The Sharing of Wisdom in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Public figure
The Sharing of Wisdom
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 418 540 789
Address: Mont Albert North 3129 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Bookings have now opened for Alisons Bush Essences Practitioner Course on Saturday 30th April - Sunday 1st May. Early bird price $333 until Friday 15th April. Contact Alison on M: 0418 540 789 - E: [email protected].
25.01.2022 Bush Essences: Certified Introductory College Course - its not too late to join our small group of ladies up in the hills this weekend to learn about the healing qualities of all 69 Bush Flower Essences Venue: Selby Community House, next to Minak Reserve 1 Minak Road, via Charles Street Selby Vic 3159 - Melways 75 K10 ... Date: Saturday 30th May, 2015 Sunday 31st May, 2015 Time: Start Time: Registration from 9.20 for 9.30am Finish Time: 5.30pm Cost: $333 and Concession payments are also available Contact : Alison Lovett M 0418 540 789 [email protected] Selby Community House P 03 9754 2039 Perhaps you know somebody who has an addictive personality, co-dependent, disempowered, needy and unable to do things alone? Monga Waratah is the essence to help this person reclaim their spirit and find their own inner strength. Its the essence for Self Empowerment and the belief that one can break the dependency of any behaviour, substance or person. Join us to learn more about Monga Waratah and its Doctrine of Signatures, - and the other 68 Bush Flower Essences.
25.01.2022 Australian Bush Flower Essences: Basics Talk with Alison Lovett Bush Essences - for emotional care & wellbeing. As a counsellor, when I uncover a trauma o...r deep emotional response, I can rely on the Essences to help move it through and heal it. They always help me to facilitate and enhance whatever healing is taking place. If you do body or energetic work, the Esss will lock in whatever healing you have done. If you are a herbalist, naturopath or nutritionist, you can work on underlying emotions and attitudes with the Esss to get a much deeper level of healing. Life coaches and personal trainers have found they can get the emotional or mental breakthrough that is needed faster when they use the Esss, and it sticks better. People really shift whatever it is that has been holding them back. If you need a catalyst to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs and bring about peace and harmony - contact Alison: 0418 540 789 - [email protected]
24.01.2022 Alisons Bush Flower Essences Introductory College Course: Sat 19th - Sun 20th August. Learn about the healing qualities of our Australian Bush Flowers.
23.01.2022 The Sharing of Wisdom is holding a Bush Flower Essences Introductory Course, Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th of December. Energy medicine is at the forefront of creating a whole new world of options and outcomes, not just for practitioners, but for everyone. The Bush Flower Essences Introductory Course explores and teaches the healing qualities of all 69 Bush Flower Essences. ... You will learn how to prepare an individual Flower Essence for yourself and others. You will learn the cutting edge science validating the ancient healing systems of Ayurvedic Medicine and traditional Chinese Medicine. VENUE: Sacred Mist 67 Glenferri Rd Malvern VIC 3144 FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT: Alison Lovett Ph: 0418 540 789 [email protected]
22.01.2022 AUSTRALIAN BUSH FLOWER ESSENCES Sydney Rose; rare and striking, and her message is: We are all one there is no separation. Sydney Rose is an intensely beautiful flower; pure pink, fragrant and approximately 2cm across, (although the flowers dont open fully, this is part of its Doctrine of Signatures which I will explain further in my ABFE Introductory Course mid July). Pink, as you may be aware, is symbolic of the Love Vibration; and the healing quality of this delightf...ul flower according to Ian White is to realise and know on a deep heart level, not merely an intellectual level that there is no separation between us, that we are all one. I am, just as everyone else is too, merely another part of you having different experiences. Ill be sharing further information on Sydney Rose and all 69 Bush Flower Essences in my two day Introductory College Course. This will be a small group and positions are strictly limited, so please dont hesitate to contact me. Alison: 0418 540 789
22.01.2022 The Bush Essences Practitioner Skills Course is for anyone who has previously attended any of our workshops or courses. It contains valuable information designe...d to further enhance your knowledge and confidence as a Flower Essence Practitioner. Whether you are a professionally qualified health practitioner, or simply wishing to enhance your skills on how to best use the Essences on yourself, family and friends, - this course can be of great benefit to you. Red Lily is the same flower as the Sacred Lotus in the Buddhist tradition. Its for spirituality and connection to God in a grounded and centred way, allowing a person to have a wholeness to their spirituality by also realising the need to develop and maintain a balanced physical and emotional life. It has similar properties to that of Sundew for feeling scattered, not whole, vague and split; though Sundew applies to daily life whereas Red Lily is in relation to ones spirituality. Red Lily has also been made up in Bali with very different qualities; our Red Lily embodies the properties of Australian Aboriginal Spirituality which is very strong and grounded. The Red Lily remedy helps to balance the spiritual and earthly planes; it keeps people grounded and practical, focused, living in the present, with a sense of connection with life and God. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them! * Henry David Thoreau
20.01.2022 Bush Fuchsia is especially important for learning problems as it integrates the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and most learning difficulties stem from imbalances between these hemispheres. This is the essence for all learning difficulties, Dyslexia, Stuttering, nervous about public speaking and ignoring Your Gut Feeling. The beauty of the Bush Fuchsia essence, like many other Bush Essences, is its speed in clearing blocks. An immediate change is apparent just a single dose! Many institutions and teachers working with students who have learning difficulties are now incorporating Bush Fuchsia into their programs. A flat monotone voice suddenly comes to life with inflections and confidence. Having taken a single dose of this remedy, a 7yr old girl who rarely spoke didnt stop talking for three days! By the 4th day her conversation was normal. Children who never read will begin to ask their parents and teachers for books after taking the Bush Fuchsia essence and for students who battle through lessons, Bush Fuchsia will turn school into an exciting place; rather than depressing. It will make learning fun and increase students confidence among their peers. Bush Fuchsia balances the left side of the brain (logical, rational functions) with the right side of the brain (intuitive, creative functions). Its excellent for helping people get in touch with their intuitions and most importantly, TRUST and LISTEN to them. Do you ever feel a bit dull or switched off at the end of the day? Perhaps spending too much time in front of electrical equipment? Bush Fuchsia will switch you back on again! You can often tell when youre in this state because you begin to make silly mistakes . . . Another indication for this essence is the inability to read for very long because one falls asleep or loses concentration. The problem is the mind isnt integrating the information that the eyes perceive, Bush Fuchsia will correct this. Are you nervous about public speaking? Bush Fuchsia taken for a few days before hand will increase your clarity of speech and confidence; its excellent for stutterers! Its also ideal for Actors before their Auditions as they find they are able to project much more successfully; they report theyre getting roles they otherwise wouldnt have. Albert Einstein stated: I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. 99% of the time our gut feelings are right! Bush Fuchsia and all 69 BUSH ESSENCES are here to support you - Alisons Introductory Course will explain how. I now trust and follow my intuition. My true voice flows freely, clearly and effortlessly now. Bookings have now opened for Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course - Sat 4th & Sun 5th June. Early bird price $333 until Friday 20th May. Contact Alison: 0418 540 789 - [email protected]
19.01.2022 Alisons Bush Flower Essences Introductory College Course: Sat 29th - Sun 30th April. Learn about the healing qualities of our Australian Bush Flowers.
19.01.2022 Do you need help to step into your True Passion and Life Purpose? If you need help to ACTION this, Silver Princess is the Bush Essence for you! This year will present excellent opportunities for you to take that leap of faith, so enquire about Alisons Bush Essences Introductory Course now to learn about the other 68 supportive essences!
18.01.2022 Theyre all smiles! Come and join our next Introductory Course on the weekend of Saturday 2nd April- Sunday 3rd of April. Early Bird pricing available until Friday 18th March. Call Alison on 0418 540 789!
17.01.2022 Alison at Wangaratta Wellbeing Expo - 27th August, with all her beautiful Bush Flower Essence remedies. Contact Alison to find out more about up coming courses, workshops and events - [email protected]
17.01.2022 Today Im sharing the GREY SPIDER FLOWER - because this is the BUSH ESSENCE for sheer terror that comes on suddenly as a reaction to something horrible; it works quickly to calm people and help them recover. It can be used with Fringed Violet for psychic attacks, or at a time when you feel your life is threatened as these essences will help you to develop trust and faith. Perhaps we can collectively send it through the ethers to those parts of the world that need it the most...? Severe asthma attacks, severe phobias, nightmares, fear of suffocation, or any time great courage is needed - this is the essence to bring faith, calmness and courage. Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course is this weekend, if you wish to attend both the Intro and the Prac Skills (April 30th/ May 1st) contact Alison within 24 hours for a once off discount. Ph. 0418 540 789 / E. [email protected]
17.01.2022 Pink Mulla Mulla: Do you ever feel as though you have suffered a deep spiritual wound? Perhaps as early as your first incarnation; where you felt abandoned by Spirit. This may have lead to a deep scar on your soul and psyche. Pink Mulla Mulla is one of the 69 Australian Bush Flower Essences and works on the outer causal bodies, clearing sabotage (and fear of spiritual abandonment once more) that is stopping your spiritual growth. ... On an emotional level, Pink Mulla Mulla is for those who put prickles out to keep other people away. These people may feel quite isolated and unable to resolve a hurt, wrong or injustice which can be felt very deeply. This impinges on their attitude to those around them and can make them suspicious of peoples motives. These people are often on guard against people hurting them again, and tend to protect themselves by keeping others at a safe distance. The positive outcome using this essence is a deep spiritual healing, trusting and opening up. The Bush Flower Essences are catalysts to unlock your full potential, resolving negative beliefs and bringing peace and harmony to the soul. Metaphysically, Australia has always had a very wise, old energy and at the moment there is a tremendous new vitality in this country, the same energy was evident in Greece 2,500 years ago when Hippocrates, Plato and Pythagoras were alive. This, combined with the inherent power of our land, manifests in the Australian Bush Flower Essences. To learn more about the positive qualities of the 69 Bush Flower Essences, you are very welcome to join my small group of likeminded students at Mystical Dragon: 22 Heversham Drive, Seaford, Victoria. No experience is necessary. Please contact Alison: M 0418 540 789 or Email: [email protected] The first three applicants will be given a bottle of Pink Mulla Mulla or a dose bottle of your choice. Bookings are necessary and places are limited, I look forward to hearing from you. With Love and Respect, Alison Lovett
17.01.2022 Bookings have now opened for Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course (College Course 16 hours) Venue: Mont Albert North... Date: Sat 16 - Sun 17 July Time: 9.30am - 6.00pm Cost: $333 if paid by Fri 1st July, Concessions available Contact: Alison - 0418 540 789 - [email protected] Sydney Rose creates heartfelt compassion, tolerance and the willingness to help and support others; giving a sense of unity and love for others. Ill be sharing further information on Sydney Rose and all 69 Bush Flower Essences in my two day Introductory College Course. This will be a small group and positions are strictly limited, so please dont hesitate to contact me. Alison: 0418 540 789
16.01.2022 Bookings have now opened for Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course - Sat 4th & Sun 5th June. Early bird price $333 until Friday 20th May. Contact Alison: 0418 540 789 - [email protected] Bush Fuchsia is especially important for learning problems as it integrates the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and most learning difficulties stem from imbalances between these hemispheres. This is the essence for all learning difficulties, Dyslexia, Stuttering, ner...vous about public speaking and ignoring Your Gut Feeling. The beauty of the Bush Fuchsia essence, like many other Bush Essences, is its speed in clearing blocks. An immediate change is apparent after just a single dose! Many institutions and teachers working with students who have learning difficulties are now incorporating Bush Fuchsia into their programs. A flat monotone voice suddenly comes to life with inflections and confidence. Having taken a single dose of this remedy, a 7yr old girl who rarely spoke didnt stop talking for three days! By the 4th day her conversation was normal. Children who never read will begin to ask their parents and teachers for books after taking the Bush Fuchsia essence and for students who battle through lessons, Bush Fuchsia will turn school into an exciting place; rather than depressing. It will make learning fun and increase students confidence among their peers. Bush Fuchsia balances the left side of the brain (logical, rational functions) with the right side of the brain (intuitive, creative functions). Its excellent for helping people get in touch with their intuitions and most importantly, TRUST and LISTEN to them. Do you ever feel a bit dull or switched off at the end of the day? Perhaps spending too much time in front of electrical equipment? Bush Fuchsia will switch you back on again! You can often tell when youre in this state because you begin to make silly mistakes . . . Another indication for this essence is the inability to read for very long because one falls asleep or loses concentration. The problem is the mind isnt integrating the information that the eyes perceive, Bush Fuchsia will correct this. Are you nervous about public speaking? Bush Fuchsia taken for a few days before hand will increase your clarity of speech and confidence; its excellent for stutterers! Its also ideal for Actors before their Auditions as they find they are able to project much more successfully; they report theyre getting roles they otherwise wouldnt have. Albert Einstein stated: I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. 99% of the time our gut feelings are right! Bush Fuchsia and all 69 BUSH ESSENCES are here to support you - Alisons Introductory Course will explain how. I now trust and follow my intuition. My true voice flows freely, clearly and effortlessly now.
15.01.2022 Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course - Sat 16th & 17th July still has a few spots available. Contact Alison for Concession rates or any questions.
13.01.2022 The Sharing of Wisdom in action at the Brunswick Healers Market in August. The next Market will be held on Sunday 6th of October, and every fourth Sunday of the month.
12.01.2022 Bookings have now opened for Alisons Bush Essences Introduction Course over the weekend of Saturday 2nd - Sunday 3rd 2016. Early bird price of $333 available until Friday 18th March 2016. Call Alison on 0418 540 789 to make a booking NOW!
12.01.2022 The Special Early Bird Price of $333 for Alisons Bush Essences: Introduction College Course has been extended until Tuesday 22nd March - midnight; saving $62! The course is Sat 2nd & Sun 3rd April, 2016 & places are limited. Ph Alison: 0418 540 789 / E [email protected] to make your booking.
12.01.2022 Early Bird Price of $333 Ends this Friday 20th May for Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course - Sat 4th & Sun 5th June. Contact Alison: 0418 540 789 - [email protected]. Bush Fuchsia is especially important for learning problems as it integrates the left and the right hemispheres of the brain, and most learning difficulties stem from imbalances between these hemispheres. This is the essence for all learning difficulties, Dyslexia, Stuttering, nervous about public ...speaking and ignoring Your Gut Feeling. The beauty of the Bush Fuchsia essence, like many other Bush Essences, is its speed in clearing blocks. An immediate change is apparent after just a single dose! Many institutions and teachers working with students who have learning difficulties are now incorporating Bush Fuchsia into their programs. A flat monotone voice suddenly comes to life with inflections and confidence. Having taken a single dose of this remedy, a 7yr old girl who rarely spoke didnt stop talking for three days! By the 4th day her conversation was normal. Children who never read will begin to ask their parents and teachers for books after taking the Bush Fuchsia essence and for students who battle through lessons, Bush Fuchsia will turn school into an exciting place; rather than depressing. It will make learning fun and increase students confidence among their peers. Bush Fuchsia balances the left side of the brain (logical, rational functions) with the right side of the brain (intuitive, creative functions). Its excellent for helping people get in touch with their intuitions and most importantly, TRUST and LISTEN to them. Do you ever feel a bit dull or switched off at the end of the day? Perhaps spending too much time in front of electrical equipment? Bush Fuchsia will switch you back on again! You can often tell when youre in this state because you begin to make silly mistakes . . . Another indication for this essence is the inability to read for very long because one falls asleep or loses concentration. The problem is the mind isnt integrating the information that the eyes perceive, Bush Fuchsia will correct this. Are you nervous about public speaking? Bush Fuchsia taken for a few days before hand will increase your clarity of speech and confidence; its excellent for stutterers! Its also ideal for Actors before their Auditions as they find they are able to project much more successfully; they report theyre getting roles they otherwise wouldnt have. Albert Einstein stated: I never came upon any of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking. 99% of the time our gut feelings are right! Bush Fuchsia and all 69 BUSH ESSENCES are here to support you - Alisons Introductory Course will explain how. I now trust and follow my intuition. My true voice flows freely, clearly and effortlessly now.
11.01.2022 Tomorrow is the Early Bird deadline for Alisons Bush Essences Introduction Course over the weekend of Saturday 2nd - Sunday 3rd April 2016. Call Alison on 0418 540 789 or email [email protected] to make a booking NOW!
10.01.2022 The SOLAR ECLIPSE Power Portal Opens March 8/9th and if you need support to remain committed to your personal and professional goals - Wedding Bush is the essence for you! Learn about the healing qualities of the other 68 BUSH ESSENCES! Join Alisons Introductory Course: April 2nd-3rd, limited positions, Contact: 0418 540 789 or [email protected]
08.01.2022 Alison at Albury Wellbeing Epo - 13/14 August.
08.01.2022 Final call for Alisons BUSH ESSENCES: Introductory Course; for Emotional care & Wellbeing - Sat April 2nd/Sun 3rd. For further details phone Alison 0418 540 789 or [email protected] The Practitioner Skills Course begins Sat April 30th/Sun 1st May. REMEMBER: "Where the emotions go the mind & body follow!
07.01.2022 BUSH ESSENCES: INTRODUCTORY 2 day College Course Are you interested in joining a small and pleasant group of likeminded ladies to learn about the healing qualities of all 69 Bush Flower Essences - in a relaxed and comfortable environment? If youre a practitioner of any other modality i.e. Massage, Reiki, Counselling, Kinesiology, Reflexology, Nutrition, Chiropractic, Acupuncture - then you will find this course is not only a perfect complement to what you already offer yo...ur clients, but it could actually help you achieve better results. Even if you have already briefly covered Australian Bush Flower Essences in other training, I promise you will never have covered them quite like this. If you are a practitioner, this course typically counts towards your Professional Development Points, if you are not already in practice, all of Alisons courses are recognised by IICT to help you gain membership and insurances to begin. Both the Introductory Course and the Practitioner Skills are independently certified, and an Advanced Practitioner Certificate of Completion is also available after course completion and upon submission of extensive and detailed Case Studies. If you just want to learn an inexpensive (and profoundly life changing) natural therapy for yourself, your family and friends - (with a track record of 25 years usage in over 42 countries) - then Ill introduce you to our Bush Flower Essences. I will explain energy medicine, meridians, the Chakra system and how your emotions and thoughts actually affect your health. You dont even need to have studied anything like this before. Venue: Mont Albert North. Victoria 3129 Date: Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd August, 2015 Start Time: Registration from 9.20 for 9.30am Finish Time: 5.30/6.00pm (depending on questions) Cost: $333 Early Bird Special if paid by - Monday 13th July $385 thereafter Contact: Alison Lovett: Mobile 0418 540 789 Email [email protected] I have chosen DAGGER HAKEA to represent this Workshop; its the essence for FORGIVENESS and LOVE. Taking this essence will enable you to release a great deal of emotional baggage, namely RESENTMENT - that you wont then have to carry. The question is; Do you want to go down the path of resentment, hate and violence - or do you want to be expressing more love? One choice will bring further suffering into your life and the lives of those you love, - while the other choice will make you happier, healthier, raise your consciousness and vibration, while also putting you in closer connection with Source/Spirit. Well go further into this during the Introductory Course; I do hope youll be able to join us. Numbers are definitely limited and the places are filling fast, phone Alison: 0418 540 789.
04.01.2022 A wonderful weekend, thank you everyone!
04.01.2022 Bush Essence: BOAB For human consciousness to rise to a higher level and move into the new age, we need to release emotional baggage picked up from our families. This is exactly what BOAB is all about. Boab is helpful for people who have experienced ABUSE, PERSICUTION or PREJUDICE. Its also excellent for CLEARING the environment of negative energies. BOAB offers us great strength and the opportunity to perceive our true spiritual essence, unencumbered by the layer of anc...ient and outmoded models of behaviour and thinking that are not what or who we really are. Any wonder Aboriginal women resisted medical staff and having their babies in medical settings; apparently they would sneak out of the centres and give birth by themselves. Their traditional birthing practice in the Kimberley region, (where the BOAB tree grows), was for the tribe to give the woman BOAB flowers if labour occurred during the flowering season. The woman would then go off, dig a hole and line it with BOAB flowers. She would squat over the hole and deliver the baby into the cradle of flowers. The babys very first contact in life was with the BOAB - how intuitive! BOAB can be combined with four other Bush Flower Essences and made into a spray, which not only is very effective for clearing negative energies but will also help break the chains that have been around human consciousness for thousands of years. To learn more about the Positive Outcomes of all 69 Bush Flower Essences, join our likeminded group March 14th and 15th @ Mystical Dragon: 22 Heversham Drive, Seaford. For further details: Phone: Alison Lovett M 0418 540 789 Email: [email protected] Mystical Dragon: 03 9782 5091 Website:
03.01.2022 What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind. - BUDDHA The... essence of Sunshine Wattle will help to bring about an acceptance of the beauty and joy of the present and a belief in possibilities for the future. Its perfect for people who have had a difficult time in the past and are literally stuck back there. This is the remedy to take when life is temporarily difficult, when nothing is working out or when life seems to be one big struggle! Sunshine Wattle will help you to see the beauty, joy and excitement of the present and to feel optimism for the future. I am now releasing my past and seeing joy and beauty in my life. I live fully and joyously in the present. I now feel optimistic about life and the future. The First Fleet settlers wisely used Sunshine Wattle in their buildings; considering how harsh life was in the new colony, with no domesticated animals or crops, and with very limited supplies - perhaps they were intuitively guided to do so . . . ? I believe the seeds of the Sunshine Wattle are exceptionally high in protein, and the aboriginals ate these very nutritious seeds. To learn more about Bush Flower Essences for emotional wellbeing contact Alison [email protected] Next Bush Essence Introductory Course Dates: Sunday 18th or Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th. Contact Alison before Wednesday 14th September for a discounted early bird special.
03.01.2022 Bush Essences: Introductory College Course Australian Bush Flower Remedies are catalysts to unlock your full potential, resolve negative beliefs and bring about... peace and harmony. Flower essences are not new; the Australian Aboriginals have always used them to bring about emotional balance, as did the ancient Egyptians. They were also very popular in the Middle Ages; in fact all the great healers such as Hippocrates, Paracelsus, Aristotle and Hahnemann all had the same vision - that of simplicity. Dr Edward Bach rediscovered Flower Essences in the 1930s, using the flowers of English plants and shrubs; he also believed that good health was the result of emotional, mental and spiritual harmony, (being in harmony with your soul). Flower Essences are for everyone who desires a little more love and balance in their life. Bush Essences are for emotional care and well being; learn more about all 69 Australian Bush Flower Essences in Alisons 2 day Introductory Course. Venue: Mont Albert North Date: Sat 16th - Sun 17th July Time: 9.30am - 6.00pm Cost: $333 if paid by Mon 4th July, Concessions available Contact Alison: 0418 540 789 - [email protected]
01.01.2022 Alison is presenting Flower Essences to Counsellors Victoria, Ferntree Gully - 1pm tomorrow. To learn more about Flower Essences and their healing properties for emotional wellbeing contact Alison - [email protected] Alison has many upcoming events, workshops and courses to find out more, or make an enquiry get in contact via the email address above or reply to this post.
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