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The Wise Woman Natural Therapies

Phone: +61 402 350 516


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02.06.2022 #massagetherapy #anxietyrelief #healyourself #painrelief #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen

29.05.2022 #oedema #edema #lymphedema #lymphaticdrainage #ketodiet #ketolife #eathealthy #noninflammatory #healyourself #healyourbody

26.05.2022 Looking after your body from the ground up... that's reflexology. NOT JUST A FOOT MASSAGE but a whole body treatment..... each part of your foot corresponds to a part of your body. Completely non-invasive, a great therapy for those with anxiety... #reflexology #massagetherapyrocks #healthyfeet #feetandbody #footmassage #ancienthealing #healyourself #healyourbody

08.05.2022 #seniorscard #massage

06.05.2022 Massage therapy has been shown to aid in the treatment of acute pain and prevention and management of chronic pain. An emerging body of evidence supports the ...effectiveness of massage therapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain. Effective management of pain in acute care settings is vital in preventing the transition to a costly chronic state, which has negative outcomes for patients and healthcare systems! Click on the link to learn more about how soft tissue massage can be effective for improving pain, function and range of motion in patients with shoulder pain and neck pain -

25.01.2022 Please listen to this.....

25.01.2022 To help us with the "second lockdown blues".... #chocolatelovers #lindtlindor #fatandfabulous #lockdown2020

25.01.2022 Il y a vingt ans, le psychologue américain Arthur Aron démontrait qu’un rapprochement s’opérait entre deux inconnus s’ils se regardaient quatre minutes dans les... yeux. Partant de là, Amnesty International a réalisé un film d’expérimentation pour rappeler, particulièrement en ces temps qui semblent dominés par les conflits et la division, que voir le monde à travers les yeux d’une autre personne est toujours bénéfique. Ce film, Look Beyond Borders, produit à Berlin, part d’une rencontre symbolique d’Européens avec des réfugiés pour devenir une métaphore universelle. Le point de départ a été l’expérience d’Arthur Aron, qui a prouvé que le fait de se regarder dans les yeux pendant quatre minutes pouvait significativement rapprocher deux personnes. Les organisateurs ont décidé d’utiliser ce concept dans le contexte de l’arrivée en Europe de milliers de réfugiés chaque année. Ils ont mené cette expérience à Berlin, près du Checkpoint Charlie, pendant deux jours. D’un côté, il y avait avait des réfugiés (surtout de Syrie) ; de l’autre, des Européens (des Polonais, des Italiens, des Allemands et des Belges) - tous des gens ordinaires. Les scènes n’ont pas été pré-arrangées et les personnes qui se sont assises les unes en face des autres ne se sont jamais rencontrées auparavant. L’expérience est entièrement basée sur la spontanéité et le caractère naturel des réactions. Les réfugiés viennent principalement de Syrie et vivent en Europe depuis moins d’un an. Grâce à cette expérience, il a été possible de montrer qu’une rencontre entre des gens qui sont en théorie étrangers l’un à l’autre et issus de cultures différentes peut devenir particulière et profondément inspirante. Les frontières existent entre les pays, pas entre les êtres humains. L’idée de réaliser ce film est née en Pologne. Le Secrétariat international d’Amnesty International à Londres, ainsi que les sections d’autres pays européens ont participé à l’initiative de la section polonaise d’Amnesty International. Ce film se veut un message européen collectif adressé à tous et toutes à travers le monde. Le projet a été lancé au même moment dans plusieurs pays, par-delà les frontières et par-delà de la situation spécifique de chaque pays.

24.01.2022 Absolutely ESSENTIAL reading at this time!! Written in 2013, this book could almost be called prophetic..... it clarifies what's happening at the moment, and why we are having to respond as we are. PLEASE READ.......

22.01.2022 Finally arrived! After a 3 month wait, these gorgeous aromatherapy cards have got here safe and sound from the UK. Can't wait to start using them in my massage sessions..... #aromatherapyfun #massagetherapy #somethingdifferent

21.01.2022 Around the garden today..... it makes my soul very happy. #gardenlife #springdownunder #flowers #gardeningforthesoul

20.01.2022 Looking forward to working again. Who needs a massage?Bookings being taken for post-Sept13. Armstrong CreekLooking forward to working again. Who needs a massage?Bookings being taken for post-Sept13. Armstrong Creek

17.01.2022 While looking up books about 'famous women in history', this is what came up in the search...... not only an interesting result, but an interesting progression in history! (For all my independent, 'feminist' friends - some of whom are or were nurses )

12.01.2022 **FOR ALL MUMS** Until 19 December 2020 - a special offer for all mums - a one hour remedial massage for $50. New client only, 1 appointment per person at special rate. Health fund rebate available. DO SOMETHING NICE FOR YOURSELF!... In Armstrong Creek. See more

11.01.2022 Looks like spring is on its way downunder #spring #winterend #flowers #springingarden #almostspring @ Warralily Armstrong Creek

11.01.2022 NEW A weekly 1-hour massage for $50. With an upfront payment of $200, you can have a weekly remedial or relaxation massage for 4 weeks. Open to all new or current clients. Book in for the first appointment under "Weekly Client 200" at , and then the following appointments will be scheduled during the 1st session. Only available for WEEKLY appointments of 1 hour duration - no refunds on a missed week. PLEASE NOTE - ... We are not a sports massage clinic, but a therapeutic massage clinic. Health fund rebates still apply for remedial massage. See more

07.01.2022 There are some advantages to being over 50 - for instance - how about a 1 hour massage for $50? Until 31.10.20 I'm offering all women 50 years and over, a 1 hour remedial or relaxation massage for the special price of $50. Bookings online at or by phone 0402 350 516. Health fund rebates available. In Armstrong Creek - offer only available to new clients.

06.01.2022 As I work from home in Armstrong Creek, I have decided to temporarily close until Sept 13. Stay healthy everyone...As I work from home in Armstrong Creek, I have decided to temporarily close until Sept 13. Stay healthy everyone...

05.01.2022 Still looking for presents? Vouchers for massage or reflexology are available on my website: In Armstrong Creek.

04.01.2022 Now open until 7.30pm on FridaysNow open until 7.30pm on Fridays

03.01.2022 Black soap for sale! Created for people with sensitive skin, this handmade glycerine-based soap has activated charcoal to draw impurities, toxins and germs, plus essential oils to moisturise and tone: rose absolute and juniper leaf. Great for when you have to wash your hands a lot, or if you are experiencing 'skin problems' because of wearing a mask for extended periods of time. $10 per piece. Sulphate free. Available with no delivery cost in the 3217 area, or with $2 deli...very charge in the rest of the greater Geelong area. Contactless delivery. Please pm me here, or tel 0402 350 516 for details. See more

02.01.2022 Since her death in 1979, the woman who discovered what the universe is made of has not so much as received a memorial plaque. Her newspaper obituaries do not m...ention her greatest discovery. [] Every high school student knows that Isaac Newton discovered gravity, that Charles Darwin discovered evolution, and that Albert Einstein discovered the relativity of time. But when it comes to the composition of our universe, the textbooks simply say that the most abundant atom in the universe is hydrogen. And no one ever wonders how we know. Jeremy Knowles, discussing the complete lack of recognition Cecilia Payne gets, even today, for her revolutionary discovery. (via alliterate) OH WAIT LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT CECILIA PAYNE Cecilia Payne’s mother refused to spend money on her college education, so she won a scholarship to Cambridge. Cecilia Payne completed her studies, but Cambridge wouldn’t give her a degree because she was a woman, so she said to heck with that and moved to the United States to work at Harvard. Cecilia Payne was the first person ever to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College, with what Otto Strauve called the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy. Not only did Cecilia Payne discover what the universe is made of, she also discovered what the sun is made of (Henry Norris Russell, a fellow astronomer, is usually given credit for discovering that the sun’s composition is different from the Earth’s, but he came to his conclusions four years later than Payne after telling her not to publish). Cecilia Payne is the reason we know basically anything about variable stars (stars whose brightness as seen from earth fluctuates). Literally every other study on variable stars is based on her work. Cecilia Payne was the first woman to be promoted to full professor from within Harvard, and is often credited with breaking the glass ceiling for women in the Harvard science department and in astronomy, as well as inspiring entire generations of women to take up science. Cecilia Payne is awesome and everyone should know her. (OP: Matthew Gardner)

02.01.2022 I just don't get tired of watching the seasons come and go... goodbye winter, hello spring (in August!). #startofspring #flowers @ Warralily Armstrong Creek

01.01.2022 **FOR ALL MUMS** Until 23 December 2020 - a special offer for all mums - a one hour remedial massage for $50. New client only, 1 appointment per person at special rate. Health fund rebate available. DO SOMETHING NICE FOR YOURSELF!... In Armstrong Creek. See more

01.01.2022 Some great downtime today at the Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre #emu #naranaaboriginalculturalcentre #bushwalk

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