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25.01.2022 6-Minute Seated Yoga Flow Easy flow to create some calm Open up your side body to breathe in more oxygen and stretch out your hips to release stored emotions...
25.01.2022 Would you like better bowel movements and less bloating? There's a lot of factors that play a role in digestion and yoga is just one way to stimulate our digestive organs to get us pooing optimally and regularly Breathing comfortably in a twisting yoga pose like this one will gently massage your digestive organs and encourage peristalsis (muscle contractions that move food to the different areas of the digestive tract) ... Check out my free short, simple yoga classes online with ones specific for digestion Click the link below
23.01.2022 Loves a curry I always make mine high in anti inflammatory foods. Inflammation is the leading cause of many chronic diseases. Ingredients: ... Fresh ginger Fresh garlic Brown onion Brocolli Cauliflower Carrots Potatoes Zucchini Chickpeas Coconut milk Water Curry powder Cumin powder Turmeric powder Cinnamon powder Fresh parsley Brown rice Dill pickles Method: Finely dice ginger, garlic, onion and carrots. Then lightly fry with olive oil and add in all the spices (however much you fancy - sorry I didn't measure). Then chop up all veggies and chickpeas and throw them in the big pan/pot as well. Add in coconut milk and water (enough to nearly cover veggies so that they can cook). Turn dpwn the heat and simmer away. Check the taste and add more flavour/spices accordingly. Serve with brown rice, topped with fresh parsely and dill pickles. Mighty fine
23.01.2022 Anti inflammatory drink Lemon (fresh squeezed), turmeric powder, ginger (fresh), black pepper I drink this kind of stuff to keep on top of my gut health. The gastroenterologist I saw when I was aged 28 prescribed me 4 anti inflammatory tablets a day. The side effects of taking those tablets for the rest of my life were very similar to the symptoms of my diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis (UC). ... I couldn't get my head around it Why would he prescribe me 4 heavy anti inflammatories a day but not talk to me about anti inflammatory diet and lifestyle choices that I could make to further assist my condition? I took the tablets for months not really knowing or understanding how to help myself. I had so much anxiety about taking the medication that I needed to seek a psychologists help. I guess something in me just kept yelling "There's more to this condition, there's more to learn and more to need to find a way to get off the tablets" Within 3.5 weeks of transitioning to a full plant-based diet and making several more diet and lifestyle changes, I no longer required the medication. My body was rejecting it. My gut felt strong enough to wean myself off and so I did. I didn't tell anyone except for some close friends who were assisting me with new diet and lifestyle choices. My family was too worried about my condition and at the time, did not want me to try take my health in my own hands in case something went wrong. Understandably. But I realised worse case scenario was...I go off the tablets...the symptoms return...I go back on the tablets. Many people with UC and Crohns Disease are on life long medication and many get parts of their damaged bowels removed. I wonder how many of these people are guided towards healthier diet and lifestyle choices? And how many are referred to psychologists to assist with their mental health? There is a direct link between gut health and mental health. I am seeing a huge gap in the system. I am grateful there are some really top gastroenterologists out there such as @theguthealthmd and I hope he inspires many other gastroenterologists to follow his path of interventions
22.01.2022 Ain't that the truth What unique qualities can you appreciate of yourself? I dare you to write down 10 things today! ... No one else can be YOU, so YOU may as well be YOU and have a fun time whilst you're at it I love working with my clients on self-love | self-appreciation | self-confidence | self- esteem | Learning how to value and love yourself is all part of the healing and recovery process
22.01.2022 Sneaky treat... Banana Walnuts Cashew milk yoghurt... Peanut butter Raw cacao powder Hemp seeds And...a drizzle of coconut nectar syrup
20.01.2022 Ohhh yeahh baby...I'm talking to you...the woman who feels like she is being pushed to the absolute brink with her health...emotionally, mentally and physically worn out... The woman who feels like she has reached her limit in the sense of "I am sick of this shiiiit" kinda thing and "I can't and won't take anymore" You are ready. You are open. You are ready to receive. You are ready to learn. You are ready to grow. You are READY to take control of your health. To under...stand your body and mind on a whole new level. Say it out aloud because boy it feels good to have gratitude for this shite..."Bless the thing that broke me down and cracked me open because the world needs me open!" I've been there. I am sure most of us have been there. For me, age 28 was my burn out point with my health. It all came crashing down and I felt like I was falling apart. Everything felt out of my control and I just kept on keepin' on until I just couldn't keep living the lifestyle I was living...unless I wanted to stay on medication the rest of my life or end up with colon cancer ...stuff that! I found a way. I changed my diet, my lifestyle and my mindset. I went from victim to WARRIOR and so can you DM me if you can relate
19.01.2022 I love watching the sea turtles and here are a few things I have noticed: They are never in a rush They pop their heads out of the water, check out the scene, take a conscious breathe of fresh air and then head down under again They take regular resting breaks on the shore and in the rocks on the reefs... When they make a decision to go back in the ocean after a break, they simply let the ocean take them, they go with the flow...they move with the waves making life easier on themselves Slow down Breathe Take a break Go with the flow... Wise turtles
19.01.2022 The other day I told Curtis "I'm as happy as Larry" to which he replied "Who's Larry?" Good old Aussie slang
18.01.2022 What's your favourite thing about camping or glamping? Please share below I would say my favourite thing is waking up in a tent in the morning to all the beautiful sounds of nature
15.01.2022 I am super proud of my brother Blair He has had a dream for years to start his own building business and now he is doing it! When you have a dream and a passion, nothing will stop you Blair has always been creative, unique and extremely talented Check out some of his work @homegrownbuildingprojects ... Blairprovides high qualitybuilding services for the Northern NSW and Southern Queensland regions from Ballina through to the Gold Coast. Areas covered include Ballina, Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, Murwillumbah, Brunswick Heads, Casuarina, Kingscliff, Cabarita, Tweed Heads, Coolangatta, Southern Gold Coast and surrounding areas.
14.01.2022 Weekend Workout Press "save" and try it out sometime Jogging (on soft sand) x 15 mins... Alternate lunges x 30 Backward lunge kicks x 20 each leg Alternate curtsey lunges x 30 Alternate push ups (1 x regular, 1 x tricep) x 20 Alternate plank (1 x plank on hands, 1 x plank on elbows) x 20 I then repeated everything once more minus the jogging Feeling pretty retro in this outfit Bright colours and epic scenery motivates me Thanks for the sunnies @rainbowdazedhawaii
13.01.2022 Did you know that weighted toys can help relieve anxiety, assist with sleep and stimulate the release of happy hormones? As an occupational therapist, we often recommend weighted toys for kids with Autism, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and anxiety...but there are also many benefits for adults with anxiety, sleep difficulties and other mental health issues. Not only are the toys cuddly and cute but the weight of the toy provides the body with some deep pressure fe...edback, which assists in calming the nervous system (parasympathetic "rest and digest" mode) and stimulating the release of serotonin and dopamine (coupla happy hormones). Many of my adult clients with anxiety and sleep difficulties have reported benefits from weighted toys This is "Bridger" the Koala bear. Unfortunately, he is not weighted but I do love to cuddle him as it brings me a feeling of comfort and joy If you are on struggle street with anxiety and sleep issues at the moment, send me a message and we can have a chat
12.01.2022 As kids, we spent so much time outdoors. Especially us adults born in the 80's or earlier... We played outdoor games like forty forty, basketball "beat the champ", we had races down big hills on anything we could find with wheels, we built cubby houses in trees, we got our hands dirty, we walked and rode our bikes to school and we knick knocked on peoples houses And then all of a sudden we become an adult. We get a 9-5 job INDOORS and we get busy. Real busy. We eat more "co...nvenience", take away and processed foods because we feel that we don't have as much time to make our own food. We miss out on our daily dose of vitamin D and fresh, clean air and for many of us working indoors, we spend hours working under artificial lights looking at screens. We can't sleep properly because of all the above, we get worn out. We are stressed out. We burn out and then we wonder why we get sick... I understand not all of us work like this but soooo many do. 3 ways you can incorporate more outdoor time into your day? Take breaks outside instead of inside Have some work meetings outdoors and "walk and talk" instead of sitting at desks Schedule in some outdoor time doing something you enjoy either before work, after work or both
12.01.2022 We play this game most days. We ask each other "What were your 3 favourite things from today?" The "things" can be as small or as big as we like. Absolutely anything that bought us joy throughout our day. I guess it's just another way to practice gratitude And daily gratitude practice brings a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, joy and abundance
12.01.2022 The people you surround yourself a HUGE part of your healing journey Give me a in the comments if you agree? There will be people who love you, support you and cheer you on no matter what and of course people who don't understand what you're doing, may feel threatened in some way by what you're doing and they will most likely not support you. ... Some people may not understand what you're doing and why you have chosen to do it but they will still stand by your side AND then there will be the new comers you attract into your life with your new vibe, new passion for healing, new learnings and interests The people you meet along the way is a journey within itself. You will connect with people on a whole new level and they will teach you so much more than what you could have taught yourself and vice versa. The people that don't understand you but still support you may even want to learn a little from you as you learn more, heal and grow And you will let go of the others. They may come back into your life, they may not. And that's okay. It's all part of the journey. I experienced this on my own healing journey (which is never ending as I learn more and more) and I hear about it with my clients all the time. Surround yourself with the people that want you to heal and grow. Don't dim to fit in because your health is your wealth and you only have one body to live in
12.01.2022 Exercise doesn't always have to be so rigid, rigourous and planned In fact, my personal experience with such rigid hardcore routines in the past was that I didn't feel satisfied with my body. I felt like there was always something to work on. Get fitter, get stronger, leaner, faster. And I was often sore from pushing my body more than it wanted to be pushed. I understand as athletes or gym finatics then it may be your passion to get fitter, stronger, leaner, faster. But... I had no real reason for it and it wasn't doing me any good. Now I move everyday based on whatever my body is asking for and how I am feeling emotionally. If I am feeling tired and sensitive then I will do a gentle yoga session. If I am feeling energetic, up beat and feeling like a challenge then I will go for a jog and do some kind of body weight work out. These days, I love heading down the beach to do yoga on the sand. It's imperfect yoga. My balance is all over the place sometimes depending on the sand. I let my breathe guide me through the movements, a few stretches here and there, a couple of stronger yoga poses if my body feels up to it and sometimes I throw in a few happy babies At age 35, I love my body more than I ever have and am very appreciative of it Do you feel like you train hard but still feel dissatisfied with your body? Give me a message and I am happy to have a chat
11.01.2022 Sometimes we get so busy "building" our lives that we forget to enjoy them. We forget why we decided to build them in the first place... I remember my first job out of university as an occupational therapist. I was busting my ass. I would wake up most mornings at 4.30am to study before I went to work. I was striving to better understand the injuries I was treating. My boss treated me like dog poo. But every day I walked in to that work place trying to hold my head high with a... smile on my face, thinking "it will get better soon". It was at about the 6 month mark that I began to question myself and what I was doing...what I was creating with my life. "Why am I doing this? I get treated like poo, it makes me feel like poo...what am I doing this for?" I realised I was limiting myself. I thought I had to stay in that job because it was my first one out of university. It was in the very specialised field of hand therapy and I was told by many that as a new grad I was lucky to have landed the job I had and there wouldn't be another opportunity...hmmmm I couldn't go on though. Why would I? So I rang around. Landed another new grad job in the exact field within the small town of Merimbula in NSW. The practice could only offer me 10 hours per week and the local hospital didn't currently have any jobs. But I thought "stuff it"... I packed up my bags and moved. I had an awesome new work place with a lovely boss that actually wanted to teach me and in my newly spare time, I surfed and lived. Within 2 months I landed a part time job at the local hospital as well and met some really cool people and had some awesome opportunities out of that. It all worked out. The jist of my story is...if you are not happy in what you are doing or creating for yourself right now, don't close your thoughts and mind off to other opportunities. Stop telling yourself the same story. Create a new one and put some trust back in yourself. You got this
09.01.2022 GROUNDING FOR ANXIETY Do you feel busy, scattered, overwhelmed, all over the shop and like you can't breathe or think clearly? Grounding is an awesome daily practice to implement to bring you back to YOU. ... Grounding helps calm your nervous system and switch it from "fight or flight" mode to "rest and digest" mode. In "rest and digest" mode you will slow down your heart rate and your breathing, reduce your blood pressure, digest your food, process information better and think clearer. Grounding helps change your perspective on any given situation. There are many ways to practice grounding and although extremely beneficial, meditation is not the only way. Practice grounding by getting out in nature and doing something you enjoy. Something you love so much that you become so present that you focus on what ever it is you are doing rather than all the other jargon going on in your mind. Take your shoes off, put your feet on the earth, go for a walk in nature. Or do another activity outdoors such as gardening, surfing, skating, yoga, snorkelling. What's grounding for you, may not feel grounding for me and vice versa. Find what works for you. And what works for you one day, may not work the next, so mix it up depending on how you feel on the day. This photo is of me playing a game called FROLF. My friends and I walked around the forest throwing frisbies/discs into "goals" made of tyres. It was so much fun. We got muddy, we did some light exercise, we laughed, we told stories. I found this experience to be very grounding. What's your favourite way to ground yourself? Please share in the comments?
09.01.2022 Oyster mushroom veggie SATAY Oh em geeee this was out of town GOOD! Ingredients...... Oyster mushies: Oyster mushrooms Garlic x 1 bulb Ginger x small chunk Sesame oil Veggies: Cauliflower Green beans Romanesco broccoli Carrots Water Satay: Garlic x 1 bulb Ginger x smallish chunk Chilli x 1-2cm Tamari sauce (approx 5 tblsp) Peanut butter chunky x 3 tblsp Water Lime squeeze x 1/2 Brown rice Method: Chop up all the veggies first and put aside in a bowl. Place some brown rice into a pot and boil it up with water on the stove. Prepare the satay sauce by finely dicing the garlic, ginger and chilli. Place them into a blender with the tamari sauce, peanut butter and fresh lime squeeze. Add in some water. I always guess this amount of water and vary it depending on how thick I want my satay sauce. I recommend adding a small amount to start with and then add more if the sauce seems too thick. Turn blender on and whiz it all up. If you want more of a tang, add more lime juice. If you want more of a spicy hit then add more chilli and ginger Prepare the oyster mushrooms. Finely dice the garlic and ginger for the mushies. Place a pan on low to medium heat with a small drizzle of sesame oil. Lightly fry off the garlic, ginger and oyster mushies then put them aside. Use the same pan. Keep it on medium heat. Add in a small splash of water. Fry off all the chopped vegetables. Drain the rice when it is ready and serve it all up in a bowl covered with satay sauce. This would also go massively well with fresh corriander sprinkled over the top to serve
06.01.2022 | Peoples opinions | One thing I have focused more on over the last few years is listening to my gut feelings and intuition rather than the many opinions of others. Sure, I talk things over with close friends, family members and my coaches and mentors but I have done everything in my power not to take in the opinions of others that don't sit well with me. If I didn't trust and follow my intuition I would not be where I am today. Standing on a cliff edge overlooking gorgeous... views in North Carolina, and sharing all of this with my partner Curtis. Many people told me I wouldn't be able to do this. That I would have to wait a year, if not years before I could see Curtis in person again. Many people and highly professional people also told me I wouldn't be able to live medication free with ulcerative colitis. Many skin specialists and others told me that even when my skin finally cleared from acne, I would have many scars that remain. Many people told me I shouldn't take the risk of working for myself as an occupational therapist and health coach especially in the year "2020"... My little brother Cam recently said to me "Well Tiff...I would just keep doing what you're doing and whatever it is that you think you should do because every single time you prove every one it doesn't matter what any one else thinks anyway" He is right. My message to everyone is... Don't limit yourself to others limiting beliefs. If you have a passion or a gut feeling to follow a specific path then just do it. Even more so if there are others in this world living and doing the exact thing that you want to do. That is proof that you can do it too! And if there isn't anyone doing it then be the first and lead the way for others. This world, this life is truely limitless If you would like some more guidance with this then reach out to me via a message
04.01.2022 "If you practice distracting yourself for several hours every day, it's only natural that you become skilled at being distracted" - Mark Freeman What does distraction feel and look like to you? Boy do I remember points in my life where I have chosen to completely distract myself from how I was really feeling and what was really going down in Tiff town...... This constant distraction resulted in high levels of anxiety including panic attacks and my gut was completely out of whack. Do you ever have those moments? Where time seems to pass by really rapidly and you feel like you have had no time to even think and then all of a sudden you realise how shitty your feeling and you ask yourself "How did I get here?" Distraction. It has its benefits of course...but if you are constantly choosing to distract yourself from what is really going on inside of you and you are feeling like this isn't doing you any favours then try one of these simple tips on a daily basis to create some awareness: 1. Take 10 deep breathes, put your hand on your heart and tune into how you are feeling. Write down what ever comes to mind. Take 10 more breathes counting down from 10 to 1. 2. Practice "childs pose" Google it then do it. Commit to it for 10 breathes. This is a very grounding pose and it will assist you in feeling all the feels. 3. If you find it hard to "give to yourself" or allow yourself time to rest and tune in to YOU then pretend you are your friend Ask her what she really needs right now? Write it down. Then prioritise this in your diary Seek support where you need it Happy to chat
02.01.2022 Sol (u) tionary: Someone who recognises all life as sacred, is committed to embracing any challenge as an opportunity to evolve, is dedicated to turning it into a blessing of Aloha, by taking self-responsible, sustainable and compassionate action, rooted in peace, truth, love and freedom, in service to Mother Earth, and all of creation, thereby supporting, uplifting, and nurturing all life - Satya Christiane Douglas I came across this piece today Many of us have been faced... with numerous challenges during 2020... When faced with a challenge, let out all the emotions that come up for you. Be honest with yourself and seek support where you need it (in what ever way that may mean for you). I think this is one area most of us struggle with...seeking support and recognising that in doing this it is not a sign of showing "weakness" but rather "strength", "bravery" and "self-compassion". Then, try to look at the challenge from a different perspective and ask yourself "How can I embrace this challenge as an opportunity to grow and evolve?"
02.01.2022 Greens snack After camping all weekend and eating snack type food...this was EXACTLY what I felt like Green veggies (esepcially the dark green leafy ones) are the highest in nutrients per calorie and they have so many health benefits. Greens have been found to have the strongest protection against chronic diseases - Dr Michael Greger... Asparagus Brocolli rabe Bean sprouts Spring onion Fresh ginger Fresh garlic Fresh corriander Dash of cracked pepper I lightly fried the ginger and garlic then everything else. Chucked it on a plate and ate it
01.01.2022 Go to nature to ground yourself. You can never do this too much. It's free and accessible (although I know some of us are restricted to a time limit right now - Victoria, Australia ) Leave your phone at home. Disconnect to connect. Sit down. Take a few breathes and notice the sounds that fill your ears. When you return home. Notice how it made you feel. Did it help lift your mood? Did it change your perspective? ... Beauty still lies amongst the chaos