourselves against the way another looks or behaves. We feel guilty for our shortcomings, we feel inadequate and beat ourselves up. Comparison once I heard, is the little death. Every time we compare ourselves to another or a situation a little piece of us withers and dies. Like the flowering blossom it's time to... bloom in your own right, to recognise your gifts and to see who you truly are.. Live and love to your full potential without looking at how or what the other flowers are doing. We are all here to blossom and bloom at our own pace. Enjoy this cold and blustery Saturday morning snuggled up with your favourite thing.

24.01.2022 What an incredible night 12 hours of training with almost 1200 people all holding space. A huge shout out to Karen Johnson and Larry for the amazing space they ...are providing us all to explore Dying and Grieving Consciously. Having trained with Karen as my teacher with The Four Winds what feels like a lifetime ago, this feels like coming home being in your space again. So so grateful to be receiving these amazing gifts, healings, journeys, meeting death, rites and ceremony and so much more. From the bottom of my heart thank you thank you thank you. From before midnight last night to watching the sun rise this morning and the moon slip off to sleep, now this tired little Bunny is putting her cotton tail to bed before midnight comes around again for day two and another all nighter. Stay tuned will be lots to write about from here. The best part, the mother of all essences is brewing her way into being - Dying Consciously, in ceremony absorbing all the energy of the teachings and the collective. Feeling so incredibly blessed. Happy Easter all. I love you and may today find you all feeling the blessings and gratitude of being alive in such a unique time in history. Mwahhh .....

21.01.2022 I just got this in my messenger and it literally bought me to tears. There is hope, there is a future, and our roles are varied. Some of us will be the architects that dream in this new reality, many of us will be the worker bees supporting and building, healing and teaching through the new growth. Let's hope that the great realisations don't get lost in the confusion of what is now a great opportunity to change and heal, to create new habits and to birth a new time. ... We all have a purpose in this life and in the creation of a new time. Wr may not be able to see clearly what that is but have faith your role is just as important as those that are few and those that are many. We are equally here to bring about great change. So with kindness courage and compassion in our hearts let's start opening up to the new potentials that are just waiting for us to create.

20.01.2022 The beauty of age is the wisdom in knowing that we don't really give a f!@# what others think anymore. There comes a time when as a woman we realise we had our day in the sunshine and we move over for the young ones to shine their bright light. As we take our seat by the fire of the elders we know that true wisdom comes when we embody the knowledge of our lessons as acceptance and compassion in our hearts. There is nothing more beautiful than a women aging into her body with complete and loving appreciation that ever stretch mark, every wrinkle, every scar is the road map that shows her life.

16.01.2022 This is so true of the past 12 months for me. Allowing great change to grow into my becoming. Shining the light on the cracks to see the gold beneath the surface. It has been a wild ride this last year, especially this last month. Remembering the journey is foggy. But the lessons have certainly guided me deeper within. Embracing, embodying and transfiguring it all back to spirit. Letting go of control is difficult. I realised my control was to rebel against system, against ...discipline, against ritual, against anything that told me what I should do. Thinking I was in flow. Being in the flow is not about laying back and doing nothing, or being in resistance to everything. Being in the flow is taking action to bring forth our potential. Letting go of control and trusting that creator has your back. Surrendering is difficult, but once you do you realise you were only fighting your own projections, your own shadows, your own darkness within. Letting the pieces fall takes faith. It takes courage to let them be and not keep picking them up and trying to fix them. Letting the pieces fall takes a belief in spirit that this is for your highest good. Learn what the pieces taught you, sit with the lessons of them at your feet. Surrender the urge to pick them up. Allow the gift to flower so that the wisdom is deep. Allow the pieces to absorb back into nature so that they too may return home to beome. Embody each moment, this life is a gift. IN all its struggles is held all its beauty IN BECOMING. Soften your eyes. Take a deep breath, let the pieces fall away. A destiny all your own awaits if you have the courage to say yes. In Munay to all my brothers and sisters. I thank you deeply for the lessons you have bought me and the sweet gift of wisdom that follows

16.01.2022 Which path will you choose? We are now faced with a time where we need to choose. Where it is time to heal

15.01.2022 Excited like a little child to be in ceremony and training again with my brothers and sisters from all over the world and a teacher I admire very much that led through a tough journey. All ready and patiently waiting. Even the flower essece wants a piece of the energy. Is going to be an amazing and powerful blend. My little protector is with me for the night. Aho See more

13.01.2022 TO all mothers Happy Mothers Day today. I decided that for my mothers day I wanted to spend it close to the original mother. Being motherless for most of my li...fe, today is always a little difficult. It reminds me of all the things my mother missed out on in my life, her grandchildren and in her life. So I would like to dedicate this to the motherless mothers. To the motherless mothers today I wanted to extend an extra special happy mothers day. To those that have grieved and those that are Grieving, to those that have forgiven and those that are still struggling to forgive, to those that have recently lost someone and those that have spent a lifetime motherless, to the daughters that are not yet mothers, and to those that have been mothers and have lost their children. Remember who you are today. You are a mother and you are a Daughter. You are the glue of the family. You are the counsellor and the accountant, you are the best friend and the mediator, you are the nurse and the doctor, you are the maid and the chef, you are the taxi driver and the midnight call, you are babysitter, you are the soft place to fall when the world feels unsafe. You are human and fallible, you have made mistakes and you have learnt and grown along the way. YOU Are so much more than you will ever realise. You are a mother. May the focus and reminder today be that you deserve to be indulged, you deserve to be spoilt, you deserve to be nurtured and to be showered with love. Remember that being a mother is not only about our children, it is also learning to be the mother to your sweet child within the way you needed to be mothered. That makes us all mothers. So today take a moment to indulge your senses, to enjoy the moment, to gift yourself with whatever it is that your child desires. Happy mothers day to you all. Whether you are a mother of the furred, the finned, the creepy crawly, the two legged or the four legged may today bring you closer to the Mothet of us all. Much love

12.01.2022 I love this. Get the best of what we publish:

11.01.2022 Yes we are in hard times at the moment with lockdown, and s!@t is scary with so many projections of fear floating around. Every experience teaches us something, every experience has a gift of its own. embody your darkness, shine a light on the places where it is hidden. As they say this too shall pass and will become a distant memory. Focus on what the lesson is for you right now to cultivate love, compassion, humility and balance in your life. In the shamanic traditions th...ere is the hummingbird. It comes to us as a lesson that we need to transfom into a gift. We will continue to stay in repeat until we embrace and learn. Evolve and grow beyond your immediate circumstances. Be mindful of your thoughts. Be mindful where you are placing your attention, be mindful of where all your energy is being placed. This is what will become your reality. What we resists persist, what we focus on becomes manifest. As humans we are powerful creators. It is time to find our voice and our vision of a world that is compassionate, a world that is inclusive, a world that is in balance with nature and each other. Fight for those that do not have a voice with love and compassion. It is our light, it is our humanity. It is the only way we will create the change we desire. We have tried wars and fear, we have tried violence and destruction. Use this time to imagine the world you want to live in. Where there are no hungry children, a world where they are safe from predators and suffering, a world where there is unity and equality, mutual respect for each others individuality, a world where we live in ecological harmony, sustainable resources that stops the destruction of mother earth and all her creations. We are the children of the earth. We are being asked to come home to the womb. To remember who we are and where we came from. Lean into this darkness and feel her warm embrace. All living creatures crave the love of the mother. Embrace her with your love and compassion, embrace her with humility and reverence. We are extraordinary creations that are experiencing consciousness like never before. We are being called to change our ways. Be mindful of where you place your energy. This is what you will create.

10.01.2022 It is a painful process for many but one worthy of the effort to find your truth and your purpose

10.01.2022 Never felt more connected to my ancestors than right now.

09.01.2022 What incredibly strange times we are living in right now. Emotions rising and falling, ranges of feelings from grief and despair to hope and joy. Sometimes in a matter of minutes or a period of days. Everything at a standstill, waiting patiently for what's next. So much uncertainty and confusion, times of boredom or just feeling tired of the thoughts that can cycle through ones mind. Wondering and picturing what is this all going to look like days, months and years from now. ... Finding the joy in the moment can be difficult, feeling connected can feel impossible, lonliness can be debilitating fear can outweigh all else. In the fear, breath deeply, give yourself permission to feel, to be and to acknowledge exactly where you are right now. Reach out, speak to others, find a way to be in this moment of uncertainty. As they say this too shall pass and in the mean time be gentle with all parts of yourself, we are each one of us in different stages of our awakening. Some like a newborn just opening their eyes to the bright lights trying to make sense of this world, others eyes wide open in awe. We have been given a unique opportunity to stop, to listen to observe to heal, to grow and to change. Humans are a stubborn breed it has taken the whole world to stop to allow us to slow down and to see the impact of being still, of being with ourselves and in experiencing the loss of connection to show us that we need each other, that to thrive as an individual we need the connections of our tribe, our families, our communities and the land we stand on. We are a part of a much bigger whole, not seperate too but connected too. Like every living and inanimate creation we were all birthed into being. I invite you to stand still, take a deep breath, take in the precious life you have been gifted, because in death we learn to appreciate the fragile gift of life. Treasure these moments of stillness and remember when life takes over again it is in the stillness we really see what is important.

07.01.2022 I will just leave us all to.ponder on this thought

06.01.2022 We are here for a blink of time. Insignificant in the totality of eternity whilst leaving our mark on the world in the most profound or the most destructive way. In remembering our connection to spirit we remember that all that we do to nature we in turn do to ourselves. It us time to remember we are all spirit gifted with an experience of human existence. Today let us remember to stop and see all that we have to be grateful for. It is our uniqueness that allows us our unique experience

05.01.2022 The Loneliness of Seperation There are many out there today that are alone, separated from family, friends and loved ones. Many that are too far away to get to ...each other or restricted from being able to come together. There are many that are feeling the deep aching within of the loneliness and deep sadness that comes from being separated from family in times that in normal circumstances are met with gatherings and celebrations. I know I personally have been feeling a little off centre this week. Haven’t quite been able to put my finger on what was wrong but knew that something wasn’t right. We got up this morning and I thought to myself ohh its Good Friday. So I decided that we needed to get out of the house and take the pups for a walk and to commune and connect with nature. As hubby was looking to find the perfect place to go I suddenly burst into tears at the kitchen bench. He came over and asked me what was wrong, and I sobbed into his chest ‘it is Easter’. This is the first Easter in my memory that I will not see my children and spend it with my Aunty eating the Easter basket filled with polish sausage, bread, eggs, beetroot relish and cake that she has blessed at church on Easter Sunday morning. This is the first Easter that we will not sit gathered at a table laughing together with stuffed bellies and driving home in a food coma knowing that we had once again eaten too much at Babcia’s house. This is the first Easter where we will all be separated and where I will be alone without my family, where my Aunty will be alone without her community and without her family. This will be the first Easter where I will not see Di after my aunties house, when we all stuff ourselves again on cocia’s profiteer rolls filled with custard. This will be our first Easter totally alone. As some of you know we moved to the Peninsula last year, a move that was necessary for me and my growth, so isolation is not something that is new to me, it is something I have been practicing to some degree for a number of years through my shamanic training. Going within, searching my own inner realms, discovering who I am, it has all been a necessary journey and part of my growth. But never before has the importance of ritual and ceremony, the importance of gathering and celebration been bought so strongly to my attention. I am not a religious person, even though I was raised a catholic, I do not practice traditional Catholicism. Through my journey and reflections I have noticed more and more the importance and the need for the structure of ritual and ceremony, the comfort that it brings to many, the hope and faith, the deeper understanding and connection to a god of each and every individuals understanding. My belief and understanding no doubt is different to yours but it is no less important to each of us and should not be judged or diminished. My ritual practice each day involves connecting with nature and the nature beings on my land, the moon as she moves through her phases, my ancestors and spirit guides as I light a candle for them each day and bring them an offering of food and drink to say thank you for the road they traversed and the gifts they have given within me through their hardships and lessons. I ask nothing of them I respect them for just being there as my guidance and my counsel. The road I have chosen is a very lonely and insular road as many do not understand or they fear the unknown. I have become accustomed to being alone and spending much of my time by myself or with my pups and the nature around me. Today though I felt that loneliness more than I have in a very long time. It was a deep yearning to be close to my family, a deep yearning to be close to my tribe and loved ones. Today I felt the separation so deeply in my heart that I sobbed aching for the connection. For many this is even more difficult because there is not just the loss of human contact, there is also the loss of human touch. I know some would not see me as a hugger but then there are those that get hugs from me and know I am a definitely a closet hugger. I am always a little protective with my hugs out of fear of rejection, but when I am allowed to freely hug I am definitely a hugger. Nothing makes me happier than to just openly whole heartedly hug someone. When we hug we release the hormone oxytocin, which is also known as the cuddle drug. It is what mothers release in abundance when they give birth which allows for the strong bond that is created between mother and baby. It make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. It is our literal feel good drug. So in times where we can no touch each other, we can not hug, we can not make human skin to skin contact we are being deprived of this hormone. This could have a huge impact on our feelings of joy and happiness, it could make us feel anxious and flat or depressed because we are low in oxytocin. So as we can see being separated and in isolation has far deeper implications than just not being able to go out. We are losing our social connections, we are losing our nature connections in places where we are being completely restricted from leaving the house, and in some cases we may be losing our connections with our tribes. It is times like today when we are supposed to be gathering, when we are often celebrating, when we are expecting to be with family, loved ones and friends that we become more conscious of the loss that we are currently experiencing in our loneliness of separation. So how do we combat these feelings and try to regain a sense of normal and maintain our connection? 1. If you have a younger child cuddle them, chase them around the house if you have to grab them up and cuddle them as much as you can. Eventually they will succumb to your ways because deep down you know they are craving the same thing as you 2. If you don’t have a younger child cuddle your partner, and if this fails then reach out for your fur babies. Our four legged friend also love to be cuddled and they too are feeling the shift of energy in the ether. Cuddle anything that gives you a sense of comfort. Some of you may be completely alone. You may have an old stuffed toy or a favourite blanket, find something and imagine it to be someone you care for and give it a cuddle sending them all you love and watch how the warmth spreads through your body. 3. Think about setting up a zoom or a messenger party. My sister told me about this the other day. I am going to see if i can do the same with the kids for Sunday. Get a group together where you can see each other on the screen, hear each other, grab a glass of wine and have a laugh, connect with your tribe. We have ways around being isolated so lets utilise them. 4. If you have some sort of ritual or ceremony practice, stay connected to it as much as possible. Right now a little structure can go a long way for those that are struggling, especially for those that have or are struggling with mental health. I know that this is extremely important for me, especially being someone that struggled with mental health for over 2 decades. 5. Check in on your family and loved ones regularly. They may say they are fine. But there are a number of definitions for FINE. F!@#ed Up Insecure Neurotic in Every-way. Is one way I know. So don’t just accept I am FINE. Sometimes we need to dig a little deeper and ask open ended questions. A lot of people a hurting badly at this time. Let’s offer up a helping hand, because who knows it could be you tomorrow that needs someone to offer one up to you. So to all of you I hope that you find your own special way through this Easter break, celebrate in your own special and unique way. Please share I would love to hear what you have to say and how you may be getting through this time. We are all here to support each other and to grow as a community. With much love and thinking of each and every one of you today Julie Hatchard @thesacredfeminine

04.01.2022 Your thoughts are your most powerful tools and your most powerful weapons. Use them well.

04.01.2022 The bins are full today

04.01.2022 A beautiful day of ceremony bringing in the new of the 4/4/4 energy.

02.01.2022 Message from the Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers: ‘As you move through these changing times be easy on yourself and be easy on one another. You are at t...he beginning of something new. You are learning a new way of being. You will find that you are working less in the yang modes that you are used to. You will stop working so hard at getting from point A to point B the way you have in the past, but instead, you will spend more time experiencing yourself in the whole, and your place in it. Instead of traveling to a goal out there, you will voyage deeper into yourself. Your mother’s grandmother knew how to do this. Your ancestors from long ago knew how to do this. They knew the power of the feminine principle and because you carry their DNA in your body, this wisdom and this way of being is within you. Call on it. Call it up. Invite your ancestors in. As the yang based habits and the decaying institutions on our planet begin to crumble, look up. A breeze is stirring. Feel the sun on your wings.’

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