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25.01.2022 Flash Sale 35% off all Phone & In-Home Consults! Consults valid for use for 12 months, giving you the option to buy now and use later.... Sale ends midnight 30th June 2020.
25.01.2022 This is how I feel when we go on holidays, and someone wakes up WAAAAYYYY too early. My travel tips: If using a porta cot - set it up at home and have your baby or toddler nap in it for a week before you leave.. get all the 'fingernails scratching the net' out of the way!... Take your white noise with you Keep bedtime as similar to home as possible. Remember, even at home, if you miss bedtime and you're getting your baby/toddler down late, they won't usually make up for it in the morning (bets-on it's quite the opposite!) Gro-blinds or even black plastic can be hung on the windows of your accommodation to keep the morning light out Drop your expectations! You're on holidays! Accept whatever they pack in their holiday bag, knowing when you get home things will likely return to normal. Holidays are for relaxing, not being fixated on the perfect sleep routine. Fiona Jane Photography
24.01.2022 Helping your baby learn to consolidate a nap (if a notorious catnapper!) is really important to think about as your baby gets older and naps less and less during the day. Usually around the 2 3 month mark cat naps begin to emerge. A baby who had, perhaps, previously been having 2 hour + naps all of a sudden is waking right on the tick of 30 minutes. This is the indicator they are ready to be shown how to start linking their sleep cycles. If you are noticing this and your is 4 months + then over-tiredness will also be playing a part. As a sleep debt builds it becomes more tricky to settle a baby for sleep, they may be easily irritated when they’re awake, fuss when they are feeding and wake in the first 2 3 hours after going down for bed at night. Check their awake windows and make sure their bedroom is promoting the sleep you're longing for . . Fiona Jane Photography
22.01.2022 Love them or hate them (hello soggy washing), puddles are such an important part of childhood. Beyond the joy of simply splashing around (cause and effect), puddles actually help in so many other amazing ways: - children start to grasp the understanding of space and how to move through it... - they begin to identify the very basic changes in their surroundings, ie dry to wet/summer to winter - they are presented with new opportunities to problem solve .... the list is endless. To quote the wonderful Maggie Dent: "While play may seem like the fun, easy part of being a child, it is also vitally important for building connectedness and brain integration." Gumboots at the backdoor are such a beautiful symbol of childhood adventure Fiona Jane Photography
22.01.2022 Time for a Tune-Up? Have you noticed a regression or step backwards from where you were, in the sleep sense? I wanted to let you know I offer all of my families (and those who have worked with a sleep consultant previously) the option of a 'Tune-Up'. This is one week of full text support PLUS 20 minutes phone/zoom chat to sort out whatever it is that's upset the apple cart, for just $99.... For my first two, I spoke to my sleep consultant every time their sleep patterns changed (I have notes from 8+ phone consults!) - so please don't think that you've failed in any way if sleep isn't quite what it once was. Some T&C's apply, so feel free to send me a message if you'd like to know more. Sleep is a journey, but sometimes we can find we've wandered off the track
20.01.2022 Mothers Group talks are back!! Are you a part of a Mother’s Group? Or do you have a group of girlfriends all with kids a similar age? A ‘Coffee Group Consult’ is your opportunity to get your fellow mums together for a coffee and a chat about all things sleep ... Sessions are relaxed and completely judgment free, so you can ask as many questions as you like (or simply sit and take it all in!). This is a fantastic place to start if you’re not really sure what it is you want to know, or feel a group of you would benefit from some personalised advice. Cost is $20/person with a minimum of 6, and sessions run for 60-90 minutes. If you would like to know more, or to have a quick chat over the phone please don’t hesitate to send me a message. G x
19.01.2022 I get asked regularly about why a baby or toddler will start crying before you even enter the room for them to go to bed, so I thought I'd unpack this hot-topic a little. Whilst it's a hard thing to have to deal with each and every nap time (my 14 month old still flings himself backwards as soon as I enter the hallway!), crying is actually a really GOOD sign that your child knows it's bed time! They are so clever; they know that sleep is coming, and sleep is so boring! So why... not protest to really let you know they're not impressed and about to have another dose of FOMO! How to help minimise the fuss and change the 'bedroom : time to cry' mindset: do your nappy changes in there include some play time (just not in the cot!) come and go from the room, just to show it's not always 'no fun' put the sleeping bag on in another room - sometimes it can help to change your rituals and have them thinking about something else before you walk them to bed You may not see changes in the first few days but gradually, with some persistence, their rituals will change. And then, one day, you'll walk out and be in the kitchen before you realise they haven't cried at all!! Fiona Jane Photography
19.01.2022 Dropping Naps The fine line between deciding if your toddler needs 2 naps or 1 can be a tricky period to navigate through. To help figure it out:... Are they older than 14 months? Are they happy at the time they would usually have their first nap? Would they be happy to skip that quick morning nap, and last until closer to lunch time? Is there a delay in falling asleep at lunch time? Are there issues at bedtime (if bedtime has previously been smooth) If the answer is yes, then you’re ready to make the change. I particularly love this transition in sleep you all of a sudden have so much more time on your hands to get out of the house without worrying about that morning nap! Routines are always available if you feel like you've outgrown what you've been doing. Fiona Jane Photography
18.01.2022 One of my greatest treasures is the gallery I’ve built of my little family Fi is a master of her craft and her images speak for themselves. It’s never too late to be in the photo x
18.01.2022 Just a reminder that my 35% off sale ends tonight! Join The Sleep Room tribe Fiona Jane Photography
16.01.2022 Sorry to bother you, but I’m very excited to tell you that Roy has gone 24 hours with no dummy!!! It’s taken less than 5 minutes each nap to settle without it. His progress has been astonishing. Thank you once again."
16.01.2022 A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His Mum just hugged him and said, "And you never will." Later, the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"... "All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry... Finally he put in a call to God. When God got on the phone, he asked, "God, why do women cry so easily?" God said, "When I made the woman she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort. I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining. I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart. And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed." "You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides." Source Unknown. Fiona Jane Photography
10.01.2022 You are doing what's right for you, right now. It may not feel like it tomorrow, but for right now it's where you need to be
10.01.2022 Bringing your baby home Keep it simple, you’ve got enough on your plate before starting to worry about a routine! I will say it every time: feed, feed, feed! Once feeding (breast or bottle) is established and weight gain is following a consistent curve, then start to consider how often your baby needs to feed (anytime from 3 weeks, check my age-appropriate guides for specifics).... Put them to bed where you wish for them to sleep. If you do this from the beginning, they are comfortable in their cot and know no different. Wrap them up, arms down, nice and snuggly. White noise, nice and dark. If you can, avoid your baby getting to the point of being over-tired. Offer as much hands-on help as they need to fall asleep. It’s a foggy first few weeks, but like nothing else in this world. Enjoy it and bask in that fleeting newborn bubble, knowing in the back of your mind when you’re really starting to fatigue that there are ways to improve naps and blocks of sleep. And most importantly, NEVER be afraid to ask for help. Fiona Jane Photography
08.01.2022 For the new faces that have joined our tribe recently I want to say a quick hello and re-introduce myself! I’m Gemma and I founded The Sleep Room (as it’s know today) a little over 2 years ago. I have 3 beautiful boys and a dedicated husband who make my world go round. It’s my vision for The Sleep Room to be a forum for open minds, supportive commentary and an ‘it takes a village’ mentality. My goal is to encourage open conversation surrounding motherhood as a whole; mental... health, PND, fertility and IVF, miscarriage, disabilities, family dynamics and parenting approaches.. the list goes on. So, I want to share some real stuff about me since becoming a mum. Our first son was a ‘good sleeper’ who slept all night and catnapped all day. He was 6 months old when I discovered there was such a thing as a Sleep Consultant; needless to say, she changed our lives! I struggled with my mental health after my second son was born. I was later diagnosed with Glandular Fever, which had been border line Chronic Fatigue. My wonderful support system kept me afloat and I worked through it, resurfacing on the other side with a truckload more empathy for people struggling with their own mental health. I had a miscarriage before I became pregnant with our third son. It was missed; I had a gut feeling at 11 weeks that something wasn’t right so I went to the doctor. I had lost it 3 weeks prior with no outward symptoms. I have friends who have undergone or still enduring the pain of fertility treatment or IVF. It still staggers me how many women are fighting this heartbreaking battle. We’ve been down the tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy road, with two sets of grommets thrown in for good measure. Sleep apnoea is no one’s friend. We also have an asthmatic who wheezed his way through the whole of last winter with monthly bouts of bronchitis and croup. And finally, perhaps even the most defining (well, that’s how it feels for me right now) we have a child with Autism. We’ve lived with this diagnosis just over a year now, and I’d be lying if I said it was getting easier; every day there seems to be a new challenge or something else we need to work on. Although, I think I’m slowly getting better at dealing with my own feelings as time goes on, and I really try and treat every day as a new opportunity to learn and grow. Motherhood has been a journey that no one could have prepared me for; the wonderful highs and the crippling lows.. it’s what’s made me the mother and person I am today. I hope you can all feel empowered and educated here at The Sleep Room, and join the tribe of women who have embarked on this joint journey of motherhood together. Your support, whether we’ve worked together or maybe your simple likes and shares is what brings a whole new level of joy to my day. So whilst this is a ‘hello’ to the new faces, it’s also a humongous thank you, too. Gemma x
07.01.2022 ** Mental Health - Trigger Warning ** I want to take a moment.. a moment to acknowledge the woman who’s just over there, pushing the swing in the park, or the one wrestling the chocolate bar out of a toddlers hand at the checkout, or the one who maybe even abandoned that trolley in the supermarket isle amidst a tantrum or hunger meltdown. They don’t wear a badge or necessarily broadcast their struggles to the world. These strong, powerful women may not only be mothers, but th...ey may also be supporting a partner with a mental illness. Can you imagine? With so much focus on PND (and fairly so, without a happy, functioning mum the world stops), there are mums among us who have the weight of someone else’s world on their shoulders, too. Do you know I meet these mums? They're real people, waking up each day just to do their absolute darnedest. So, this post is for you. The mum who’s juggling your own wellbeing, your children’s and your significant other’s. I salute you; I see you and I send you all of my strength. I want you to know you are not, and never will be, alone. It takes a village and you, wonderful Mum, are the centre of someone else’s universe. If you or anyone else you know is suffering from a mental illness, please reach out for help. Call a friend, call your doctor, call me. Just please, call someone. x
07.01.2022 Understanding Sleep Drive Homeostatic sleep drive is the natural pressure we feel to fall asleep, working like an internal timer. From the time you wake, the homeostatic drive builds like a wave before you fall asleep again where it comes crashing down. It works together with the circadian rhythm to help the body achieve sleep at the correct times, for just the right duration When we have our bodies out of whack, how can we expect to function at optimum levels? The applies for our kids. Just another reminder that prioritising sleep is so important Fiona Jane Photography
06.01.2022 Sleep Regressions Is your toddler between 12 and 24 months, and seemingly going through a regression? Did you know, these are actually progressions? Your toddler is learning all about themselves and the impact they have on the world, which is actually pretty cool! All of a sudden, they’re acutely aware that their actions will draw a reaction from someone else!... We refer to this as ‘Cause and Effect’. In their little world, they start to see bedtime as an option rather than a necessity. This can very quickly escalate to a once great sleeper turning into a bedtime demon. Consider your response. Are you fueling this new trick they’ve learnt, or are you staying consistent and keeping your boundaries by way of your sleep expectations? These boundaries help your child feel safe and secure, they help with their regulation, all the while continuing to promote and give them the rest they still so genuinely need. Top tips: Consistency Praise and reassure them fill that love cup! Don’t change what you’re doing unless you’re totally sure it needs changing These are significant milestones in every child's life, however it's up to you as to how you navigate through them. Fiona Jane Photography
05.01.2022 Siblings and their effect on another’s sleep Do you have a great sleeper and a not so great sleeper? You can have two (or more!) great sleepers; I’ll tell you how. Don’t worry about the good sleeper while you’re working on the others’ sleep. More often than not, they’ll sleep through most night time disturbances. If not, they’re good at this sleep stuff so will usually just go back to sleep!... If you’re worried, move your better sleeper away into another room if it means there’s less noise to wake them Start on a Friday (so you can relax a little knowing you don’t have work or school to front up to the next day) White noise is everyone’s friend Don’t second guess or doubt yourself you’ll undo your hard work! Give yourself a moment to consider if you really need to get up, or if you're reacting too quickly because of the other. Night time noises are totally normal, and sometimes our presence actually wakes them even more Reward your older child if you do find it’s impacting them teamwork makes the dream work Check you’re referencing the correct routine for age it’ll make life so much easier! As always, support packages are available if you find you need a little bit extra to get you across the line. . . Fiona Jane Photography
05.01.2022 Lean on Me For the mums and dads who may be doing it on their own; perhaps living away from family, doing it tough and dealing with more than just a newborn, maybe even without the loving guidance of their own mother or family. I hear you. I'm right here. I want you to feel supported and informed, confident and calm during these first few weeks.... I focus on all the juicy goodness a newborn brings - I help you with realistic expectations (or lack there of!!!) and I'm here to bounce your ideas and questions off. No sleep training, just lots and lots of support and care. My advice is holistic with the health and well-being of mum and baby being my absolute focus. Lean On Me : a tailored package for new mums. Inquire to find out more Fiona Jane Photography
04.01.2022 | Lean on Me | The perfect baby shower gift for your expecting friends A pre- and postnatal support to get you through those early weeks in the newborn bubble. Zero sleep training, 100% personalised support with a sprinkling of mothercraft and packed with lots of love.... You can LEAN ON ME x . . Fiona Jane Photography
04.01.2022 To the lovely mums who have entrusted me to guide their family in sleep, your kind words still catch me off guard The wonderful Kate, you were the real champion here. Gemma is ahhhhhhhmazing!!! My little man (now 10months old) was waking every 2-3 hours for ages and I was on the brink of insanity until Gemma gave me a sleep program. She looks at your situation and gives you tips and a program to suit you and your baby’s individual needs without being mean, making them cry it out, or doing things that you aren’t comfortable with. My little guy is now only waking once for a quick feed and is straight back to sleep after only a couple of weeks! I definitely recommend getting Gemma’s help!
04.01.2022 Sometimes we all need reminding
01.01.2022 Newborns are fickle little beings, especially in those first few weeks. Did you know, if your baby has an open hand it generally suggests they are content with a full tummy? And a clenched fist will usually mean they're hungry? Breast or bottle, FED is best ... Fiona Jane Photography
01.01.2022 Hey, hi, hello! It's been a while, but what a year hey?! I'm sitting here this afternoon writing a sleep plan for another little lady and her mum and dad, and I thought I'd share a couple of fun facts behind the care and attention put into everything 'The Sleep Room'.... I have just celebrated my 2nd birthday as a Certified Sleep Consultant! I still find it hard to believe I get to call this 'work'!? Over this time I have written countless plans and had the privilege of helping these families get back to a good night's sleep! This experience can give you piece of mind that a holistic approach is what you can expect from me. I only ever work with three families at any given time. I find this is where the best balance is for me, between offering my clients the support and tailored advice they have sought when booking me, and being a mum myself. Thanks once again for your unwavering support, I love what I do (even if you can't always see me on social media!!) Gemma x Fiona Jane Photography
01.01.2022 Many families I work with come to me with frustrations that their baby doesn't stay asleep in the cot after they've fallen asleep, despite their best efforts of a gentle transfer. These same babies are often awake frequently overnight (think 4, 5, 6+ times). These families are tired. The key contributing factor in this situation is the baby or toddler's inability to self-settle or stay asleep once they're no longer in mum (or dad's) arms. Once your baby is around or older 4 months, if they can not independently move through sleep cycles or fall asleep on their own then they will, 99% of the time, need to be taught how to do so. This doesn't need to fall back to a cry-based approach, in fact many of my methods are gentle and ALL of my plans are specifically tailored to a family’s unique preferences. You really don't need to wait for the 'phase' to pass - quite honestly this can take months or even years. When you join The Sleep Room, all you need is motivation and commitment; my customised plan and support will do a lot of the hard work for you! To know more, head to my website x Fiona Jane Photography
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