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The Tiger and Me


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24.01.2022 We have a new song coming out tomorrow Bring Your Heartbeat Down. Here is the artworkgreat photo by Greg Rakozyand here is a story. Years ago we played a show as part of a series called Tram Sessions. Ticket-holders were taken on a tram ride around the city, listening to live music from mystery guests. We were one of them we performed for the crowd in a laneway before they boarded the tram, where they were treated to a live and up close set from Paul Kelly. Two of the p...eople in the audience that day almost didn’t make it they scrambled at the last minute to get tickets after word about Paul Kelly being the main event got out. They did make it, and then proceeded to come to all of our shows, usually sitting right at the front, somehow even managing a table when it was standing room only. We got talking after a show one day. Their names are Leanne and Noel. They’ve since become close friends. Leanne has heart problems. I’ll leave out the details. She once told me that she listened to our record on repeat when she was in the hospital and it got her through. I can’t imagine a more moving compliment. They fill every room they are in with warmth and kindness. And you’d struggle to find a better advertisement for marriage. They still rarely miss a show, even though recently they’ve mostly been things outside The Tiger & Me. They come to my orchestral concerts, to Jane’s Broads’ shows the lot. Leanne has a dodgy heart. But she has so much heart. As does Noel. Our new song is dedicated to them both. Love Ade, Jane, Tobes and Tristan.

23.01.2022 September 18. Art by @lutfidf #thetigerandme #redart

20.01.2022 Thanks to Livewire Music Australia for the write-up love the last line. "...if you don’t listen to this while driving home from the beach during a sunset, then you’re really only sabotaging your own happiness." Indeed.

14.01.2022 Something different for us this week: Jane interviewed me about our own band and latest single. It'll air on Vital Bits on Triple R - 3RRR 102.7FM this morning from just after 8am. We tried just having a conversation first and it was a Jane switched to her radio host mode and then it worked. We did an interview and acoustic performance of an unreleased track in lieu of being in the studio with Tim Thorpe. Thanks Tim for being creative to make this work.

09.01.2022 Thanks ABC Music nice quote from Jane. You can now pre-save Bring Your Heartbeat Down to Spotify or Apple Music at the link it'll be saved to your account on Friday. All six minutes (!) of it. It's kind of two songs in one. We went away for a while so we figured we owed you a longer song.

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