The Tropical Lawyer | Public figure
The Tropical Lawyer
Phone: 07 4032 2236
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23.01.2022 It's official, I'm a #blogger now . #Blogging is a gift. I'm not sure I've got the gift, but I'm going to do it anyway . Blog articles will be uploaded through Facebook page. Link in bio. #thetropicallawyer #bloggerlife #cairns #fnq #lawyerlife #lawyering #tryandstopme
22.01.2022 ****Stay tuned, exciting new website/blog to be launched soon****
21.01.2022 I stumbled across this meme which will go perfectly (although it's a little blunt) with one of the articles I have written to be released in the @thetropicallawyer blog. Happy Friday!!!
20.01.2022 Long weekends are so much better when you live in the tropics! Beautiful one day perfect the next! #winterinthetropics #cairnslife #fnq #tropics #lifegoals #beachtime
19.01.2022 Beautiful words. Make some time to read this with your kids. I spend a lot of time giving my girls advice on these topics, and this sums it all up beautifully! #itsallaboutfiveminutemoments
19.01.2022 Check out my article on recording conversations in Queensland. What can/can't you do? #law #privacy #queensland #mobile #landlines #cairnslawyer #blog
19.01.2022 It's been awhile since I've published an article! Another employment law article link below - happy reading followers
19.01.2022 So this just happened! I made butter coffee in my milk frother! Winning! #werkwerkwerk #buttercoffee #espositolawyers #cairns #grassfedbutter #coconutoil #lovemyjob
17.01.2022 It's the little subliminal messages from strangers that can give you an added bounce in your step. Great coffee makes me happy, a smiley face from a stranger makes me happier! #humpdayhappiness #baristaart #lawyerslovecoffee #coffeemakestheworldgoround #coffee #cairns #mamacoco #thetropicallawyer
17.01.2022 ABC have interviewed a criminal lawyer on the laws surrounding home invasion and your rights as the occupant.
16.01.2022 I'll be thinking of our southern friends this evening. It is a very, very, very anxious time to be sitting and waiting for a cyclone like this one to hit land. It's better to be overprepared than underprepared. Listen to local authorities and emergency services and stay off the roads. Look out for your neighbours, but make sure it's safe to do so (once the storm has passed) as there will be power lines down. Be safe
16.01.2022 It's been a tough early morning. Drinking coffee, sitting on the grass, in the sun, on the #cairnsesplanade #dictating my memo's from yesterday . Love how technology allows us to be so mobile! #lawyering #thetropicallawyer #humpday #cairnslife #fnq #technologyrocks #lawyerlife
14.01.2022 Contact me if you have any supplies.
13.01.2022 Tips for dealing with Insurers and Assesors following the flood.
12.01.2022 Putting together some of my donations for the Miller Harris annual #sendhopenotflowers fundraising lunch. It certainly puts things in perspective just how very blessed we are in Australia. #donatewhenyoucan #helpingothers #feelingblessed #lawyerlife #cairns #thetropicallawyer
11.01.2022 Don't take the "she'll be right" approach. These notices are serious and the ramifications large.
10.01.2022 There is always one crazy kid on a committee! It just so happened to be me . Literally 3 minutes prior to this Photo I took off the converse sneakers I was wearing with my Ball gown while I was running back and forth in the reef fleet terminal with last minute touch ups and moments of panic #stilltired #fnqemergencyservicesball #fnqemergencyservicesassociationinc #raisingmoney #committeelife #photobomb #nailedit #cairns #fnq #thetropicallawyer
10.01.2022 How do you get your kids out of bed early on a Saturday? Ask them if they want to come to work with you . My youngest jumps at the chance to come into the office. The photocopier will be working overdrive today and I'll be the proud owner of a lot of hand photocopies and littlest pet shop prints #worklifeintegration #workingmother #girlboss #kidsintheoffice #workingsaturdays #lawyerlife #cairns #thetropicallawyer
09.01.2022 Gaslighting does not just occur in relationships and friendships. Workplace gaslighting is very real. Read more below #workplacebullyingharrassment #gaslighters #manipulative #makeastand
08.01.2022 And this ladies and gentleman is what tropical living is all about. Here #fishyfishy #fnq #livingthedream #highisland #cairns #fishinglife #cairns #tinnies #glasswater #thetropicallawyer
08.01.2022 DNR - the Queensland version!
07.01.2022 Spread the word peeps. While its never been ok, and its sad that morals and ethics are ignored, its fantastic to see that Queensland is taking a stand! #youwillbeheldaccountable
07.01.2022 Clients often ask where they can access free information to help keep up to date with their obligations as business owners and/or managers. For those owners/ma...nagers who are unaware, the Fair Work Ombudsman send out newsletters and have online learning courses (such as record keeping and pay slips, diversity and discrimination, workplace flexibility etc) that can assist employers/managers to understand the basics. The Small Business page is also helpful and provides a Fair Work Handbook which summarises responsibilities!
05.01.2022 Latest article below. After a few weeks of harassment by scammers, I felt compelled to write an article to help spread the word about awareness and reporting of scams.
05.01.2022 How about this weather hey? Given the current wild weather conditions, questions are being raised regarding pay when stood down. The below article provides a general summary of the issue. Youre welcome Stay safe! and.... if it's flooded FORGET IT!
05.01.2022 This is a growing issue that happens all too often. Unqualified people providing legal advice is on the increase and people are paying money for these unqualified services. You can check if a Lawyer has a practising certificate (you need more than a law degree to be allowed to give advice as a Lawyer) via the Law Society in your State or Territory.
05.01.2022 I felt very privileged to listen to the courageous Rosie Batty share her story and spread her message to give victims of domestic violence a voice. It was a very inspirational lunch highly supported by our Cairns community! Join the campaign via Rosie's never alone website.#neveralone #holdperpetratorsaccountable #enoughisenough #cbwclunch #rosiebatty #cairns #thetropicallawyer
05.01.2022 Casual workers do have rights, and in some circumstances can bring an action for unfair dismissal against their employer. Make sure you seek legal advice and dont rely upon well-meaning, but unqualified advice from others if you have been terminated!
04.01.2022 Link to the latest blog article "motor vehicle accidents and reporting to police" below.
04.01.2022 Latest blog article below regarding school aged workers.
02.01.2022 Do you get annoyed by other people's driving? Ever thought perhaps your interpretation of the road rules is outdated? This road rule (blog link below) has surprised a few people.
01.01.2022 This weekend is the Cairns Relay for Life ran by the Cancer Council. Each donation, no matter how big or small, helps to fund Cancer Council's research, preven...tion, information and support services. The Cairns community is amazing with so many teams busy fundraising throughout the year. A special shout out to the ladies in the Legal Eagles team for your fundraising efforts for your first year! Donations to the Cancer Council can be made at the website or by following the link below to the Legal Eagles page. See more