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Coach Matt Walker | Sport & recreation

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Coach Matt Walker

Phone: +61 431 146 580


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25.01.2022 Kids dont need Fashion and Technology on their feet. It is time to rethink the boxes most kids have on their feet. When fashion tells us to buy shoes that ...keep feet conforming and contorting we say: remove the padding! When sports marketing tells us kids need performance tech on their feet we say: remove the padding! We believe kids should grow up as barefoot as possible: moving and playing outdoors where possible with minimal interference in their natural, healthy growth. See more

24.01.2022 Private Jiu Jitsu & Boxing sessions for kids, adults and families are now available @worldgymnorthernbeaches These private sessions are based on increasing your confidence and skillset in self defence situations. They are based on the ‘real life’ martial arts and will get you fit and strong in no time. ... No experience necessary! Jiu Jitsu group classes are coming soon, watch this space. Enquire now for details!

24.01.2022 The best diet at the moment? A news diet ! Try it. You will feel great

21.01.2022 Long Distance Running. What are you running from? So there was a time when I partook in many ultra distance events. A handful of full Ironman distance triathlons and many 50 to 150 mile non stop running races. I was terrible at them, but I have always enjoyed a challenge. One day a woman running a seminar, who overheard me talking about running asked me what are you running from? Initially I was annoyed by the question. I went home and thought deeply. She was right!!!. I know what I was running from and confronted it head on instead of always running away. The next day (2013)I pretty much stopped running apart from an occasional trot. @ Sydney, Australia

21.01.2022 Hi Everyone, We have decided not to run outdoor group fitness classes. We believe this is the right thing to do. We thank you for your support. ... We are currently setting up some online fitness and stretch classes. TBA. We will let you all know soon. Sorry Guys. Matt and Kristie xxx

21.01.2022 Modified Death Circuits for the 30+ year old MMA/BJJ practitioner. Losing weight on the scales is pretty easy. Eat less and train more. Losing body fat and gaining muscle mass is the key. The more muscle mass the healthier you are and the more it will directly transfer to your MMA/BJJ. Here is a simple workout. Focus on nice smooth technique.... Do this workout 3x per week for 1 month. A1- Chest press x 12 4-0-1-0 30 rest A2-FFE Split Squat x 12 4-0-1-0 30 rest A3- Supported row x12 4-0-1-0 30 rest A4-Machine Hack Squat x 12 4-0-1-0 90 rest X5 sets

21.01.2022 Heroes who shed their blood and lost their lives! You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. Therefore rest in peace. There is no difference between the Johnnies and Mehmets to us where they lie side by side here in this country of ours. You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries wipe away your tears; your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. After having lost their lives on this land they have become our sons as well. #anzac

21.01.2022 Lest we forget. Thank you Anzacs

20.01.2022 Intelligent personal training @worldgymnorthernbeaches Are you feeling fat, unmotivated, tired, sick, injured and clueless in the gym? You are not alone!!! I have coached 100’s of clients over 2 decades to achieve and smash their goals. ... I specialise in training humans who have lost that spark, and need help and guidance to get back to being healthy, happy and strong. Enquire now for details!! #personaltrainer

20.01.2022 Are you injured from running? You are not alone! 80% of runners suffer from chronic injuries. It doesn’t have to be that way. I specialise in running technique, running strength training and barefoot running. 3 x 60 minute One on One sessions $295... Full gait analysis (video) Strength training protocol How to stretch and mobilise correctly 3 month personalised online strength and running program PM me directly for booking details. @worldgymnorthernbeaches @posemethod @vivobarefoot @movnat @poliquingroup

19.01.2022 Sauna From Rhonda Patrick ... High-stress occupations such as first responders, police, and firefighters have a high incidence of heart disease and may benefit from frequent sauna use (4-7x/week) which has been shown to be linked to a 50% reduction in death from heart disease. Sauna bathing exposes the body to extreme heat. This exposure a form of stress increases the body's core temperature and activates a wide array of protective mechanisms that work together to condition the body for future stressors, a biological phenomenon known as hormesis. Hormesis is a compensatory defense response to a stressor that is disproportionate to the stressor's magnitude. The mechanisms that drive the effects of sauna bathing include activation of heat shock proteins and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines; decreased blood pressure and arterial stiffness; and multiple improvements in cardiovascular function. Sauna bathing also improves several aspects of metabolic function, primarily via activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a master regulator of cellular energy homeostasis. AMPK activation influences gene expression and inhibits cellular processes that drive oxidative stress. The findings summarized in this review suggest that sauna bathing shows promise as a strategy to ameliorate the harmful effects of the dual stressors experienced by people working in high-stress occupations. Learn more about the benefits of the sauna on our topic page.

18.01.2022 Hey friends, I do a weekly (when I can!) blog for Falsegrip, this get shared to our members private page.. for some reason today I feel inspired to share it on page too... Maybe cause I feel that other people I know may be interested, could benefit from thinking outside the box a little on this one... Please have a read/share/comment below if you like ~ Foodie Friday ~ Bit of a weird one today peeps, cause its a thinker. This may not appeal to everyone, but if you like Heston Blumenthal maybe that could rope you in. Youll need some time, maybe a long drive, to listen to this podcast. Or maybe you can listen in parts. Over the years I've studied nutrition, Ive consulted privately for over 10 years now, and the way Ive practiced over that time has constantly evolved. Its easy to tell someone what they should eat, what they "shouldn't" eat, how they should behave, what they need to do to better there health but what I see increasingly is more and more important, is our relationship with food, with ourselves, with others, and how these relationships and sub conscious emotional connections, will affect our health. Human beings have an innate NEED to connect with something, be it food, people, thoughts, activities and so on. Anyone who has embarked on a nutrition journey with me will realise that its always about more than food, maybe food is a tangible thing we can change immediately, but usually things are occurring on a deeper level than what we may even realise. Ill often discuss sleep and stress as this first priorities and road blocks in someones journey. You might already be thinking that this is the too hard basket. But what Im also realising is that true change, whether its about your diet, your self sabotaging habits, embarking on a general journey towards better happiness, or addressing anxiety and depression, will never be linear but instead a long up and down road of exploration. Sometimes youll take the wrong path, or sometimes its the right path, but its so freaking hard, that challenges all your beliefs and fears, that we either bury our head in the sand, or we are forced to face fears head on and make a change in order to grow. I listened to this podcast on the way down the coast last week, and maybe Im a geek but I hung off every word. And Im planning to listen to it again this week. Heston is a fascinating guy, he talks about food, emotions, how different emotions will change the taste, or our perception, of certain foods, even the reaction of our gut bacteria to our current emotional state and we should all know how important gut health is to our overall health and well-being! So many hidden gems in this one, I highly recommend a listen. It goes deeper than food, and the real message lies within beliefs, self-imposed constraints and over coming fear for better health and true happiness. Food is just part of this process. Im gonna listen again and see what I discover the second time around! I listened via the podcast app on my phone, but here's the online link the website. Anyone can do it if their belief becomes stronger than their fear - Heston Kristie Walker BSc (Nutrition) Hons (Clinical Dietetics)

17.01.2022 "If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit" Banksy

16.01.2022 Yes Staff!!! @sasaustralia

16.01.2022 Theres a few people I wouldnt want to be locked in a room with in a fight to the death . This person is one of them. Watch this space #ufc @danawhite #Repost @chrisdrummondmma with @get_repost Been working hard with my strength and conditioning coach @art_of_strong . Not only is he making me a better athlete, but also a better coach. He is one of the toughest mofos you will ever meet so it's hard to slack off. #mma #strong #vt1

16.01.2022 A short story about a personal trainer called Matt. I’ve been fat, depressed and anxious more than a few times in my younger life, trying every training fad and diet that came along. A mental and physical yo-yo. Then came broken bones, back injuries, kids, recessions, moving continent, corona ...... endless stresses. Sound familiar? I can help. I’ve made the mistakes and have come up with my own unique holistic training system that works.... When I reached my mid 30’s I realised my own training, nutrition and lifestyle choices needed to adapt. Now I’m nearly 40, 11% body fat, healthy and happy. I have less injuries and still manage to train daily. (BJJ, weight’s, cardio, surf, run ,ski, snowboard) With 1000’s of sessions, 100’s of clients and 20 years of coaching experience, I have learnt that true health and wellbeing is simple but not easy. Training with me is not for everyone, it’s tough and requires patience and mental fortitude. Please do not enquire if this isn’t for you. If it is? Enquire now! DM Matt

15.01.2022 Kids don’t need Fashion and Technology on their feet. It is time to rethink the boxes most kids have on their feet. When fashion tells us to buy shoes that ...keep feet conforming and contorting we say: remove the padding! When sports marketing tells us kids need ‘performance tech’ on their feet we say: remove the padding! We believe kids should grow up as barefoot as possible: moving and playing outdoors where possible with minimal interference in their natural, healthy growth. See more

14.01.2022 Flying knee and great win from Kai Tsujihama Kai has the ability to make his opponents seem like small weak children. Over the past couple of years we have worked different methods to increase Kai’s Strength, speed, power, agility, mobility and overall athletic ability.... Here are some of the methods I have programmed for Kai, he has executed them all with discipline and precision. Structural Balance 1-6 Method 5x5 Conventional and Reg Park Method Plyometrics Olympic Weightlifting Functional Hypertrophy Energy System Conditioning Isometrics and Isometronics Deadstop Training/Pin Presses Accomodating Resistance (chains, bands and eccentric hooks) Conjugate System If you are a fighter, and your S&C involves burpees, sit ups ‘insert next shit exercise’. If you have a fear of doing ‘weights’ because they will make you slow, then contact me today to take your fight game to the next level. Suitable for PRO, amateur and recreational fighters. #bjjgi #muaythai #bjj #nogibjj #wrestling #mma #boxing #kickboxing #fighter #strengthandconditioning @worldgymnorthernbeaches

14.01.2022 Mindset and character! How to choose a trainer, coach, leader and even a gym to train at! What’s more important?...Continue reading

13.01.2022 Come get some!!!!!!

11.01.2022 Taking every day as it comes. Enjoy the ride. It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out, it’s the pebble in your shoe - Muhammad Ali

11.01.2022 Only 6 spaces available.

11.01.2022 Come train with me at Kingdom Gym on Sydneys northern beaches. Kingdom Gym is probably the best equipped gym in Australia, with Sydneys most qualified and passionate coaches. Enquire now for personal training and small group training.

11.01.2022 Limited spots. Fundamental and intermediate Gracie Jiu Jitsu privates at Vt1 academy Sydney. Enquire Now!

11.01.2022 Great turn out for the first WILDCHILD kids class yesterday afternoon. Kids will learn how to jump, climb, balance, lift, throw, crawl and also have elements of self defence. Allowing your child to cross train at a young age and not specialise in their (or your) chosen sport is super important. In these classes they will develop a broad athletic movement base that will cross over into life and any sport. This will give your kids the foundation to be strong and healthy happy adults. For ages 7-11. Thursdays 4-445pm.

10.01.2022 This workshop is designed for novice/intermediate level gym goers who want to learn how to train and recover correctly. Male, female and all ages welcome. Using cutting edge training techniques, these workshops will give you the tools to bulletproof your body for BJJ, MMA and striking arts. You will learn the foundations and fundamentals in... -Weightlifting technique -Body weight training -How to build muscle mass and lose fat -How to increase speed through Plyometrics -Barefoot running technique -Nutrition and Supplements -Natural movement and outdoor training -Strong man technique -Mobility and stretching -How to warm up -How to injury proof your body -How to not overtrain and burn out -Training methods for the older athlete -Recovery techniques and how to implement -How to bring back the fire and motivation into your own training -Mindset First 3 confirmed dates Last Sunday of the month 30th August 27th September 25th October Time 9am to 11am Price $60 pre booked or $80 on the day Location Kingdom Gym, Brookvale Enquire Now!!!

10.01.2022 Whether you are a professional athlete or you’re just training for fun, chances are you have or will use the Kettlebell. The kettlebell is a useful and versatile strength tool and requires some quality coaching to be able to use effectively. I offer private tuition, coaches training/certification courses and workshops on Kettlebell and Weightlifting technique. PM me directly for information. ... I am one of only a handful of people in Australia, who has trained and certified under world champions of the sport. You will learn Kettlebell technique straight from the source Matt

10.01.2022 Interesting Podcast for Women on brain health, Alzheimers and hormones as they age!

09.01.2022 Instead of overbuying toxic food and cleaning fluids, why not take ownership of your health. Black Belt Immune stack. Vitamin C, D3, A (cod liver oil), NAC, Turkey tail mushroom, ZMA, Greens, Collagen. Any questions PM us!

09.01.2022 ‘I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear’ Nelson Mandela There is a reason why the only two kids with no headgear on the field have a mullet. #mulletstrong #mulletbravery #mulletgang

08.01.2022 I was lucky enough to meet and train jiu jitsu with Kyle on my recent trip to Singapore. He messed me up, the guy is a beast. I honestly thought I was gonna have to go easy on him, I was very wrong. Physical strength comes with a strong mindset as your foundation, Kyle epitomises this. Everyday I (Matt) have a constant battle on quitting and taking the easy path in life. Missing the gym, bjj , healthy diet, cleaning the house and so on. Motivation for me isnt a half naked personal trainer/influencer on Instagram promoting some shit product with a pseudo motivational quote. Its real people doing extraordinary things. If you could do anything today and know you were not going to fail what would you do?

08.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day. Thank you to all the strong mums out there. Life doesnt come with a manual; it comes with a mother Unknown @kristiewalker_coach @the_caffeinated_avo @reionir @diwalker @poleattack

08.01.2022 With all the uncertainty around the noval Coronavirus (COVID-19) I shared some information with the Falsegrip members, that I am now sharing with you. This followed up the gyms sensible and precautionary hygiene and common sense recommendations to our members to keep them healthy and training! We did however think it was the right time to do a post about how we can all support our immune systems through this challenging time! Rather than wasting our time panic buying toilet ...Continue reading

07.01.2022 Take a moment for yourself today. What is your dream?!? What do you truly love to do?!? What we plant in the soil of contemplation, we shall reap in the harvest of action Meister Eckhart

07.01.2022 Im sure this will spark a few debates!!!

07.01.2022 Taking every day as it comes. Enjoy the ride. It isnt the mountains ahead that wear you out, its the pebble in your shoe - Muhammad Ali

07.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you to all the strong mums out there. Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mother Unknown @kristiewalker_coach @the_caffeinated_avo @reionir @diwalker @poleattack

06.01.2022 Running technique sessions available at Kingdom Gym and Evexia Private Studio, Sydney. Injury Free Running is a thing and we can coach you!!! These sessions are for people who want to run but cant due to always getting injured. Dont worry! 80% of people who run get injured, you are not alone. Matt and Kristie have coached numerous running technique seminars and workshops around the world. Enquire Now! Only 4 spaces available! ... Qualifications - Pose running method, Vivobarefoot running method, Poliquin PICP coach, CHEK exercise coach, Movnat natural movement coach. Experience inc - 20 years coaching, Ironman triathlon, ultramarathon, trail running races, commando.

05.01.2022 A short story about a personal trainer called Matt. Ive been fat, depressed and anxious more than a few times in my younger life, trying every training fad and diet that came along. A mental and physical yo-yo. Then came broken bones, back injuries, kids, recessions, moving continent, corona ...... endless stresses. Sound familiar? I can help. Ive made the mistakes and have come up with my own unique holistic training system that works.... When I reached my mid 30s I realised my own training, nutrition and lifestyle choices needed to adapt. Now Im nearly 40, 11% body fat, healthy and happy. I have less injuries and still manage to train daily. (BJJ, weights, cardio, surf, run ,ski, snowboard) With 1000s of sessions, 100s of clients and 20 years of coaching experience, I have learnt that true health and wellbeing is simple but not easy. Training with me is not for everyone, its tough and requires patience and mental fortitude. Please do not enquire if this isnt for you. If it is? Enquire now! DM Matt

04.01.2022 Watch guy on 2nd wave!!!!! Holy Moly #surfingsydney

03.01.2022 Personal Training. Enquire Now! Kristie Walker 4 different gym locations over the northern beaches and north shore.

02.01.2022 Great chance to talk with my friend Duncan from Hope FM! Have a listen. (Hopefully I dont bore you too much) If you know any veterans, emergency service personnel with PTSD then get in touch. I can help or point you in the right direction. Also any kids, teens, adults suffering from bullying or depression I will offer free BJJ training and mentoring to help them build their confidence and become the best they can be.

01.01.2022 My thoughts on weight training, health and longevity. This is mainly for the older recreational martial artists, gym goers and adventurous sports people. If you are a PRO competitor, I mean somebody who actually earns a living through your sport or wants to turn PRO, then things change a little from what Im about to say. But more on that in future posts. ... As a group we seem to worry far too much about weight training making us slow, muscle bound and stiff. I was always confused as to why people would look at strength as a negative in fight sports, or in life in general. In martial arts specifically, will often hear.... do not use strength he only beat me using strength technique beats strength Well..... I call bull crap. Strength is an essential quality of human health... body, mind and spirit. Its trainable and quantifiable. Its beautiful, natural and something that requires patience and practice to build. If you want to train, spar, roll, ski, hike, bike, surf and drill into your 60s, 70s and 80s then paying attention to how you TRAIN, EAT, SLEEP and RECOVER should be a priority. If you dont care, then I understand, I didnt for a long time. What changed for me? Well... I hit my 30s, and suddenly injuries happened. I started getting fat, tired, no focus, children, stress etc list goes on. Sound familiar? I had to change my priorities. I asked myself. Did I want to be the best in the gym/dojo, win comps? No, I didnt. So why was I training to try and win everything and beat everybody? Trying to hit a PB every week to stroke the ageing ego. Please know theres nothing wrong with that if you do. But deep down I wanted something different. I wanted to bulletproof my body for everything life could throw at me. Bulletproof it for adventure, fighting and a strong resilient muscular male physique. You can keep believing Dad bods are cool and sexy if you want... but its not for me I want to be the person still there in 30 years. Not just training, but thriving. I no longer care about winning medals. I want longevity, health and happiness. I think the majority of men and women over 30 want the same. To keep enjoying, progressing and keeping healthy in the gym, dojo (for martial artists) and in their life. Over the next few months Kristie and myself will be running workshops on how to achieve this. >>>> Human Optimisation workshops <<< Sharing everything we have learnt over the last couple of decades to build a resilient body and a brilliant mind. The workshops will be aimed at normal people who do extraordinary things. Like BJJ, Fight sports, Crossfit, Gym Training and adventurous summer and winter sports. The 3 workshops will be fun on seperate days and the topics will be. 1-Strength Training 2-Nutrition, lifestyle (sleep and stress)recovery and supplements 3- Mobility and Stretch Therapy Dates to come soon. Enquire now for one to one training. Matt

01.01.2022 Unique, intelligent and fully individualised personal training, with a highly qualified and experienced strength coach. @worldgymnorthernbeaches Enquire now! Injury Free Training Highly Qualified Coach Premium Gym... Holistic Health, Lifestyle and Nutrition Fat Loss Strength Mindset Recovery Education Boxing Fitness See more

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