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The Wise Guides podcast


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22.01.2022 SEASON TWO of The Wise Guides is launching this coming Wednesday, November 22nd. Im so excited and hope you will be too. #podcasts #TheWiseGuidespodcast Thanks Nova Entertainment for your support and believe in this little show

22.01.2022 My beautiful BURNOUT guest Kat John is doing a 3 day workshop. I have no doubt it will be amazing.

22.01.2022 My spiritual travels to the Isis (pronounced Ee-ziss) Temple in Philae . She is the goddess of MAGIC, BEAUTY and LOVE.

20.01.2022 I'll be leading a meditation Live on the A-Space Instagram this morning @_aspace 8am AEDT And if you can't make it, it will be up for 24hrs.

19.01.2022 Hello my little Wise Guides, here is a wonderfully, magical workshop hosted by one of The Wise Guide guests, Lucy Cavendish - it's going to be very special. x

19.01.2022 NEW EPISODE of The Wise Guides podcast - Soraya Bahgat is a young Egyptian woman who was inspired after a panic attack, during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, to form the Tahrir Bodyguards @tahrirbodyguard - comprising volunteers who would protect women like her, from being mob assaulted during protests in the famous Tahrir Square in Cairo. In this episode, she joins me on a rooftop bar in Cairo, surrounded by men, threatening to drown them out, as their excitement is escalating over two of Egypts biggest football teams. Isnt it ironic, dont you think? #egypt #tahrirsquare #tahrirbodyguard #protest #femaleprotection #egyptianrevolution #panicattack #revolution #sorayabahgat #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #thewiseguidespodcast

19.01.2022 The fabulous line up for this season's The Wise Guide podcast show. #podcasts #wisdom #TheWiseGuides

18.01.2022 Are you at a crossroads? Or feeling a personal change that youd like more guidance on? Maybe its time to book a Tarot or Oracle reading. Click below to make a booking or email us at [email protected] for more info.

18.01.2022 BADASS Boz kicking the music goals

18.01.2022 WHY do we burn the candle at both ends? Why do we ignore the signs of burnout? What the hell IS burn out? Listen to two women who have been there done that! In this episode, Amber is joined by Kat John, an intuitive healer & nurse who recently admitted to her social media tribe, she was suffering burnout. Again. A lifelong habit of hers. Amber & Kat dig deep as to why both of them have struggled for years with running themselves into their own uniquely branded, Ground Hog Day. And what is the one thing were all trying to attain by burning the candle at both ends. #podcast #burnout #meditation #TheWiseguidespodcast #AmberPetty

16.01.2022 JANUARY ENERGY - This is a little indication of some of the themes we will explore during the workshop of what's ahead for 2018 with some information on the ene...rgy and themes for January. This month, it's all about re-assessment and forward movement, always taking the time to connect into our hearts to see what is the right path for us. For workshop bookings: And please do share the workshop link with your friends if you think they would be interested.

16.01.2022 NEW EPISODE of The Wise Guides today, with Lena Barridge. The subject of death is one that westerners often find uncomfortable to discuss. Difficult to process. We often block out chapters when a loved one passes away, because we cant see the beauty in the goodbye. LENA BARRIDGE is a Heartfelt photographer, a charity that offers professional photographers to capture images of saying goodbye to babies and children. What might feel like the most painful moments in a familys life, can through capturing these precious, hold a precious memory that adds enormous healing to those left behind. @lenabarridge #heartfeltpgotographers #death #grief #thewiseguidespodcast #podcast #podcasting

16.01.2022 NEW EPISODE up today. My guest is healer and meditation teacher Denise Jarvie. Shes the author of The Art of Love Tarot and the Flower of Life Oracle Deck. We discuss the very relatable subject of separation sickness - another term for loneliness, depression and anxiety. All states I have been. Have you? Click below to listen and please share with you friends if you think theyd enjoy it. X

15.01.2022 Toni Carmine Salerno (artist) - the same wonderful man who painted woman in The Wise Guides artwork

14.01.2022 We have five spots left for this. Email [email protected] if you’d like to attend.

14.01.2022 Our fabulous first guest of our first series has moved on to head up Uber in the US. Congratulations Badassboz

13.01.2022 NEW EPISODE of The Wise Guides today Allanah Starr has a high priestess kind of status, in the world of transgender women and transgender entertainers. Long before Caitlin Jenner launched herself onto the media world stage, there was Allanah. Requested by Madonna to perform at Madonnas 32nd birthday, and a regular favourite at Gianni Versaces parties before his death, with no pun intended, this woman, this star, has been around. Amber joins her in the Manko Cabaret Th...eatre in Paris, to find out the wisdom she has gathered on how to be comfortable in your own skin. @missallanahstarr PHOTO CREDIT to Pascal Rossi @pascalrossi1 #allanahstarr #transgender #transformation #transwoman #caitlynjenner #mankotheatre #paris #parisnightlife #parislife #paristheatre #candacecayne #candicecayne Thank you @johnnyail EPISODE link here See more

11.01.2022 Is there an area of your life that feels like a long ‘work in progress’? Something Tarot does really well, with even just 3 cards, is reveal the energy around a... topic, in regard to it in the PAST, the PRESENT and the FUTURE. With past and present time frames, it’s usually 12 to 18 months back or forth, however the most relevant big energy insight will usually come out in the reading, so that means the past lesson or issue might be something revealed very recently. Which means your present card is super important is understand because it’s the new energy around you, and there will be lessons or actions that are vital for you to get to steer yourself to the future that you want with whatever your topic is. For instance, LOVE. Sometimes people get scared of having a reading because they think the cards will reveal something negative...but here’s the way life, the universe and the cards work...if you don’t like where you’re at, or what feels like it’s coming your way, you have the ability to change it. Most of the time we keep receiving what we don’t want because we are unconscious to tye energy patterns around us that create our personal climates. So if love for you (as it has been for so many of us), has been stormy and dark and then we need to truly understand why the past played out as it did...and what part we played in that, we need to be conscious and to excited about changing our actions and thought patterns now, which will undeniably lead us towards much happier outcomes in love. Or whatever your topic is. BOOK a 30 minute ($60) Tarot Reading with us (via Skype or Zoom) and let us help you get more clarity on your ‘thing’. Email us at [email protected] See more

10.01.2022 THE TAROT TEA HOUSE- "There is magic all around you if I do say so myself..." - Stevie Nicks. Introducing The Tarot Tea House: a brand with a mission to invoke ...magic and mysticism in everyone. We'll be coming to markets, bars, festivals and events starting in January 2020 in Melbourne to start, with interstate dates to be announced. The Tarot Tea House products and services are designed to help re-assemble the scattered wisdom of the goddess. To offer tools in how to create a long-lasting connection to ourselves a religion if you like, with all roads leading to back to the alter (and the goddess) which is you. We also offer Oracle card readings, which are individual cards with messages and stories, which act in a similar way to the Tarot by providing insights into the energetic footprint around each client. For more information on events, dates and to book at face to face or online reading, please DM us here or send an email to [email protected]

09.01.2022 Were back!!!!!! SEASON 2 of The Wise Guides launches today. Here is our first episode, with the very wise and very kind Fiona Patten MP, Leader of the Reason Party...and the subject of our how to die. (I promise there are lots of giggles in there too) Episode here

08.01.2022 Melbourne events at The Milton Bar in Elwood for friends of The Wise Guides podcast. I'll be there (Amber Petty). x

08.01.2022 The magnificent SINA KING @misssinaking my girl crush and special guest of todays The Wise Guides podcast. What girl doesnt burlesque? I kind of fell in girl crush love with Sina as I witnessed her onstage, emerging from a cloud of smoke, feathers in hair, tiny bead bikini and a python wound around her body. I decided in this moment, I will meet this woman one day. And when I do, she will become my mentor who will help me unlock my goddess within. Anyway she did that ...and then we sat down for a few wines If you love wise women with feathers and diamentes, and the occasional snake around their neck, you might like this episode of The Wise Guides. **Show link is here (& below) #burlesque #sinaking #australianburlesque #goddess #sensual #thewiseguides #podcast #thewiseguidespodcast

08.01.2022 NEW EPISODE of The Wise Guides up today (show link in bio) Have you ever had the feeling youve been here before? Have you walked down a street in another country and felt like you knew exactly where you were going? Or perhaps youve always had an infinity with Cleopatra and wondered if you were her in another life? Ok, the latter probably isnt true, but what could be true, is the concept of reincarnation. Plato, believed in it, the Hindus believe in it. Buddhists believe in it, so if its good enough for themAmber is joined by clinical hypnotherapist, JENNIFER SEITANIDIS to discuss past lives. #pastlives #podcast #ThewiseGuidespodcast #reincarnation

07.01.2022 Great article by Broadly.

07.01.2022 Head to @thetatoteahouse to book your own oracle card reading. One final reading for the decade. The card of ACCEPTANCE - Everything happens for a reason; even though the reason may often seem unclear to us. Trust in the Universe and accept all in your life as it unfolds. Live fully within each moment in the knowing that all is love. Open your heart and accept Gods love - you are loved more than you will ever consciously know. If you are feeling vulnerable at this time, shar...e your insecurities and concerns with someone you love. Once you accept the current situation you will find that all in your life transforms and you will feel a greater sense of peace, harmony and well being. Acceptance is love and love is the greatest healer. This acceptance card also relates to a gift that you will receive in the not too distant future. Accept this gift, when it comes, with an open heat. Know it is a gift from the Universe. . If youd like to book an oracle card reading, head to @thetarotteahouse on Facebook or Instagram for prices and to choose your deck. This card is from the Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards deck by Toni Carmine Salerno for @blueangelpublishing ##highpriestess #happynewyear2020 ##oraclecards #oraclereadersofinstagram #tarot #tarotcards #acceptance #healing #intuition #thetarotteahouse #2020goals #2020 #theuniverse #theuniversehasyourback **

05.01.2022 As many of you know I launched a beautiful new business this year called The Tarot Tea House. Our events were sold out for six weeks and the response to our readings has been nothing short of magical. Weve seen how much people are opening to the mystery of how the universe works and wanting to start dialogue with their higher selves (aka their intuition). Despite our face to face readings being on hold for now, we are still open for business and available to do online tarot ...readings or oracle readings for you. If youre feeling lost personally, or confused about the world, you might be ready for a reading. I have personally hand picked our tarot readers, and I am also available to do oracle readings online with you. To book a reading or to find out more details, including pricing, drop me a direct message or email me at [email protected]. I would be eternally grateful too if you could share this post or tell your friends about it us. And follow us at @thetarotteahouse Sending you all love. #tarot #tarotreading #tarotcards #intuition #onlinereading #universe See more

05.01.2022 PLEASE SHARE and attend if you can.

05.01.2022 Such a powerful chat with author Alana Fairchild about the goddess ISIS (not the terrorist group). iSIS is the ancient Egyptian goddess of MAGIC, BEAUTY and LOVE - Alana and I discuss how its time for women to reclaim and rediscover the gifts, guidance and healing of ISIS, especially as we all navigate as women this new age of exposing men who have gotten away with such bad behaviour and crimes on women...across all industries. We need to call out the men, heal the women who've been mistreated and then...learn how to encourage with love, a new way of behavior in the world. The goal needs to always be to move on from hate, no matter how hard that may be. It's Time to discover, the REAL ISIS ladies and gentlemen (she can be your goddess too). **click link below to go to this episode.

04.01.2022 The Wise Guides energy forecast on - Energy Forecaster is Elizabeth Peru

04.01.2022 WHO WANTS A TAROT READING? book now to find out what's around and what's ahead. Email The Tarot Tea House at [email protected] for more information, or to book a reading click the link below.

03.01.2022 NEW EPISODE of The Wise Guides up!!! In this episode I talk to Jenny Putna (Pyschic and Pyschometrist). She tells me how she gets messages about someones life (past, present and future), by simply holding an important piece of their jewelry. She has done some AMAZING readings for me, including sharing the name of a famous singer that she said my Nana wanted her to say to me. That singer, when I was very young, was my favourite. My Nana used to call him my boyfriend. Not even my best friends know this story. If youd like to listen to this episode, you will will find it via the *Link in my bio or by searching in Itunes or wherever you get your podcasts. Hope you enjoy it #psychometry #thewiseguides #podcast #podcasting #pyschic

03.01.2022 The Tarot Tea House is excited to be back open for business. If you’d like a Tarot reading, message us at [email protected] TWO of CUPS Tarot card ...(description by This card shows an image of a man and a woman that are exchanging their cups in a ceremony. There is the symbol of Hermes’ caduceus in between which is often related to negotiation, trade, cosmic energy, protection, proper conduct, and duality. The Two of Cups refers to something quite positive, for it is one of the most auspicious cards in the tarot for relationships, whether romantic, business or otherwise. It suggests a new partnership is in the works, and it will be created with balance, respect, and honor. Above the caduceus is a chimera, which symbolizes fire and passion also governs this partnership. #twoofcups #tarot #tarottribe #tarotdecks See more

03.01.2022 Are you at a crossroads? Or feeling a personal change that you’d like more guidance on? Maybe it’s time to book a Tarot or Oracle reading. Click below to make a booking or email us at [email protected] for more info.

02.01.2022 This is so cool being part of THE BEST PODCAST EPISODES of 2019 (so far) list on - full article below. Their blurb about the episode I feature on in Love+Radio below: The Best Podcast Episodes of 2019 (So Far) Another amazing six months of stories prove that there's always more to discover in the podcast world. Love + Radio, "Gotcha!" ... 25. Love + Radio, Gotcha! One of the most gleefully unpredictable shows anywhere, Love + Radio often turns its attention to different ideas of deception. Its fitting, then, that the series would eventually stumble on the unusual aftermath of a Australian radio shows prank call segment, following one harmless morning show bit to an endpoint thats elusive as it is bizarre. Producer Barry Lam (whose Slate series Hi-Phi Nation continues to be a thoughtful dissection of topics in the world of philosophy and beyond) shepherds this story through the kind of carefully crafted zigzags that only the best of Love + Radio can provide. Listen to the episode by clicking the link in the comments section below.

01.01.2022 In the city of this week. On the hunt for Wise Women for the next series of The Wise Guides. #Paris

01.01.2022 I see 1's all the time. Lucy Cavendish (episode 9) and I discuss why this is

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