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25.01.2022 Today, just for a moment, I invite you to ask yourself who you are...for you are so much more than your given name at this birth. To bless yourself with that pr...ecious time, so often easily wasted, and take yourself into deepest silence, for it is only there you will experience who you truly is the ONLY space not influenced by others who perceive you through their own reality. You are so worth this journey of self-discovery...if not now...when? Loving you always... See more

24.01.2022 Shared with love

23.01.2022 Interesting read. I shared the glyphs wok our sound activation group last Wednesday.

20.01.2022 Breathe and release into the sound

17.01.2022 We got this alright. :)

17.01.2022 Portals opening. Energies changing.

16.01.2022 Release and let go

15.01.2022 A great explanation for transitioning from 3D to 5D

10.01.2022 Time To Remember A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were all of these little light beings just hanging out enjoying life in that joyful timel...ess dimension. And then one day a very large, magnificent angel came to them. He had a very serious look on his face. He was looking for volunteers for a very important cosmic mission. "We have this small - but very special - planet out at the edge of the Alcyon galaxy called Gaia. It is quite unique like a beautiful garden and it is teeming with hundreds of thousands of different life forms. It has been something of an experimental station in the galaxy and it has a most interesting humanoid life form that incorporates the very highest and lowest frequencies known in the cosmos. It is in fact the very epitome of dualism. On the one hand it is an incredibly beautiful life form and is capable of carrying the highest frequencies of love, light and joy known throughout the whole Universe. On the other hand it is capable of carrying the densest and darkest frequencies the cosmos has ever experienced - frequencies which the rest of creation evolved beyond eons ago. Here is the current situation. Within the domain of time, this planet goes through periodic cosmic cycles. It is now coming to the end of two major cycles - a 2,000 year long age of Pisces and the 25,000 year long cosmic year in its journey around Alcyon, the central sun of the milky way galaxy. With the completion of this cycle, many things are coming to an end and many things are about to begin. But most importantly, the planet is experiencing an infusion of light that is dramatically increasing it's frequency. As during any major time of transition, there will be a certain amount of turbulence. Some of this will be geological, for Gaia herself is a living planet and is also evolving. But much of it also involves the hominoid species that dominates the planet. This will not be a particularly easy time for the species - especially for those who are sleeping and those who are vibrating at the lowest frequencies. As the frequency changes it will create insecurity which in turn will create fear. The first era of evolution on this planet was the physical era and the key word was survival. The second era, which is now ending, was the mental era and the key word was logic. The third era, which is now beginning, is the era of the heart and the key word is love. This is the highest frequency. Those who currently hold the reign of power on the planet are of the old order of the physical and mental. To the extent that they can make a graceful transition to a heart centered and divinely guided life, it will be an easy transition. To the extent that they are unable to do this, they will experience much turmoil. So this is the current situation of Gaia. The reason I am here is to seek volunteers who would be willing to incarnate in humanoid form on the planet at this time to help make this an easy and smooth transition. We have sent prophets and teachers in the past. Very often they were brutally persecuted or killed. In other instances they were set up as "gods" to be worshiped and these humanoids built elaborate religions and rituals around them and used these religions to control each other. They did everything except follow the simple teachings that were offered. So this time we are trying a different approach. No more prophets, saviors and avatars that they can use to create religions. This time we are sending in thousands - actually hundreds of thousands - of ordinary light beings with only two assignments: Stay in your heart. Regardless of what happens, stay in your heart. Remember who you are, why you are here, and what this is all about. Now that seems easy enough, right? Unfortunately, No! As I have said, duality has reached its peak on this planet. This species has perfected the illusion of good and evil. The greatest challenge you will experience is to remember Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here and What This Is Really All About. When you remember, you will be able to stay in your heart, regardless of external events. So how will you know when you are forgetting? It is easy. Watch your judgments. The moment you notice that you are in a place of judgment you will know that you have forgotten Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here, and What This Is Really All About. That will be your signal. Now here is the challenge. Life on this planet will require a great deal of discernment - wise evaluation of what is true, what is appropriate and what is for the highest good, both for yourself and for the planet. In many ways discernment is similar to judgment. However, you will know when you are in judgment and when you have moved out of your heart when you are in a place of blame. We know how challenging that this planet can be. We know how very real the illusions on this planet appear to be. We understand the incredible density of this dimension and the pressure you will face. But if you survive this mission - and it is a voluntary one - you will evolve at hyperspeed. We also should say that we know that some of you who will go to this planet as starseeds, will never germinate - never awakened to the remembrance of who you really are. Some of you will awaken and begin to shine, only to be choked down by the opinions and prevailing thought forms around you. Others will awaken and remain awake and your light will become a source of inspiration and remembrance for many. You will incarnate all over the planet; in every culture, every race, every country, every religion. But you will be different. You will never quite fit in. As you awaken you will realize that your true family isn't those of your own race, culture, religion, county or even your biological family. It is your cosmic family - those who have come as you have come - on assignment to assist in ways large and small in the current transition. True brotherhood and globalisation in its highest form will come only in remembering Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here, and What This Is Really All About. It will come as you return to the true temple of Divine Presence, your heart, where this remembrance takes place and from which you are called to serve the world. So, are you ready? Good! Oh, and by the way, there are a couple of other minor things I should mention...... Because of the density, you can't operate in that dimension without a space suit. This is a biological suit that actually changes over time. There are many things we could tell you about this but our orientation time is short so I think you can just jump in and experience it. You should be forewarned, however. There will be a danger that if you forget who you really are, you may think you ARE your space suit instead of the fact that it is simply your vehicle in that dimension. Once there, you will notice that there is an infinite variety of space suits and a great deal of attention given to these. However, in spite of the infinite variety, because this is a planet of duality, they all fall into two basic categories called 'genders. ' Again, we really don't have time to go into this now. But you will find your relationship with your own space suit to be most instructive and interesting. The other little thing is this. In order to operate in that dimension, you will also receive a microchip called a 'personality.' This is like an identity imprint that, along with your space suit, will essentially make you different from everyone else. This will allow you to participate in the hologram there - something they call 'consensus reality.' Once again, there will be a real danger that you will become so engrossed in the holographic personality dramas that you will forget who you really are and actually think that you ARE your personality. I know it sounds rather unbelievable right now, but once you get there..... Again, there is so much more we could tell you by way of orientation, but we think you can learn the rest experientially 'on site." The only thing that is important is to remember Who You Really Are, Why You Are Here, and What This Is Really All About. If you can do that, everything else will work out fine. But take note: So few really DO remember this they stand out as 'different' and others called them 'Enlightened" or 'Awakened" and similar terms. Strange isn't it Well, Good Luck and Bon Voyage See You There I Love You Anonymous Soheila SGh

09.01.2022 *Please note* It is recommended by Knowledge Holders, Elders, that you please begin your meditation an hour before the exact time of the Solstice in your locati...on, and send the intention at that exact time of Solstice. Then, Meditation for an hour after the intention is sent. The time of Solstice in Uluru will be 7.32pm, though the Solstice is at a completely different time depending where you are. Please find out the exact time of the Solstice in your location. Many Brothers and Sisters have been asking me to share this post again. I wrote this post months ago, which ended up being shared thousands of times all over the internet. This information is now appearing in Websites, Conferences, Events, Pages and so on. The group in which it was initially shared to is now gone. So here it is. I trust it will help ((())) Words and image by Julia Williams in consultation with Lore Keepers. This information comes from Lore and Wisdom Keepers from different mobs, Gundungurra is one, Bundjalung, Cadigal, an Aunty from Sydney not sure of her specific mob, also have spoken with Anangu in Uluru Please note the time of Ceremony is the summer or winter solstice in your local area. The time of the ceremony in Australia is irrelevant, please check the exact time of the Solstice in your time zone. The solstice wherever you are is the preferred time for ceremony. You can also check here: Dear Brothers and Sisters Please read this entire message carefully. I have been instructed to provide clarity, for a specific shared intention for the Ceremony on the 21st December 2020. This is the intention given directly by Original People, Lore keepers. I am passing on their words. I share this with pure love and energy, in an effort to provide clarity for those of you wishing to help and positively contribute to the Ceremony, and if you are wondering how you can do that. Ten years ago, I was directly told, physically and in person, about this Ceremony, it's purpose, the specific intention and the exact date from an Aunty who is directly involved in the Ceremony Here is the guidance from Original People, directly involved in this Ceremony. We need to deeply listen and respect those who know exactly what is going on and what this Ceremony is for. They have prepared for this Ceremony for their whole lives. For many, many Generations. These are their words; We need to be truly focused on a singular, focused, specific thought, feeling and intention. The purpose of this Ceremony is for the Rainbow Serpent to become the Rainbow Bridge, to rise up to connect with the light of the sun and go straight into the heart of Mother Earth. Cleansing, energising and reinvigorating Mother Earth and ushering in a new era for Mother, and her children. To be clear ~ the focus is on Mother Earth, not on ourselves. We need to focus on reinvigorating Mother Earth, and raising her consciousness. If this Ceremony is supported by enough pure love, energy, and support of the shared specific intention, it will be successful. The byproduct of a successful Ceremony will be the new era of consciousness for Mother Earth and her Children. Us. We need to ensure our focus and love is on her, Mother Earth, and on this specific intention. With a cleansed body, heart, mind, and soul the intention is: ~ A pure love for Mother in our heart as we ask to energise the heart of Mother Earth with our love and energy ~ With this pure intention, you can contribute to the energy of the Ceremony from wherever you are in such a positive way. You need not be at Uluru. You can do this from afar. And it will make a huge difference!! It is the energy the Ceremony needs to be able to work. ~ Cleansing ~ As guided from Original People. To cleanse body, heart, mind, and soul the advice is to cleanse with pure water, like waterfalls, the ocean, rain, tank water, river or stream. You can cleanse by Smoking/Smudging your body with Eucalyptus leaves, the advice is thick gum leaves for women, thin gum leaves for men. If using Eucalyptus Leaves I have been advised as from Original Peoples that green Eucalyptus spits burning oil and while you need some green or else it burns without enough smoke, and the whole idea is to make smoke, still to never take leaves off a tree though, always just from the ground. Out of respect for Mother, that's proper way You can also Smoke/Smudge working with Ethically sourced cleansing plants such as Palo Santo or White Sage will also work, if this is more convenient. Then Meditation. Meditation with the pure intention. ~ When to Cleanse ~ The advice is that cleansing needs to start now and keep cleansing until and on the day, there's that many things to cleanse including negativity and distractions, it will take a good cleansing. ~ Meditation ~ Then the advice to be Meditating daily, or as much as possible, leading up to the Ceremony, and be Meditating beforehand, there is no set time to start Meditation on the 21st December as we are all different individuals so the amount of time before the Solstice to begin Meditation is up to you, allow as long as it takes to build an intent in our minds. You may need half an hour to an hour of meditation, you need to build the energy to be sent, and then send the clear intenton of re-energising pure love and energy to the heart of Mother Earth at the exact time of the Solstice. ~ How to send the Intention ~ When sending the pure love and revitalising energy to the heart of Mother, this energy can be sent through the root of your body and into the songlines, or through the third eye to Uluru, to join the Ceremony energies. Whatever way individuals find suits them is the right way to send the energy. As long as the energy and intent is there, at the exact time of the Solstice wherever you are, on the 21st December, it shouldn't matter how it gets there *Please note* It is recommended by Knowledge Holders, Elders, that you please begin your meditation an hour before the exact time of the Solstice in your location, and send the intention at that time. Then, Meditation for an hour after the intention is sent. Please find out the exact time of the Solstice in your location. The intention is pure love to reinvigorate and re-energise the heart of Mother. It's simple. Beautiful. Powerful. Your help is important. Your help is necessary. Necessary for this Ceremony to work. This is why you're here now, to help ensure this Ceremony is successful. It's for her. Not us. Though we positively benefit in the process. Keep a Lazer like one pointed focus on the intention. ~ A pure love for Mother in our heart as we ask to energise the heart of Mother Earth ~ This is what you can do. The rest is being taken care of by Original caretakers of the land. Please share this message far and wide, not for profit, for Mother. And please, stay focused on the intention. With infinite love, light, truth and blessings, Julia ((())) xXx Please seek permission before sharing. Photography at Uluru by Julia Williams. Words and image subject to Copyright 2020

06.01.2022 Natascha Nikeprelevic, an overtone singer, whose voice can produce simultaneous and harmonic multiple octaves, performing "Towards the Light". She structures he...r performance to meet the specific spirit or need of the surroundings. Medicine for the times. <3 .

05.01.2022 Beautiful words

05.01.2022 Introducing Healing From Withins CRYSTAL BOXES!!! All crystals are intuitively picked for its high energy and quality. I have cleansed and cleared the crystals... of any energy that it may of picked up on its travels so when you receive it it will be clear to set your intentions and help you on your healing journey! Boxes start from $39-$49 plus postage and handling. If you happen to live on the coast it can be picked up! If you’d like to select your own crystals for your box you are more then welcome to send a message to create your box! I’m so excited to share this with you all as I truly believe Crystals were gifted to this earth to help us heal and evolve

04.01.2022 Success in colour.

04.01.2022 The Sacred Seals The most sacred Seals containing immense Light Pockets of information for the New Golden Age and the New Earth have just been broken and the Li...ght Pocket information is being released in several stages to those souls on earth who are ready to receive such information and activations. These go hand in hand, with the most, sacred and hidden teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, which were indeed burnt at one stage, and some copies were confiscated and never given the light of day, by those who wished to control such information. The seals now being broken, indeed will be transmitted directly into those souls who are ready to go through immense transfiguration and are in the process of doing so. This will mean that no human will transfer this knowledge, but will be transferred directly, to prevent any outside interference. What this means is that these Light Pockets of Information, will indeed lift these souls into the higher dimensional state and frequency bands, and into the New Earth Embodiment in the most powerful ways. The key here is purity and purity and purity of intent, for one’s innate intent will always be read. Will such activations and information be used for the highest good and the greater good of all, or for self-service etc. ? The Sacred Seals contain the infinite Power Pockets of Divine Love in its purest form, with the ultimate transcendental Pockets of Divine Light Information, which goes beyond description. It will bring about huge changes in the vibrational frequencies of the physical embodiment and full transition into the new Lightbody which is already forming, as the ethereal spinal column of those who are ready, is already in place, plus the power grids. With it the Divine Feminine is busy releasing her own Sacred Seals, which is anchoring in the Feminine Christ, and the Magdalene Codes, and this will culminate in the Sacred Book of Love being returned as well, over time. More than this, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, the High Orders of the Christedness plus the Magdalene’s, are working in the highest degrees now with the transfiguration and with the intricate transformation, of those souls who wish and are ready to go through the transfiguration, and total rebirth, and the old self behind forever. They work with the Lord Melchizedek, The High Orders of Melchizedek, Enoch, and John. Immensely powerful transitions are upon us, and especially those souls who are now leading the process. It is a deep transfiguration into the highest light state and the highest expression of unconditional love, Christedness and indeed fully embracing the Divinity within, as one is AS ONE with the Divine Source and Infinite Whole. This is indeed a most sacred and holy weeks, we are entering now. It is a time to seek out quietude and a much deeper connection with the Divinity within and thus to seek guidance and clarity in the highest degree. If you truly seek, you will receive. If you ask, you shall be given to the degree that you are ready to receive and can assimilate such. Indeed is now the time, to seek the inner sanctuary, the inner sacred space, temple and abide there. Seeking the Sacredness, the Holiness and indeed, the Divine Omnipresence in the highest degrees. Get ready for intense transformation and intense transfiguration, accelerating now for those souls ready to receive this. Holy, Holy, Holy. Sacred, Sacred, Sacred. All is sacred. All is holy. All is Divine. Judith Kusel Photo Credit: Daniel Holeman See more

04.01.2022 Sharing with love

04.01.2022 Is Aging Inevitable & Is Your Purpose Hidden In Your Courage?

03.01.2022 With gratitude Nicky

03.01.2022 Thanks Mumma soul food

02.01.2022 Extract from One of my favourite books.

02.01.2022 Take a deep breath. You’re a precious soul, loved, seen and heard by the Goddesses, Gods & Guardians of this universe. Consider this evening as you give yours...elf permission to EXHALE, that there’s cosmic forces beyond your immediate vision that are working for you. You don’t have to figure it all out. Breathe and rest, as much as you can, and know that as the great planets turn, and the sun and moon rise and fall - YOU are taken care of.

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