The Track in Fitzroy, Victoria | College & University
The Track
Locality: Fitzroy, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9953 3423
Address: 17-29 Young Street 3065 Fitzroy, VIC, Australia
Likes: 829
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25.01.2022 Guest Speaker - Jess Stenson (Australian Marathon Runner) 2 x Olympian and 2 x Com Games Bronze Medalist Topic: Variation in Running Sessions Weekly Challenge - complete Jess suggested fartlek session Upload your run to the ACU Sport Strava account or send us an image of your run by tagging us on social media or email to [email protected].... @jess_tren @acusport @acumelbrunning @rundies_undies #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack See more
24.01.2022 Flying into exam week like Make sure you’re following @thetrackacu this week for more stress-relieving quizzes, study tips and more
24.01.2022 I know right, how exciting ACU Virtual Trivia is back again! Friday 11th September 3:30PM... Hosted by @acucampusministry, @acu_se & @thetrackacu Prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd Register via link in bio or QR code #ACUVirtualTrivia #campusministry #studentenrichment #thetrack
23.01.2022 TRACK. TRIVIA. TODAY. Tune into our Instagram stories at 3pm today for Track Trivia - Cardio Week Edition! First person that gets all 10 answers correct will take home an ACU Sport Hoodie ... #cardioweek #tracktrivia #acusport
23.01.2022 NORTH SYDNEY The Track North Sydney is open, come say to Raph, have a game of , watch some live sport on or just come chill out ! Located on Level 1, 33 Berry St, North Sydney.... North Sydney Track Trip is happening next Friday 21st August from 2pm - 4pm. Head to the Track North Sydney ACU Life Page to register for this free event. #acusport #thetrack
22.01.2022 8 Week Running Challenge- Week 3 Guest Speaker - Ultra Trail Runner - Lucy Bartholomew Weekly Challenge - Head out for a trail run. Send a photo to us on your trial run via @acusport Strava, tag us on social media or via email ([email protected]). #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack
22.01.2022 24 Hours To Go Tour De Track Strava Challenge Who will cover the most kms this week #TourDeTrack... #acusport #thetrack See more
22.01.2022 Yep, thats right. Its almost time for The Track Virtual Race! Kicking off next week! Mon 14th Sep - Sun 20th Sep... Register via the link in our bio 3km, 5km or 10km distance The first 100 registered participants that participate will receive an ACU Sport Medal & go into a Major Prize draw to win a Fitbit or Garmin #TheTrackVirtualRace #acusport #thetrack
22.01.2022 Guest Speaker - Maddy Negri Weekly Challenge - Head out for a Night Run @acusport #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack
21.01.2022 Tennis Trivia 4PM Today Instagram Stories @acusport merch prize for the first person to get all 10 questions correct #TennisTrivia... #acusport #thetrack See more
21.01.2022 We hit over 2 million steps during the first week of the Australasian University Health Challenge!! Help us get to the top of the leaderboard - sign up via link in our bio
21.01.2022 Netball Edition Thanks to Hannah from the ACU Melbourne Netball Club
21.01.2022 Yo North Sydney! We are hosting our first Track Trip of the semester this Friday 21 August ... 2pm - 4pm Prizes up for grabs Sign up by the link in our bio! #TrackTrip #acusport #thetrack
19.01.2022 Week 1 Challenge - Show ACU Sport your running goals
19.01.2022 This week is Healthy Bones Action Week. We chatted to some of our 3rd year Nutrition Science students & staff about how they incorporate calcium into their diet and how they adapt recipes to increase the calcium content. Swipe left to check out these handy tips! ... #HealthyBonesActionWeek #acusport #thetrack
19.01.2022 Plenty happening in week 8 - The Track Virtual Race - Live NBA & pizza - Lawn games & yoghurt ... - Track Trip Bouldering (NS) #acusport #thetrack
18.01.2022 Going into the final week of exams make sure you check out these handy tips & exercises from @acusportgym As we start to spend more time sitting at our desks, it is essential that we remember the importance of exercise and movement. Taking a 10 minute break every 30-60 minutes of study/work can help you to achieve your daily activity requirements while also providing a fun way to refresh your mind and improve your focus Sitting for prolonged periods can cause our ...muscle to become inactive which can often lead to increased tension and tightness. Stretching can help combat this by keeping our muscles active and flexible! Head to our instagram page to see the following exercises demonstated: Shoulder/upper back stretch Chest stretch Total Body stretch Hold each stretch for 10-15 seconds, repeating as often as you like throughout the day. We also need to make sure we keep those muscle strong and get our heart rate up Squats Reverse Lunges Star Jumps The above exercises can be completed any time of the day, we recommend at least 2-3 times, for 12-15 reps. As always, don’t forget that if you have a bit more time up your sleeve, come on into the gym for a quick workout or group class to clear the mind and keep the body active Happy studying and good luck with exams! #acu #acusport #aculife #makehealthyhappen #fitnessmotivation #wellness #studybreaks
16.01.2022 Week 1 Guest Speaker - Alysha Burnett Weekly Challenge - Show ACU Sport your running goals #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack
15.01.2022 FREE COME & TRY YOGA Need a break from studying? We have you covered at The Track North Sydney. ... Join Ella from @acusportgym in The Track North Sydney again tomorrow at 1pm for some FREE relaxing and re-energising yoga. #yoga #acusport #thetrack
14.01.2022 Game 7 Clippers vs Nuggets 11am tomorrow The Track (North Sydney) Oh and did we mentioned theres FREE PIZZA ... See you there! #acusport #thetrack See more
14.01.2022 Attention Staff & Students 8 Week Running Challenge Monday 10th Aug - Sunday 4th Oct Weekly guest speakers Weekly challenges & prizes ... Training programs for Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced Sign up here: #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack See more
13.01.2022 Coming up in Semester 2
13.01.2022 Amber wishes all students the best of luck with their upcoming exams! Keep your eye on our stories for upcoming giveaways and quizzes this week. We’ve got you covered
12.01.2022 I said... Brr! Its cold in here I said there must be some Trivia In the atmosphere!... Join us on our Instagram stories at 4pm today. First person that gets all 10 answers correct wins one of these @acusport beanies! #TrackTrivia #acusport #thetrack
12.01.2022 Repost @nutritionaustralia This week (17 23 August) is Healthy Bones Action Week, and were supporting the initiative by calling on all our students and staff to integrate 3 simple steps to build and maintain strong and healthy bones - eating calcium-rich foods, like dairy; doing regular weight-bearing exercise; and enjoying safe levels of sunshine for Vitamin D. #HealthyBonesActionWeek... #acusport #thetrack See more
12.01.2022 Semester 1 was so much fun! We have an even bigger and better Semester 2 planned!! Where would you like to go for a Track Trip in Semester 2? The best ideas might turn into an official Track Trip in Semester 2
09.01.2022 Get Ready, Get Set, GO The Track Virtual Race is fast approaching Mon 14th Sep - Sun 20th Sep... Register via the link in our bio 3km, 5km or 10km distance All registered participants that participate will receive an ACU Sport Medal & go into a Major Prize draw to win a Fitbit or Garmin #TheTrackVirtualRace #acusport #thetrack
09.01.2022 Attention Footy Tippers The final round of the 2020 @afl season kicks off tonight & theres 2 rounds to go in the @nrl season. It is tight up the top of the tipping ladders so make sure you get your tips in! Swipe left to see whos in the lead! ... $200 @rebelsport gift voucher for the winner @acusport prizes for 2nd & 3rd A little something for last place #acusport #thetrack
09.01.2022 Whos keen for a Track Trip? Well next Wednesday 19th August from 5pm - 6pm, we are taking our Track Trip Virtually Thanks to @strikebowling we are set to undertake one of their virtual Escape Rooms which will be a great team bonding exercise all from the comfort of your own home ... To register for this event, check out the link in our bio or head to The Track (Melbourne) Page on ACU Life #acusport #tracktrip
08.01.2022 That’s a wrap for the Biketober Cycle Challenge with 8,167km covered for the month Well done to all those that were involved in the program or got involved in Ride2Uni Day. We hope we were able to provide you with the some handy tips to improve your cycle game & hope you now consider riding as an option when traveling in to uni Special thanks to all our guest speakers who gave up their time to discuss different cycling tips and introduce our weekly challenges ... We hope to have you all involved in our future health programs and initiatives in 2021 and beyond @acusport #Biketober #acusport #thetrack
08.01.2022 MOVEMBER UPDATE We are almost halfway through Movember and have already raised $1725 for Men's Health! ACU currently sits 5th overall out of 28 universities in the Movember University Challenge! Thanks to everyone who has donated and joined Team ACU so far, we have 28 members but there is still room for plenty more Mo Bros and Mo Sisters... A reminder there is 2 ways you can get involved: GROW A MO MAKE A MOVE For more info and to sign up or donate to Team ACU head to the link in our bio Keep up the great work team and happy growing/moving! @acusport @acusportgym #Movember #acusport #thetrack
08.01.2022 Attention North Sydney Love Pizza ? Love @nba ? We have you covered tomorrow!... Join us in The Track from 11am as the @lakers take on the @houstonrockets in Game 3 of the NBA Finals! Well be providing pizza throughout this mouthwatering clash Hope to see you there! #acusport #thetrack
08.01.2022 RUOK? Its more than a question. And, its ok not to feel ok. We understand its a challenging time and acknowledge that everyone copes in different ways. ACU Sport is here to help you connected, feel welcome and be supported. Heres how our club members feel connected to their club. #theresmoretosay #ruokday #ruok
07.01.2022 We are coming up to the end of the first week of exams! Exams can be a stressful time but we encourage you to complete regular exercise to reduce stress! It can be as easy as throwing a ball against a net
07.01.2022 TIME TO GET STEPPING ACU takes on 18 universities in the Australasian University Health Challenge. Can you help us step our way to the top of the leader board?... Find the SIGN UP link in our bio. This is a collaboration between ACUs School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, ACU Sport and @10000steps_ #teamacu #10000steps #auhc #joinplaycompete
06.01.2022 Week 5, we see you In the build up to the Le Tour de France, we bring you Tour De Track. To celebrate, we want to see how many kms you can cover on your bike from Monday 5am to Friday 4pm. All you need to do is be part of the @acusport Strava group and well track you from there. @pushysonline gift cards on offer for our winners! (1 x VIC winner & 1 x all other states winner) ... Also look out on Monday morning for our Week 3 guest speaker @lucy_bartholomew! We look forward to hearing from the ultra marathon runner to see what tips and challenge she has in stall for us. #TourDeTrack #acusport #thetrack
05.01.2022 Attention VIC Fam, end your lockdown week the right way with ACUs Virtual Trivia! We are collaborating with our good friends at campus ministry & student enrichment to bring you this event. Friday 28th August 3:30pm Prizes on offer... Sign up via QR code or link in bio #campusministry #thetrack #studentenrichment
05.01.2022 Week 3 Cardio Week Lets Go ... #cardioweek #acusport #thetrack
04.01.2022 New Week, Who Dis Week 6 is here and its Tennis Week With the @usopen kicking off this week, The Track (North Sydney) will be showing all the live action from Tuesday! While your there why not challenge your fellow students to a game of table tennis ... Dont forget on Wednesday at 1pm, were hosting an Online Uno Tournament with @acu_se & @acucampusministry. Make sure to register prior via QR code or link in bio. #TennisWeek #acusport #thetrack
04.01.2022 Our week 3 challenge is up and running Ultra Trail Runner @lucy_bartholomew set us the task to find some dirt this week Get out for a run on some dirt, take a photo and upload to strava, social media or email us for your chance to go into the draw to win a @salomonrunning pack! ... #8WeekRunningChallenge #acusport #thetrackacu
03.01.2022 You know what time it is Its Track Tuesdays, weve made our choices and now we need your help! Being Cardio week, we want to hear from you on what songs get you going on your runs! ... Head to The Tracks Spotify account, add your fav songs to our playlist or hit us up in the comments below. #acusport #tracktuesdays
02.01.2022 Guest Speaker - Stuart Cormack (Associate Professor) School of Behavioural and Health Sciences Weekly Challenge - complete our recommended strength training for runners. Send us a video or image of you working out on social media or via email to [email protected]. #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack
02.01.2022 WORLD KINDNESS DAY Today is World Kindness Day In what has been a tough year for everyone, now more than ever we need some acts of kindness in our lives. ... Buy someone a coffee Put a smile on someone’s face Invite a new person to lunch @kindnessfactory are going for a record of 20k acts of kindness in 1 day. Log your acts at #20kin2020 #onesmallact #acusport #thetrack
02.01.2022 Missing competition but stuck at home? Dont worry @cm_melbs, @acu_se & @thetrackacu have you cover with our 2020 Online Uno Championship Series... Wednesdays 1pm Details: Starting Week 6 (2/9) to Week 10 (7/10) Each week accumulate points to take home the victory and prizes in Week 10 #campusministry #studentenrichment #thetrackacu
01.01.2022 Have you registered for our 8 week running challenge? If so, have you completed our week 1 challenge? We want to hear your running goals. Simply swipe left, screen shot our photo and enter your goals to post to your social story and tag @acusport & @thetrackacu. Its not too late to get involved, head to The Track (Melbourne) page on ACU Life to register or following the link in our bio ... #8weekrunningchallenge #acusport #thetrack
01.01.2022 The Track Virtual Race is here! Select your distance - 3km, 5km or 10km. Register via ACU Life and upload your run between Monday 14th September (9am) - Sunday 20th September (11:59pm). The first 100 registered participants that complete the virtual race will receive an ACU Sport medal and go into the major prize draw to win a Fitbit or Garmin Watch. Good Luck!
01.01.2022 SPOT A BRO WHO’S FEELING LOW Follow these 4 steps: ASK, LISTEN, ENCOURAGE ACTION, CHECK IN... TEAM ACU UPDATE We are past halfway this Movember and so far have raised $2500 for Men's Health! ACU currently sits 3rd overall out of 30 universities in the Movember University Challenge! Thanks to everyone who has donated and joined Team ACU @acusport @acusportgym @movember #Movember #acusport #thetrack
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