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25.01.2022 An excited Queensland Greens team at Highgate Hill Park this afternoon. "This has been a fantastic outcome for the Greens, at least doubling our representation in Queensland parliament. The result in this election is because of an enormous grassroots campaign." Michael Berkman - Greens MP for Maiwar was with MP-elect for #SouthBrisbane Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane and Senator Larissa Waters

24.01.2022 Early days but looking like a very good result for Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane in #southbrisbane.

24.01.2022 Jackie Trad thanks #SouthBrisbane and extends her congratulations to Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane on her win. "It has been an absolute honour to represent this community; and I can say with much gratitude that it has been a privilege to work hard and give back to this community the community that gave so much to my migrant family when starting out their new lives in our great state of Queensland."

23.01.2022 21 November Two of the most talented singing groups in Brisbane in a beautiful space built especially for people to sing together. Join us! This mini festival of voices will be LIVE in person at West End Uniting Church as well as live-streamed via #LiveOnMars too!

23.01.2022 For our first Facebook post since the shutdown of Australian news sites, a very #WestEnd story about some community helpers. Kurilpa Futures - Planning for People with the support of #JohnMongard and Community Plus+ West End Community House continued their work of refurbishing 30-year-old street features: painting and replanting the pots and sanding and painting the railings, and doing a much needed clean up of the #CommunityNoticeboard outside Bent Books.

22.01.2022 Local reviewer, Belinda Macartney says that Edward Bergeon's award-winning film "In the Name of the Land', is an emotional roller coaster with a warm heart. The film explores the complexities of inheritance and succession for farming families - themes that will be familiar to some Australian audiences. In the Name of the Land is now showing in Palace Cinemas at The Barracks and James Street.... #FrenchCinema #FrenchFilm #InTheNameofTheLand #EdwardBergeon #FilmReview

22.01.2022 "The news media bargaining code could backfire if small media outlets aren’t protected: an economist explains"

21.01.2022 An abundance of #caperwhite butterflies in the neighbourhood today. Local Butterfly-man #FrankJordon points out the caper tree on which the larvae feed. And we found a parasitic wasp doing its thing, and possibly a parasitic fly too. #Biodiversity #butterflies #nature

20.01.2022 Its all happening at West End State School on Election day. ABC and Sky TV have staked out their places and candidates Jackie Trad and Amy MacMahon, Greens for South Brisbane are there with their support teams. Whatever way this goes it will be history making in #SouthBrisbane.

19.01.2022 Last night we were honoured to celebrate Micah Projects’ 25th Anniversary at our Annual Dinner attended by members, staff, partner organisations and key stakeho...lders. The highlight of the event was the presentation from Guest Speaker Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM, who gave a reflection of the last 25 years in the Australian Community Services space emphasising Humanity, Community, Citizenship, Governance, Leadership and Culture. Working collaboratively with community, government and other service providers is vital to the work of Micah Projects and we thank everyone who has answered our call to break social isolation and build community over the last 25 years, and into the future. #socialjustice #nurtureequality #buildcommunity

19.01.2022 Very sad to see that the wonderful fig that overhung Boundary Street was removed today. Apparently the roots were interfering with the house foundations. As a friend sent to me, "The ficus Colossus is now no more. The tree that overhung the footpath outside 255 Boundry Street has been reduced to a stump.The old gentleman has gone, they will both be dearly missed."

19.01.2022 The Westender has been following local responses to the #GreenBridges program closely. See our stories at Amy MacMahon - Greens MP for South Brisbane is inviting residents to participate in a discussion at #DaviesPark on Saturday 30 January. #WestEnd4101

16.01.2022 And if you're looking for a democracy sausage sizzle that caters for all tastes and diets don't miss the West End State School Parents and Citizens Association tent. Its for a good cause. #ElectionDay #qldvotes

14.01.2022 BOUNDLESS ON BOUNDARY Fabulous new art at Kurilpa Kiosk & the Peoples Park by Neta-Rie Mabo për funding sponsored by West End Community Association from a Federal Govt grant facilitated by Terri Butler MP #streetart #streetartbrisbane #westendstreetart #WestEnd4101

11.01.2022 Today Griffith University, QCA | Students, Alumni & Community Support Group has achieved its aim of 10,000 signatories to its Save Our Staff and Studios petition. The group is protesting proposed cuts to courses and associated studio areas at #QCA as the University responds to the impacts of COVID-19. They are seeking a conversation with the Vice Chancellor to explore options for a sustainable future for the college. You find can the petition in the story link.... #SaveOurStaffandStudios #finearts #photography #printmaking #griffithuniversity #COVID19 #coursecuts House Conspiracy See more

09.01.2022 If you are into #FAMILYHISTORY you would know that it can be an addictive and expensive hobby. So, before you start shelling out money, a good place to start is with the search facilities available through our public services and these days, this is something you can do online from the comfort of home. And apparently during #COVID19 Queenslanders have been doing just that, with statistics compiled by the QLD Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages showing a surge in people accessing their site since the pandemic related shutdowns. #genealogy #BDM

09.01.2022 #Artists #Brisbane

07.01.2022 West End Community Association taking the discussion on #GreenBridges to one of the proposed landing sites.

07.01.2022 Consultation on the Toowong to West End Bridge to start this month.

07.01.2022 "The first part, I guess, when we think about abolition, is changing how we think." That's exactly what artist, prison abolitionist, and granddaughter of Eddie ...Mabo, Boneta-Marie Mabo hopes to do. Mabo works with Sisters Inside Inc, an Queensland based organization that works to support criminalized women and girls and their children to address their many different needs. Mabo breaks down the prison industrial complex in this piece for Westender -

06.01.2022 Deb Frecklington has conceded defeat and the Premier has made her victory speech. Looking like Labor may be able to govern with a majority, and may not need crossbench support, but a lot of postal votes to count. Big stories: Greens gain #SouthBrisbane; One Nation's vote has collapsed; Clive Palmer wasted an awful lot of money. #QldVotes #QldPol #QueenslandElection

05.01.2022 Submissions for #CLIMATEACT close this Friday See link for details.

04.01.2022 A BLEAK OUTLOOK An international group of 17 leading scientists have produced a comprehensive yet concise assessment of the state of civilization, warning that the outlook is more dire and dangerous than is generally understood. #biodiversity #BiodiversityLoss #environment #climatechange #biodiversitydecline, #extinction, #massextinction... #CoreyBradshaw, #DanBlumstein,#PaulEhrlich See more

04.01.2022 The Boggo Road Futures group sets out its objections to a development application on the heritage gaol site. People have until 5 March to make a submission to Council. #developments #BoggoRoad #DuttonPark #Stockwell #greenspace #brisbanecitycouncil #CrossRiverRail #boggoroadgaol

04.01.2022 Just when you thought it would be hard to go any lower in this #SouthBrisbane campaign, an anti-abortion protester gate-crashes West End State School polling booth with this offensive sign. John Jiggens says he can't put his legalise cannabis sign next to this.

03.01.2022 Good news, especially for those in the Hill End area. Jordan and his partner are refurbishing the old PJs Pasta shop on Hoogley Street to create an 'old fashioned' fish and chippery. Updates to come.

02.01.2022 Hope on Boundary Café is definitely a favourite.

01.01.2022 The Courier Mail got it wrong again ...the outcome the #MurdochPress worked so hard to prevent.

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