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25.01.2022 Since this pandemic began, #mariashriver has offered so much information & moral support - all available through her insta. For me, it’s been a double bonus because so much of what she shares is relevant to the journey of separation & divorce. This quote is just one such example. She’s also an inspiration for separation - the better way. I can’t imagine how difficult her separation & divorce was but she went high....way high. By the looks of things, she & her famil...y have reaped the incalculable rewards of her choice & efforts. #thesundaypaper #consciousuncoupling #separationanddivorce #separationthebetterway #divorcecoach #podcastersofinstagram #podcastersofig #podcastaddict #podcastaddict #keeplearning #investinyourself #separation #divorce #divorcecoaching #acceptyourself #acceptwhatis #letgoofthepast #wisewordsoftheday #thursdaythoughts
24.01.2022 Often in a relationship, one of the partners will take on more responsibility for financial matters particularly if one of you is taking on more of the care-taking roles. But if this happened in your relationship, why not get informed now and better still get involved! As a suggestion, I’ve always liked Step 1 from the Barefoot Investor, Schedule a Monthly Barefoot Date Night. And if you are facing separating, not being aware of your partner’s family’s financial situa...tion and your partner’s financial situation, can have terrible short term and long-term consequences. If knowledge is power than lack of knowledge is.... weakness? And who wants to be in that situation when making decisions about or facing separation? If you’d like to learn more about financial preparedness for separation, or how to have a conversation with your partner about becoming more involved in the finances, please book a consultation. Because you’re worth it! Pssst... I know some of you may be very embarrassed if you believe you’re financial illiterate or that your partner’s level of financial control may amount to family violence under The Family Law Act. But I’m still here if you need guidance or a referral e.g. in Australia, you could contact 1-800-RESPECT or visit the website . . . . . . #ducksinarow #getyourducksinarow #getyourducksinarow #standwithvic #staystrongvictoria #staystrongmelbourne #wewillgetthroughthis #staysafeoutthere #fightcoronavirus #healthcareworkers #kindnessiscontagious #keepsafeeveryone #covidkindness #socialdistancingsaveslives #staysafeandhealthy #wellgetthroughthis #keepcalmandwashyourhands #coronavirus #covid_19 #covd19 #covid #stayhomestaysafe #stayconnected #inthistogether #weareinthistogether #weareallinthistogether #silverlinings #findjoy #socialdistancing2020 #stopthespread
24.01.2022 Did you see our latest #TGIP podcast review? Check it out on our blog ...
24.01.2022 This month’s Money magazine Build on the Dream via @villabaleenbyronbay and @moneymagaus #moneymagaus #stepaway
23.01.2022 #TGIP ~ Thank God It's Podcasting! 6 wildly different should I stay or should I go dilemmas with the hosts of the podcast then giving their radically empathetic advice. While I don’t agree with everything they say, it’s pretty close. For some of the situations, I’d want my client to be better informed before making the decision. But given that one of the hosts is Cheryl Strayed, the author of Wild, such boldness is her trademark. ... I hope you find this episode as interesting as I did it’s partly to do with the very personal nature of each of the 6 scenarios. If you’re struggling with the decision to stay or go, feel free to get in contact with me. While this is always the most personal of decisions, I’d love to help shine a light on what’s ahead & help you avoid some of the mistakes. And here’s the link to the episode from April 2020. #dearsugarspodcast @dearsugars @wbur #CherylStrayed @cherylstrayed #shouldistayorshouldigo #podcastreviews #theseparationfix #divorcecoach #divorcecoaching #divorcesupport #divorcechildfamilydivorce #divorcecase #divorcehelp #divorcecounseling #divorceadvice #divorcemediation #lifecoaching #lifecoach #motivational #coaching #marriage #familylaw #breakup #mediation #separation #certifieddivorce #marriagecounselingcouples #familydivorce
22.01.2022 #qotd Bon Hiver: You never gave a warning sign Taylor Swift: So many signs, so many signs, you didn’t see the signs....... Lyrics from Exile I’ve got this song on repeat! Taylor Swift is young but she’s mighty these lyrics are spot on! The signs that your relationship is in jeopardy are usually apparent for YEARS before separation the problem is that someone isn’t paying attention..... And I love you men but unfortunately, it’s usually you! So, here’s a little reminder about 4 tell-tale signs that your relationship is headed in the wrong direction. (If you don’t already know, they’re called the four horsemen of the apocalypse): Criticism is a sign; Contempt is a sign; Defensiveness is a sign; and Stonewalling is a sign. Drs Julie & John Gottman have done decades of research on these signs and THE SOLUTIONS. If you’d like to learn more, why don’t you start off with my blog post. which will also lead you to a great podcast interview with Dr Gottman. Vogue Taylor Swift #drjohngottman #drjuliegottman #podcastreview #songlyrics #songlyricsunday #taylorswift #taylorswiftlyrics #taylorswiftlyric #voguemagazine #separationanddivorce #separationthebetterway #divorcecoach #podcastersofinstagram #podcastersofig #podcastaddict #podcastaddict #keeplearning #investinyourself #separation #divorce #divorcecoaching #acceptyourself #acceptwhatis #letgoofthepast #wisewordsoftheday #somanysigns
18.01.2022 #TGIP ~ Thank God It's Podcasting Should I Stay or Should I go: Surviving a narcissist When I began my career as a young family lawyer some 25 years ago , I don’t recall hearing the word narcissist... once. How times have changed (and not just because of my career transitions!)... These days, professionals working with separation & divorce hear this word... a lot. You may be certain that your STBX is a narcissist and you may be right. But there are a lot of problems with diagnosing others & Forrest Hansen, one of the hosts of this series, recommends leaving the formal diagnosis to a mental health professional. However, this interview with Dr Ramani Durvasula is fascinating. It’s an exploration of narcissism, narcistic traits and suggestions of how to cope when such negative influences impact your life. Managing expectations is key. Dr Durvasula is a clinical psychologist, a professor of Psychology at Cal State University and the author of a number of books including Should I Stay or Should I go; Surviving a narcissist... And on top of all that, she’s engaging and conveys such compassion emoji kindness/kind heart. If you listen to the interview, I’d love to know what you thought and..... I’d also love to know, do you recall when you first heard the word narcissist? You can find the full podcast episode on our latest blog post. Link to the website in our bio. #ForrestHansen #doctorramani #narcissists #beingwellpodcast #neurodrama #podcastreviews #theseparationfix #divorcecoach #divorcecoaching #divorcesupport #divorcechildfamilydivorce #divorcecase #divorcehelp #divorcecounseling #divorceadvice #divorcemediation #lifecoaching #lifecoach #motivational #coaching #spirituallife #marriage #familylaw #breakup #mediation #separation #certifieddivorce #marriagecounselingcouples #familydivorce
17.01.2022 Knowledge is power... and peace! Last year, which seems like 100 years ago, I went to some classes at the School of Life. The School of Life emphasises self-knowledge and one part of this has to be acknowledging our own foibles. To ask oneself...... How much of a pain am I? ... I love this question as a starting point. I know there’s little chance for self-reflection during an argument, our lizard brain takes over...but you could try to avoid the next argument by answering this question or narrowing it down to... How much of a pain am I when I feel I’m being criticised? And if you’re co-parenting, I know this bit of self-reflection will be another helpful tool because often the only way to deal with a difficult co-parenting moment is to control our own response. This little bit of self-knowledge can help you respond more calmly rather than react like a lizard in that moment. (FYI: It’s definitely helping me!) And if you’re interested in learning more about The School of Life they also have courses available online and a really interesting & engaging youtube channel. I’d recommend it. They teach very complicated topics in such an engaging way. Great image via @tsolaus #tsolaus #standwithvic #staystrongvictoria #staystrongmelbourne #wewillgetthroughthis #staysafeoutthere #fightcoronavirus #healthcareworkers #kindnessiscontagious #keepsafeeveryone #covidkindness #socialdistancingsaveslives #staysafeandhealthy #wellgetthroughthis #keepcalmandwashyourhands #coronavirus #covid_19 #covd19 #covid #stayhomestaysafe #stayconnected #inthistogether #weareinthistogether #weareallinthistogether #silverlinings #findjoy #socialdistancing2020 #stopthespread
10.01.2022 What are the sources of my educational, practical and soulful support: My personal journey as a step & separated parent Divorce coach Family law mediator... Previous career as a family lawyer Researcher & podcaster Chairman of my local Family Law Pathway Network ... and a deep desire to help adults re-launch either within their current relationship or post-separation. I offer a free session to support you through this challeninging time, then if we're a great fit and it's the right time for you, we can discuss ways we can continue working together. Get in touch via the contact tab on my website. Link in bio - or reach out and send me a message. #theseparationfix #divorcecoach #divorcecoaching #divorcesupport #divorcehelp #divorcecounseling #divorceadvice #divorcemediation #lifecoaching #lifecoachingforwomen #peggotycooper #motivational #coaching #marriage #familylaw #breakup #mediation #separation #certifieddivorce #marriagecounseling #couplecounseling #couples #divorce #Divorcecoach #Familylawmediator #familylawyer #Researcher #podcaster
05.01.2022 #TGIP (Thank God It's Podcasting!) Dr. Patricia Bay Therapy in a Nutshell episode 12 July 2020 Have a habit you want to break? Have a habit you want to create?... Nearly everyone I know has habits they want to break and others they want to create. Even more so if you’re in the midst of a separation. A good separation is often built on responding, not reacting and making good decisions based on your needs & interests and this isn’t likely to happen if you’re not taking care of yourself. So, you’re going to want to create some new habits of self-care & drop some others that could be holding you back. Is alcohol beginning to have too much pull? Are you taking part in unpleasant text-exchanges with your ex? Or maybe your separation is going pretty well but you want to create some new solo habits? In this week’s podcast recommendation, Dr Patty shares ideas about how to break habits and create new ones. Starting with an explanation of how our habits are formed: the craving, the cue, the trigger, the behaviour and the reward. Dr Patricia Bay, Psy. D., is a marriage & family therapist has produced a podcast based on 30+ years of professional experience & training. She’s also written a book with the same name, Therapy in a Nutshell I’m really enjoying this podcast the topics, Dr Patty’s compassionate but light touch, the scenarios loosely based on her own clients and some very difficult lessons she shares from her own family life. Do have a favourite self-help podcast? #DrPatriciaBay #shouldistayorshouldigo @therapyinanutshell #podcastreviews #theseparationfix #podcastrecommendations #divorcecoaching #divorcesupport #divorcechildfamilydivorce #divorcecase #divorcehelp #separation #divorceadvice #divorcemediation #bestpodcast #bestpodcasts2020 #motivationalcoaching #familylaw
05.01.2022 #TGIP Thank God It's Podcasting! Literally with Rob Lowe Need a little more happiness in your life?... All my podcast recommendations are connected to separation & divorce so I had to think about how I could connect Rob Lowe to this theme... And it’s simply this, when we’re going through hard times, we need some JOY sprinkled with KINDNESS and this podcast gives it! I really enjoy listening to podcasts when famous friends swap stories and share their old times. They often start off with fascinating inside stories about other famous people before getting deep and then rising up again to entertainment. So far there are only 6 episodes of Literally and the latest episode, an interview with Mike Myers, was such a treat. It’s a rollercoaster in terms of topics and emotions.... But, if Cat in the Hat is not your cup of tea, the other guests are all uber! The interview with Gwyneth Paltrow was a delight (especially listening to her talk about her teenage years and listening to him talk about his 29-year marriage!) and there are interviews with Magic Jonson, Chris Pratt, Keegan-Michael Key and Conan O’Brien. Enjoy! @magicjohnson @gwynethpaltrow @chrispratt.fp @keeganmichaelkey @conanobrienhere @roblowe #magicjohnson #gwynethpaltrow #chrispratt #keeganmichaelkey #conanobrienhere #roblowe #literally #literallypodcast #rowlowepodcast #shouldistayorshouldigo #podcastreviews #theseparationfix #podcastrecommendations #divorcecoaching #divorcesupport #divorcechildfamilydivorce #divorcecase #divorcehelp #separation #divorceadvice #divorcemediation #bestpodcast #bestpodcasts2020 #motivational #coaching #marriage #familylaw
04.01.2022 This book, The Wrong-way-around-World, was one of my favourite’s when my boys were little. It caught my eye on the bookshelf the other day & as I flicked through the pages, I thought that most of us are now living in a wrong-way-around world. I know a lot of people are really struggling. And if uncertainties about separation & divorce is adding to your worries, I’m here to help.... As always, you can contact me by DM or through my website #theseparationfix #divorcecoach #divorcecoaching #divorcesupport #divorcehelp #divorcecounseling #divorceadvice #divorcemediation #byronbaylifestyle #byronbay #byronbaylife #singlefamilyhome #familylaw #breakup #mediation #separation #certifieddivorce #marriagecounseling #divorce #coach #inspiration #familylife #podcast #bestpodcasts #vintagebooks #childrensbooks #thewrongwayaroundworld #littlebooks #kelvinhawley
02.01.2022 What do you yearn for? Journaling has so many benefits, but some people don’t enjoy it or can’t find the time. If that sounds like you, why don’t you start with something simpler... write a list that answers these 3 questions: What do you want?... What do you need? What do you yearn for? Keep the lists in a little notebook and notice how your answers change over time. Making decisions about separation & divorce is so difficult particularly when you’re overwhelmed with all the emotional, financial, legal, practical and parenting demands. Returning to these 3 questions and writing out your lists can: Direct your mind away from the immediate chaos; Clarify what’s truly important to you; and Simplify your decision-making. Good luck and please let me know if it helps. Are you a journaller? How often do you journal? Morning or night? . . . . . . .
02.01.2022 Are you stuck inside today? What can you see from your window? While these images were in my own personal camera roll, there’s actually a fantastic website WINDOWSWAP where people are posting their own view scapes. ... Why don’t you take a few moments for yourself, sit down with a cuppa and for a few moments....escape & dream! #windowswap #windowswapproject #standwithvic #staystrongvictoria @windowswap #staystrongmelbourne #wewillgetthroughthis #staysafeoutthere #fightcoronavirus #healthcareworkers #kindnessiscontagious #keepsafeeveryone #covidkindness #socialdistancingsaveslives #staysafeandhealthy #wellgetthroughthis #keepcalmandwashyourhands #coronavirus #covid_19 #covd19 #covid #stayhomestaysafe #stayconnected #inthistogether #weareinthistogether #weareallinthistogether #silverlinings #findjoy #socialdistancing2020 #stopthespread #kangarooatmywindow
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