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25.01.2022 In partnership with the Australian government (federal, state and territory) and the Australian Local Government Association, the Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Peak Organisations on Closing the Gap (the Coalition of Peaks) recently released a report providing feedback on what representatives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities across Australia should be included in a new National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
25.01.2022 "The current mental health service system is hurting and damaging children and young people. I have been involved in this system for eight years... I believe that to support the clients, mental health professionals need to be supported to do their job. While I dont know what support they need, I do know what support would have helped me. It is so important to build trust with children and young people and not break it. You can do this by being transparent with the person ...sitting in front of you. Help them understand why, what is going to happen, and give the child or young person a choice in the situation. I believe its important to educate children and young people on tricky areas like mental ill health and for them to know its not their fault and they havent done the wrong thing by saying how they feel. This is especially important for children and young people where they might be reaching out for support for the first time. No one should feel ashamed for seeking help. We need to listen to the people within the mental health system to make these systems and services work effectively. We need to co-design psychiatric wards in a meaningful partnership with diverse people with lived experiences of mental ill health." An excerpt from Pro Bono Australia
25.01.2022 If you have wanted to learn more about Aboriginal culture and history, watch this incredible interview with Nyoongar Elder, Uncle Ben Taylor AM, Yued elder & WA Deaths in Custody Watch Committee Co-Chair about racism and hope for the future. To further support, you can donate or purchase the book Uncle Ben Taylor mentioned in the video, "An Island Solution: Rottnest Reveals Our Colonial Secrets" :
24.01.2022 Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay; observed on September 10th every year, World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) provides the opportunity for people, across the globe, to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention. Homelessness is strongly associated with mental and physical health concerns, including for young people. Additionally, one in ten homeless young people report having suicidal behaviour in the past three months, and 28 percent of those had not told anyone. Li...feline 13 11 14 Kids Helpline Official 1800 551 800 Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 Mental Health Emergency Response Line WA - 1800 676 822 See more
21.01.2022 Did you know men represent ~58% of homeless people in Australia? Key reasons for this are unemployment, financial difficulty and shortage of affordable housing. Among younger men aged 15-24, a common cause for homelessness is family breakdown, and among older males financial crisis and inability to afford housing. Additionally, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders account for ~25% of all people who are homeless.... Homelessness can be seriously detrimental to both mental and physical health and wellbeing and may lead to premature death. Last week was International Men's Health Week. In Australia, Men's Health Week provides a platform for challenging and debating key issues in men's health and to raise the profile of men, their health outcomes and health needs around the country. There are more homeless men than women, and there is a danger that some men are not seeking help, but also services need to be adequately equipped to give males the help and support they need. Emergency hostels are full and there is a shortage of affordable housing. See more
21.01.2022 Across Australia, children as young as 10 can be arrested, charged with an offence, judged before a court and locked away in youth prisons. Australias low age of minimum criminal responsibility of 10 years old is well out of step with international standards. Children aged 10 to 13 years old are going through significant growth and development; going through the criminal justice system can lead to irreparable harm and long term damage. In just one year across Australia close... to 600 children aged 10 to 13 years were locked up, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are disproportionately impacted by these laws and pushed into prison cells at even higher rates, accounting for 65 per cent of these younger children in prisons. #RaiseTheAge
20.01.2022 We are so proud of one of our incredible board members and the work his charity does in providing vital tools for disadvantaged children. Give Write takes donations of new and pre-loved school stationery to recycle, repackage and regift to Western Australian kids in need who start the school year with nothing. It is no surprise that poverty is linked to homelessness and is a key driver for children and their families - around 44,000 children in Australia live in poverty.... However, poverty is not just about how much income a person or family has coming in but also denial of opportunity. The incredible work Give Write do help provide disadvantaged children equal opportunities through seemingly simple tools to feel engaged, inspired to learn, and help school children get the most out of their education.
20.01.2022 Nicole was evicted from public housing with her children five years ago. Since then, she has slept in her car. Over 600 households are evicted from public housing every year in WA. There are 14,000 households waiting for public housing in WA, and 1,000 people sleeping on the streets. ... "If only I had a house."
19.01.2022 This Super ID Clinic at Ruah is fantastic Not having ID can make it virtually impossible to escape homelessness. Many people experiencing homelessness don't have any form of identification, which makes it very difficult to access medical care and disability support, apply for work, find a place to live, government support or open a bank account. It's a catch-22 of being stuck in the cycles of homelessness.... The 2-day Super ID Clinic will provide assistance and be guided through the process of obtaining proof of ID and applying for housing
18.01.2022 Join Shelter WA in partnership with the Alliance to End Homelessness in Western Australia, for the official launch of Homelessness Week 2020 on Monday 3rd, which will be opened by the Hon. Simone McGurk MLA. The event will include: Working breakfast... Update around the State Government's initiatives to end homelessness in WA Reflections from people who have lived experience of homelessness The findings from the homelessness perceptions survey For details on how to register to attend either in person or online, head to the link below:
18.01.2022 Great news for WA On 7 June 2020, the Western Australian Government announced a housing stimulus package with an estimated value of $444 million to aid the states recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Social Housing Economic Recovery Package (SHERP) has been developed in an effort to protect and create jobs, boost industry confidence and encourage WA prospective homebuyers to build new homes.... The Department of Communities is responsible for delivering three streams of the SHERP, totalling $319 million, comprising: Stream 1: $97 million to build or buy ~250 social housing and off-the-plan dwellings, across both metropolitan Perth and regional areas; Stream 2: $142 million to deliver refurbishments to 1,500 existing public and supported residential houses and Community Housing Organisation houses; Stream 3: $80 million for a targeted maintenance programs for 3,800 regional social housing properties including, remote Aboriginal communities stock and subsidised housing for regional government workers A step in the right direction for WA
18.01.2022 Have you seen posts about '16 Days of Activism' and wondered what it's all about? Wednesday 25 November 2020 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and marks day one of the 16 Days of Activism. As the world retreated inside homes due to the COVID-19 lockdown measures, reports showed an alarming increase in the already existing pandemic of violence against women.... Here are some ways you can take action (not just during this campaign, but any time): Get informed: What is gender-based violence and why it's important to take a stand Volunteer your time and professional experience to community organisations, services and groups that are supporting people impacted by family and domestic violence and sexual violence Be an active bystander: If someone is acting inappropriately towards a woman, call it out intervene. Don’t ignore locker room banter, jokes and sexism challenge it. If you're concerned about a family member or friend, be confident to ask if everything is okay and if they are safe at home. Believe reports of violence offer support not suspicion. Don’t ask Why doesn’t she leave? ask, Why is he violent?. Be conscious not to put the blame on the woman Talk to your children and other young people in your life about respectful relationships Learn more about financial abuse and the resources and services available Think about what your workplace could do to support survivors of family and domestic violence to stay safe and connected to work; e.g. developing a workplace policy that provides additional leave for staff experiencing family and domestic violence to assist people in these circumstances For more information and how you can get involved:
18.01.2022 "I was born a little Aboriginal kid. That means that I have a memory, a memory of Aboriginal people. In my blood it runs." In My Blood It Runs is a documentary that addresses Indigenous youth detention and the ongoing removal of children. It is told through the eyes of then 10-year old Dujuan Hoosan, an Arrente and Garrwa boy. The film illustrates the pride and importance of culture to a young Aboriginal person along with modern-day Australia's disregard for the oldest living... culture on the planet. Coinciding with the release of the film at international film festivals, Dujuan flew to Geneva in September 2019 where he became the youngest person to address the Human Rights Council. He spoke about the high incarceration rates of Indigenous youth and advocated for raising the age of criminal responsibility in Australia from 10 to better align with the global median of 14. "I came here to speak with you because the Australian Government is not listening," he said. In My Blood It Runs documentary is available to watch on ABC TV + iview until 4th August.
17.01.2022 Australian cities show a growing mismatch between the locations of employment and the geography of affordable rental housing. Low-income workers, who play a critical role in urban labour markets, are finding it increasingly difficult to access affordable rental housing near major employment centres. This Wednesday 5th August, the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute - AHURI will be holding a webinar that will present the findings from their new research project "S...trategic planning, city deals and affordable housing". The research examines international and Australian practice in using place-based planning and funding interventions such as city deals, to deliver affordable rental housing near employment centres and to enhance urban productivity.
16.01.2022 "I've been on and off the streets since I was 15." More than 1,000 people are sleeping rough in WA, over 40% of those are Aboriginal. "That's where most of my trauma comes from, my childhood. Experiencing domestic violence, seeing my mum get bashed up all the time. ... Being homeless shouldn't be a part of you."
16.01.2022 Over 40 years ago, a small but dedicated group of youth workers banded together to form a united front called the Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia. Young people are set to be amongst the hardest hit by the economic upheaval of COVID-19. YACWA are looking at significant collaborative research projects centred around youth unemployment, and they're one of the 24 organisations represented on Mark McGowan's State Recovery Advisory Group. Their voice right now is perhaps... the loudest it's ever been but we need to be louder. Become a member and be part of a movement that enables YACWA to speak truth to power, hold government accountable and fight for more just, fair and equitable society for young Western Australians. For more information, and to join head to
14.01.2022 All Paths Lead to a Home: Western Australias 10-Year Strategy on Homelessness 20202030 (the Strategy) is a whole-of-community plan, setting the direction for all levels of government, business and the community sector in responding to and preventing homelessness in Western Australia. Additionally, released to coincide with the recent Homelessness Week in August 2020, the Action Plan 2020-2025 is the first of two five-year plans that will drive the implementation of the Stra...tegy and help achieve its outcomes. The Action Plan 2020-2025 focuses on building a No Wrong Door approach to service delivery, increasing low-barrier crisis responses, ending rough sleeping and supporting innovation. It is also recognises the need to provide culturally appropriate support and to acknowledge the specific vulnerabilities of rough sleepers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and young people. To access a copy of the Strategy and Action Plan, head to the link below:
14.01.2022 There has been lots of welcomed 'noise' as leaders across private and philanthropic sectors call on the McGowan government for a State Social Enterprise Strategy. In light of the COVID economic crisis and the ever increasing unemployment rates, it is incumbent social enterprises are supported in our efforts to develop sustainable ways of addressing the unprecedented social disadvantage and vulnerability caused by the impact of the pandemic. Learn more and read about the Impa...ct Investment in WA Government Options Paper written by our friends at Impact Seed.
14.01.2022 Homelessness Australia and the Everybody's Home campaign recently launched an interactive homelessness heatmap which highlights the homelessness problems and social housing shortfalls in every federal electorate. Australia has a social housing shortfall of around 433,000 properties with 116,000 people are homeless on any given night. The lack of affordable housing is one of the biggest causes of homelessness, and also prevents people escaping it. A coalition of housing groups have developed the Social Housing Acceleration and Renovation Program (SHARP), which calls for 30,000 social homes to be built over the next four years, and has been said to also create 18,000 jobs per year.
14.01.2022 Today is #WorldChildrensDay - a day to reimagine a better future for every child. UNICEF and partners are calling on governments to adopt a Six-Point Plan to Protect our Children 1. Ensure all children learn, including by closing the digital divide. ... 2. Guarantee access to health and nutrition services and make vaccines affordable and available to every child. 3. Support and protect the mental health of children and young people and bring an end to abuse, gender-based violence, and neglect in childhood. 4. Increase access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene and address environmental degradation and climate change. 5. Reverse the rise in child poverty and ensure an inclusive recovery for all. 6. Redouble efforts to protect and support children and their families living through conflict, disaster and displacement. Head to UNICEF to find out what you can do to take action for our future generations.
13.01.2022 NAIDOC Week (8-15 November 2020) celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920s which sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. The theme for this year is "Always Was, Always... Will Be." - recognising that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. What are you doing to celebrate NAIDOC Week this year?
13.01.2022 Registrations are now open for the Danjoo Koorliny Social Impact Festival! If the recent Black Lives Matters events has impacted you and you want to deeply learn more and make effective change, this is a perfect way to start. Join the Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together project leaders Dr Noel Nannup OAM, Dr Richard Walley OAM, Professor Emeritus Colleen Hayward AM and Carol Innes, as well as many other respected Elders and leaders, as we continue to walk together as Aboriginal ...and non-Aboriginal people towards 2029 (200 years of colonisation in Perth) and beyond. For tickets to the Danjoo Koorliny Walking Together Social Impact Summit and all other Festival events, head to the link below to book.
12.01.2022 More than one in five (20.7%) children under the age of five in Western Australia lives in poverty. The early years are critical in establishing positive developmental pathways in life. Adverse early childhood experiences increase the likelihood of physical and mental health problems, poor cognitive development and poor interpersonal relationships. A report by the Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre found the link between socio-economic status and early learning disadvantage is... evident in the most disadvantaged communities. Most have access to less than half the equivalised household income, a higher share of single parent families and high rates of inadequate housing. The rate of homelessness, which includes overcrowding, is 1,225 per 10,000 people in the most disadvantaged regions, compared with 18 per 10,000 in the most advantaged almost forty times higher. To read the full report head to the link below:
12.01.2022 Homelessness Week 2020 is fast approaching! #HomelessnessWeek this year runs from August 2-8; a national occurrence which aims to put a spotlight on homelessness and discuss solutions to end homelessness. On a national level, there will be a number of online activities in partnership with the Everybody's Home campaign, focusing on the need for social and supportive housing to end homelessness. ... At a state level, Gordon Cole, Chair of Noongar Mia Mia and Shelter WA board member will be shaping a program of activities in partnership with the Danjoo Koorliny Social Impact Festival. Shelter WA are also busy planning a number of flagship activities in partnership with the Alliance to End Homelessness in Western Australia. Make sure you're following them to stay up to date!
12.01.2022 It's PrideFEST, Western Australia’s ultimate celebration of all things queer! The celebration is an annual event to commemorate the 1989 march on the Western Australian State Parliament to demand the decriminalisation of homosexuality. Family rejection is a major driver of homelessness for LGBTIQ+ people, leading to them becoming homeless at a younger age with a greater reliance on friends rather than family for support.... While the Perth Pride Parade and Pride Fair have been cancelled due to COVID-19, Crown Perth are hosting a luncheon on November 20 in recognition of over 30 years of Pride WA (tickets here: For all other Pride WA events, head over to Pride WA!
11.01.2022 Phoenix Support and Advocacy Service provides trauma-focused counselling, support and therapeutic services to survivors of childhood sexual abuse and their significant others impacted by a disclosure. On Wednesday 2nd September they will be hosting a movie screening of Wild Butterfly Movie, the story of a girl in search of a lifesaving second liver transplant which becomes a trial by national and social media. However, she has a terrible secret: a horrific unsolved crime. Th...rough the screening of Wild Butterfly, we hope to bring further awareness to the issue of child sexual abuse and its often-devastating effects, not only on the survivor, but their family, friends and the broader community. Phoenix Support & Advocacy Service They're a few tickets away for the true-story screening to show at Reading Cinemas Belmont - make sure you book before it's too late!
10.01.2022 Children are facing high levels of child abuse, poverty, obesity, trauma, suicide, youth unemployment, and not developmentally ready to start school. The Valuing Children Initiative - VCI are striving to improve the wellbeing of all children and young people in Australia, recently launching their campaign, "Create an Australia where all children can thrive. The campaign seeks to establish a Minister for children, Valuing Children Campaign, Annual Child Wellbeing Data, System...s Change, and a Childrens Alliance. Homelessness is often intergenerational as children experience homelessness and struggle to escape the cycles. To read more and support the campaign, head to the link below:
09.01.2022 The number of older homeless women in Australia increased by over 30% between 2011 and 2016 to nearly 7,000. We have an ageing population, a high cost of housing, and a significant gap in wealth accumulation between men and women across their lifetimes. Without innovative solutions this problem will continue to increase. On Tuesday 2nd August, there will be a panel presentation and Q&A session: launching two reports on the risks of homelessness facing older women in Australi...a.
09.01.2022 The NSW government will spend $36 million on getting rough sleepers into permanent homes. The social housing sector will work with the government to acquire units in the private rental market under two-year leases to accommodate rough sleepers who have been temporarily placed in hotels during the coronavirus pandemic.
09.01.2022 "WA Social Enterprise Council has been formed by leaders in Western Australias social enterprise sector to build a new economy that places community, employee and environmental impact outcomes on an equal footing with sustainable financial returns." With the launch of WASEC, we call upon the McGowan Government to recognise and support the sector to build back better. Catalytic funding for social enterprise market development and supporting a sector certification framework ar...e well recognised, high leverage ways in which the McGowan Government can support the private sector in building capacity within our communities and industries for regeneration and economic diversification through social enterprise. TUC are very proud and honoured to be working along side incredible fellow social enterprises Dismantle, Impact Seed, Wide Open Agriculture, Kirrikin, ClimateClever and their leaders Member pre-registrations are now open:
09.01.2022 Thank you so much Curtin University. While Ground+Co is temporarily closed, we're working hard on other initiatives and opportunities to ensure our employees are able to work again
09.01.2022 Spotlight of Homelessness Week 2020 This year has a focus on Aboriginal homelessness as this years' HW2020 coincides with the 2020 Danjoo Koorliny Social Impact Festival and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. Under the leadership of Mr Gordon Cole Chair of Noongar Mia Mia and Shelter WA board member, Shelter WA is working with the Festival to deliver a broad housing and homelessness stream. Key developments in homelessness and First Nations... initiatives from Australia and overseas will also be showcased during the week, along with a discussion on the impact of COVID-19 on the potential for a new wave of homelessness. There will be an emphasis on how culturally informed, led, design and delivery will create a housing and homelessness system that empowers Aboriginal people, one that builds on cultural strength, focuses on people, and provides access and choice, linking homes with wellbeing and support where and when it is needed. Keep up to date with Shelter WA's events over the course of the week:
07.01.2022 Prior to Covid-19, two-in-three Australians accessing homelessness services remained homeless after receiving support, while 21,000 people were unable to access crisis accommodation. Australia currently has a deficit of around 500,000 social and affordable housing dwellings, and the problem is especially dire for women and families attempting to escape domestic violence situations. We need to fix the deficit of 500,000 social and affordable housing homes. We also need wides...pread education and community involvement in solving domestic and family violence which is one of the primary drivers of womens homelessness. Domestic and family violence is a whole-of-society problem, and it needs a whole-of-society solution. It cant be only the governments job to solve it, because that wont work. Women's Community Shelters CEO Annabelle Daniel
07.01.2022 Another step in the right direction More than $28 million will be invested in a family and domestic violence support service package as part of the WA Recovery Plan. The package includes:... $8.6 million for an extra 23 outreach workers in refuges across Perth and regional areas $6.7 million to bolster the States family and domestic violence response teams A further $4 million to enable the expansion of the two womens refuges being built in Peel and Kwinana
07.01.2022 WA is getting its first Common Ground Breaking Ground (formerly known as Common Ground) was founded in New York in 1990 by Rosanne Haggerty with the aim of ending homelessness for people experiencing long term homelessness. In Australia, Common Ground is a 'housing first' model - a permanent supportive housing solution to end long term homelessness.... It is not a homelessness service offering crisis services or transitional housing to homeless people; rather, it provides people with a safe place to live permanently and the support to help them achieve stability in their lives. Professor Paul Flatau from UWA said the Common Ground model used in Brisbane had led to annual savings of $13,000 per tenant when it came to government spending on homelessness. Its a model that is based on four main elements, its based on the fact you have good tenancy management, you have social supports and health supports and the fact it is close to the Royal Perth Hospital I think is very important. Perth's Common Ground tower in East Perth will contain 70 self-contained apartments and start construction in 2021-22
05.01.2022 "The Australian Council of Social Service has released the results of a national JobSeeker survey, with 9 out of 10 respondents reporting that the removal of the new JobSeeker rate would have a significant or extreme impact on their ability to cover the cost of essentials. 94% said the removal of the supplement would have a significant or extreme impact on their ability to cover the cost of essentials; 93% said they were now able to afford fresh fruit and vegetables;... 83% reported eating healthier and more regularly. Prior to the supplement, 74% of respondents skipped meals; 69% said they were now able to pay for essential medical and health treatments; 75% said they were able to pay their bills; 65% said it was easier to pay rent or move to safer accommodation The Coronavirus Supplement of $550 is scheduled to finish in September 2020, however the Federal Government must consider a permanent increase to keep 1.6 million people out of poverty." - WACOSS
04.01.2022 Next Tuesday 22nd September, Shelter WA and End Homelessness in Western Australia will be hosting a forum between the seven City of Perth Lord Mayor candidates as to how they they will address homelessness. 12pm 2pm @ The Platform Perth Register to attend in person or via Zoom here:... Di Bain for Perth Lord Mayor, Basil Zempilas for Perth Lord Mayor, Brodie McCulloch, Sandy Anghie for Perth Lord Mayor, Mark Gibson for Perth Lord Mayor, Bruce for Mayor, Tim Schwass for Lord Mayor Perth
03.01.2022 Are you holding an event and unsure of indigenous protocols? Indigenous cultural protocols at events are in no way about ticking a box; the ceremonies are an important symbol of recognition, connecting with our First Nations people, healing relationships, promoting awareness and acknowledging the history of our country’s Indigenous culture. Our wonderful board member Tamara Cook, through her business Known Associates Events and Known Associates Australia have recently releas...ed a guide that can help with any uncertainties around this.
02.01.2022 Thank you for the little write-up Vivacity Marketing and for your continued support in helping us to break the cycles of homelessness; we couldn't do it without businesses and people like yourselves
01.01.2022 Filthy Rich and Homeless is an Australian TV documentary series which follows five wealthy Australians who swap their life of privilege for homelessness. The third season is set to air with five high profile Australians emergency doctor and businessman Dr. Andrew Rochford, Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne Arron Wood, restauranteur and entrepreneur Pauline Nguyen Speaks, comedian and radio presenter Ciaran Lyons and actress and model Ellie Gonsalves. The experience gives them,... and Australian audiences watching along from home, a unique insight into sleeping rough on the streets, as well as what it's like to live in crisis accommodation and marginal housing. Tune into SBS on June 9, 10 and 11 to watch or you can catch up later on SBS On Demand.
01.01.2022 Ask Izzy is a mobile website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It is free and anonymous, with over 370,000 services listed across Australia. Sometimes there is judgement on people who are homeless, and make up 80% of those that have a smart phone however, it is necessary for their survival. While they may not have credit, they are able to receive texts an...d calls and can also use the free wifi most public places offer. Ask Izzy is also data free on the Telstra mobile network. This means people don't need to rely on having credit or access to free wifi in order to use the site.
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