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25.01.2022 How to optimise training and maintain a healthy cycle to prevent low energy availability (LEA). . . Most of the time, stress plays a big part in our lives. Being female, we are a little more sensitive to this as it interplays with our hormones that are tightly regulated via our endocrine system. If the body perceives stress, due to our sympathetic system (think fight or flight mode), the handbrake will go on and as a result may compromise our menstrual cycle. .... . We need to ensure you remain healthy, get the training adaptations you need and also ensure your cycle remains consistent and regular. . . Making sure you fuel yourself , is important as it takes the metabolic handbrake off and your body can assume that youre healthy to keep your hormones happy and functioning as they should! . Here are some points to remember: Eating adequate calories + prioritising pre and post training nutrition The more you train the more calories - particularly coming from carbs Limit and reduce training load if youre experiencing signs of LEA Manage stress and know your triggers Prioritise your sleep Not restricting calories or participating in fad dieting or fasting protocols ** this presents additional stress Making sure your diet is high in micronutrients ** These guys are the spark plugs to your metabolism. They provide us with our vitamins and minerals which are essential for all cellular activity to maintain homeostasis and other things. Making sure your diet is high in whole-grains, fruits and veggies. . . Prevention is key & understanding how to optimise nutrition and energy availability is paramount.Understanding the different phases of your cycle is key for nutriton and performance as its taking them one step further to ensure you are operating at your peak potential. . . Successful nutrition interventions can be incorporated to assist with hunger levels, inflammation, training and recovery throughout your cycle ! Theres so much more to it than just calories and macros.
25.01.2022 Ferrero Rochers would have to be one of my favourite chocolates who would agree? . FERRERO ROCHER PROTEIN MUG CAKE Serves: 1... Ingredients: 15g chocolate protein powder 1 tsp cacao powder 2 tsp honey 1 tbs almond meal 1 tsp baking powder 1 egg 2 tbs milk 2 ferrero rochers 80g vanilla YoPro Method: 1Whisk the egg and milk together in a bowl. 2Add protein powder, cacao, honey, almond meal and baking powder. 3Stir to combine, then mix through 1 crushed ferrero rocher. 4Grease a drinking mug with olive oil. 5Add all ingredients into the mug and microwave for 1 minute. 6If still soft, microwave for another 30 seconds. 7Remove from mug and leave to cool. 8Slice in half, placing half the yoghurt in between layers and the other half on top. 9Sprinkle with the remaining ferrero rocher and enjoy!. . . Thank you for all the love in DM for wanting this recipe . . Dont forget to tag and share
24.01.2022 PLEASE SAVE this was voted by you guys as a recipe you wanted . . . PROTEIN STRAWBERRY CRUMBLE: .... Serves: 2 Ingredients: 250 g frozen strawberries 55g protein (vanilla) 60g quick oats 10 g coconut flour 20g peanut butter 1 tsp milk Method: Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius. Place frozen strawberries in a bowl. Heat in microwave for 35 to 45 seconds and take out of microwave. Place 35g of protein in the bowl with the strawberries and mash it all together until it forms a thick/mushed mixture. Spread evenly in a small lined tray. In another bowl add the rest of the ingredients. Mix together until it forms a dry crumble. Sprinkle on top of the strawberry mixture. Bake for 10 minutes. . Serve as desired . Tag someone who would LOVE this. Share and save See more
23.01.2022 HAPPY SATURDAY . Heres one for the weekend . Homemade apple pie ... Serves: 8 Ingredients: Crust: 1.5 cups (190g) wholemeal flour 1 cup (285g) thick greek yoghurt tsp (2g) baking powder cup (50g) vanilla protein powder Filling: 2-3 pink apples 1 tsp (3g) cinnamon 1 tbs (20g) honey 1 tbs (8g) vanilla protein powder 1 tbs (8g) tapioca flour . Method: 1.Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius. 2.Combine all crust ingredients together in a bowl. 3.Use hands and extra flour if needed to knead into dough. 4.Place of mixture into a large pie tin and use hands to push to the sides. 5.Once evenly linen the base and edges of the tin, put in oven. 6.Bake for 10 minutes. 7.Dice the apples into 1cm pieces & add to microwave proof bowl. 8.Add cinnamon, cover with hot water & microwave for 8 minutes. 9.Stir to combine & drain the water into a bowl. 10.Add back in cup of the liquid. 11.Stir through the honey, protein & tapioca until thick & combined. 12.Pour into the crust once its out of the oven. 13.Return to oven for another 10 minutes. 14.Serve with a scoop of plain greek yoghurt! . Save this one guys its a beauty
22.01.2022 The foundations for FAT LOSS. . . FIRSTLY: to achieve fat loss the most important factor is to ensure youre in a calorie deficit. The interventions utilised should be individualised to suit your own requirements for your lifestyle to be sustainable long term. .... . Important factors to consider when trying to sustain a calorie deficit are: 1maintaining a moderate protein intake, increasing your fibre intake and including more plants in your diet (this improves the overall nutrition quality of your foods and allows you to consume more of the lower calorie foods). 2&3Its easier to manipulate your requirements through altering your carbs (focusing on wholegrain!) and fats, rather than manipulating protein. This allows you to adjust based on personal preference and training requirements. 4Low cal condiments can serve a purpose when dieting as they can provide flavour at minimal calorie cost. 5Having indulgent foods when needed but dont disregard steps 1-3. Remember, your diet is your own, having indulgent foods here and there is important because there is no right or wrong way when it comes to your own personal preference . . However, these foods dont offer much advantage for being able to sustain a calorie deficit. Why? Because most of the time these foods are highly palatable (easy to over consume) and very calorie dense. Try not to refer to these as cheat meals, as this can create unhealthy and restrictive behaviours...but simply an off plan meal. . . A meal off your plan that you enjoy, whether thats for social reasons or (how I like to refer to it!) as a meal where you dont have to cook! . . Implementing the above strategies can ensure what youre doing is sustainable AND can allow fat loss to be achieved within a time frame that isnt restrictive or compromises your mental health. . . What you DONT want to be doing when youre trying to diet: Banning yourself certain foods you enjoy completely Quick fixes that arent sustainable Creating UNHEALTHY EATING BEHAVIOURS or a negative relationship with food. . . See more
21.01.2022 Why should weworry about what others think of us, do we have more confidence in their opinions than we do our own?" --Brigham Young . Remember - there is no right way to have a body, especially at the expense of someone elses opinion. When it comes to overcoming disordered eating and restrictive behaviours, its important to change how you see yourself and discredit others opinion. . .... When you put too much value into other people's opinions you're basically telling your true self to fuck-off. If you create thought mechanisms that suggest : I am ugly I am fat I am not beautiful . Then your actions and behaviours will replicate this. . . To overcome these thinking patterns - challenge yourself. Your self worth is not defined by a number on the scales or what you think your body should look like. . Challenge your negative thoughts, confront them & work on acknowledging what you appreciate & are grateful for. But most importantly, take responsibility to change how you view yourself. . So many women see their weight as a part of their identity. They assume something is wrong with their bodies when they arent the ideal size. . So many women step on the scales to measure their worthiness as a person. If that number has gone down, they feel a boost in self-worth and tell themselves its a good day. If that number goes up, they feel like a failure, and may even punish themselves with exercise or restricting food intake. . . Too much emphasis is put on that number. As if it isnt possible to be happy, healthy and successful without achieving a certain number on the scales. Its all lies we tell ourselves, because the truth is that happiness and body acceptance doesnt come from achieving any weight or physique. . . It comes from deciding you are worthy enough as you are. From choosing to respect and take care of your body. From knowing that you are so much more than a silly little number or your outer appearance, and what matters most is how you feel, not how you look or what others think about you. . . Thats their issue, not yours.
20.01.2022 Fuelling yourself for having a kickass week! . @chrisduncanfitness and I created this post for you guys. If you’re not following Chris already, do yourself a favour and go check his page out and follow him for some great educational posts! . So what does a ‘good’ week look like when it relates to nutrition & improving your results?... A good week can be subjective at best. However, when it comes to fuelling for performance and lifestylegoals, these are the focus points you want to really focus on: Eat enough to support daily needs. - The human body requires energy for numerous functions, including growth, reproduction, cellular maintenance, and movement, not just your training requirements! You want to ensure you’re eating enough to keep your body happy and out of a perceived stress mode. Remember you want to NOURISH TO FLOURISH. Hitting enough protein - this is important to retain lean muscle mass for your efforts at training. Having a good relationship with food - being able to enjoy the foods you consume and incorporating this into your lifestyle means you’re more likely to create sustainable habits and lifestyle changes! Pre training nutrition protocols are important to fuel yourself for the work ahead - appropriate strategies should be incorporated and personalised to your requirements! Focus on carbs in and around your training ! R and R is important for training adaptations to occur and also to ensure you’re taking some time out from a busy schedule. Having lifestyle balance is just as important. And of course, none of the above is even relevant if you’re smoking crack daily. So our advice? Don’t. . Let’s prioritise the good over the bad! Too many bad weeks in a row may put yourself at risk for jeopardising your health and nutrition. Remember small changes are the best changes! Set yourself up to succeed by avoiding the bad side and focus on the good . . See more
19.01.2022 I promised Id share this peanut butter jelly slice . . This is another recipe youll want to make time for .... . PB JELLY PROTEIN SLICE Serves: 8 Ingredients: Base: cup oat flour 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 tbs PB cup pitted dates (soaked) 1 tsp cacao powder 1 tbs milk PB layer: cup PB banana 2 tbs milk 1 tbs vanilla protein powder 1 tbs honey Jelly: cup frozen raspberries 1 tbs vanilla protein powder 2 tbs milk Choc top: 6 squares lindt dark chocolate ( block) 1 tbs vanilla protein powder Method: 1Soak the dates for the base in boiling water for 3 minutes. 2Drain the dates & add to blender with all other base ingredients. 3Press firmly into a small lined tray. 4Blend all PB layer ingredients together until smooth & pour over the base. 5Place in the freezer. 6Meanwhile, blend all jelly ingredients together until smooth. 7Pour evenly over the PB layer & return to freezer. 8Melt the dark chocolate in the microwave & mix through the protein powder. 9Spread evenly over the whole slice and then freeze for 4-6 hours or until set. . . I hope you enjoy this. Tag, share and SAVE
18.01.2022 As 2020 comes to an end we need to reconsider how we view four relationship with foods.Most of you might say: . Bad is the only word I can describe for my food this week. My response is, What do you mean bad, that’s very vague?Did you steal food/ money from someone? Did you break into someone’s house? Did you vandalise property? .... These things are ‘bad’ and have consequences . Eating a few cookies, drinking for the festive season or whatever else you’ve eaten are not those things. . Food is not inherently good or bad. Food is food. It doesn’t have a moral value and all foods can fit as part of an overall healthy and balanced diet. . Attaching labels like ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to food can create a very negative relationship with food and disordered eating mindset. Something that is heavily present in every day life. . Sure some foods are more nutrient-dense and health promoting than other foods, but that doesn’t make them ‘good’ or ‘bad’. . . Food is more than nutrition. It’s also pleasure and enjoyment. Fun, social connection, culture and so much more! . The moment you start to acknowledge food as bad you increase the likelihood of creating a negative mindset, you start to feel guilty or feel inadequate for consuming such foods. Before you know it, it has taken up more of your mental space than it needs. As you can see it can start a spiral that is very difficult to break once that mindset is created. . Giving foods labels, basically means you’ve succumbed to the idea that foods SHOULD be labeled. Labellingfoodsasbad causes unhealthy behavioural association. This may kick start the obsession and may lead you down the pathway of restricting and binging. . The only foods that ARE bad are foods that are spoilt, mouldy or poisonous for us to eat. Please don’t eat those! . Everything else can absolutely be included as part of a healthy balanced diet. No shame, guilt or labels needed! . See more
16.01.2022 Habits and behaviours. They determine your long term success in anything, whether they’re nutrition and fitness-related goals or not. Studies show that certain behaviours can contribute to long term success in health related goals. Weight loss (WL) attempts, particularly through behavioural lifestyle methods, are largely successful,however, maintaining WL is challenging for most people, and regaining that weight is common. . A systemic review found that the average weight l...oss intervention resulted in a loss of 9.5% of bodyweight, however 1 year later only 54% of this WL was maintained. The problem is most individuals eitherweight rapidly or haven’t carried the skills & knowledge over into weight maintenance phase, or a combination of both. . Changing lifestyle behaviours remains at the forefront of effective weight loss maintenance strategies. Those who were able to maintain weight were able to sustain those skills, knowledge and behavioural aspects. Basically meaning they were able to continue these behavioural changes into their daily routine and lifestyle. . If you lose weight & then go back to your old habits e.g. eating excess calories, moving less etc, of course you’re going to regain weight as you havent addressed the behaviours in the first place. This is usually when people participate in yo yo dieting & ‘quick fixes’. . There appears to be some evidence suggesting certain behaviours are conducive to long term weight maintenance success: weight-related quality of life self-esteem, weight loss expectations exercise self-efficacy, and weight locus of control Meal regularity Self awareness and management strategies Maintaining consistency Exercise & nutrition behaviours don’t need to include drastic changes, it’s just about making them more sustainable. It’s what you do day to day that will determine how successful you are. Take the stairs over the escalators If you eat uber eats cut it back to 1-2 nights If you’re sedentary for most of the day - aim to get 10 mins of walking in 2-3 times a day Start small you will be better off in the long run. *Please keep in mind 10k steps per day is an arbitrary figure.
13.01.2022 Is under fuelling and over training sabotaging yourself body composition goals? . . When eating less & moving more can lead to problemsNot eating adequate amounts to fuel your daily activities & training, especially under fuelling on carbohydrates around your training, can lead to low energy availability (LEA). Essentially, this means your body isnt receiving enough energy to fuel all the work it is doing, plus power basic functions. .... . As a result, the body dials down on non-essential functions in order to conserve energy (think of this like the battery-saving mode on your phone!)...resulting in reduced resting metabolic rate, menstrual dysfunction, slowed digestion, decreased core temperature, & so on. . . Do you think your body will waste precious energy on building muscle tissue when it isnt receiving enough fuel to power its core functions? Definitely not! . Coupled with increased cortisol levels & impaired thyroid function as a result of over training & inadequate energy intake, this leads to the body essentially being in energy saving mode.Your energy expenditure has reduced so significantly that it becomes virtually impossible to reach a caloric deficit. . . Not to mention the myriad of other acute & long term consequences on health & performance that come with LEA shown above. . . Keep in mind you dont want to get LEA & calorie deficit mixed up. These are TWO different circumstances altogether. . . Thats why its important to realise you can be experiencing LEA without necessarily being in a calorie deficit and either weight stable OR not losing weight. . . How? Long term LEA causes metabolic + physiological adaptations in order to reduce energy expenditure to prevent weight loss and promote survival. An athlete may be weight stable or not be of low body mass/fat yet have impaired physiological function. Weight loss may occur in the short-term, but long-term LEA negatively affects both health & performance. . . Eating less & training more is not always the answer. Even when weight loss is the goal! . Prevention is key & understanding how to optimise nutrition and energy availability is paramount. Remember you body whispers in so many ways
13.01.2022 SLEEP Some of the physiological changes that occur during the menstrual cycle. . . Women undergo changes in body temp during their cycle. The physiology of is quite detailed, but its so fascinating to see what goes on in our bodies during this cycle! Estradiol + progesterone affect thermoregulation, both where estradiol tends to promote heat dissipation (think cooler), & progesterone promotes heat conservation, sweating & skin blood flow. .... . During the luteal phase when progesterone is high, the bodys thermostat is reset to a higher temperature. Skin vasodilation decreases so that metabolism warms the body + the same mechanism makes the body more sensitive to heat stress. . . Most studies show sleep quality is at its lowest before + during menstruation, & otherwise remains stable across the menstrual cycle in healthy women. However, it is noted that minor sleep disturbances + a decrease in quality seems to occur during the luteal phase. . . The increase in progesterone during the luteal phase which may be the reason for this fragmented sleep, as the increase in core temperature (~0.3-0.6C )makes it harder to achieve REM sleep. When we sleep, our core temperature needs to drop to fall asleep, so sleep hygiene may be important to consider around this time of your cycle! . . Certain foods may help to promote sleep as they help the brain produce important hormones/neurotransmitters for sleep onset (melatonin and tryptophan). Some examples of these are:tart cherry juice, pistachios, small serve of oatmeal . . Now, this is only a snapshot of what is going on during this phase and there are other factors that come into play! . . Understanding reproductive hormones and their effects on body systems is challenging because of the complex and multifaceted influences of these hormones, both individually and in combination. . . So as you can see its understandable to take this with a grain of salt as future research is still needed in this area to provide important insight for optimisation of individualised interventions for women.. See more
13.01.2022 MYMC @mymusclechef always delivering the goods! The new MYMC collagen bars on the block!. . Cacao & coconut is . 15g protein/bar... no added sugars real ingredients GF &DF One of the main ingredients is collagen. Facts about collagen: . Collagen is a protein, its the main component of the various connective tissues in the body,the substance that holds the body together. Its present primarily in fibrous tissues such as tendons & skin, & it represents at least 30% of total body protein content. . .There are many different types of collagen. However, the main ones are type l, ll, lll. Type I also is present in skin, where its largely responsible for skins elasticity & strength.By contrast, collagen type II is primarily distributed in cartilage, & collagen type III, which is always found alongside type I, is most prevalent in skin, blood vessels, & internal organs. . . Whilst theres a lot of hype around it, collagen DOES show some results in reducing joint pain, especially in those with osteoarthritis, with some small studies also suggesting collagen may provide benefits for those with other types of joint pain as well. . . Whilst further research is needed, this is exciting for the sports nutrition world as it also suggests that collagen may also be beneficial for repair joint damage & recovering from injuries. However, this is more to do with specific some collagen peptides being combined with vitaminC to assist in tendons & ligament repair. But keep in mind not all collagen is created equal. . . Some other fun facts about these bars: The fact they are free of sugar alcohols & artificial sweeteners means they are very well tolerated from a gut perspective! . . The high polyunsaturated fat content (from nuts), combined with the protein, also makes them very filling & satiating. Tastes like shortbread . . Try these bars out & let me know what you think Use TAYLOR20 for discount . . **this is general information about collagen only & any specific injury or concern requires an individualised intervention. Most supplements are very generalised, therefore seek advice from an Acc.sports dietitian to ensure evidence based protocols are being utilised. @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
12.01.2022 #blackouttuesday
12.01.2022 You guys asked for this one and I dont blame you . . FUDGY CHOC PB PROTEIN BARS Serves:8 Ingredients:... Base: 70g raw sweet potato 170g pitted dates 30g chocolate protein powder 30ml almond milk 30g almond meal Middle: 65ml almond milk 40g natural PB 20g melted coconut oil 30g vanilla protein powder 8g honey Top: 4 squares Cadbury milk chocolate Method: 1.Soak the dates in boiling water for 5 minutes. 2.Meanwhile, peel & dice the sweet potato. 3.Add to a pot of boiling water & boil until soft. 4.Drain the sweet potato & dates, add to a blender. 5.Blend until a puree forms. 6.Add all other base ingredients & blitz to combine. 7.Press firmly into a small lined tray. 8.Stir all the middle ingredients together in a bowl. 9.Pour evenly over the base & freeze for minimum 5 hours. 10.Melt the chocolate in a small snap lock bag. 11.Cut a small hole in the corner & drizzle the chocolate over the slice. 12.Slice into 8 pieces & enjoy! . Tag, share and save - this is certainly one youll want to make . See more
09.01.2022 Weight loss will be the overarching theme many people are talking about for the next month, I can guarantee you. . But I want to challenge your thought mechanisms, as what you perceive as your goal weight might not be HEALTHY for you and your body. These two factors are important to consider. . When we focus on achieving a certain number, most of the time we set unrealistic goal weights.... . People will say I want to be x weight. When I question what attachment they have to that number or why that number is important to them - most of the time they can’t answer, or it was the lowest number they can remember being. So many women step on the scales to measure their worthiness as a person. If that number has , they feel a boost in self-worth & tell themselves it’s a ‘good’ day. If that number they feel like a failure, & often ‘punish’ themselves with exercise or restricting food intake. . So many women see their weight as a part of their identity. They assume something is wrong with their bodies when they aren’t the ideal size. As it goes against our diet obsessed culture. Diet culture, tells us to do exactly that: diet. It discredits evidenced-based nutrition interventions, but heavily emphasises restriction of foods. With the underlying motives being weight loss & achieving a physique unrealistic for most. . Body dissatisfaction is more prominent nowadays than it has ever been. As a result, most people, particularly women, set unrealistic goals to be in line with the status quo. But by trying to achieve these unattainable weight or body image goals you are just fuelling the diet culture even more! . We appear to have a set body weight that supports our health and wellbeing. If you dip below that, your body has to work a lot harder to regulate its physiological processes. . I want you to challenge how you set your goals for 2021 or even starting NOW. Choose a different focus point that isn’t based on scale weight & is based on bettering yourself as an individual & allowing yourself to become a healthier you, both physically & mentally. . Bodies change, & thats okay but it’s even more important to respect, care for & honour your body. Start your goals right! See more
09.01.2022 WHO DOESNT FUDGE! . Quick and simple recipe. . PB CHOC CHIP PROTEIN FUDGE:... Serves: 15 Ingredients: 250g natural peanut butter 100g melted coconut oil 80g honey/rice malt syrup 30g any protein powder (preferable choc PB or vanilla) 30g choc chips Method: 1Combine the PB, coconut oil & honey/syrup in a bowl. 2Stir through the protein powder until well combined. 3Mix through half of the choc chips. 4Line a small baking tin with paper or glad wrap. 5Pour the fudge mixture into the tin & sprinkle with remaining choc chips. 6Free for minimum 2-3 hours or until set. 7Slice into pieces & enjoy!. . Share this one
08.01.2022 Hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) is caused by a disruption to the hypothalamus pituitary ovarian axis resulting in an alteration to the reproductive system to conserve energy. . Interesting, HA & Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)can both have effects on the menstrual cycle. Both present with similar symptoms, & unfortunately HA can be misdiagnosed as PCOS. . PCOS is a condition of menstrual irregularities, coupled with insulin resistance, hyper-androgenism + poly cystic ovaries... (where number & size of cysts are examined). . In HA, the brain stops communicating to the ovaries. The main causes tend to be stress, under-eating, & over-exercising +/- combination of all three. HA can have altered blood work due to hormonal disruption. . . The reason why there is a bit of confusion, is due to HA sometimes presenting as irregular periods + polycystic ovaries can be present. Sounds similar to PCOS right ? . . The problem comes when HA may be misdiagnosed as PCOS and therefore further exacerbates the are risk of low energy availability. Why is this the case? Because individuals with PCOS usually: - Increase physical activity - Reduce calorie intake, specifically carbs - Eliminate certain foods, such as sugars and more processed carbs or carbs in general. All of these WILL execerbate HA. . THIS is why its important to seek professional advice. . One thing to remember is that BOTH conditions need adequate calories & calorie deprivation should NOT be promoted. Both are stresses to the body, but HA is usually to some degree a nutrition & over exercising related problem but is treatable & is based on pathways being turn off BUT can be turned back on, whereas PCOS is an endocrine disorder. . . Appropriate nutrition interventions need to be applied to both to ensure youre not making matters worse!!! . Losing your period under any given circumstance means your body is trying to compromise . . This is general & informative advice only, this is not for diagnostic purposes at all. For individualised advice, seek advice from a team of healthcare professionals. . . Being healthy starts from the inside out See more
08.01.2022 Its not at all uncommon for female athletes to be on the oral contraceptive pill (OCP), either as a contraceptive or because it just makes life (ie. training & competing!) more convenient. The pill can make cycles more predictable & easier to manage, and when you dont want a bleed you just skip the sugar pill. . . The important thing to understand is:A pill bleed is NOT a real bleed.The pill introduces synthetic hormones into the body which suppress ovulation & natural production. The bleed you get monthly is simply a withdrawal bleed, not a period. . . When it comes to female athletes there is an obvious clinical indicator of sufficient energy availability=menstrual cycles. Now, the problem with this is that it is virtually impossible to tell whether or not an athlete would have their natural cycle if they werent taking the losing your period is a big red flag for RED-S or low energy availability, & all the health & performance consequences associated with it. So on the pill, youre losing out on this early detection system as it is masked. . . Another problem is that measuring your energy intake via food & training logs might not reect your true physiological state, as these logs only provide a snapshot of recent behaviours,& self reported methods are really hard to determine this. Its important to work with a team of health professionals who can assist you in this area to ensure this isnt going undetected! . . Please keep in mind Im NOT suggesting you should or shouldnt take the pill, as this is for information purposes ONLY & taking the pill can alleviate many symptoms/side effects & without the contraceptive options some athletes simply wouldnt be able to train at all. This is also only addressing the OC not all contraceptive methods. . . But this is why I stress the importance that youre consuming enough food to support daily activities +training etc. As per usual its general advice and it will be dependent on the individual, so always work with a team of health professionals including accredited sports dietitians, who understand your sport to ensure youre providing yourself with the fuel you need to stay fit and healthy! See more
08.01.2022 This is a super easy and delicious recipe as promised . . . CHOCOLATE PROTEIN PORRIDGE SLICE: Serves: 6... Ingredients:1 cup oat flour. cup almond meal.1 banana. 2 scoops chocolate protein. 1 tbs cacao powder. 1 cup almond milk. cup dates, chopped. 2 tbs honey or rice malt syrup (if vegan). Method: 1Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. 2In a large bowl, mash the banana. 3Add in all other ingredients and stir until well combined. 4Pour into a lined square baking tray and spread evenly. 5Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes and then set aside to cool. . . Hope you enjoy it See more
08.01.2022 Caption this !! . . . Some exciting video creations with @fortify_gear today. The video creation for this one was particularly hilarious. Not only that, but I’m a big believer in supporting small businesses who are loyal and amazing humans. The team at @fortify_gear are exactly that plus the clothes are amazing and true to size.... . . Not your typical nutrition post by any means but hey it was god damn fun to do it! Creating video content isn’t really my thing as I’m super awkward and blunt for those who know me well . So it was good to get out of my comfort zone. . . Also who wore it better ? See more
08.01.2022 What is the best diet for relative energy deficiency in sport? . There is no single best diet, & each athletes needs will be different depending on their sport, lifestyle + dietary preferences/needs. . Unfortunately, it appears most female athletes constant energy restriction has become a normal part of their lifestyle & is one of the primary factors contributing to menstrual dysfunction.... . The most important factors are: Addressing the mismatch between energy intake & energy expenditure to ensure adequate calorie intake to support training, daily activities + normal body function. Understanding these demands will ensure youre not comprising your health + performance. Adequate calcium & Vitamin D intake to support bone health, & adequate or in calories & protein to support exercise & recovery. Having a positive relationship with food. Ensuring carbohydrate intake is adequate to replenish glycogen stores used during training sessions. The more intense the training, the more carbs need to be consumed! . I can guarantee most (females in particular) are under fuelling sometimes unintentionally & sometimes intentionally. Anecdotally, I see most female athletes are eating well below 1400-1500cals...most athletic females require A LOT more than this. As previously mentioned to maintain body weight in accordance to optimal energy intake (45 kcal/kg/FFM).BUT, if youre training 4-5 times a week, at high intensity, you may need MORE calories to ensure youre providing enough energy to support performance. . Common signs of underfuelling include: * Weight loss/underweight * Periods stopping/becoming irregular** * Recurrent illness or injury * Decreased sports performance * Mood changes * Delayed/disordered growth/development (children and teenagers) * Iron deficiency . ** Please remember -the subclinical/subtle menstrual cycle disturbances include luteal phase defects + anovulation (cycles where ovulation doesnt occur due to low progesterone), which often go unnoticed . I understand the need to function at a high level for performance but at the cost of your health? Appropriate nutrition advice from qualified professionals is so imperative See more
07.01.2022 As promised the recipe for - TIM TAM PROTEIN CHEESECAKE Serves: 4 Ingredients: Base:5 chocolate tim tams... cup milk 30g chocolate protein Middle: 2 tbs cup milk 1/3 cup cream cheese 15g vanilla protein Top: 1 tim tam, crushed Method: 1Chop the tim tams roughly and add to a blender. 2Add remaining base ingredients and blend to combine. 3Pour evenly into 4 individual muffin trays, or 1 small lined tray. 4Place in freezer. 5Meanwhile, blend together all middle ingredients. 6Pour middle evenly over the base & sprinkle with the top tim tam. 7Place in the freezer for 4 hours or until set, enjoy!. . Please feel free to tag, share and save See more
07.01.2022 Training and non training days, should your nutrition differ? . The answer: As always, it depends on the individual and their circumstances. . Evidence suggests, it doesnt really affect body composition, as long as the weekly calorie and macro intake totals are adhered to.... . In saying that, some points to consider: are you a highly active individual/ intermediate to elite athlete? is your training high intensity, high volume, long in duration? are you training more than once per day? are your training sessions within close proximity of each other? E.g afternoon training followed by the morning session? are you training most days? If youve answered yes to most of these, it would be more beneficial for you to have your calories the same (that support performance) to ensure you can adapt to the training stimulus youre trying to create. . Alternatively, you may choose a higher intake of carbs on training days to support higher training demands. And on non training days, pull your pre training nutrition if you wish or alternatively keep the same to aid in efficient recovery purposes. . Other scenarios to consider: everyday go getter: often having the same calories and macro breakdown is easier for compliance. alternatively, it may be beneficial for you to eat more on days where your energy expenditure is higher, and eat less when youre not as active. you may prefer higher calories for the weekends or events. if you are at risk of LEA and are underfuelling, it would be more beneficial to keep CALORIES high regardless. Keep in mind all options can be achieved by tracking or non tracking, please ensure whatever you choose is sustainable for YOU and YOU only. . What may work for others, may not work for you and thats okay! Hence why its important for an individualised approach to ensure your creating something that is consistent. . As always, this is not personal recommendations. If youre seeking advice, please reach out to a qualified health professional to ensure you create sustainable and healthy nutrition habits. .
07.01.2022 For those of you who know me well would know this is a project that we’ve been working hard on, behind the scenes for a very long time. . . I honestly thought to myself I want to make a difference in the fitness industry. Finding like minded individuals is hard but I’m very grateful for my co founder of Bite Rite @danipguy who is an Certified Nutritionist, a mum of three & someone who generally loves nutrition and making a difference, just as much as me. .... This is where @biterite_co came into the picture. We want to empower, education & provide a support system to enhance everyone’s nutrition knowledge to support sustainability in their eating behaviours and also achieve their goals. . BiteRite created by us Qualified Health professionals - to ensure it provides you with a simplicity at your finger tips. BiteRite was designed to ensure you were given the opportunity to have pocket dietitians & nutritionists at your fingertips, to ensure your meals for the day are balanced, nutritious and evidenced based to ensure you’re able to achieve your goals. BiteRite creates creates a meal plan for individual users based on your calorie needs for the day in seconds. No endless counting necessary. It will plan your whole day based on your requirements. The recipes and meal ideas have been created by a team of qualified dietitians & nutritionists not just to suit your requirements but to ensure these meals are nutritionally balanced. So no need to try make up your remaining calories for the day by eating lettuce leaf, coconut oil & other absurd combinations just to hit those ‘targets’. A large variety of dietary preferences are catered for, including vegan, & plant based options. Peruse & swap meals to suit your preference, & then create a shopping list with the click of a button, based on each recipe in your meal plan for the week - based on your personal serving size. . To all my clients, those who are close to me and the ones who have watched us grow, you all rock. This is the first release & please remember the app will continue to grow & get better based on user experience. . The count down for when it’s live starts at the end of this week. . WHO’s Excited See more
07.01.2022 Probably one of the most common questions I get all the time,how long will it takes for me to get a six pack? . Unfortunately, this ideology of to be considered extremely fit you need to be extremely lean’ that the fitness industry has created, is not a reality! . If that is your whole purpose when it comes to exercising & nutrition, let me ask you what are your motives around training &what is important to you other than aesthetics?The fitness industry has made you that visible abs is the "gold standard" of fitness. . . Having a six-pack doesn’t mean you’re fit or healthy. Having a six-pack doesn’t mean that your strong or have good core stability. Having a six-pack is not necessarily a sign of happiness, besides having low BF and/or having genetics in your court. It’s an aesthetic goal not a health or lifestyle goal - it’s not a goal that is sustainable for most. . Having Abs, what does that actually mean to you? I like to re phrase this &emphasis that having a strong functional core stability, is what is important. .. Core stability is what we do on a day to day basis. Use your core in a way that will BENEFIT your training. You have to be able to use your core to stack your pelvis and rib cage. Your rec abs don’t do that so you need to learn to use the core as a whole. Hence why this is so important with any sport. The problem is there’s a big difference between looking strong and actually being strong. You can have a six pack and have really shitty core stability. Just like you can have strong core, which’s assists in stability, balance and posture and still not see a six pack. Constantly work towards making yourself a better athlete. By preventing injury management & always working on your weaknesses. . There is no magic pill, everything should be about sustainability. Train hard, use your core in a way that promotes core stability and eat the right foods. If your problem area is your midsection your answer is a calorie deficit & patience. Body fat is an accumulation of extra calories stored over time. So if you’ve noticed your body fat has increased over a certain time frame it won’t go overnight, it will take time just like everything else See more
07.01.2022 THIS IS ONE VERSION OF MONOPOLY THAT YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY. . . Dieting to extremes perpetuates the lie ,that to be healthy you have to abide by rigid, strict, and complicated eating rules. The more rules the more complicated it gets, however this can be a pathway that becomes obsessive for most. The general concepts of nutrition hasnt really changed over the years. The problem is the diet culture focuses on unrealistic body image + unrealistic diets that usually lack ...credibility and evidence. . . Prime example of this is within the fitness industry but particularly CrossFit. Most of the time its low carb or no carb, keto or fasting, lack of food as its a non training days.The extremities of nutrition. . . Performance is paramount in a sport where intensities are always changing. So why under fuel yourself? . . Anecdotally, most individuals usually appear in a constant state of chronic dieting particularly within the CrossFit community. This may be one of the reasons youre not seeing any consistent results especially if performance is your outcome.. The reality is, you can be unhealthy at any weight or any body composition. . . I can guarantee the majority of you who ARE dieting shouldnt BE or are not in a position to be dieting. . . Remember, constantly striving to be leaner where you have to go far and beyond, where its detrimental to your lifestyle isnt the solution to long term sustainability or performance. . . Replacing one diet with another may not be the best solution - especially at the expense of your own mental health and well-being. There is nothing healthy about unhealthy eating patterns, restrictive dieting or compulsive eating. . . Eat enough to support your training and goals ,pay attention to how you feel and make small sustainable changes. Because whats the point if youre miserable, tired all the time and struggle with normality, all for what? To look slightly leaner? And to compromise your original goal which was to focus on performance? . . Inspired by @thefoodmedic See more
07.01.2022 After a few posts- I’ve had questions as to whether pre training nutrition is appropriate. . . What I want to stress to you is the importance of focusing on eating to suit your requirements, but also enjoyment of eating. Daily nutrition and adhering to good structure is more important that pre training nutrition. However, if you’re an elite athlete, the 1% this will be very important. .... Pre training nutrition is still an important factor to consider, however the emphasis should be more focused on the work ahead. . . The addition/reduction or alteration may be required to your pre training nutrition, dependent on the intensity you can bring to training. So it’s important to consider what is applicable to your current lifestyle. . . Now, there isn’t necessarily right or wrong, but we want to try & promote are good nutrition protocols where best sees fit. If your training intensity or duration has , then maybe a in the amount of pre training carbs you fuel yourself with may be advantageous. OR maybe your training schedule has and now is the perfect time to the amount of carbs and fine tune your nutrition to support your performance goals. . One option I wouldn’t suggest is to train fasted, especially if you’re chasing performance goals within strength and conditioning sports. Just like any given situation always ensure you’re consuming enough calories to support your daily requirements. Don’t pull too many calories to a point where it may jeopardise your health (especially as a female). . Best way to determine what suits you is through trial and error. Have carbs around 30-45 mins prior to training and aim for around 0.5-1g/kg/bw. . See more
06.01.2022 If youre not fuelling for the exercise youre doing, how do you expect your body to make positive adaptations to your training? . Most recreational female athletes experience menstrual dysfunctional across their lifespan, particularly hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). . (HA) is one of the most common causes of secondary amenorrhea. The hypothalamus & pituitary (which regulate many of our bodys hormones) reduce or stop producing certain hormones,e.g reproductive hormones.Differe...nt athletes can have vastly different thresholds at which their menstrual cycles are affected. . . Your endocrine hand break will go on when YOUR body perceives its going through stress. E.g. its not safe at the moment for having a baby so its going to stop reproductive function to conserve energy. Lifestyle stress,over exercising, diet patterns, sleep, low energy availability, may all contribute to loss of menses. These can be accumulative factors BUT everyones metabolic endocrine handbrake is different. It can turn off at any stage dependent on how your body perceives these stresses. . How does this affect performance? It creates POOR performance. Underfuelling isnt going to elicit the results you want. Without hormones, you wont get the results youre after. Lean muscle mass will be reduced without energy availability, without estrogen etc. Everything needs to be working synergistically! . The problem is most females are in a subclinical low energy available state as it is. Its very easy to fall into the trap of not eating enough daily, coupled with high training + LIFE stress. All it takes is 4 days of low energy availability to have effects on your endocrine system! . Take home: 1Stress needs to be managed well, no nutrition intervention will be effective if this isnt managed 245k cal/kgFFM is IDEAL dont cut food. 3Food quality matters: Ideal intake of B vitamins, calcium, iron &zinc to ensure adequate energy production, haemoglobin synthesis, adequate immune function,& building & repair of bones/muscles. . . @sarahlizking has a few podcasts on this . Please seek advice from an accredited health professional in this manner. . Please avoid under fuelling. See more
06.01.2022 Working a very busy schedule + training means I can be very short on time sometimes. Although I always promote having a wholesome diet that isnt restrictive and allows for adequate nutrition for your goals, even the best of us reach out for some help! . . I always look forward to my fortnightly subscription from @mymusclechef . I am able to order what I need to match my training intensities to ensure I am not under fuelling myself and can pick and choose the meals I want. .... . Not only that, but as a meal prep company, theyve gone far and beyond, creating new meals regularly and creating plus size range where you have the options to add more carbs, proteins and veggies to your meals. This is fantastic, as I know I can count on these guys to ensure I am getting enough nutritionally. Not even just for me, but for my athletes and for my clients. . . Ps. My favourites are coconut turmeric, crumbed chicken with roast potatoes, pulled chicken tacos , peri peri chicken and beans! And you cant go past a good spag bol! Each of these meals, I will always add the PLUS + Veggies OR PLUS + CARBS. . . Want to try My Muscle Chef? Save $20 on your first order with my code TAYLOR20. . . You wont be disappointed, even Delilah loves them @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more
06.01.2022 If you think someone has body dissatisfaction around their appearance/ image maybe body dysmorphia OR eating disorders then maybe think before you speak. @gabbyward_dietitian did a brilliant post last week discussing commenting on other’s bodies. . Many people, regardless of their weight & body size, experience comments about their bodies on a daily basis. .... Several studies show that body-related comments or teasing are associated with (and probably contribute to) poor body esteem in women. Sociocultural pressures, such as exposure to idealised media figures, family and peer dieting, pressures to be thin, and weight teasing have been shown to be risk factors for body dissatisfaction. . Social comparison theory asserts that individuals frequently compare themselves to other people in order to determine their own value. Women often make upward comparisons, in which their comparison is perceived as more attractive, and feel that they fall short of this standard. . Seemingly innocent compliments or comments about someone’s appearance can actually do more harm. . A compliment on somebody’s appearance (such as ‘wow, you look amazing!’) continues to put the focus on body image and may make people with body dissatisfaction feel that the way to be acknowledged, accepted and liked by others is to appeal to this body ideal. . The same thing goes for appearance based comments such as ‘you look tired, are you okay?’ again suggesting that something is ‘wrong’ with the person because they aren’t fitting this ideal image of society. . So now that you’ve seen both scenarios, it’s important to be careful of what you say out loud as another person can interpret that in a different manner without knowing any personal circumstances associated with that individual. . Comments and compliments can fuel body dissatisfaction as it can create comparison and obsession with appearance. . I want you to challenge any comment you make about ALL BODIES.. . All it takes are comments like these to encourage destructive behaviours from individuals. . Let’s stop perpetuating diet culture and obsession with appearance and having the ‘perfect’ body. Keep your comments to yourself See more
05.01.2022 The biggest contributing factors for a female to experience hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA) are stress & low energy availability. The hypothalamus is responsible for receiving and interpreting messages. . During times of STRESS- limited fuel availability, energy is shunted away from growth and reproduction in order to prioritize the whats vital for survival. . The menstrual cycle is a reproductive vital sign & provides insight into hormonal imbalance as well as pregnancy. C...hanges will occur in the cycle if there is not enough energy available to keep all systems functioning. . . As such, available energy is shunted away from growth & reproduction, resulting in a cascade of metabolic alterations that conserve energy. Energy expenditure is reduced through suppression of resting metabolic rate, thyroid hormones,insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), leptin, insulin, & upregulation of cortisol.These metabolic & endocrine adaptations occur within normal physiological ranges & are altered during low energy availability. . This can happen to ANY female, regardless of their body weight, body shape, fitness etc. Evidence suggests there is no set BF percentage due to Individual differences, & any female consuming 30 kcal/day fat free mass or lower may experience HA. . . Body fat cannot be utilised as a predictor in terms of menstruation . There is no set BF % to exhibit this. There is no way to predict exactly where the brain turns off the hormonal pathways to promote a cycle ~ & it will be totally INDIVIDUAL for every person due to how the brain perceives stress. . Furthermore, its low energy availability that determines this. Not body fat. You can lose your period due to underfuelling (not eating enough calories for your activity levels) no matter what weight or BF % you are at. . . The GOOD news is, this metabolic switch can be turned on again rather quickly with an increase in calories. Which is really important for long term health & performance, especially bone health. . matter of fact is: We are all physiologically highly individual. Low energy availability doesnt discriminate to a specific body weight or BF. . Proper fuelling is important for ALL See more
05.01.2022 This time last year I was over at the CrossFit games with @projectxgram preparing all foods for competition. Sadly, this isnt the case this year for this w/e. So in light of the up &coming crossfit games- here is a bit of nutriton background for the sport. . CrossFit is exclusive as it focuses on sustained efforts of power. The WODs often have minimal periods of rest , so the emphasis is to try & maximise a power output for as long as physically possible. This is impera...tive for athletes who train for sessions or in competition, as fuelling becomes the key factor to sustain athletic performance. . Such intense training puts a demand on high & continuous glycogenolytic energy production. As well as this, CrossFit athletes are also exposed to power cardiorespiratory activities, placing even more demand on the need for glycogen utilization & making availability of these substrates even more important factors for athletic performance. . As exercise intensity , so does the need for carbs as a fuel source. CHO intake during training or competition may hinder glycogen repletion & performance of the following sessions or competitions. . . There are no specific established guidelines for daily carb intake for athletes whose primary mode of training is based on resistance training such as Crossfit. Current evidence suggest 4 7 g/kg/bw depending on the phase of training. This would vary dependent on the individual. . . Factors to consider for CrossFit sessions or events: If athletes suffer from gastrointestinal distress: Focus on short term FODMAP reduction as multiple planes of movement during exercise may exacerbate GI symptoms. Keeping an eye on fat & fibre content to risk of GI-symptoms. Ensure nutriton prior to competition is suitable for your energy requirements & needs. If youre avoiding carbs in daily life, your intestines will respond by reducing intestinal transporter numbers so your ability to absorb carbs are reduced. On comp day you may not be able to absorb all of the ingested risk of GI issues. Comp nutrition should be implemented off proven evidence based methods tested IN TRAINING. . Fuel appropriately to perform See more
05.01.2022 Its actually sad that this is how information can be interpreted . . . This one is for all the LADIES I can guarantee the majority of you reading this get upset and battle with yourself because you eat some chocolate or extra foods leading up to your period. Am I correct? . .... You tell yourself it was because of your lack of willpower? Or that youve heard it on the grape vine ? Maybe even restricted at the next meal to make up for it? . . TRUTH is, our bodies actually require slightly more energy in the week leading up to our cycle, due to female physiology. This is because of the energy required for the production of tissue to make the uterine lining. This regrowth occurs every month and requires energy to do so!! Therefore, we need to give ourself more fuel! . . This roughly equates to around 10% more of our total energy requirements (~300 calories extra per day!) ~ funnily enough this is equivalent to that cookie, peanut butter honey on bread or chocolate bar youre craving . . . Food is fuel. It provides energy and the nutrient building blocks for all of our physiological functions + biochemical reactions to occur, and our bodies to do their thing. Its NOT only exercise that burns calories . . Its not a lack of willpower, its your body communicating its needs! Female physiology is so fascinating and once you understand how your body works and you are in tune with it, ladies you will be able to take your nutrition and training to a whole new level. There is so much recent evidence in this field. But as always #foodforthought and work with an accredited sports dietitian or health care professional. . . . So make sure you honour your body + provide it with regular wholesome meals and snacks to stay fuelled and satisfied. Dont ignore those cravings until they get so strong that you eat the whole fridge . . Some great ideas for a good snack when you need that little bit extra: Wholegrain toast with mashed avo. A bowl of Greek yoghurt with fruit/muesli Choc covered strawberries Small handful of nuts + a couple squares dark choc. Or of course soul foods with your favourite chocolate bar. See more
04.01.2022 Under-fuelling occurs often and tends to go unnoticed, as most of the time its unintentional. . . A common occurrence is after training, as most individuals have a reduced appetite (particular after high intensity sessions) and find it difficult to eat. .... Interestingly, when we exercise, our bodys temperature increases, which suppresses our appetite hormones. This mechanism can last for a few hours after training and can be problematic, particularly with athletes training for long hours, or multiple sessions a day, putting athletes at risk of low energy availability (LEA). This can present in both male and female athletes. . . Many athletes may experience LEA due to understanding how much theyre eating and expending. . . LEA may or may not result in weight loss as backup energy stores are used to fuel the bodys function and movement. The long term consequences of LEA results in changes in both metabolic and physiological function to minimise total energy expenditure to prevent further weight loss and promote survival, whereby the body obtains a new energy balance steady state. This is why some athletes can appear as walking fit or maintaining body mass/fat but present with weakened physiological function due to LEA. . . SOLUTION TO ENSURING YOU CAN FUEL YOURSELF MORE EFFECTIVELY? . By not being on top of your post training nutrition, it is very easy to see how this can effect your recovery and energy stores for the up and coming sessions. If you have a suppressed appetite: try topping up your energy systems with liquid based options or foods that are texture modified making them easier to consume! Aim for a decent hit of carbs, protein and a small portion of fats: Choc banana smoothies are great options with combinations of foods that provide you with energy e.g. nut butters are great + milk Using protein powder is a good example here to help fortify your foods to aid in recovery Chocolate milk with fruit pouches, banana or a muesli bar Yoghurt and muesli + fruit salad . . Remember, you have to NOURISH YOURSELF TO FLOURISH See more
03.01.2022 If you’re anything like me, I love eating out,whether that’s a nice breakfast out or wine and dine! However, before you know it, a meal out can come with loaded calories. . . My top tips for choosing a healthier meal when eating out: 1Don’t go overly hungry- just like you should avoid going grocery shopping if you haven’t eaten. If you go out and you’re already starving, chances are you are going to over eat. Before you know it, you’ve eaten so many entree’s before your meal has gotten to you. If this is you, have a small snack prior to going out to curb your hunger. 2Add to your meals - Look for healthy options on the menu that you can add to your meals opposed to avoiding food items. Such as side of veggies to your breakfast like, mushies, tomatoes, spinach etc and choose lean meats and whole grains for your mains! 3Aim for a complete meal - make sure you have a good serve of carbs, proteins, veggies/salad and some fats! Lots of colour and variety. 4Always choose an option that has a decent protein serve!Protein assists in keeping you fuller for longer . 5Decode the menu- When you’re browsing the menu, look out for words like breaded, parmesan, crusted, fried, batter-dipped, sautéed, confit, Alfredo, rich and creamy. These words give you an idea of how it’s prepared. It’s better to go for options that say grilled and steamed. Meaning, the foods are probably cooked with less fat and oil etc. 6Ask away! Don’t ever be scared to get the waiter to make your meal healthier. Ask for sauces on the side or switch sides for a side salad etc. 7Caution with the portion. Listen to your body and stop eating when you’re satisfied. You don’t need to eat everything that’s put in front of you . 8But most importantly, enjoy your meal and feel satisfied with what you have chosen. Don’t feel guilty if it’s foods you don’t usually choose. Remember, food is pleasurable! See more
03.01.2022 Here’s to 2021 and focusing on becoming a healthier YOU in all areas! Mindset, training, bettering yourself AND most importantly focusing on having a healthy physiological system which means a regular period! . Having your period is a normal and healthy part of your menstrual cycle. It is essentially the shedding of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) that grows each cycle to support pregnancy. It’s important to recognise what is normal for you - that means how often, ho...w light or how heavy and how long your period lasts. . So what is classed as a healthy, normal cycle: 1First and foremost they’re regular for you each month - textbook cycle length is 28 days. But with more consistent research, we now know a regular cycle is between 21 -35 days! 2The length of your bleed is around 2-7 days. A good length is around 4-5 days 3There should be a steady flow of menstrual bleed - a nourished individual will experience around 50ml of blood loss. 4Cervical fluid should be present throughout the different stages of your cycle. 5Spotting shouldn’t be dramatic and should really only occur just before you’re due 6Experiencing cramping is common, however the pain shouldn’t be debilitating and stop you from participating in your daily lifestyle 7You may experience increased appetite and different levels of sexual desire throughout the duration of your cycle. . An undernourished female will be experiencing some, if not all of these issues: Irregular OR No menstrual bleed - hormonal dysfunction Low energy availability (not consuming enough for physiological demands let alone daily living costs) Over training and not recovering Significant stress levels and the above 7 points to a healthy period may not be consistent if not present at all! . . Make 2021 your year for making your health a priority! See more
03.01.2022 Remember a healthy lifestyle is one that compliments your health & well-being, it shouldnt compromise it. So many of you compare yourself to others & its like comparing apples to oranges. If you base your self-worth on what everyone else thinks of you, you hand all your power over to other people & become dependent on a source outside of yourself for validation. . . Unfortunately society has shaped our expectations & our way of thinking. Society governs how we think, act w...hat we should & shouldnt be eating even how we should & shouldnt be training. But, funnily enough these are all opinions are they not? So it shouldnt matter. However why should we expect this from an individual? We dont know what someones goals are, how they want to look & what they want to achieve in life. . . We focus too much on what others want us to be doing in life, that we end up doing what everyone else does. There is nothing wrong with doing things your own way. Thats how we differentiate from one another. With any goal, you need to do it for yourself and no body else. Anything thats worth it, takes time. Resilience can teach you a lot about yourself if you choose to pay attention to it. . . Unfortunately, you have to go through uncomfortable situations in order to come out on the other side. The moment you actually stop fighting this & acknowledge the process you will BECOME that confident person, the better athlete, the better YOU but it will be all on your OWN terms without the need for external validation. Please dont rely on social media for external validation . . The minute you decide to be in control of your thoughts, your actions and to better yourself, everything will ultimately shift in your favour. . . Just like any skill, it takes time to practice self confidence & believing in yourself. But the more you practice, the more you will grow. . . Remember, youre enough as you are. Forget the world. Theyre scared of what is extraordinary and you are anything but ordinary! . . Continue with your own nutrition & exercise goals, remember these should be individualised for a reason See more
02.01.2022 Something different for a change and savoury! . . PUMPKIN & RICOTTA LASAGNE Serves: 6... Ingredients: 1 tsp minced garlic. 1 tsp olive oil. brown onion, diced. 500g extra lean turkey mince. 1 zucchini (grated). 1 tbs tomato paste. 1 tin crushed tomatoes (410g). 1 tsp basil. 500g low fat ricotta. cup parsley, chopped finely. cup grated parmesan. 700g pumpkin. Method: 1Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius. 2Slice the pumpkin into long, 0.5cm thick slices and lay on a lined baking tray. Spray with oil, salt and pepper and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. 3Meanwhile, add the olive oil, garlic, onion and grated zucchini to a pan and cook, on medium heat, until brown. 4Add in the turkey mince and cook until brown. 5Add in the tomato paste, crushed tomatoes and dried basil, stirring until thick and cooked all the way through. Once cooked, turn the heat off. 6In a separate bowl, mix together the ricotta, parsley and parmesan. 7Once the pumpkin is cooked, take it out of the oven and sit to the side. 8In a square cake tin or baking tray, lay half of the roast pumpkin chunks down flat until all surface area is covered. 9Cover the pumpkin with half of the tomato mince mixture, spreading until even. Cover the mince mixture with half of the ricotta mixture. 11Once smooth, repeat the above steps, adding another layer of the leftover pumpkin, mince and then ricotta. 12Cook for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown on top. 13Slice into 6 pieces and serve! . . Hope you like this for a change See more
02.01.2022 Lets run through the DIY check list for pre made meals . . As you guys already know I love MYMC meals @mymusclechef , so what are the go tos when ordering? .... Obviously this will vary depending on your body composition goals or even if its for a lifestyle intervention: However when it comes to general advice we want to ensure the following: Aiming for around 30g of protein or working of 0.4-0.55g/kg of bw per meal - this is ensuring youre maximising muscle growth good intake of carbohydrates: again depending on the individual - but if youre using it as a post training meal aim for at least 1-1.5g/kg of bw of carbs, dont be scared of carbs. Aiming for more complex carbs like whole grains and starchy veggies! Add side of veggies or salad In general, look for meals that include vegetables and whole grains as well as lean meat, fish or poultry as well as the vego options. These tend to be lower in calories and higher in vitamins and minerals as well as fiber, which helps fill you up. Sodium - aiming for around 400-500mg per serve. However keep in mind prepackaged meals will be slightly higher as sodium is used to preserve the food. So it will be hard to find really low sodium options. Aussies tend to eat more than 2 x the recommendations and even though, we should consider the amount of sodium, and just be mindful. Training and non training day options- this is something you may want to consider. Higher requirements on training days and then lowering your calories on non training days and using some of these meals to assist you can be advantageous. . Please keep in mind, its really hard to get every single requirement to suit every single person. Most of the time, people use these meals for convenience and to take the hassle out of cooking. Theyve come up with a strategy to assist those who need more personalised nutrition by having their core and plus range. These allow you to add more protein, carbs and veggies to suit your needs. . . Again generalised nutrition advice for little tips to keep in mind when ordering your fav! . P.S Little Delilah loves MYMC almost as much as me she whispered my discount code its: Taylor20 See more
01.01.2022 WHITE CHOC AND CHERRY RIPE AS A FLAVOUR COMBO IS ALWAYS A GOOD TIME . . Make sure you save this post guys, it was delicious .... . WHITE CHOC PROTEIN CHERRY RIPE SLICE Serves: 12 Ingredients: Base 100g rolled oats 20g shredded coconut 30g protein powder (we used KIC Vanilla) 10g cacao 20g honey 70g milk Middle 150g cherry yogurt (Yopro) 100g frozen cherries OR Raspberry 30g shredded coconut 30g milk Top 100g white chocolate buttons (we used Coles homebrand) 15g protein powder (We used KIC Vanilla) Method: Base 1. Blend all base ingredients. 2. Evenly press into a lined baking tray. 3. Place in the freezer. Middle: 4. Blend all middle ingredients. 5. Evenly spread on top of the base. 6. Place in the freezer. Top 7. Melt the white chocolate buttons in the microwave. 8. Once the chocolate is melted, stir through the protein powder 9. Evenly spread onto the middle layer. 10. Place in the freezer until the slice is completely set and enjoy. See more
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