The Therapy Pod in Tallebudgera Valley | Mental health service
The Therapy Pod
Locality: Tallebudgera Valley
Phone: +61 7 5533 8382
Address: Dalton Road 4228 Tallebudgera Valley, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Keeping dry. No worries- I’ll just hang inside The Pod. #megsie #therapyhorse #minipony #cheeky #leastshedidntpoointhere #equineassistedtherapy #thetherapypod #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
23.01.2022 Father’s Day can be a mixed bag of emotions for so many. Whatever the emotion that come up today for you I hope that you were able to take the time to sit with the feeling - be it love, anger, grief or even sitting with opposing emotions (e.g. both anger & love for one person). If you are struggling, please reach out for support informally (friends & family) or professionally (see your mental health professional if you have one, if not - reach out to me, or chat to your GP or... online resources such as beyond blue or headspace). Happy Father’s Day to all the remarkable men that support our young ones - be it fathers, step fathers, uncles, god fathers, friends fathers, grandfathers. It takes a community. #fathersday #allthefeels #emotions #dialectics #support #father #godfather #stepfather #friendsfathers #rolemodels #malesupport #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod @the_shambolics @zuccojohn @jenniferrossdownie
23.01.2022 When you’re trying to catch up on admin work and there is a constant chewing / chatter in your ear. #companionship #majormitchellcockatoo #littlefriend #animalassistedtherapy #thetherapypod
21.01.2022 Most of our pod community familiar with this park would be surprised to see it looking like this! The bridge has gone under again today. Sorry to those clients I’ve had to cancel due to the weather #nature #rain #flooding #equineassistedtherapy #mentalhealthawareness #queenslandsummer
21.01.2022 Inbetween clients- keeping cool by The Therapy Pod. Sunday Sessions. #mentalhealthawareness #equineassistedtherapy #anxietyrelief #depressionrelief #suicideprevention #somatictherapy #movementheals #music #edenmulholland
20.01.2022 ANIMALS HELPING HUMANS MONTH Even Captain Jack got a shout out - was such an honour to be invited to speak in week 1 at the @animaltherapies conference alongside so many well respected individuals including Dr Aubrey Fine (Author of Animal Assisted Therapy Guidebook). Here is a run down of all the speakers and what’s yet to come. #mentalhealthmatters #animalassistedtherapy
20.01.2022 The Therapy Pod on @totallywildtv with @em.dickson_ Can check it out online @channel10au ten play helping spread the word of making mental health a priority. #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #anxietyrelief #depression #depressionhelp #suicide #suicideprevention #joy #mentalwellness #animalassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #llama #horse #nature #creativity #imagination #sandplaytherapy #symbolwork #thetherapypod
19.01.2022 10 September - International Suicide Awareness Day. As stated by the IASP know one knows exactly what it takes to stop another tragedy adding to the 800,000 suicides and 20 million attempted suicides each year. We do know though that certain actions can make a difference and if we put a wide range of these actions in place we have a better chance of preventing suicides. Community support (help with isolation), responsible and sensible media portrayals (help people to see how ...others have managed), local education (to create awareness in the community), restricting the means (to stop people at critical moments). All these actions have been shown through research to work. But we can’t do all this alone. We need people on the ground to help us make the first step towards those with suicidal thoughts by stepping closer. By stepping closer we can be aware of those around us that need help. By stepping closer we can encourage those that need help to reach out. By stepping closer we can support those in need by sitting in their pain. Every step closer can connect someone to life. #suicideawarenessday #septempter10 #suicideprevention #suicideprevention #everystepcloser #mentalhealthawareness #support #iasp #animalassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod
19.01.2022 We are super excited to announce our next Women’s Space Workshop @the_therapy_pod . Friday 18th September 9.30am - 12.30pm We have some bookings already for this workshop, so DM @neisha.cass.counselling if you would like us to save you a space.... . . . . #womensspace #womensworkshop #workshop #women #equineassistedtherapy #llamawalks #nature #connection #thetherapypod #tallebudgeravalley #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #animaltherapies #animaltherapiesltd #neishacasscounselling #horses #llamas #wellness #wellnessgoldcoast #wellnessworkshop #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters @ Tallebudgera Valley
19.01.2022 The world lost a good one yesterday - Sir Ken Robinson, world renowned education and creativity expert. If you are not yet familiar with this man, I highly recommend reading his books or listening to his TED talks etc. He is regarded as one of the world’s most elite thinkers on creativity and innovation. #sirkenrobinson #education #creativity #mentalhealthawareness #thetherapypod
18.01.2022 Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries. - Corita Kent #moment #connection #love #calm #energy #mentalhealthawareness #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod ... @neisha.cass.counselling
18.01.2022 Make your mental health a priority #mentalhealthawareness #anxiety #depression #suicide #anxietyrelief #depressionhelp #suicideprevention #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #naturebasedtherapy #expressivetherapy #sandplay #symbolwork
18.01.2022 I have come to the conclusion that human beings are born with an innate capacity to triumph over trauma. I believe not only that trauma is curable, but that the healing process can be a catalyst for profound awakeninga portal opening to emotional and genuine spiritual transformation. I have little doubt that as individuals, families, communities, and even nations, we have the capacity to learn how to heal and prevent much of the damage done by trauma. In so doing, we will s...ignificantly increase our ability to achieve both our individual and collective dreams. Peter A. Levine, Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body #healing #trauma #peterlevine #healingtrauma #suicideprevention #thetherapypod #addiction #suicideawareness #equinetherapy #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #mohjoe #pedro #diana #animalassistedtherapy
17.01.2022 So self-acceptance does not mean self-admiration or even self-liking at every moment of our lives, but tolerance for all our emotions, including those that make us feel uncomfortable. Gabor Maté, Scattered Minds #selfacceptance #equineassistedtherapy #taco #diana #therapyhorses #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #gabormatequotes #scatteredminds #thetherapypod
16.01.2022 Walking creates a form of bilateral stimulation (BLS) which helps to balance your left & right brain activity and can reduce anxiety. If you are stuck in left brain mode (e.g. logical, analytical thinking) a walk can attract right brain activity such as creativity, artistic and intuitive thinking. It has a relaxing effect. ... Thoughts become less stuck. Decreases worry. Interesting Fact: BLS is a core treatment element of EMDR. #walking #bilateralstimulation #bls #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #unplugged #llama #goat #animalassistedtherapy #llamaassistedtherapy
16.01.2022 Self-regulation can be taught to many kids who cycle between frantic activity and immobility. In addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, all kids need to learn self-awareness, self-regulation, and communication as part of their core curriculum. Just as we teach history and geography, we need to teach children how their brains and bodies work. For adults and children alike, being in control of ourselves requires becoming familiar with our inner world and accurately identifying what scares, upsets, or delights us. Bessel A. van der Kolk #selfregulation #coregulation #vagusnerve #ballplay #somatictherapy #animalassistedtherapy #zuri #play #connection #selfawareness #noticethat #whathappensnext #curious #innerworld #bodykeepsthescore #equineassistedtherapy #sandplaytherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
16.01.2022 The inspirational charity @animaltherapies has released their 2021 Animals Helping Humans calendar featuring @the_therapy_pod’s Marvin the llama with his human companion. Animal Therapies LTD connect those in need with animal assisted services. You can order your calendar & pins (including a llama!) at their webpage to support ATL. #llama #therapyllama #animalassistedtherapy #animalshelpinghumans #joy #fosteringemotionalwellbeing #llamawalk #mentalhealthawareness #thetherapypod @bernyoung
15.01.2022 Tuning into our bodies after a mindfulness meditation experience and drawing what comes up, Taco is usually a steady presence when the art table is pulled out in the paddock. #thetherapypod #taco #equineassistedtherapy #arttherapy #feltsense #mindfulnesspractice
15.01.2022 Tracey from @majcounsellingandtherapies co-facilitating a private mother / daughter group today with the assistance of Mohjoe. #equineassistedtherapy #llamawalk #naturetherapy #breathe #animalassistedtherapy #sandplay #sandplaytherapy #symbolwork #connection #motherdaughter #mohjoe #sandequinetherapy
14.01.2022 Behind the scenes #yardmaintenance #propertymanagement #hardwork #thanksdad #mentalhealthawareness #equineassistedtherapy #animalassistedtherapy #majormitchellcockatoo Ps Interesting fact - Joey the pink cockatoo is over 30 years old.
14.01.2022 I’ve been lost in an online world listening to expert’s share their knowledge in a 10 day Trauma Skills Summit. . It has reinforced what a powerful space for healing @the_therapy_pod is. . A combination of nature, the animals, and the therapists lived experience and years of work they continuously put in that enables them to hold a safe space for clients to find a pathway to connect. ... @neisha.cass.counselling #thetherapypod #trauma #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #safespace #suicideawareness #connection #safety #traumaskillssummit #soundstrue #ventralvagal #debdana #peterlevine #dansiegel #anniehopper #polyvagaltheory #limbicsystemimpairment
14.01.2022 For those who I have had to cancel appointments on due to the weather. Check out our usually quiet little creek. Just received weather warning texts for large amounts of rain overnight still to come. #flooding #thetherapypod #staysafe #goldcoast #tallebudgeracreek #mentalhealthawareness #ifitsfloodedforgetit
14.01.2022 Just checking in to see if you’re ok!? #christmascanbeahardtimeforsome #ruok #festiveseason #mentalhealthawareness #thetherapypod #llama #therapyllama #animalassistedtherapy
14.01.2022 Mohjoe holding space #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #horsesholdingspace #connection #mentalhealthawareness
13.01.2022 The goal is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature. Joseph Campbell #nature #heartbeat #universe #beauty #josephcampbell #herosjourney #rest #weareallconnected #archetypalheroicjourney #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
12.01.2022 To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still. - Jiddu Krishnamurti #meditation #mind #peace #george #extraordinarypresence #connection #stillness #space #mentalhealthawareness #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast ... Photo by @neisha.cass.counselling - after work joy.
11.01.2022 #Repost @neisha.cass.counselling Animal-assisted therapy is a therapeutic intervention that incorporates animals, such as horses, dogs, cats, llamas, and guinea pigs, into the treatment plan. This style of therapy is used to enhance and complement the benefits of counselling and trauma informed therapy modalities. ... Developing a bond with an animal can help people develop a better sense of self-worth and trust, stabilise their emotions, and improve their communication, self-regulation, and socialisation skills. . . . . . . #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapyaustralia #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod #mohjoe #animaltherapies #animaltherapiesltd #counselling #mentalhealth #traumarecovery #traumarecovery
11.01.2022 TV crew at The Pod filming. Watch this space #thetherapypod #spreadingmentalhealthawareness #tv #behindthescenes #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
11.01.2022 The power of touch is profound. It can strengthen connections, heal, communicate, influence and soothe. Touch is fundamental to the human experience. It is most likely no accident then, that the lack of connection, either emotional or physical is discussed in terms of touch tactless, lost touch with, out of touch. Of course, touch can also hurt. With very good reason, we have made moves to protect ourselves and those we care about from the type of touch that can have cata...strophic consequences. There are strong boundaries around the appropriate use of touch and this is a good thing we need to feel safe. ‘Safe touch’ though, doesn’t have to mean ‘no touch’. We need touch. We need the comfort, the connection the security and the powerful emotional and physical health benefits that come by being touched in safe and appropriate ways. Touch is a language, and listening [to that language] can be profoundly connecting, healing and soothing. Being mindful of the touch will boost the good that comes from it. We all have an inbuilt need to be touched. When it is done respectfully and appropriately, touch is a vital part of the human experience. The touch doesn’t have to be intimate and it doesn’t have to be big to have an effect. A pat on the back, a rub on the shoulder, a handshake, a professional massage all stimulate the reward centres in the brain. We feel happier, safer, more confident, more soothed and more connected. Over time, our own histories and experiences influence the way we see the world and the way we reach into it to fulfil our needs. Though we need to stay protected and be wary of unsafe touch, we also need to be careful not to rob ourselves of the nurturing, healing and connectedness that comes through basic human touch. It has always been that way and it always will be. It is important to define what is right and what is acceptable and to have boundaries where necessary, and at the same time leave space for what will nourish our health, our relationships and our spirit. - Extract, Karen Young #touch #covid_19 #mentalhealthawareness #connection #safety #somatictherapy #equineassistedtherapy #mohjoe #thetherapypod
10.01.2022 Our bodies know that they belong; it is our minds that make our lives so homeless. Guided by longing, belonging is the wisdom of rhythm. When we are in rhythm with our own nature, things flow and balance naturally. Every fragment does not have to be relocated, reordered; things cohere and fit according to their deeper impulse and instinct. Our modern hunger to belong is particularly intense. An increasing majority of people feel no belonging. We have fallen out of rhythm with life. The art of belonging is the recovery of the wisdom of rhythm. John O'Donohue, Eternal Echoes #belonging #somaticexperiencing #focusing #wisdom #rhythm #flow #balance #eternalechoes #johnodonohue #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod #missymoo
10.01.2022 I believe in kindness. Also in mischief. -Mary Oliver #kindness #mischief #megsie #maryoliverquote #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod
10.01.2022 Few of our Pod community have already come across Joey the Pink Cockatoo #majormitchellcockatoo. Still a young boy at 35 years of age, Joey came to us approximately 8 years ago when our neighbour, a well respected bird rescue man, passed on and his widow was left to find homes for many birds. Joey is an anxious little soul that had only bonded with one other human in the 27 years prior. With time, patience and working with / understanding and respecting animal energy bubbles - I was able to create a trusting relationship and bond with Joey. #introducingjoey #pinkcockatoo #majormitchellcockatoo #majormitchell #bonding #therapyanimals #thetherapypod #mentalhealthawareness #suicideawareness #energyawareness #trust #relationships #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
09.01.2022 #greatidea #childhoodunplugged
09.01.2022 You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.... Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting over and over announcing your place in the family of things. Mary Oliver #everythinghasaplace #maryoliverpoetry #naturepoetry #connection #awareness #mentalhealthawareness #suicidepreventionmonth #suicidepreventionawareness #thetherapypod #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #somatictherapy #somatichealing
08.01.2022 This silence, this moment, every moment, If it's genuinely inside you, brings what you need. -Rumi Saturday Sessions at @the_therapy_pod ... #silence #sundaysessions #thetherapypod #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
06.01.2022 And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself? - Rumi #selfdiscovery #innerlandscape #knowyourselffirst #whoami #thetherapypod #counselling #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #mentalhealthawareness
06.01.2022 Cows, nature, music & a beautiful open hearted soul. #mentalwellbeing #nature #joy
06.01.2022 Healing power of nature #nature #inthemoment #soakingitin #beauty #connection #mentalhealthawareness #thetherapypod
06.01.2022 Reach out for final spots in thisunique workshop coming up on 6th March. Total cost $200 for both mother & daughter for 3 hour workshop including llama walk, sand tray, equine engagement & more. Beautiful way to connect. #motherdaughter #group #connection #mentalhealthmatters #thetherapypod
05.01.2022 Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. - Ralph Waldo Emmerson #trust #selflove #selftrust #selfconfidence #coregulation #thetherapypod #neishacasscounselling #equineassistedtherapy #horse #therapyhorse #animalassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
04.01.2022 27 young Bottlebrush Trees (Callistemon - Hannah Ray) were planted by my family along the fence at @the_therapy_pod yesterday. Gifted by my brother & his wife who are passionate about planting native trees in the local community. A few plants are suffering due to the time it took for me to get them in the ground & will require some extra nurturing to recover whilst others are thriving and just require maintenance. All very symbolic - the planting & new growth of these trees @the_therapy_pod #environment #environmentalawareness #givingback #grateful #bottlebrushtrees #bottlebrush #newgrowth #support #familysupport #nurture #mentalhealthawareness #equineassistedtherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #thetherapypod #environmentaltherapist #thanksdaveandjane
04.01.2022 Healing power of nature #nature #inthemoment #soakingitin #beauty #connection #mentalhealthawareness #thetherapypod
03.01.2022 Women’s groups create a loving, supportive environment where honesty is encouraged and accepted. They help women realise they can nurture themselves as well as others. In this space we realise we are not alone. Others struggle with similar feelings, problems and stuck places. The relief of awareness and connection is powerful and meaningful. #womensupportingwomen #womensspace #thetherapypod #equineassistedtherapy #llamatherapy #llamaassistedtherapy #goattherapy #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast #neishacasscounselling #animalassistedtherapy @neisha.cass.counselling
03.01.2022 Precious moments are small elements of time, we show and share love and kindness, with those we care about. Tom Baker #preciousmoments #joy #connection #laughter #nature #llamas #mentalwellbeing #makementalhealthapriority @p_westergaard
01.01.2022 Visit to spend time with my dear friend and fellow equine assisted therapist / counsellor - Sue at @equanimity.australia, Eureka, NSW. #equineassistedtherapy #counsellor #northernnsw #mentalhealthawareness #equanimityaustralia
01.01.2022 Keeping dry. No worries- I’ll just hang inside The Pod. #megsie #therapyhorse #minipony #cheeky #leastshedidntpoointhere #equineassistedtherapy #thetherapypod #equineassistedtherapygoldcoast
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