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The Vegan Body Coach


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25.01.2022 Wanting to build muscle and actually building muscle is two completely different things. Im right in the middle of a muscle building phase and it’s more of a mind game than I ever thought it would be. Gaining weight and being okay with it is so much harder than it seems. Cos you can’t see the muscle. It takes a lot of time and a lot of trust in the process plus a crap load of support from your coach @emily_kingbodies.

23.01.2022 To be honest, not a lot has changed for me following self isolation. I don’t say this to be smug, but about 3 years ago I went fully online so I could take care of the kids as a single Mum. I established an online personal training biz and a couple of smaller hustles on the side so I had multiple streams of income. ... I’m also in introvert at heart so to feel everything slowing down feels really lovely. Having said that, there have been challenging times since being all online. My income hasn’t been as stable as it was when I was in the RAAF. I know that sinking feeling of not being able to pay the rent or pay a bill. Or having to suddenly watch what I spend at the supermarket. I found the number one way that got me through all those times was mediation. The rest is up to the Universe. We can only control so much. The rest, we need to let go. Have the courage to know what to release control over. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But through these uncertain times, it’s what will give us the strength to get though every day. Don’t look to far ahead because this can just cause worry. Take it day by day. Maybe set up an online business you’ve always thought about. How about establishing a different routine that you stick by? I have a plan everyday for what I’m going to do. It’s flexible but it also makes sure that I live with purpose and intent every single day. Take care beautiful people. Much love, M #workfromhome #mindset #womenempowerment #staystrong See more

21.01.2022 You may have noticed that I’ve been MIA for a little while .. It’s ok if you didn’t .. Anyway, I’ve been Uber busy these last few months since COVID hit. My partner lost his job so I went back full time, thankfully working from home, whilst home schooling 3 cherubs and running the house. ... .. Plus, I’ve been experimenting on myself. .. You see I gained my Fitness qualifications over 15 years ago and since then, a lot has changed. New research has come out and new systems are available. I’ve always loved trying new diets and different nutritional ways. I believe It’s the only way you can really be a great coach - through experience. .. Throughout 2019 I lost motivation for fitness and ate whatever I wanted. It made me happy at the time, but in the long term, I was feeling really uncomfortable in my skin so I tried a different way. By January I had had enough of feeling so bad about myself. .. It’s called flexible dieting. You set your macros and calories and you eat whatever you want as long as it fits. .. My calories increased! My workouts slowed down. It was a mindset game to begin with. How could this work?!! More calories and less intense workouts to me meant more fat. I even stopped running and started enjoying a walk each day .. Being vegan and gluten free offered another element but over the last 6 months I’ve developed a whole book of new recipes. And I tell you, I’m eating stuff that I always avoided for all sorts of reasons, not just for gluten or vegan options! .. I fully believed in this new process and wanted to experiment over a longer term. .. So here it is. Flexible dieting after 6 months. .. I’ve now got myself a coach to continue because I needed someone to be accountable to and to learn more from. .. Remember ladies, bikini bodies are made in the winter and consistency ( not perfection ) is key. .. Much love, M See more

21.01.2022 My baby boy is off to high school next year. As a Mum, you think it’s way off but before you know it BAM! He’ll always be my baby. He taught me how to be the Mum I am today. He held space for me to make all the parenting mistakes and even when I look like hell, he thinks I look like an angel. Love you little man. Forever and always xxxx #mum #motherslove #son

17.01.2022 Excited for the next 6 months with @emily_kingbodies if this is what only a few weeks looks like As an added bonus, this is me in PMS week so I’m carrying some extra fluff with a sore tummy to match! Still seeing definition though which is a first during the witching week #fitness #fitnessmotivation #vegan

16.01.2022 You know when I was Defence (still am but as a reservist for those wondering) we used to be rated and assessed on our ability to adapt. At the time I wondered why this was in place. As they say, with age comes wisdom. I now know exactly what it means. Let me explain...... Since joining Defence when I was 18, nothing was certain. We had to make the best of any situation we were in. Our attitude was also assessed and morale was important in a unit. One toxic person could really make an impact on a squadron, and you could get in a whole lotta sh&t if you were the cause of it! We had to go to where we were posted. There was only 1 posting in my 21 year career that I actually got the location I wanted. I learn early on that each posting was what you make it. It’s true. I hated Adelaide to begin with, but I grew to love it and one day I’ll take my family back there I learnt early on, when facing my first posting in Defence I asked to go anywhere but Victoria. I had spent 10 years in Vic and I desperately wanted adventure. Imagine my delight when I was posted to Melbourne!! My point is, any situation is what you make it. If you want to feel that being stuck at home with the kids is the worse, let’s reframe it so we have the opportunity to spend bulk time with the kids. Time to adjust their behavior. Time to get involved in what they’re learning. I bet they love that!! Time for us to develop beautiful connections with them over a card game. This situation will be what you make it. The kids didn’t ask for this. Let’s lead by example and show them how to behave when faced with adversity and situations we perhaps didn’t ask for. Life lessons right there. Let’s make the most of it Much love, M See more

16.01.2022 I’m at that point in my life where I know what I want and definately what I don’t want. I make no apologies for that anymore. I am focused. I am driven. I’m finally not caring about what other people think. That’s freedom. And it feels goooooood! Have a great weekend everyone!

12.01.2022 When I surrender, good things come. A few years ago, I was not spiritual in the least. I think most can relate when I say I was in a whirlwind of work and raising kids, paying bills and not much in between. It wasn’t until I started my own business where I leant the power of meditation and faith in the Universe. ... You see, I’m not religious so I find it easier to believe in the Universe. I ask the Universe for answers, then I meditate and listen. The more I surrender, the more I receive When this pandemic hit and started to make an impact, I decided it was time to get back to basics and meditate and practice mindset. And wow!! Has the Universe delivered! I’m getting more work than I can handle. My kids have been so awesome at home and things are falling into place. Get this, I was thinking this morning about how I missed drinking my fave cacao but I just couldn’t justify paying the international postage. And tonight I got an email from my supplier offering 2 for 1 and postage within Australia. I mean, what?!! So maybe in this time where we have no control over a big part of our lives, it might be time to turn inward and listen to that inner voice. It’s always been there. You’ve just been too busy to listen. Much love, M #mindset #mindsetiseverything #surrender #love #fitnesslifestyle See more

12.01.2022 This is also another reason isolation is nothing unusual. I remember being restricted to base in recruit training. ... I remember swapping chocolate in my ration pack for napkins that I could use in the toilet. This isn’t the first time I’ve used tissues!! Having someone tell me where I can and can’t go - yep used to that too! Being issued ration packs and eating whatever is in there and coming up with creative ways to make it tasty. Even though the chocolate was a few years past expiry! Not even lying! So folks, if you’re thinking of joining the military, this is the perfect time to practice #veteren #military #raaf #defenceforce #waytogo

11.01.2022 I weigh the most I’ve ever weighed and I couldn’t be happier! I’ve spent most of my adult life trying to lose weight and be the fittest I could be. Being fit to me was also being a certain weight that I would strive for but rarely managed to maintain. But you know something? This year I decided that I wanted a new direction. I turned to coaches who looked like I wanted to look like and guess what?! They weighed no where near what my goal weight was. This realsation complet...ely changed my mindset. So to achieve a body composition that I had never had, I needed to be willing to do something I had never done before. I researched and employed coaches and bought programs to learn everything I could to change my body composition and to learn how to do it for other women. I’m so bloody proud of what I’ve achieved but the mindset is the biggest achievement. I honestly loved getting rid of all the skinny arse clothes that I saved til I could lose enough weight! Fk that! What message does that send to my twin girls? And my young son??! Instead, I’m going for strong. I’m going for no more restrictive eating. I’m going for living life to the fullest, eating and drinking but also doing it intelligently. You’ve heard it before. Don’t let the scales define you. Get rid of that pair of fkn jeans that haven’t fit you for 10 years or since before kids. Build that beautiful body into strong and toned. No more starving yourself to achieve the impossible. Reach out if you feel you’re struggling and I’d would love to help

08.01.2022 Family day on the water @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland

08.01.2022 FREE HIIT WORKOUTS YOU CAN DO AT HOME This was achieved mostly in my home with no equipment! For many years, I worked out at home with no equipment. I maintained my health and fitness with no gym equipment at all. ... I bounced back from both pregnancies working out from home using these HIIT workouts and no gym equipment. I got rid of the jiggly bits and cellulite using this method of working out. So I was thinking tonight, what can I do to help if people can’t get to the gym? So I’m offering FREE HIIT classes when you register using the link in my bio. I’ll be emailing a workout and nutrition info each day for 14 days that will have you losing fat, getting fit and toning up, all from your own home. No equipment!! You’ll also have beginner, intermediate and advanced option for all the exercises. So register today!! We start Monday 23 Mar 20 and you receive your first email the night before. All workouts will be released the night before so you can be prepared. M See more

06.01.2022 Have kids they said! Second official day of home schooling and we’re having a ball! Nah but seriously, it has its pros and cons. Working full time and educating 3 kids is no joke but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?! ... I loved teachers before this, now after this, I love them all the more (plus I think they’re a certain kinda crazy to do this full time #mumlife #isolation #covid #kids #stayhome #homeschooling #teacherappreciation

05.01.2022 Most of us are in the hurt locker right now so I feel we have 2 choices 1. To let this get us down so we end up feeling even worse. We binge eat, sit around scrolling endlessly on social media and most likely let things into our space that are not going to make us feel better. OR... 2. We can accept what we can’t control and make the best of the bad times. By that I mean, it’s ok to feel worried and concerned but there are ways we can avoid spiraling downwards. Here’s what I’ve done and it seems to be working well I have taken my kids out of school because I’m in a position to and I can continue working with them all at home. I’ve established a routine for everyone. It’s not super strict but anyone with kids will tell you that if you don’t stick to a routine of some sort, things can get pretty wild! I’m teaching the kids more about real life stuff than I normally would. Like banking, running a household and anything else that comes to mind. We’re watching documentaries instead of TV and I’m filtering my social media to make sure that what’s coming into my mind is not making me feel worse. I’m fiercely protecting my energy. Not the physical type, but the type that makes me go into fear or worry. This is different to ignoring a situation or sticking my head in the sand. No. I’m making sure that what I let in is not making me feel anything but gratitude. I’m aware of what’s going on and I’m focusing on how I can help people and how I can get my family through this as best I can. What you focus on grows. Remember this during the tough times. Be grateful for every little thing you can be. Meditate. Go for a walk in nature. It’ll change your perspective. I’m also offering to educate people on how best to approach their nutrition in absence of a gym and with the nominated access we have to groceries. I’m holding a masterclass tomorrow for people who want to learn how to use nutrition only to maintain their body weight or lose body fat if you can’t exercise. I’ll let you in on 5 best kept secrets of how you can use this time to get on top of your nutrition and set yourself up for even more success after this passes. Click t See more

05.01.2022 Embracing a new body shape isn’t easy. Over the past few weeks I’ve grown out of most of my clothes. This has to be the hardest thing to be ok with. To be honest, I have to constantly remind myself what Im aiming for. Even though I have solid focus on what I want to achieve (and it’s not the skinny arse I always worked for) it’s a mental battle when I feel heavier and I can’t fit my jeans past my thighs! I feel heavier too. But having said that, the best thing I’ve ever done for myself is loosen the reins on my nutrition and enjoy the sweeter things in life. Less restrictions. More calories and a better shape. Strong is the new black

04.01.2022 Changing your body composition is a lot harder than I thought. During my career as a fitness and nutrition coach I’ve tried and tested many many different things from the soup diet through to paleo. From yoga to CrossFit and all the group fitness classes. But nothing prepared me for the mental toughness required to change my body composition. A few weeks back I employed a coach to help me to achieve a new set of goals I had for myself. I refuse to grow old gracefully so I w...ent about a process that would defy gravity!! Little did I know how much I would struggle with the building phase. You see, I had the mindset (like most people out there) where if I wanted to look better (in my opinion) I would eat less, eat clean and bust my arse in the gym every day. When I started with my coach I told her I wanted to build muscle so to do that, you have to have surplus calories. And along with building muscle you’ll also gain a little bit of fat. I thought oh yeah, I’m cool with that! BUT This week I had a little meltdown until my coach put me on the right track. My expectations didn’t align with reality. And my impatience came in hard. If it hadn’t been for @emily_kingbodies , I’d still be on the rollercoaster of decreasing cals and restricting myself to the point where it made me really unhappy. So then I’d give up and eat whatever I wanted. And go back to square one. I had the challenge of changing my mindset this week. Learning what it takes to really build muscle and build the body I want. If you’re committed to changing your body, you have to be willing to change your mindset and trust your coach. Be comfortable being uncomfortable and accepting the ups with the downs and being able to push through. This is different to anything I’ve ever done and I’m excited for what’s to come See more

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