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The Scrutineer
Locality: Bauple, Queensland, Australia
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22.01.2022 The Health Ombudsman and the CCC are a waste of time they do not investigate many Complaints because some Public Servants doesn’t think it is important. No wonder Corruption is rife in Queensland Governments Departments. The System is Broken.
19.01.2022 This is a Chain Email Please send this to 10 of your friends or those who you think would like to read it and ask them to send it onto 10 more and so on The more people who know the better. Spread the Word and ask questions of your local Member. This is for Queensland Health to Improve the way they spend our Taxes and to Improve their Service. THE SCRUTINEER Edition 1 Queensland Health say they welcome Feedback from the Community so it can provide the opportunity to i...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Another Child Dies and Father charged with Murder - Where are Childrens Services Missing - Someone must be held accountable - Oh Sorry - Public Servants can do no wong - Corruption is out of Control in Queensland Government Departments - OHO; Ombudsman and the CCC all cover up Corruption by Public Servants - Yet another Government Disaster - Get rid of this Government - but where do you go - Where is the opposition - Lost in the wilderness. Get rid of them all and replace them with someone who will represent you - a Local.
16.01.2022 This person must not have mates in the Dishonest Corrupt Tasmanian Police Service. They would normally cover up the crimes for their mates.
15.01.2022 Tasmania Police Tasmania Police SUPORT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN THEY ARE DISHONEST AND UNPROFESSIONAL RIGHT THROUGH TO THE SENIOR RANKS. A Tasmania Born Lady, Aged Pensioner was being attacked in her home by a Male Neighbour. He harassed her, attacked her, threatened her, Shot at her with a High Powered Rifle he had no License for the Firearm so Tasmania Police rushed a License through for him She called the Tasmania Police for assistance. Tasmania Police then joined on the attack and threatened her Harassed her for years Her Cries for Help went unassisted She then found that the Attacker was a Mate of the Police the attacker then became more aggressive This went on for about FIVE YEARS Cries of help to the Police Minister, the Police Commissioner/ Commander and more All refused Responses from Police contained LIES and FALSE STATEMENTS One Commander refused to meet with her but he had time to march up the Street for the Cameras showing his new Australian Police Medal What a Hypocrite He had time for the Camera saying how good he is but no time to do his job that shows that Tasmania Police support Violence against Women. It also shows the Australian Police Medal is handed out to anyone. No wonder they have to Doctor the Crime Figures by not including all Crime Committed. The people of Tasmania are conned by Police and Politicians The Politicians are responsible because they allow Police to operate in this manner. There is a Woman still in Prison for a Murder she did not commit. Answer from Police She was convicted in a Criminal Court That’s great when the People in Power control the Judicial System. If you have mates in Government then you can get away with Murder. Get rid of the Politicians that waste your money on themselves and their mates. Tasmania Corruption at their best. There are other instances of Tasmania Police threatening Women. Then Senior Police March on the White Ribbon Day. The Woman then cried out for HELP to the various Women’s Groups White Ribbon Respect Women’s Legal Service ALL REFSUED. THEY ALL SUPPORT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. The Women’s Legal Service said that the She wasn’t important enough. All these Authorities receive money from Government. The Woman then asked Tasmanian Politicians NOT ONE HELPED. Then she asked Federal Politicians Prime Minister, Women’s Minister and others All refused. The Women’s Minister said, they only deal with Domestic Violence and not Violence against Women. What is the difference? LIBERAL LABOR NATIONAL POLITICANS ALL REFUSED. GET RID OF THESE POLITICIANS POLITICAL PARTIES AND REPLACE THEM WITH SOMEONE WHO WILL REPRESENT ALL AUSTRALIANS. See more
07.01.2022 THE SCRUTINEER Edition 1 Queensland Health say they welcome Feedback from the Community so it can provide the opportunity to improve their delivery of Health Se...rvices. I HOPE THEY TAKE THIS FEEDBACK ON BOARD AND IMPROVE THE SERVICE THEY PROVIDE TO QUEENSLANDERS. THEY HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN ADVISED OF THESE MATTERS AND DONE NOTHING. NOT ONE PERSON FROM QUEENSLAND HEALTH, THE HEALTH MINISTER OR HIS STAFF OFFERED OR TRIED TO HELP A SERIOUSLY INJURED PATIENT WHO ALMOST DIED. THERE ARE SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH QUEENSLAND HEALTH - TOTAL HEALTH SYSTEM FAILURE READ MORE FEEDBACK FAILURES IN COMMENTS BELOW. QUEENSLAND HEALTH WERE NOT LISTENING WHEN DR.DEATH WAS KILLING PATIENTS IN BUNDABERG THEY WERE ARROGRANT AND DEAF TO PATIENTS CRIES FOR HELP - NOTHING HAS CHANGED PATIENTS CONTINUE TO SUFFER NEW POLICY LISTEN TO PATIENTS ASSIST PATIENTS WITH THEIR NEEDS BE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT A PATIENT IS GOING THROUGH ALL PATIENTS WANT IS TO REGAIN THEIR HEALTH. QUEENSLANDERS PAY THEIR TAXES AND TRUST GOVERNMENTS WILL PROVIDE A PROFESSIONAL COST EFFECTIVE SERVICE. UNFORTUNATELY THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING - THE TREATMENT OF SOME PATIENTS BY QUEENSLAND HEALTH IS A DISGRACE - NO ONE IS LISTENING THE PROBLEMS ARE IN THE MANAGEMENT, HR AND ADMINSITRATION - WHEN YOU ASK QUESTIONS YOU HIT THIS BUREAUCRATIC BRICK WALL AND ALL YOU GET IS THE RUN AROUND RESPONSES INCLUDE LIES AND FALSE STATEMENTS THE PUBLIC SERVANTS HOPE YOU WILL GO AWAY. PUBLIC SERVANTS SHOULD NOT BE MAKING MEDICAL DECISIONS ON PATIENTS HEALTH - QUEENSLAND HEALTH WILL SPEND MILLIONS ON COVER UPS THIS MONEY SHOULD GO TO PATIENTS TO SAVE SOME LIVES - THE MAJORITY OF CLINICAL HEALTH STAFF ARE GREAT AND PROVIDE A PROFESSIONAL AND HONEST HEALTH SERVICE This outlines the Waste of Taxpayers Money - Elective Surgery Lists blow out Basic Health Care is decreased because of Waste by Health Managers - there are Poor Nurse Patient Ratios Health needs more Nurses/Doctors (especially at the moment) and less Administration Staff. How many Queenslanders have had Relatives Die because they can’t get some Health Care to save their lives This is how the Health Budget is wasted! The Queensland Government is responsible for Health Care and it is not happening. Get rid of any Government and those who do nothing to help Queenslanders - Make Politicians, Public Servants and Government Departments Accountable, Professional and Responsible. Ask questions of your Local Representative If you don’t like the response if you get one then remember that at the Election. DENY AND DEFEND WE DO NOTHING WRONG THIS IS THE NUMBER ONE POLICY OF QUEENSLAND HEALTH AND WBHSD (Wide Bay Health Service District) NO ONE IS PREPARED TO LISTEN TO THE PATIENT PATIENTS ARE DISHONEST AND LIARS ANYWAY ACCORDING TO QUEENSLAND HEALTH Queensland Health have lost sight of their Role To provide Medical Treatment/Intervention to Queenslanders who are Sick or Injured They should go out of their way to work with Patients to assist them through their times of need. The Health Minister was asked to investigate Wide Bay Health Service (WBHSD) some time ago after a number of complaints. This was ignored and now there are more complaints and more Patients having trouble with this Health District and the Minister does nothing. Allegations go unanswered. The waste of Billions of Taxpayer Dollars by Queensland Health Management is out of control. The Majority of Clinical Staff are great Doctors Nurses Nurse/Patient Ratios are Poor. GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND THOSE WHO DO NOTHING TO HELP QUEENSLANDERS Years ago, Hospitals were run by a Medical Superintendent/Doctor and a Director of Nursing. The problems started when Health introduced Administration Managers/Accountants to run the Hospitals these people have little or no Clinical Experience and they are not interested in Patients they are just an Inconvenience The cost of running a Hospital has now increased 10 times just to employ Administration. Administration Departments were started and Public Servants to run them and then more and more nothing to do with assisting Patients Medically that meant that the Nurses and Doctors numbers were reduced to compensate for the Administration. This leads to Poor Nurse/Patient Ratios The Poor Nurses are left running to meet the needs of the Patients They need some help but no they employ more Administration staff - probably to answer the Complaints from Patients/Families just asking for a Professional and Cost Effective Health Care. Some comments on Queensland Health and Wide Bay Health Service District (WBHSD) They don’t care about Patients if they did they would have helped a Patient who cried out for help over 30 times then they call him a Liar Get rid of this Health Minister. FEEDBACK Comment 1 Queensland Health Says - Please be assured that the Queensland public health sector is committed to giving all patients high quality healthcare and staff are working hard to provide the best care and attention to patients. Feedback from members of the community is important because it provides the opportunity to improve our delivery of health services. What a load of RUBBISH - Queensland Health have all these Warm and Fluffy Mission Statements It should read We do nothing wrong so don’t question us Patients DIE Oh well Morning Tea is soon. When is the next meeting? This is the sort of rubbish our Taxes go to employ Public Servants to tell everyone what a great job Queensland Health are doing. They are Failing Queenslanders and wasting our Taxes Patients suffer. Comment 2 One Politician said, we cannot sustain the present Health System the reason why is - the Waste by Management - some have little or no background in Clinical Areas. Comment 3 A Senior Nurse said there used to more Nurses than Administration Staff walking into the Hospital Now there are more Administration Staff and if you try and find one, they are always in Meetings What are they discussing certainly not Patients. Comment 4 Another Senior Nurse said - Doctors/Nurses not listening to the Patient making Misdiagnosis that causes a great deal of Pain and Suffering The Patient goes through Hell waiting for a Professional Honest Doctor to make a correct Diagnosis. Comment 5 Notes, Medical Charts and Medical Correspondence The problem here is that not all the material is kept in the one area It all should be in the Patients Medical Charts etc It should be all kept in the one area so Clinical Staff can have all the material to refer to when making Medical Decisions. This is not the Case and so Misdiagnosis of Patients can be common. People must not rely on the Notes written in Medical Charts because they are not a true and correct account of the conversation they are not complete they are a brief description of the interaction between the Nurse/Doctor and the Patient The Notes are not complete. Nurses advise usually not more than 50%. That depends on how busy the writer is how conscientious the writer is how much time they have for instance if a Nurse is in a busy Ward with a Large number of Patients with poor Nurse/Patient Ratios the Nurse can only write as much as they can under the circumstances. Doctors too do not write all the interaction between them and the Patient which causes Huge problems. Doctors do not write compete notes in Patients charts this leads to misdiagnosis or even patients dying. Hospitals do not keep all correspondence for a Patient in their Medical Records and this causes many problems and leads to a Misdiagnosis. A Patient later found that their Medical Notes weren’t complete or correct. This assisted to cover-up a Misdiagnosis. If anything goes wrong, the Medical Notes can be rewritten or that section of the Medical Records disappears if some wrong doings by Health Staff come to light Health Staff close ranks and the truth is buried all cover for each other. The Medical Notes of a Patient can never be taken as complete, true or correct. As in most Government Departments, Staff will close ranks (Gang Up) and destroy a Whistle Blower You can’t have the truth getting out Don’t rock the boat. REMEMBER DENY AND DEFEND AT ALL COSTS. At WBHSD there Medial Records that are not complete and can easily be misread especially if the reader wants to be deceptive. Read More - Case 3 below GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND THOSE WHO DO NOTHING TO HELP QUEENSLANDERS Comment 6 This a prime example of the disgraceful behaviour of WBHSD trying to divert the blame of their own INCOMPETENCE onto someone else. The Process is quite simple Patients visit their GP who refers them to a Hospital for them to carry out further Tests and investigations. A Patient was referred to WBHSD they did not carry out any tests or investigate anything for over EIGHT MONTHS - even after cries for HELP over 30 Times and Infection had taken over his body and the Patient was almost DEAD. The GP did the right thing it was WBHSD who FAILED again All cries for help were refused by the Health Minister and WBHSD The Patient is called a Liar and treated so poorly - his Health Declines further How about working with the Patient so he can regain his Health - they prefer to write letters saying we are great and how dare you question us. During this period, not one Health Worker tried to assist or offered to assist the Patient in fact - they made his condition worse. GREAT HEALTH SYSTEM CARE FACTOR NIL - THIS IS A PRIME EXAMPLE OF HEALTH NOT LISTENING TO THE PATIENT HE ALMOST DIED BUT THEY DON’T CARE THEY JUST WRITE MORE LETTERS CONTAINING LIES AND FALSE STATEMENTS. A Misdiagnosiswas made because Doctors were not listening to the Patient as he described the Symptoms. It was not the Knee. It is from below the Knee to above the Hip. He is left waiting for months for some Help from Health. He almost DIES Consequently, he still suffers today. How can the Health Minister and Senior Management leave a Queenslander in extreme Pain in Agony and do nothing. They could have intervened at any time but chose to leave him to rot. Because of the lack of Medical Intervention he almost Dies Infection has taken over his body The Hip has collapsed and the Stem (Hip Prosthesis) has dropped down the leg and has broken out through the Femur and Muscle It is later found that because of the length of time he is left waiting Infection has taken over his body NO ONE LISTENS TO THE PATIENT. But the Minister and the Health workers do nothing and all are still being paid why they certainly not doing their jobs. How much damage has been done to the Patients Kidneys/Liver and other Organs as a result of the large amounts of medication? The Pain is extreme how much damage has been done to his Mental Health - WBHSD don’t care. You contact Management and all you get is HR/Clinical Governance and they are hopeless Dishonest We will get back to you and they never do. That is a normal response by this Areas. This Health Minister/Health Management are an absolute DISGRACE The Patient they refused to assist is now permanently Disabled. GET RID OF THIS HEALTH MINISTER AND GOVERNMENT. WBHSD ARE A DISGRACE AND THERE SHOULD BE AN INQUIRY INTO THEIR DANGEROUS PRACTICES THEIR DISHONESTY AND THEIR MANAGEMENT PATIENTS EITHER DIE OR LEFT PERMANENTLY DISABLED THE HEALTH MINISTER IS AWARE OF THIS AND DOES NOTHING MANAGEMENT KNOWS ABOUT THIS AND DOES NOTHING. Read More - Case 1 below Comment 7 This is a prime example of Queensland Health wasting Taxpayers Money. Several Months later the Patient is contacted by WBHSD and advised of an appointment with outpatients He contacts WBHSD and is advised that it is in relation to a Sore Knee. He then receives an Appointment Letter and X-Ray Form. He writes to WBHSD and questions why the appointment - this matter was resolved in August, last year with an Appointment to Outpatients Maryborough. When he was a Patient in Brisbane Hospital an Appointment Letter came to his home address. This was for 12thAugust, 2019. He contacted WBHSD and questions the Appointment he was advised that the Appointment is for a Sore Knee. He explained that he was in Hospital and that the matter related to his Hip. After being discharged he attended this appointment and the matter is resolved. There was a Misdiagnosis at Maryborough Hospital previously which resulted in Doctors associating the Pain from below the Knee to above the Hip with a Sore Knee, This diagnosis was wrong the Patient almost DIED but this matter had now been resolved. When the appointment letter arrived in relation to an appointment on 23.03.20 - Confused he writes to WBHSD advises them the matter was not his knee but his Hip - and this was resolved last year WBHSD not interested and advises him the Appointment is for his Sore knee. This again shows that no one is listening to the Patient at WBHSD. The Patient was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in his Knees about 15 years ago by an Orthopaedic Consultant interstate (especially the right knee - he had minimal problems with the Left Knee) The Specialist said at that time Come back in about 20 years or if they get any worse. To date they haven’t got any worse. Doctors do not listen to the Patient and this is shown by how he was ignored for about EIGHT MONTHS in extreme Pain (He had all the Symptoms of Infection and Dislocation of the Hip) but WBHSD said he had a Sore Knee. The Patients Doctor had referred the Patient to WBHSD in relation to Pain in the Knee area. After waiting for about Eight Months crying out for some help from WBHSD some Investigations and Tests were carried out by them and it was ascertained that the Pain which had been Extreme for months was related to the Hip to Femur. If WBHSD had done the Tests earlier, the Patient would not had to go through HELL for so long. Problem 1 WBHSD/Doctors do not listen to the Patient Problem 2 WBHSD know that this matter was resolved in August Last Year with an Appointment at Outpatients Maryborough. Problem 3 WBHSD are prepared to waste Taxpayers Money knowing full well that the Patient does not have a problem with his Knee but forces him to go through this process. Extra Cost to the Patient and WBHSD to attend the appointment. Problem 4 This shows WBHSD are prepared to leave a Patient in Extreme Pain for months. Look at the Cost to the Taxpayer of going through this process just to inconvenience the Patient because he has complained about them. They know this matter was resolved last year because the Patient told them by telephone and in correspondence. They don’t care about the Patient or the Cost to him. Still confused and very stressed the Patient is forced to have an X-Ray and attend the Out Patients appointment and it was confirmed It was never the Knee It was always the Hip, Thigh and Femur The Patient has been subjected to LIES Misdiagnosis and more and had someone listened to him over a Year ago, he would not have had to go through HELL for a long time. A Patient’s Medical Information is filed in many Departments throughout the Health District, instead of in the one area, so the Clinician can make a correct Diagnosis Also when you have a Dishonest Administration and Clinical Governance making Medical Decision on his Medical Condition, Patients suffer as he did He almost DIED. Surely now there must be an Investigation into WBHSD. GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND THOSE WHO DO NOTHING TO HELP QUEENSLANDERS Comment 8 THE OHO THE HEALTH OMBUDSMAN - WHAT A WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY THEY SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY THEY ARE BIASED AND INTIMIDATING TO PATIENTS WHO JUST WANT SOME ANSWERS THEY HARASS PATIENTS AND DON’T GIVE THEM A FAIR HEARING. THEY GO ALL OUT TO DEFEND THEIR MATES IN QUEENSLAND HEALTH IT IS DISGRACE AND PATIENTS SUFFER PATIENTS POOR HEALTH IS MADE WORSE AFTER DEALINGS WITH THE OHO. The OHO can never make a correct Decision because Health Departments do not provide all Medical Notes and Correspondence that they are required to the OHO but they don’t. A Large Amount of Correspondence and Reports are not provided by some Departments. Without all the relevant Medical Notes and Correspondence being provided, the OHO will never make a correct decision. When a Patient tried to explain this to the OHO, they were intimidated and spoken over so the Patient was not able to present his information or able to ask questions. The System is a total Failure. The Decisions OHO make are on assumptions (Incorrect or not) - not facts but assumptions - and the Patient is always wrong and is a LIAR according to the OHO. That is how Professional the OHO are and how they make their decisions. What a joke and we are paying for that - It is an offence to provide the OHO with False information when a Health Area provide Lies or False Information the OHO go all out to defend the Health area even though they know they are supporting the LIES The OHO also provide Lies to the Patient. Dishonesty is endemic in the OHO. This creates further problems. When the Patient provides undeniable proof that the Health Area has lied to them The OHO do nothing. What an absolute Disgrace and Disaster the OHO is A Patients Health Outcomes rely on some Public Servant making assumptions on what ? ? ? and our Taxes are being wasted on this Mess. THEY MUST BE SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY. Read More Case 2 below Comment 9 The Practice of Public Servants/Lawyers making Medical Decisions for Patients is disastrous serious problems Patients Die or their Health is made worse. This occurs in Health Administration or OHO/Review Areas. This practice must cease immediately. Patients and Queenslanders are the losers here. Comment 10 Waiting Lists There are waiting Lists and there are Waiting Lists There is the Official Waiting List that is the one that is released to the Public usually by the Health Minister or the Manager of the Health Area then there is the Waiting List for those who are waiting to get onto the Official Waiting List. Only Health Staff get to see that one. Figures published are Not Correct. In WBHSD there are instances where Patients are left waiting YEARS in Agony/Pain while they wait on the Waiting List One Patient was left waiting almost THREE Years for a Knee Operation in great Pain another almost DIED after a HIP had come apart and the Infection had taken hold of his body. And there are many more. A Nurse originally from Interstate brings her relative from Interstate to have an immediate Operation Waiting Lists don’t count the Relative goes straight through and has an immediate operation. Waiting Lists are a joke. The Health Minister is advised of this and does nothing. It depends on who you know. Comment 11 Management, HR and Administration - The Management and Administration cause many problems and cost a lot and waste a lot of Taxpayers Money. This money could be spent on Patients. Remember them they are the reason why we have a Health Department. The process of Covering up Misdiagnosis - Criminal Offences of some Staff is wrong This is Dishonest Management Responses containing Lies and False Statements to cover up their mistakes or a Misdiagnosis must cease. All Patients want to do is to get better. Put Patients first Stop using the Health Policy of Deny and Defend most Patients just want their good health back. Patients are Dying or being left Disabled because of the Dishonesty. No one is listening to the Patients. The Health Minister/Health Management are advised of this and do nothing. Get rid of this Health Minister/Health Management. Management and HR Departments cover up Criminal Offences committed within Health Departments. Bullying and Harassment is endemic in Health and that is how some Manage to bring in Change that will not benefit Patients at all. They waste Millions on these cost cutting schemes that end up costing the Health Budget many times more. The Quality of these Bully Boys is poor and they get away with it because they can no one is prepared to question them because they may be their next target. A large number of Health Staff/Nurses/Doctors, some Senior Staff, steal Drugs, Medical Equipment, Stationary and more from Hospitals for their own use and to supply to others. The Waste of Taxpayers Money by Senior Health Staff and other Public Servants covering up these Criminal Offences instead of doing their jobs. This money could be spent on Saving the Lives of Australians instead it is wasted. There is nowhere to go to correct these matters because the Corruption Fighting Authorities (CCC) refuse to get involved in other words they do not do their jobs. The Health Minister/Health Management are advised of this and do nothing. Read More Case 4 below GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND THOSE WHO DO NOTHING TO HELP QUEENSLANDERS Comment 12 Two Doctors were found to have more than one Medicare Provider Number. They were defrauding Medicare to the tune of Thousands of Dollars. Just another Cover Up. GOOD SYSTEM that we are paying for. Public Servants are involved in Perverting the Course of Justice by destroying the evidence. Where are the Investigators/CCC - The Health Minister/Health Management are advised of this and do nothing. Comment 13 Some years ago a new Computerised Payroll System was introduced What a Disaster - Thanks to some Poor Decisions by Management/Administration Staff, this cost Queensland Health Billions This money could have been spent of saving some lives. The System was broken and still is today Health Workers should be able to do their work and not worry about whether their Pay will be correct this Fortnight. No, they spend work time contacting HR Departments trying to get their Pay Corrected. Were the Managers that selected this new Payroll System SACKED probably not and they continue on with their Incompetent Decisions. How much does this cost This was and is a HUGE COST to Queenslanders that could have been spent of Patients. Just how good is the Health Computer System? Comment 14 More recently a New Purchasing and Supply System was introduced What a Disaster again Wards/Health Areas were running out of Stock How many Patients died or were inconvenienced because of yet another Mess. Who introduced this Mess Were they sacked How many Millions did this Cost Queensland. Queensland Health Management at its best. What a Disgrace. Comment 15 There is always someone wanting to change the running of Hospitals Why Change things when they are working well. Management sometimes use the Policy of Bullying and Harassing Workers to introduce Change Usually there is a Good Working System and Happy Staff working well after they have finished their new process there is a Big Mess that costs a lot of Money and puts Staff offside. Comment 16 On one occasion, the Bully Boy Management sacked a Lowly Support Worker What they weren’t counting on was a number of people saying this is wrong you can’t do that The Bully Boys continued on with the Dismissal After many negotiations and the Waste of Tens of Thousands of Taxpayers Dollars the Support Worker was reinstated because Management got it wrong the Worker was Back Paid about Six Months so we had the cost of replacing him whilst he was off the Back Pay The Lawyers in Head Office HR Public Servants and more costing thousands then the Bully Boys started on those who supported the Worker making up False Allegations further Cost to Health before all settled down a little No one was sacked Management should have been but they are protected and work went on some Patients should have received some help but their money had been wasted by Management. That is how Queensland Health operate. GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND THOSE WHO DO NOTHING TO HELP QUEENSLANDERS Comment 17 A Patient has a procedure at WBHSD Another Failure when he is being discharged he is told any problems go your GP or Emergency Department if it is on a Weekend. That weekend he attends the Emergency Department where is abused a Nurse you should be going to your GP. He explained that he had been told to attend Emergency if there were any problems Not interested. The experience was very distressing. Great Service at WBHSD again. Comment 18 Poor Nurse/Patient Ratios because of Poor Management Management is employing more Administration Staff Nursing Numbers should be increased. They are over worked they should have more time to assist Patients and complete the ever increasing Paper Work and all responsibilities remember the Patients - The Nurses do. Comment 19 All Health Staff must listen to Patients Patients know more about their Health and Bodies than anyone else As a Senior Nurse said Quite often Doctors do not listen to the Patients There have been some problems that relate to Language Problems between the Doctor and Patient. Patients do not understand Medical Jargon. GET RID OF THIS GOVERNMENT AND HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND THOSE WHO DO NOTHING TO HELP QUEENSLANDERS The Health Minister, Premier and other Politicians know just how bad the Health System is and they do nothing. MAKE THEM RESPONSIBLE THIS IS HOW TO MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE, PROFESSIONAL AND RESPONSIBLE. If your local Politician or Government do not represent you and address the needs of the Community Elect someone from your local Community who will. GET RID OF THOSE WHO DON’T This has not happened over the last few years all Politicians are responsible for this disaster. Case 1 WE ALL REMEMBER WHEN QUEENSLAND HEALTH DID NOTHING ABOUT DR. DEATH IN BUNDABERG NO ONE WAS LISTENING AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED The Process is quite simple a Patients visits their GP who refers them to a Hospital for them to carry out further Tests. In this Case that is WBHSD here they did not carry out any tests for over EIGHT MONTHS and by then the Patient was almost Dead Infection had taken over his body. A Patient has a Hip Operation and during the after operation consultation, he advises the Doctor that his other Hip, which has previously been replaced, is causing a lot of Pain. He asks for some Help. Over the next EIGHT MONTHS he asks he pleads over 30 times for help the Pain increases and he is prescribed more and more Pain Relief to deal with the Pain. His GP writes letters he writes letters, emails, telephone calls, consultations and more all pleas refused. He writes to WBHSD for some help and receives responses containing LIES AND FALSE STATEMENTS to cover up their incompetence and dangerous practices. Why not arrange an appointment and help the Patient. No WBHSD don’t do that they prefer to have the Patient living in extreme Pain During one Consultation the Patient actually breaks down In Tears because of the PAIN he Pleads for help - the Pain from below my Knee to above my Hip and no one listening. He said He needs some help today He can’t wait He is in extreme Pain Is the Consultant here today He was put off again and told to come back for another appointment. The Patient is now in extreme Pain and writes to WBHSD, The Health Minister, telephone WBHSD, emails WBHSD, the Health Minster pleading for some help to bring an appointment forward a month. He tells them all, IT IS NOT MY KNEE IT IS FROM BELOW MY KNEE TO ABOVE MY HIP Responses from WBHSD and supported by the Health Minister Your Knee has been classified as a Three 3 and according to Queensland Health Policy you will be seen in the next 12 Months The Patient immediately responds with IT IS NOT MY KNEE THE PAIN IS FROM BELOW THE KNEE TO ABOVE THE HIP NO ONE IS LISTENING THESE ACTIONS OF NEGLECT BY THE HEALTH MINISTER, MANAGEMENT AND WBHSD THE PATIENT ALMOST DIED WHILE WAITING FOR HELP. THIS HEALTH MINISTER MUST GO. WBHSD MUST BE INVESTIGATED Eventually he is seen by an Orthopedic Consultant who is extremely concerned that no tests have been carried out Eight months after asking for help and a Misdiagnosis it is ascertained that the Hip Ball and Stem have fallen out of the Hip Cup and has moved down the leg the Stem has broken out through the Femur out through the Muscle and is just under the Skin. He is transferred to Brisbane where his admission notes read Investigate Sepsis Left Hip DEATH he is expected to DIE. The infection had taken hold of the Bone and was so dangerous that life expectancy is minimal ALL THANKS TO WBHSD. Instead of assisting the Patient WBHSD left him in Pain There were obvious problems Why not work with the Patient to ease his Pain No They just left him to ROT and allowed the infection to become so Bad he was expected to DIE. How much damage has been done to the Patient’s Kidneys/Liver and other Organs as a result of the large amounts of medication just to lessen the Pain slightly? WBHSD don’t care just leave him in Pain. After Five Operations in the Brisbane Hospital Theatre during the Five Week stay he is transferred to WBHSD Hospital where he continues to receive assistance. He still is receiving assistance today. He is now Permanently Disabled. HOW MUCH DID ALL THIS COST BECAUSE WBHSD DID NOTHING TO HELP THE PATIENT. HE WAS ADVISED BY A DOCTOR IN BRISBANE THAT IF HE HAD EARLIER MEDICAL INTERVENTION HE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THOSE MEDICAL PROCEDURES. THANKS TO WBHSD THE EXTRA COST TO THE TAXPAYER WAS HUGE NOT TO MENTION THAT A LIFE COULD HAVE BEEN LOST. BUT THEY DON’T CARE. THAT MONEY COULD HAVE BEEN SPENT ON SAVING ANOTHER QUEENSLANDERS LIFE. WHY DIDN’T THE HEALTH MINISTER OR THE GOVERNMENT INTERVENE WHEN THEY WERE ASKED FOR HELP AND THEY KNEW THERE WERE SERIOUS MEDICAL PROBLEMS IN THE WBHSD. HOW MANY PATIENTS HAVE DIED OR LEFT DISABLED DUE TO THEIR INACTION. Get rid of this Government and the Health Minister and Politicians who support this Health Mess. This whole matter has caused the Patient a great deal of distress. His Medical Records show that he has a Stress related Illness. WBHSD don’t care they just continue on with their Dishonest and Unprofessional Actions and continue to cause him more Distress. His Medical Condition continues to decline - Great Health System. Are some Health Workers playing games and have set out to cause him a great deal more distress because he questioned them? It certainly looks that way. NOTHING HAS CHANGED QUEENSLAND HEALTH HAVE LEARNT NOTHING FROM BUNDABERG - THEY STILL DON’T LISTEN TO THE PATIENT. This is Queensland Health Wasting Money and causing Distress to Patients. Get rid of this Government and the Health Minister and Politicians who support this Health Mess. Case 2 What do the OHO (Health Ombudsman) do A Patient makes a Complaint to the OHO and they request all relevant information from the Health Care Facility concerned. The OHO Policy is if it is not in the Notes then it didn’t happen The OHO can never make a correct decisions because they never get all relevant information Correspondence and other Medical Material are not kept together and not in the Medical Records of the Patient. The Medical Notes are not complete and usually are about 40%-50% of the Consultation sometimes less. The Health Facility does not provide all relevant information because the FOI (Freedom of Information) area in Health do not have access to all the information kept by the various Departments and some Departments do not provide all material because they decide they won’t release some IT IS A TRUST SYSTEM AND PATIENTS TRUST ALL INFORMATION WILL BE SUPPLIED TO THE OHO WELL IT’S NOT - and some Public Servants make decisions on Patients Medical Matters. They have no knowledge at all of Medical Matters or the Patient for that matter and they decide whether they will investigate a Patient’s Medical Questions There are Times when they make no inquires at all they make a Medical Decision - then they write a letter back to the Patient saying your complaint is not important enough for us to investigate. What a waste of Taxpayers Money. They support Lies Dishonesty and Unprofessional Behaviour of some Health Workers. When Health Areas provide Lies and False Statement, the OHO do nothing It is an offence to provide False Information to the OHO. When a Patient questions that the OHO then defend the Health Area concerned. Then there are the decisions the OHO make on Assumptions - ARE THEY KIDDING - The whole system is so Biased and is a Waste of Taxpayers money The probability of getting a correct decision is remote. Politicians know what is going on and do nothing. The Health Ombudsman (OHO) is a waste of time and money They just rubber stamp anything Health Departments tell them. They Call the Patient a LIAR and cause them a great deal more Pain and Suffering The Patient has enough to deal with without being Intimidated by the OHO. One Patient had a series of Anxiety Attacks after conversation with OHO/Review Staff They made the Matter worse for the Patient How about working with the Patient to get an Honest and Productive Outcome. Staff employed at the OHO do not understand how a Hospital Operates nor the culture within the Health Environment. That is why they make so many incorrect decisions or as they say Incorrect Assumptions and they are so arrogant that they will not be changed on that when a Patient tries to explain the facts, they are spoken over by the OHO Person who is rude and the patient does not get the opportunity to present their case. When questions are asked by Patients they receive a response (If they get one at all) the response is derived from the Medical Records and if these Records aren’t complete then according to the OHO, Review and Management then it didn’t happen. This Practice is Dangerous and must cease - PATIENTS HEALTH IS AT STAKE AND NO ONE IS LISTENING. The decision on One Complaint was as usual declined but the response provided was to answer completely different questions that weren’t asked they totally ignored the Complaint and made up their own answers that had nothing to do with the Patients complaint or questions. When you try and get a response, you get a response that doesn’t make any sense at all. The usual Bureaucratic Run Around. It makes no sense at all. If anyone can understand that please tell the writer. Our Taxes are paying these Public Servants to provide an Incompetent and Unprofessional Response. The OHO is a total Mess and must GO. A Senior OHO Manager said that it is acceptable for a Patient to be Intimidated when trying to present their case It is alright for the OHO Person to speak over the Top of the Patient - to cut them short when the Patient is speaking It is alright when a Patient cannot hear due to interference what the OHO Review officer is speaking that is alright as well when the Patient presents direct evidence to contradict the Health Area and the OHO that is ignored The Patient just is bullied during the conversation then they all sit behind their desks and write letters saying you are a Liar and we are doing a great job. What a waste of Taxpayers money that could be spent on Patents. The CCC is just as useless they assist to cover up some offences by doing nothing Is this why Corruption is so prevalent in Queensland. Once again they are staffed with Public Servants who have no idea about Crime. Their investigations are selective they ignore some basic corruption and let it go If they are not going to deal with all corruption then they are a waste of time when you have Public Servants who do not understand Crime and how a minor complaint can lead to some serious matters corruption will continue to flourish in Queensland. THE CCC IS A WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY - CLOSE IT DOWN Case 3 Patients Medical Notes are a very important tool for Clinical Staff to make Medical Assessments A Patient was having serious Medical Problems when dealing with Hospitals in Queensland so he requested his Medical Notes and found them to be incorrectin places, a large amount of correspondence missing and very limited in their records. The Dealings/Conversations that a Patient had with Clinical Staff were very minimal they did not cover all of the conversations nor all of the Medical Information that should be recorded This is very serious because the next Clinical Person who attends to the Patient will refer to the Medical Notes so they can make an assessment If they are minimal, they cannot make a correct Medical Assessment and so can easily make a Misdiagnosis or if the Reader was dishonest can read the Notes to read what they want them to read which once again is very detrimental to the Health of the Patient and it has happened which in turn caused a Misdiagnosis and more PAIN. The Patient then contacted the Health Area and was just given the run around he then tried to get some action from the OHO not our problem The Patient then tried to explain to the OHO that this was a serious problem and anyone tasked with making a Medical Assessment could easily make a Mistake/Misdiagnosis OHO advised to contact the information Department the Information Department advised that that is not their job to correct Medical Records for a Patient so that mistakes couldn’t be made Back to the OHO not interested- JUST ANOTHER DISASTER IN HEALTH A Female Health Worker in Medical Records is in a Relationship She is assaulted and attends Emergency Department at the Hospital Her injuries are attended to and she has some time off work The Police charge the Boyfriend and off to Court The Female is in Love again and wants the Court Case dropped she refuses to give evidence against this attacker The Court Case continues and the Attending Doctor gives evidence on the attendance at Emergency He goes to refer to the Medical Chart of the Woman The complete consultation records are missing from the Medical Records He can no longer give evidence or refer to the Medical Records A Line Manager questions Management with this information. He is threatened and bullied because he questioned this matter. When he says that this is job he is told to ignore this matter. Yet another cover up. HOW MANY CRIMINAL OFFENCES DO HEALTH MANAGERS COVER UP MANY THIS IS HOW HEALTH MANAGEMENT/HR OPERATE. THIS IS ANOTHER REASON WHY YOU CANNOT RELY ON THE NOTES MADE IN A PATIENTS CHART/RECORDS. The Patient was then advised by a Hospital Person that if you wanted to change your own Medical Records you had to complete a Three Page document for each Incorrect Entry and that would be considered. Because the Hospital had made incorrect entries in your Medical Records you then had to waste hours for some Public Servant to review your Application for amendment and then you would be advised. Because there were so many incorrect entries the Patient asked if they could meet with a Medical Person to go through the Medical Records and correct them. Refused again. They prefer you to waste many hours of your Time completing Forms because some Health Department Person had made Incorrect entries into your Chart and then they may decline the application any way. The system is a waste of time. They aren’t interested in improving a system that doesn’t work or assist the Patient. YET ANOTHER HEALTH DISASTER ALL THIS COSTS Case 4 When a Patient writes a Letter to the Health Minister; CEO WBHSD; or Clinical Person it rarely gets to them if at all. There are too many Queensland Health Letter Writers answering your Questions these people have no Medical Training at all but they are making Medical Decisions on your Health. Get rid of these Public Servants and employ more Clinical Staff who help the Patients. Remember The Patients are what the Hospital is there for. If you write WBHSD if you get a response they contain Lies and False Statements to cover up their incompetence or dangerous practices When a patient writes to the Health Area they are advised that a Response will be sent in 35 days Patients could die in that time Quite often Public Servants just file your complaint and move onto the next one - This practice is not meeting the needs of the Patient. The Public Servants don’t realise the urgency of the complaints or just don’t care the Patients life is at stake but they have their policies to follow. The whole process policies and procedures are failing Queenslanders and costing us millions and the death of many Patients left waiting for help. Management and HR Departments are responsible for employing Health Staff. Doctor Death was employed by Management/HR how many Health Staff were sacked how many were disciplined This Doctor was responsible for the Death of several Queenslanders or leaving others Permanently Disabled. How many Queenslanders DIED because no one in Queensland Health were listening to the CRIES FOR HELP from Patients, Relatives and other Health Staff? Queensland Health covered it up for a long time whilst Patients were dying. Who employed the Tahitian Prince in Finance who defrauded Queensland Health of over Sixteen Million Who employed him - how many were sacked for employing him. Who was responsible for auditing his work Another Failure and Waste of Taxpayers Money that could have been spent of Patients? A new Hospital could have been built for that. Who employed the Nurse who Sexually Assaulted the Patients? What action has been taken against them? In one Health District there were several illegal actions that were covered up. Dishonesty is rife. There needs to be a total clean out of Management and the Dishonest Workers. THE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OF QUEENSLAND HEALTH DO NOT WORK THEY ACTUALLY CAUSE PATIENTS A GREAT DEAL MORE DISTRESS - AND ARE DANGEROUS TO THE HEALTH OF THE PATIENT. QUEENSLAND HEALTH ARE NOT LISTENING TO PATIENTS AS THEY DESCRIBE THEIR SYMPTOMS PATIENTS ARE CRYING OUT FOR HELP - THEY ARE IGNORED AND CALLED LIARS. SO MUCH FOR A CARING HEALTH SYSTEM. QUITE OBVIOUSLY FROM THE EVIDENCE OF DISHONESTY AND INCOMPETENCE PRESENTED THERE ARE MANY SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH QUEENSLAND HEALTH AND WBHSD THE SYSTEM POLICIES PROCEDURES ARE BROKEN AND DO NOT ASSIST PATIENTS OR THE COMMUNITY. NO ONE IS LISTENING. MANAGEMENT DO NOT WANT TO IMPROVE THEIR INCOMPETENT AND DANGEROUS PRACTICES THEY DO NOT HEAR THE CRIES FOR HELP FROM PATIENTS AND THEN THEY CAUSE THEM MORE PAIN. THE MANAGEMENT OF QUEENSLAND HEALTH AND WBHSD MUST GO ALONG THE HEALTH MINISTER. CLEAN OUT THE DEAD WOOD AND START AGAIN WITH NEW BLOOD. START LISTENING TO PATIENTS AND RELATIVES AND ASSIST THEM THROUGH THESE TIMES OF ADVERSITY. ASSIST THEM TO GET THEIR HEALTH BACK. THERE IS MORE TO COME. The Scrutineer is Non-Political and tells it as it is. This is what is really happening. Why don’t you see these stories in the Main Stream Media? Aren’t they allowed to publish the truth? Everyone should be asking questions or trying to tell their stories. Let’s all band together and save Queensland. IF YOU HAVE ANY EVIDENCE OF WASTE, DISHONESTY, CRIMINAL OR UNPROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOUR IN GOVERNMENT SEND YOUR INFORMATION TO [email protected] THE SCRUTINEER
04.01.2022 It is disappointing that so much money has been wasted by Queensland Health in covering up Corruption Misconduct Misdiagnosis that their resources are lim...ited to fight the Pandemic. The Health Ombudsman and the CCC are a waste of time they do not investigate many Complaints because some Public Servants doesn’t think it is important. No wonder Corruption is rife in Queensland Governments Departments. The System is Broken. See more
02.01.2022 People are Dying thanks to Queensland Health Policies and Procedures Corruption is the Norm in Queensland OHO and CCC do nothing - Health Minister and Government do nothing to save Queenslanders lives Get rid of this Government
02.01.2022 No one was listening when DR. DEATH was killing people in Bundaberg. Nothing has changed WBHSD are still following their Dangerous Practices Health Minister... does nothing Get rid of him. Patients on Waiting Lists at Wide Bay Health Service District wait longer than accepted times because Management waste their Budget on Incompetent and Dangerous Practices. Health Management know about this and does nothing Get rid of them and this Government.
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