The Sweet Dreams Mumma in Mill Park, Victoria, Australia | Local business
The Sweet Dreams Mumma
Locality: Mill Park, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 The weekend is almost here and Im feeling sleepy. maybe its the weather too but the things I would do to sleep in past 7am . #mumlife #sleepymumma
25.01.2022 Okay everyone, we are in need of your help. As we dont know what we are having.... Jake and I are set on a girls name but unsure of a boys. Post your favourite names for ideas for us pleaseeeeeee.
25.01.2022 Did you know that diet plays a huge role in how our children sleep... are they are receiving enough nutrition from the food they consume, are they eating enough during the day to ensure better sleep through the night, enough protein and carbohydrates throughout the day, having substantial meals and not just snacks. Some tips that can aid better sleep are offering something sweet after lunch and dinner to enable more opportunity to get some extra food into our kids, example yo...ghurt/fruit. This is once solids is established and they are on three meals a day. Also Some toddlers go through a fussy stage but dont fall into the trap of they dont like this food keep offering it to them and dont avoid foods because they are having an off day. I know How frustrating it can be that one day they love a certain food and the next it ends up on the floor and your child wont have a bar of it (example of these children pictured above ). Have set times qfor main meals and ensure they dont have the freedom of running around and not focusing on eating main meals, as you will find they will snack and not have a substantial amount throughout the day and may try and make up for it over night by waking up often. Fuel your kids with the right foods and enough their bellies are satisfied - - - - #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleepconsultant #sleeptips #sleephygiene #food #nutrition #toddlersnacks #healthychildren See more
25.01.2022 Swaddle to sleeping bag - - Transitioning your baby from a swaddle to a sleeping bag can be an anxious time. So here are some ques that your baby is ready. 1: your baby has started to roll ... 2: your baby is of 4 months of age, which this is the age recommended they transition to a sleeping bag because they can use their hands to self soothe. Although its okay if you choose to continue to swaddle your baby until they start to roll. - I would start with the morning nap as most babies tend to sleep better at this time and making sure that bubs isnt over tired too especially when you are starting the transition as it will help them be less unsettled. Start with one arm out for a couple of days and then follow by the second arm, increasing to all day naps first then overnight. You will most likely find that they will have flappy arms for the first few times, but give them time to practice and get use to the new way to sleep. The moro reflux (the startle) has disappeared between 3-4 months so it isnt because they arent ready its just something your little babe needs to get use to. Dont feel rushed to aid them to sleep if they are happy in the cot because your little one is just figuring out what to do. It shouldnt take them more then a week to get use to the transition to the sleeping bag and if it does, then I would be considering other reasons why they arent sleeping. - Happy sleeping. Love, the sweet dreams mumma. See more
24.01.2022 Just letting everyone know that there is more info and insta stories at the sweet dreams Mumma on instagram
24.01.2022 Swaddle to sleeping bag Transitioning your baby from a swaddle to a sleeping bag can be an anxious time. So here are some ques that your baby is ready. 1: your baby has started to roll 2: your baby is of 4 months of age, which this is the age recommended they transition to a sleeping bag because they can use their hands to self soothe. Although its okay if you choose to continue to swaddle your baby until they start to roll. ... I would start with the morning nap as most babies tend to sleep better at this time and making sure that bubs isnt over tired too especially when you are starting the transition as it will help them be less unsettled. Start with one arm out for a couple of days and then follow by the second arm, increasing to all day naps first then overnight. You will most likely find that they will have flappy arms for the first few times, but give them time to practice and get use to the new way to sleep. The moro reflux (the startle) has disappeared between 3-4 months so it isnt because they arent ready its just something your little babe needs to get use to. Dont feel rushed to aid them to sleep if they are happy in the cot because your little one is just figuring out what to do. It shouldnt take them more then a week to get use to the transition to the sleeping bag and if it does, then I would be considering other reasons why they arent sleeping. Happy sleeping. Love, the sweet dreams mumma.
24.01.2022 My favourite 5 ways to calm a newborn and that are proven to work. Dr Harvey Karp (who wrote happiest baby on the block) found the perfect combination in helping babies settle in the virtual 4th trimester, in settling babies that mimic womb sensations. The 5 Ss!!! :) Ever wondered why we shhhh, pat, sway, swaddle, use jiggly head motions and so on well its because babies do all of this in the womb and if done correctly it triggers their calming reflex. - 1st is Swaddling...: the first step to calming a baby. It needs to be snug enough so it doesnt undo, loose around the hips and done correctly so those houdini babies dont escape. - 2nd Side/ Stomach position: Always babies are to sleep on their back but you can settle on their side/ stomach to help them to calm. - 3rd is Shushing: A babies favourite soothing sound along with hearing white noise. - 4th Swinging: this swaying movement in a rhythm helps trigger the calming reflex in babies and then trigger sleep. - 5th Sucking: The most natural S of all the above and the most calming, as sucking begins in the womb. Whether it be breast, bottle or dummy, this makes a baby content and calm. Combine these techniques together and if done correctly you will be able to switch on your babies calming reflex and enable them to sleep. See more
21.01.2022 Mother and child - Such a blessing to be carrying a child, I cant wait to meet you baby boy or girl. Time is flying by. - Anyone else currently pregnant? How are you feeling ? How long to go? ... - - - #27weeks #pregnancy #motherhood #baby #mother #mom #mumma #love #happiness See more
20.01.2022 I will always remember those late night / early morning feeds. You think again, didnt you just feed and check the clock and crawl out of bed again... once finished you think oh I am up already I should just change the nappy... If I can give you a tip when feeding over night change the nappy only when soiled or absolutely necessary. Changing their bum will only wake bubs more. Overnight feeds should be done with the least amount of stimulation possible. Quiet and dark (or light) then straight back to sleep . Having a good brand of nappies helps too. I cant begin to tell you how many we have been through to find the one! . We currently use @huggiesau but previously we use snugglers but they discontinued them . What brands do you find works for your little one ? #sleeptip #overnightfeed #babies #bedtime #nightime #sleeptime #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleepconsultant #tired See more
20.01.2022 DUMMIES let talk about the gold old dummy.... They can be amazing especially for those sucky babies (max was one of these). Lots of parents that I have spoken to say I failed because I used a dummy, you should never feel this because they can be amazing and a great settling tool or comfort for babies. The time it would become a negative sleep association would be when bubs wont put it back in their mouth when it falls out and they require you to do so. I really recommend a cherry shaped dummy as they stay in a lot better then others and majority of babies take better to these. Does your little ones use a dummy? ....... Throw back Thursday to when max was learning to self soothe seems like forever ago. #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleepconsultant #sleepadvice #babies #mummas #bubba #dummy #dummies #sleeping #selfsoothe #selfsettle
19.01.2022 Have a great day . Also on he plus side I have some exciting news Im sharing over the next few days
18.01.2022 The dynamic duo.... Vitamin D and sleep. its amazing what benefits a little sun can do! Its important for us Mummas to get out and get some fresh air along with our bubs too. Melbourne weather has been shocking but when can get some vitamin D and you both will sleep a little better #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleep #sun #vitamind #sunshine #mum #bub #freshair
18.01.2022 *** Comp closed *** CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY - Are you wanting some well deserved rest before Christmas. For your chance to win a free sleep plan for your baby or toddler. See details below in how to enter. ... - - FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN, simply: -1: follow @thesweetdreamsmumma -2: tag a friend (s). The more people you tag the more chance you have to win. -3: share this picture. -4: like this photo - - Winner will be drawn 7pm Sunday 9th December. Good luck mummas, mums to be, dads, parents and whoever else is in need of some sleep . Love Brooke. . - - - - #christmasgiveaway #sleepplangiveaway #tiredmum #tiredbub #mumma #baby #sleep #sleepconsultant #snooze #christmas See more
16.01.2022 Breastfeeding a beautiful thing. Something that I personally loved, i nourished my little man for 6 months until he decided he wasnt interested anymore even though I wasnt ready to give up. Its tough, emotional and at the beginning painful but so worth it in the end. I respect fed is best and think whatever you decide to choose is best for you and your bub and family is amazing. #nationalbreastfeedingweek #normalisebreastfeeding #fedisbest
16.01.2022 Who doesnt love a warm bath. Babies are very much creatures of habit just like us adults. After dinner the wind down for bedtime starts . Which means after 5pm this period between dinner and bedtime should have No stimulation such as tv, toys, loud music (save the dancing for the daytime) as these things can easily over stimulate babies before bedtime which makes them hard to settle for the night. The wind down routine is so important for a good nights sleep. Dinner, bath, ...milk feed (in the room which is dark), story and bed. Try to put bubs down awake. They can be drowsy but its important for them to be awake. As you want to wake up how they fell asleep. If they fall asleep on the breast/bottle and during the night when they come into a light sleep then majority of the time bubs will wake expecting to be still be feeding as thats how they fell asleep. Although if you are doing something different and its working for you and your family then great, if it aint broken dont fix it. #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleepconsultant #sleeptip #sleep #bubba #mumma #parents #winddown #bedtime #sweetdreams See more
14.01.2022 Often we feel like giving up and dont see the whole picture or what changes have occurred from when you first wanted to make a change. If you are in the process of teaching your bubba to sleep well, learn to self settle, sleep in a cot... whatever it may be, then keep in mind where you started and where you are now. its the little things that count and small progress is still progress. Be kind to yourself and your little one. I know some days can be challenging, tomorrow always a new day. - - - - - - - #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleep #mumma #happybub #gentlesleeptraining #progress #sleeping #happy #sleepconsultant #nurse See more
13.01.2022 For those Mummas with little ones who still have feeds overnight. Sometimes its tough but we have all been through it or are still in it together #motherhood #parenthood #mumclub #longnights #toughtimes #sleepybaby #lovingmum
12.01.2022 . Just some humour for a Friday night. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend xx
11.01.2022 Teething babies we can all relate....
10.01.2022 How incredible is the human body! The way our bodies Create and grow little humans in there . It just blows my mind. Sitting here writing this at 32weeks pregnant makes me appreciate my body and the changes that are happening to grow my little bubba . No wonder mummas get tired and sore, look what is happening internally.... - Image from : @the_modern_midwife - -... - - - #pregnancy #32weeks #growbabygrow #humanbody #anatomy #baby See more
10.01.2022 Eczema! Just wanted to share my experience as a mother and her baby that had severe eczema. Max was around 3 weeks old when he had a huge flare up of eczema. We tried so hard to treat it with natural and organic products, oils, using just water and so on. I cant begin to tell you amount of different advice we are given. Maxs hair was falling out, his skin was so inflamed, itchy, cracked, he was restless and fussy because of how much he was affected by it. It wasnt until particular specialist stated that hardly any products out there that claim they are eczema friendly are actually good for your baby and will help improve the condition as they contain so many chemicals and additives. @qvskincare is the only thing she recommend along with salt baths and in a severe flare up a medicated cream. But to keep on top of it we specifically use Q.V. moisturiser and Q.V. bath oil.... not the baby one as she stated even though it says its for babies there is an added ingredient that some babies can react too. Its amazing how fast maxs skin stared to clear. I swear by it and it has made a world of difference. #exzema #exzemarelief #exzemababy #QV #skincare #baby #babies See more
09.01.2022 Family time. So important to be able to reset and enjoy some time together. This time of year is crazy busy and the last few months have flown by that Im scared if I blink I will miss max growing up. Max is such a little boy now and learning and growing every day. This was a little getaway before our family grows from 3 to 4. - - - -... #familytime #myboys #beach #love #happiness #family #child #31weekspregnant See more
08.01.2022 Stay at home mums, working mums and mums in general you are more then you ever imagined and are doing a fantastic job I want you to know that. Some days are hard and the day has just begun and you are already counting down to bedtime .....the days are long but the years are short. My goodness that is so true . How time flies but you are a huge important piece to your families puzzle. Remember that
06.01.2022 This is 100% true. There is this huge pressure on mothers now to have their child sleeping through the night!! I cant begin to tell you how many times as a new mum I often would get asked when max was a few months old is he sleeping through the night yet? Or oh he is still waking up through the night!. ..... its almost like sleeping through the night is a milestone for babies as some people think. Well did you know that nutritionally babies need a feed through the night... until 8-9months of age. Some babies start to sleep through at 6months but this is rare and generally these babies are still having a dream feed. If your child is sleeping through from a young age then amazing, you are blessed.... but if your child is not sleeping through at this young age then this is totally normal ! . Technically if your baby is lets say 7months old and is having a dream feed at 10pm and waking at 6.30pm, this is called sleeping through the night! This baby is receiving age appropriate sleep and meeting their nutritional needs..... or if you have a 4 month old that goes to bed at 6.30pm has a dream feed at 10pm and wakes for a feed at 3am then starts the day at 7am, this again is also sleeping through the night. Because again this Bub is receiving age appropriate sleep, waking to meet nutritional needs and completely normal....... as mums we often get caught up in the whole sleeping through the night but just remember every baby is different. Yes I agree that if your baby is waking every hour for a feed at 8months then you may need to look at implementing some strategies to ensure you both are getting restorative sleep but if your 3month old is waking 3 times a night to feed then completely normal same with a 7month old waking once.... you get the gist. Obviously what I have mentioned above varies and I just wanted to make a point that sleeping through the night does not determine the amazing mother, father, parent or caregiver that you are. . - - - - - #sleeptip #mother #sleepingthroughthenight #babies #children #sleep #sleepconsultant #thesweetdreamsmumma #parents #parenting See more
06.01.2022 Haha the truth in this photo - - - #sleeptraining #sleepybub #sleepymumma #breastfeeding #sleepconsultant #sleep #feeding
06.01.2022 One year ago . How time does fly! If you are currently trying out a new routine, sleep training, breaking a habit, bub learning to settle to sleep or whatever it may be. Remember to be kind to yourself and your baby. Cuddles like this are the best and if you are having an off day or finding it too overwhelming, well tomorrow is always a new day. , Pick up Bub, have a nice cuddle and try again another time. Im a big believer in being gentle and only you can be the judge ...of when you are ready to start or to try again. There is no right or wrong with how you do things as long as you and your family unit are happy. Every family parents differently and thats okay because every baby is also different. What you read may work for one baby but Your baby could be the total opposite. Please dont get caught up in my baby should be doing this or I read that my baby should be doing that...... because the truth is there is so much information available at our finger tips. A quick google search can sometimes make you feel overwhelmed because there is so much conflicting information on sleep and children. If you are ever in need of some further assistance with your little ones sleep please feel free to email me at [email protected] - - - - #sleepconsultant #baby #sleep #motherandson #sleephygiene #thesweetdreamsmumma #cuddles #mumandbub See more
06.01.2022 Anxiety ! Is a little f#%*er. It creeps up sometimes out of nowhere. So many mothers and fathers unfortunately experience anxiety after the birth of their child. It also worsens with less sleep too. . Trying to keep on top of it and also know your triggers is really important. I personally have suffered from anxiety and was forced to deal with it. I had to start respecting my own feelings and emotions as Im a people pleaser and dont want to upset anyone so my feelings were... pushed aside. If you feel as though you have anxiety or have had it previously make sure you talk about it! There is nothing to be ashamed about. What blows my mind is that mental health is HUGE especially in postpartum mothers but its rarely spoken about because you cant physically see it . Yet everyone finds it easy to talk about the flu or a knee injury that in itself is debilitating.... so is mental health. There is so much help out there as long as you are able to acknowledge your feelings and emotions. Yes the level of anxiety varies but every single person is important and its so important in how you deal with it too!!! Use your village of support ! #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #postpartum #babies #sleep #sleepconsultant #thesweetdreamsmumma #baby #children #toddlers #tiredbaby #tiredmumma #families #family #support #sleepproblems See more
05.01.2022 A short video every parent should watch ! This man (Dr Harvey Karp) who I have previously spoken about developed the 5 Ss in settling. Do yourself a favour and watch
04.01.2022 Aint that the truth . #motherhood #villageofsupport #motherandbaby
03.01.2022 Babies are amazing at feeding off your energy, they really can sense how you are feeling. If you are trying to get your baby to sleep well and are feeling stressed or anxious then the chances of you getting your little one to be able to settle for sleep is very slim. Sometimes us parents can dread naptime or bedtime because we know the stress that comes with it if our little ones have been fighting sleep. Try and be aware of how you are feeling and remain calm. Before you sta...rt the whole process or enter the room then take a big deep yoga breath, then enter. Being positive in your thinking instead of saying to yourself this isnt going to work or I have tried this before, whats going to be different this sleep try and say its worth a shot anyways and doesnt matter if he wont sleep. Also being confident in your decisions will make a world of difference. Babies are very clever and understand a lot more then we think sometimes. - - - - - - #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleepconsultant #mumma #parenthood #motherhood #father #sleep #yoga #breathe #sleepybubba #positivity See more
03.01.2022 I will always love you coffee #mumfuel
02.01.2022 We can all support each other on here And build each other up feel free to share your concerns and worries as parents and you will find someone will be going through the same thing #villageofsupport #mumclub #postpartum #parenthood #motherhood #support #careandlove #thesweetdreamsmumma #sleepconsultant
01.01.2022 things mums do for some peace