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The Salvation Army Riverland in Berri, South Australia | Community group

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The Salvation Army Riverland

Locality: Berri, South Australia

Phone: +61 8 8582 3616

Address: 4 Wilson Street 5343 Berri, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 The watermelon was a hit with everyone.. Lake Bonney Barmera. Wednesday's at 6.00pm..

24.01.2022 I am delighted to receive my copy of The Salvation Army YearBook for 2021. It is an amazing story of our presence, ministry and work across 131 countries, and d...emonstrates how God is blessing and using His people. Hope you get your copy soon, either from your trade department or Amazon. You could even buy an extra copy and give it to a friend to tell them about God and The Salvation Army. See more

24.01.2022 Welcome back Ron.. Ron is on the mend after his heart surgery and we are pleased to see him back..

23.01.2022 OUTREACH at Berri will be pre cooked , ready to serve due to high temperatures we ask you to collect and go.. Sunday Nov 15 12.00pmOUTREACH at Berri will be pre cooked , ready to serve due to high temperatures we ask you to collect and go.. Sunday Nov 15 12.00pm

22.01.2022 Hot weather , stormy rain No one in hurry to Leave.. Outreach

22.01.2022 Uplift the Corps in prayer

19.01.2022 Sunday's at 10.00Am 50 Days of Knowing Christ. Fantastic study..Sunday's at 10.00Am 50 Days of Knowing Christ. Fantastic study..

19.01.2022 Do you live in Waikerie or Berri and are looking for a rewarding volunteer opportunity? We have volunteering positions available on the RAA Foodbank Mobile Food... Hub in Waikerie on Wednesdays (fortnightly) and in Berri on Tuesdays. To submit an expression of interest please register via #foodbanksa #RAA #mobilefoodhub #volunteering

19.01.2022 Last Day of Outreach for 2020. Berri.

14.01.2022 I surrender all..

14.01.2022 A little pick me up..

13.01.2022 Christmas gift lines at Salvos Berri

12.01.2022 Life (Part 1) Advent Reflections with General Brian Peddle Greetings! With this devotional we come now to the Season of Advent. These next four Sundays he...lp the church to prepare for the Advent of Christ, the Coming of Christ into our world. For these Sundays of Advent we are going to focus our attention on the opening verses of the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John begins with a strong affirmation: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life’ (John 1:1-4). In the 17th verse John’s Gospel finally identifies the Word: He is ‘Jesus Christ.’ Let’s make sure we hear this: ‘In the beginning was the Word, Jesus Christ. The Word, Jesus Christ, is with God. The Word, Jesus Christ, was God.’ John proclaims that this person of the Trinity is involved in creating galaxies, oceans, continents, plants and people. ‘All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.’ These opening phrases also express the conviction that, ‘what has come into being in him was life’ Later in John’s Gospel Jesus will say that he has ‘come that people may have life, and that they may have it abundantly’ (John 10:10). Throughout John’s Gospel we watch as the Word creates life in all its fullness. We watch Jesus give sight to the blind, strength to the lame, and food to the hungry. And one of the ways Jesus creates life is with his words. His words are life-giving. As Jesus engaged in his mission of salvation, there came a moment when some disciples turned away from him. So Jesus asked his twelve disciples if they too wished to go away. Peter responded by saying, ‘Lord, to whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life’ (John 6:68). Your words are life giving. This first candle of Advent is the Candle of Life. Words can be life-giving, but as we know too well, words can also destroy. I’m sure you share my concern that far too many young people in our world are damaged by words. Far too many young people are put down with words; they are demeaned; they are discouraged rather than encouraged. Cyber-bullying damages for too many young people in our time. Hate-filled messages are given anonymously and destroy young people. The significance of these opening verses in John’s Gospel is that the Word who is with God and who is God, communicates personally. Jesus does not hide behind anonymous texts. Christ’s words are public words, expressed with his name behind them. His words are life-giving. As we move through these Sundays of Advent, may we examine our words carefully, and pray that our words may also be life-giving. The Salvationist world has long enjoyed the songs of Generals Gowan and Larsson. Let the words of this song also be life-giving, and send us into these weeks of Advent: He came to give us life in all its fulness, He came to make the blind to see, He came to banish death and doubt and darkness, He came to set His people free. He liberating love imparted, He taught men once again to smile; He came to bind the brokenhearted, And God and man to reconcile. He came to give us life in all its fullness, He came to make the blind to see, He came to banish death and doubt and darkness, He came to set His people free. (Song Book 139)

11.01.2022 During this past year, we have often said to each other and to other people: 'If we can only get through this week, I think we'll make it!' Well today we have s...till bad news. We have good news of vaccines. All of it together, we want to say we do believe that we will make it and we will make it through this pandemic. Long distance runners tell me that when they see the finish line of a race something kicks in. They're able to find the actual energy to get through to the finish line. I understand that. But the question being asked by people today is: 'Does this pandemic have a finish line?' So, how do we run a race if there is no clear ending? You will recall that the New Testament letter to the Hebrews imagines the Christian life as a long-distance race. When we come to the twelfth chapter we read: ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us run with perseverance the race set before us.’ (Hebrews 12:1-2) Keep in mind that this letter was composed for a discouraged and weary people. They were fatigued, they didn't think they could take another step. Now, doesn't that sound familiar? In this past year, you've watched more and more events cancelled. You are weary because people speak with an opinion and assert themselves at the expense of our vulnerable people, our healthcare workers. This past year has taken a toll on our energy levels and it has challenged our hope. I note that the author of this New Testament letter encourages us to run the race set before us. The race set before us is one leg of a relay race. Our lead runner is Jesus of Nazareth, who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2) The race set before us goes through the route of suffering, even fatigue. But as the apostle Paul says: ‘we press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.’ The baton has been passed along to us by previous generations and now we are called to run the race set before us! We're listening to the scientists, we're listening to the medical researchers and it's becoming clear that this virus is not going away soon. Already we are seeing mutations and variants of the virus. Like other viruses, COVID-19 is likely among us for some time. As we look we see the impact it takes upon our health workers, and we must take every precaution for us and for one another in our communities. In other words, though it is difficult to set up a clear finish line, we can say today, together, that this race against COVID - though not over - we can continue to run with perseverance, knowing that there is a finish line! And that our God is faithful and is there to greet us. I assure you of my confidence in the fact that God hears the cry of his people, and I also declare that he acts on our behalf. So God will not fail us and today Commissioner Rosalie and I, we place our people in The Salvation Army and our world in his care and keeping. May God bless you.

10.01.2022 This week will see us make another delivery.. Rural communities

10.01.2022 Zonta advocacy..

09.01.2022 A word of encouragement from the General Brian Peddle

07.01.2022 When the conversations turn spiritual at Outreach. Paula ministering to the crowd

05.01.2022 Making new connections at Lake Bonney Barmera Tasty hamburgers on the menu Crowds increasing..

02.01.2022 For the past 2.5 years we have served our Community , everything has a season..

01.01.2022 Today, a range of restrictions have been eased across South Australia. It is expected restrictions will be further eased in 2 weeks as we chart our course towar...ds Christmas. Here are some answers to common questions we are receiving. Please visit to view more questions and answers. I'd like to thank all South Australians for the sacrifices you have made in this unprecedented year.

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