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The Shed in Adelaide, South Australia | Business service

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The Shed

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 407 616 859


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25.01.2022 Never has it been more important to make yourself as resilient and robust as possible than in times like these. "Build" your immunity and well being everyday.....

24.01.2022 An old faithful here at The Shed. Good for the core and grip. Give it a crack!

23.01.2022 When the coaches get some spare time and the gloves come out..

23.01.2022 Adapt to the situation, control what you can, don’t worry about what you can’t. Be resilient and don’t let your actions now be an embarrassment later.

23.01.2022 Beach operations this morning. Swimming + beach circuit. A bit of breeze and everyone disappears. Swimming like a champ Kaz!

22.01.2022 It doesn’t matter what you’ve got going on in your life, If you’ve had a rough day or week, or if you’re just not feeling 100%, your time at The Shed is exactly that.. your time. 45 minutes to hit the pause button, forget about the outside world, do something for yourself, and walk out knowing that you’ve accomplished something. Well done this morning Jackie Agnew, you did exactly that.... #whatyoudoonyourworstday See more

22.01.2022 Food for thought.. What value do you put in your own life? In your health and longevity? Why wouldn’t you put the same value in a coach that could potentially change your life, and improve your health and longevity?... At The Shed we dedicate our time to making the people we coach better, mentally and physically. We commit ourselves to specifically programming each sessions to achieve set goals, we work with each and every person to improve technique and understanding of the training, and we genuinely care about every person that walks through our door. At The Shed you are not a number, or a dollar sign. You are a person who has crossed our path for a reason, and we will show you as much commitment as you show us. We hold our core values ‘ Effort and Attitude’ in high regard and expect the same from those who do train with us. In a world full of InstaFitness models, quick gimmicks like 5 minute abs, and inexperienced trainers with no regard to injury prevention or their clients’ needs; Quality coaches are a rare find. Our time is just as precious as yours, and we all live busy lives, but at some point you need to ask yourself the question, ‘do I value my life enough to change it’, and if the answer is yes, then The Shed is waiting to hear from you. With a combined 50+ years’ experience between us, our knowledge, experience and ability is second to none. We are real, raw and passionate about what we do. Our training is not easy, nor is it for everyone, but those game enough to try will be rewarded with their results. Good coaches change lives, and anyone that has trained at The Shed knows its value is priceless. Message us to find out more, and see for yourself!

21.01.2022 The three stooges.. Cam has been training at The Shed for over a year now and there is no question about how far he has come, not only physically, but mentally. So much so, he can now keep up with his cousin Rig.. almost Good job mate!

20.01.2022 The latest fitness trends as endorsed by yet another influencer do nothing but line their own pockets people. Don’t fall for that shit. There have been more party trick exercises invented in the last 5 years than all the foundation movements and tried and true methods of the last 100 years. Work on the basics, do them consistently, have a realistic nutrition plan ( not some ridiculous reduction in calories to get shredded) you can stick to for the rest of your life and surround yourself with disciplined driven individuals on the same path you’re on. Forget the celebrities. They don’t even know your name let alone give a shit about your fitness journey .....

17.01.2022 2.5kms, tyre flips x 300+ each, Deadball throw x 300+ each, Pushups & Crunches x 300+ each and dragging 40kgs worth of Kettlebells...a different day out.

17.01.2022 What an awesome day! Hills climbed, stories told, laughter shared and memories made.. Thank you to everyone who was able to come along to The Shed Ladies day today, and those who couldn’t, we missed you! I have a feeling there might be a few sore bodies tonight, but you should all be proud of yourselves, you all did so well. Until next time.. Rig

16.01.2022 Do the work, do it well and do it often. It’s that simple....

16.01.2022 Long time training partners and friends just having a hit on a you do.

16.01.2022 Here's one you can do at home. Give it a crack. #whatyoudoonyourworstday

14.01.2022 People don’t come to The Shed because it’s going to be easy. They come because they will have to work hard and be pushed, and they continue to come back because they get better every time they do. Solid effort as always tonight Tash, always improving, always working.

14.01.2022 You wouldn't think a bike and a big rope could be so unpleasant. Great job Shylee and'll be walking like normal again in a day or two.

13.01.2022 In the early hours while most are still sleeping....leather on leather.

13.01.2022 Be advised, we do not do "interested" here. You are either coming here to train or you're not. Don't just dip your f%^kin toe in the water...dive in head first and swim like f!*k!

13.01.2022 33'.26".....the time it took the winners (The Water Warriors) to paddle 7k's around Delfin Island, Team work and the transfer of skills from the gym and training arena to actual competition. Synchronised aggression, precision and good old fashioned grunt. There is no room for individuals in a team sport such as Dragon Boating. The front couldn’t do it without the back. The back couldn’t do it without the front. We all arrive at the finish line together. The object is to do it faster than the other teams. Each member is as important as the next. The same as when we train as a team here at The Shed, the mission is for ALL of us to succeed. A rising tide lifts all boats .

12.01.2022 Time to get this show back on the road Ladies..

12.01.2022 Mindset and character... the other building blocks we work on here. Make one stronger as the other one is revealed.

11.01.2022 Training at the park. For all sizes.

11.01.2022 The task was simple, carry a water filled bag (28kgs), flip a tyre (80kgs) and throw a water filled ball (22kgs) for a minimum of 500m. Nothin fancy about that. The team were given the task and were expected to complete it. They did. Special mention should be made to the two ladies involved Tash and Kaz. Both epitomise the Shed creed. No pissing and moaning, no bullshit excuses, no wingeing when things get tough, no shortcuts and no giving up! Kaz probably has more reason tha...n people half her age to give up and on this day her chronic asthma showed it’s ugly face, yet here she was. And right by her side was the equally tough and resilient Tash. Many will look at this (usually from the comfort of a chair and say I could do that or that doesn’t look too hard. Well, here’s your chance, you are only a message or phone call to us to have your go. Put all this new year, new me bullshit to the test and spare me the old my bad back, knee, arm etc. Nut up or shut up. Proud to not only train these two but to call them friends. Don’t "wish" you were fitter, get off your arse and initiate the action aggressively. Chief & Rig. See more

11.01.2022 Just because you have a few aches and pains or limbs that don’t work like they used to is no excuse to stop doing what you love. Always a little further....

11.01.2022 Less is more and all you'll ever need. Stop looking for all the "shiny things".

10.01.2022 Still getting the work done. Ready for when you’re all allowed back.

10.01.2022 Whenever we train outside it is always with minimal kit. Utilise the location to its maximum. No need to transport an entire gym to the beach, park or hills. Be creative and use what's already there.

10.01.2022 This was tough. For those interested you can read the board yourself. There was no rest between the Ski/ Bike/ Row. Weight for the Deadlift was 85kgs, Plate G-2-O-H was 20kgs, and the Deadball was 12kgs. This workset was not so much "how much can you lift" but "how long can you do it for?".... tests the steel and the will. #whatyoudoonyourworstday

08.01.2022 Whether they are hitting the weights or hitting the pads there's no doubt the Shed girls give it plenty. Rosie & Christine getting the job done!

08.01.2022 An old favourite here at The Shed

08.01.2022 Some lessons from way back in the beginning....So grateful I come from a time when this would have been considered a quality training gym. Basics, no frills. You used what you had. I still remember the very first time I went to a "gym" as such, many years ago. Taken by the father of one of the lads I played baseball with. It was known as "The Railways Gym". A non descript old wooden door at street level lead down some rickety old stairs to what could best be described as a du...ngeon. Old iron equipment (most of it hand built), no seats, one dim light bulb, one small radio (never quite tuned in) and the only mirror was a single shard over a dirty wash basin. The men who trained here did not care one bit about looks. They trained they didn't "exercise" It was only about performance. I learned by watching and doing what I could. Literally a boy amongst men. They offered no encouragement whatsoever but certainly let me know when I was doing it wrong or not putting in the required effort. Their respect had to be earned before any lessons were taught and that was done by doing what I said I was going to do and that was turn up and put in the necessary effort. There were none of the accessories everyone seems to need these days. No online coaches, no "everyone is a winner" attitudes, no shortcuts, no shiny things or "latest fads", no party tricks for YouTube notoriety, no self appointed life coaches, no being careful not to hurt your feelings if your attitude wasn't right. They led by example. It was all about substance and not the appearance of. You learned by following those that had already been down the road you are traveling. You learned by trying...and failing. You learned by suffering. You learned the hard way. To this day I still apply the way I learned to my chosen craft. It is not for everyone but those that stick with it will understand. ..."Not being broken. Being forged" See more

06.01.2022 ‘If you only do the things you’re good at, you can’t expect to get better at the things you’re not so good at’.. Miss Kelly this morning, stepping outside her comfort zone, working hard as usual, and getting better each session. Well done Kel!

06.01.2022 We do many things here....and just like this gentleman, excuses isn't one of them.

05.01.2022 Hard work and consistency, that’s it. Strength set for Kelly this morning, 1x Deadball clean, squat,throw. 1x Deadlift. 1x Deadball clean, squat,throw. 5x push ups. Every single rep done perfectly. As many times as possible in 30:00. Well done as always Kel, the last reps looked the same as the first rep, as they should!

05.01.2022 Up and at it early this morning, before the heat and the hustle! The best office in the world! How did you start your weekend?! #howstheserenity

05.01.2022 "A League of Gentlemen "....over 200 collective years of Spartan.

05.01.2022 You can download all the Fitspo apps and post photos of salad as much as you want but it will never replace the accountability of actually training right in front of your coach. This morning began with reintroducing Rig to ocean swimming. Our goals were simple, swim well enough to save your own life, swim better to save someone else’s . You cannot learn to swim by reading a book about it, sooner or later you will have to get wet. Just as you cannot get fitter, stronger, l...eaner etc without accountability, honesty and effort. The set you see here was simple in planning, difficult in execution. Deadlift @ 90kgs x 1 and Deadball Clean x 1 @ 35kgs. 100 reps of each. Not a booty band or party trick move anywhere insight! Just good technique repeated over and over. No shortcuts and no bullshit excuses about it being too heavy or hot. The task was completed in 47’. No app required here...we ARE the app! See more

05.01.2022 We do work here. We do not do excuses. We do discipline here. We do not do motivation . Either you work hard enough consistently to get what you’re after or you don’t. It is that simple and it is that hard. No such problems for The Rhys. A very driven and disciplined individual. Great job as always.

05.01.2022 The Rhys putting in the sweat and effort as always....this one’s guaranteed to get the heart rate up.

04.01.2022 Don't let the little things slow you down..

04.01.2022 The girls getting in the hard work before the heat and the crowds hit the beach this morning. Well done ladies, good team effort!

04.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow ladies, showers are due to clear up and it should be a cracking day! See you all at 10am sharp!

03.01.2022 Some thoughts and observations based on my years of coaching and training as to why many people do not succeed with their fitness and health ambitions and these are in no particular order.. Setting the bar too high, too early. E.g, You've been out of a training environment for 10-12 years but in week 1 you want to drop 10kgs, Bench 120kgs and run a marathon. Good luck with that. Small achievable goals set and accomplished will keep you in the game for much longer. Progress no...t perfection. Consistency. It is no good to train 3 days a week for a month then nothing for the next two and repeat that year in year out. Poor instruction: With the flood of people in the business with more pieces of paper (courses, participation awards etc) than actual experience it's no wonder so many do so much so badly. Some of it is so bad it is criminal. Group classes are the worst. Educate yourself to be able to sort the shit from the clay. Excuses, they're like arseholes. Every ones got them. "Bad back, knee, leg, no time, no money"etc. Work with what you've got, not what you want. If it's important to you, you will find a way. Adapt, overcome, prioritise. Attention to detail. Failing to execute the movement or workout correctly. It doesn't matter how fast you can count to 20 if the execution of the movement is shit! We are doing the workouts to achieve a definite result not to be the worlds best rep counter! Correct technique always takes priority over speed to "get it over and done with". There are two ways to do it here, the right way....and again. Thinking that there is an "end"... Many who do 8-12 wk challenges occasionally achieve some good results. But when it's over its the "what's next?" that implies you've finished. There is no finish... Trying to avoid or sidestep hard work, Rather than do the basics well, with increasing resistance, limited rest, correct technique consistently, many look for an easy out. Fancy moves that deliver very few sustainable improvements over hard basics. Keep it simple, do it well, make it hard. Suck it up and test yourself. The "I'll train at home" approach for those new to training. It can be a start but it takes a very disciplined and motivated individual to train hard at home and achieve long term goals. The very convenience of training at home ends up being the downfall in many cases. "I'll be able train everyday whenever I want" etc Really? How many home gyms are for sale on Gumtree these days? Finally, the "Insta fit" not believe all that you see. A carefully constructed, staged and filtered "workout" video is no indication of the results they can deliver for you. Their only objective is to blow smoke up their own arses and you are paying $$ for that?!. A legion of "followers" is no guarantee of success for you either. Many people are capable of far more than they think. Just have to be comfortable getting uncomfortable. Reset what you're "normal" is and get started 10 minutes ago... See more

03.01.2022 It doesn't always have to be inside a gym surrounded by shiny machines and getting far too close to people doing sets of the ‘Gram and selfies.......there is a great tonic to being outside in all weather. It is free, always open, you’re moving under your own power and there are no mirrors. Get amongst it! Here is a very small collection of areas over the years.

02.01.2022 You asked.. We always deliver.. Join us to see this year off with a bang.. or bullseye Saturday 19th December 4:30pm at MANIAX Axe Throwing, followed by tea at 7:00pm. ... RSVP by 9/12/20 is a must for booking, details will be sent via DM once confirmed. Comment below if you’re keen to join!!

02.01.2022 Simple tools . Not easy....

01.01.2022 Just the basics.

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