The Sewing Fairy | Gift shop
The Sewing Fairy
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25.01.2022 5th May 2020 5.58am the full moon high in the morning sky, isn't it a beauty ? No filter. #thesewingfairy #nofilter #fullmoon #morningsky #samsung10e #lunar
23.01.2022 While the Sewing Fairy is on break there's been no rest for the sewing den. Natasha has taken over and with a bit of help has created these pot covers for indoor pots. Check them out below and if you'd like to purchase any send her a message
22.01.2022 After pulling out 8 rows of almost 200 stitches each, tonight I'm breaking out the stitch counters just like I should have done the first time !!! #thesewingfairy #oldenoughtoknowbetter #crochetersofinstagram #reversecrochet #stitchmarkerforthewin #doofus
19.01.2022 Nanny and Ashton having a play tonight, the moustache one cracks me up #thesewingfairy #ashtonjohn19 @pezzas_adventures #nannylife #grandson #moustache #fun
19.01.2022 Saturday night the @sin_city_rollers had our award night/wind-up. I was totally suprised to receive 2 awards. I received the Huntress from our Freshies coach Kitteth Hurl "because she is a kick ass bad chick who looks cool doing it!" Then later I received the Gemma Allen - this one blew me away, Gemma was a wonderful, inspiring lady who joined the club after beating breast cancer, unfortunately her cancer returned and this time it was too strong. Gemma touched everyone in the club and this award is a piece of her artwork and in her memory . I was not lucky enough to meet Gemma, but after hearing our team mates talk of her I am so blessed and honoured to be the 2020 recipient. #rollerskating #rollerderby #sincityrollers #awardsnight #foundmytribe #skating #windup
15.01.2022 waaahhhhhh that piece is not supposed to look like that. Thankfully a quick call to Janome Balcatta and a whole $6 on my credit card has a new one being posted to me. In the mean time I will have to improvise, I have sewing to do ! #thesewingfairy #janome #spoolholderbroken #broken #needanewone #dc3050
15.01.2022 These pretty ballerina's are twirling their way to their new home. They have soft leather slippers and glitter tutu's. Made from a @dollsanddaydreams pattern. #thesewingfairy #ballerina #ballerinasofinstagram #ballerinas #sewing #madeinaustralia #madeinwa #madebyme #dollsanddaydreams #glittertutu
14.01.2022 I love these bunny lovies, especially when I make them out of super soft, snuggly minky fabric Made using a @dollsanddaydreams ITH pattern. . .... . . . . #thesewingfairy #dollsanddaydreams #ith #ithembroidery #machineembroidery #madeinaustralia #bunny #snugglebunny #bunniesofinstagram #minky #lovie See more
11.01.2022 Fri-yay! It's gonna be a good day! Here's cheers to another week ! #nofilter #northamptonwa #friday #friyay #tooklongenoughtogethere
10.01.2022 We caught up with our beautiful daughter and gorgeous grandson Luke yesterday. Normally poppy gwts a quick cuddle or two then its Nan, nan,nan. Not yesterday, he was poppy's boy through and through even sharing his lunch with him. #thesewingfairy #lukekennith18 @natashaa_rosee #poppytime #poppy #grandson #grandsonlove #specialtime #familyiseverything
09.01.2022 Love working with local businesses! Get your Horrocks Beach shirts, caps, hats and singlets on your next visit. Haven't been to #horrocksbeach then you need to, its gorgeous! ... #thesewingfairy #horrocks #beachside #beach #htv #sisereasyweed #brotherscanncut #madeinaustralia #madebyme #madeinwa
09.01.2022 Our gorgeous daughter came up for a day in the sewing room today. We also did some vinyl work and she decorated my phone case for me in thos divine silver glitter. Love the design she chose #thesewingfairy @natashaa_rosee #motherdaughterlove #adhesivevinyl #vinyldecal #scanandcut #glitter
08.01.2022 Operation rearrange the sewing room to fit more stuff in #lordhelpme #squeeze #shewiththemostfabricwinsright?
08.01.2022 A spot of sewing for the grandsons today. These fabrics are soooooo good to sew with ! Still have more to get to #thesewingfairy #sewingforgrandsons #customfabric #ninjaturtles #tmnt #wiggles #emmawiggle #lukekennith18 #ashtonjohn19
08.01.2022 Time is flying, this gorgeous grandson is 11 months old and loving life. Walking along holding onto things, 8 teeth with more trying to come through. Loves reading books and exploring the world with his awesome dad @perry_brayden #grandson #ashtonjohn19 #nanlife #grandsonsrock
07.01.2022 This mandala ombre yarn from @spotlightstores is a dream to work with. The colours are so vibrant, the yarn is so soft. Can't wait to snuggle under my new blankie #thesewingfairy #crochetersofinstagram #mandalaombre @lionbrandyarn #lionbrandmandala #crochetaddict #vstitch #yarnaddict #bright #ombre
05.01.2022 Its a brewin! #thunderstorm #stormyskies
05.01.2022 A little while ago I got my hand on some mini horror from @ccps_custom_fabric and made myself the most awesome pair of leggings using the #peglegs pattern. Yesterday I made a shirt that pairs perfectly! #thesewingfairy #horror #friends #freddykrueger #pennywise #michaelmyers #jasonvorhees #scream #halloween #friday13th #it #nightmareonelmstreet #chucky #chuckydoll #puppetmaster #htv #madeinaustralia #madebyme
02.01.2022 Did a spot of cleaning up and decluttering today which took me on a stroll down memory lane. Pic 1 is MY christening gown and bonnet, its approx 45 years old. Pic 2 is my gorgeous wedding dress, man I was skinny when I got married! Pic 3 I have put my christening gown in with my wedding dress. Pic 4 is a beautiful bunny rug I was given 24years ago whilst pregnant with our first born @natashaa_rosee... Pic 5 old Big Ted and Little Ted (yep totally original names there ) These guys have been with me my whole entire life. Little Ted even travelled to the USA with me many many moons ago. #thesewingfairy #remenising #lifemoments #memories See more
02.01.2022 Sorry for the delay guys ! #thesewingfairy #repairs #tcseroja #sewingroommess