The Woodlands Place in Bellangry, New South Wales, Australia | Camp site
The Woodlands Place
Locality: Bellangry, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 422 743 277
Address: 1334 Bellangry Road 2446 Bellangry, NSW, Australia
Likes: 112
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25.01.2022 View of big mountain peeking through the melaleuca. #greenery #bushlandscapes #habitats #campingnsw #bellangrynsw Did you know - Mountains are home to approximately one-tenth of the worlds people and more than half of the worlds fresh water originates in mountains. [source:]
25.01.2022 Moody sunset this evening
25.01.2022 The three persimmon trees out on our grassy range. #leafy #country #rural_love #bellangrynsw #fruittrees #persimmontree Did you know - Persimmons belong to the berry family and persimmon trees can take up to seven years to produce fruit [source:]
24.01.2022 How pretty is our Firewheel Tree in bloom? Did you know - When grown from seed, the #firewheeltree can take seven years or more to flower, but a cutting from a mature plant will usually flower within three to four years. [source: climate]
24.01.2022 Big bluey just hanging in some scrap metal. Did you know Females are ovoviviparous ("egg-live birth") - the mother produces egg cases, which she then carries inside her. After the eggs hatch internally, she expels the live young. [source:] Wow! Get back to nature
24.01.2022 Found a little brown frog hanging out in a jug in the garden. Anyone know what species?
23.01.2022 Found a Fallen-Bark Looper. Did you know - Gastrophora is a monotypic moth genus in the family Geometridae. Its only species, Gastrophora henricaria, the fallen bark looper or beautiful leaf moth, is found in the south-east corner of Australia. The wingspan is about 50 mm and the larvae feed on Eucalyptus species and Lophostemon confertus. Source: []
23.01.2022 Somebody new has moved into the jug in the garden Look at his cute little toes
23.01.2022 The bees enjoying the Macadamia flowers. Did you know - Macadamias are the only native Australian food to be developed and successfully traded internationally as a large scale commercial food product. For a long time, America produced more macadamias than Australia, because the trees were introduced to Hawaii in 1881 as a wind-break for sugarcane and grew very successfully. But in 1994, we outdid American production and Australia now grows 30% of the worlds macadamia supply. [source:]
22.01.2022 How gorgeous is this little green frog visiting our verandah after some recent rain. Did you know - There are over 2500 species of frogs throughout the world. Approximately 200 species are found only in Australia. [source:]
22.01.2022 Working on some firewood!! Its been a bit chilly Nothing that a nice campfire and snuggly blanket cant fix.
22.01.2022 How versatile is timber; no camp fires at the moment but how about some seating? #moretreesplease #campingnsw #bellangry #log #woodisgood #loveoutdoors #timbertownnsw Did you know timber is not only a renewable and recyclable resource, but it is energy-efficient to produce. Importantly, timber acts as a carbon store, giving it an important role to play in reducing carbon emissions. [source:]
22.01.2022 Sunrise behind our big Hoop pine, planted in 1930 from a seedling brought to Bellangry from Dorrigo plateau by Maude McCudden Did you know - hoop pine grows up to 60 m in height and gets its name from the outer layer of bark which forms scale-like horizontal hoops. It is a slow-growing plant that can live for up to 450 years. [source:]
20.01.2022 Look at that green winter pasture rye!
20.01.2022 Camp fire so therapeutic! Did you know - Fire is an event or occurrence, not a thing. Its a process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke. [source:]
19.01.2022 What a privilege to see this awesome creature today strolling across our front yard! Get closer to nature! Camp at our place
19.01.2022 The sky yesterday evening; coloured by bunnies and marshmallows. Happy Easter Did you know - The colours of the sunset result from a phenomenon called scattering. Molecules and small particles in the atmosphere change the direction of light rays, causing them to scatter. Scattering affects the colour of light coming from the sky, but the details are determined by the wavelength of the light and the size of the particle. [source:]
19.01.2022 Tickled pink our leptospermum is spectacular at the moment. We hope the bees are happy Did you know - Manuka honey is produced by bees from the flowers (nectar) of Leptospermum species plants, native to Australia and New Zealand. Australia is home to over 80 species of Leptospermum, while New Zealand has only one species (Leptospermum scoparium), which is believed to have originated from Tasmania. Manuka honey is one of the most famous honeys in the world because of its medicinal properties. Source: []
18.01.2022 Heres our lovely droughty-blaze looking a bit folorn out in the weekend rain
17.01.2022 Did you notice Mr Hornet on the golden grevillea? Nature the master artist. Did you know - Grevillea is named in honor to Charles Greville, one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society. These plants are also known as "spider flowers" or "toothbrush plants" because of the unusual morphology of their flowers. [source:]
17.01.2022 Meet our resident rat catcher
17.01.2022 Some beautiful field mushrooms have popped up after the rain Did you know - Mushrooms are a type of fungi; Fungi are living organisms that are distantly related to plants, and more closely related to animals, but rather different from either of those groups. []
17.01.2022 Today were enjoying some fresh baked scones and famous home made Booloominbah fig jam Did you know - Eating one half cup of figs has as much calcium as drinking one-half cup of milk and figs have more fiber than prunes and more potassium than bananas. [source:]
16.01.2022 The view down Bellangry Road from our house with the Angophora growing alongside. Did you know - Among the eucalypts, Angophora species were nicknamed "apples" by European settlers, who thought they resembled apple trees.Many are still known commonly as apples today. [source:]
16.01.2022 Corn in our garden reaching up through the pumpkin vine, hopeful those clouds are going to be rain. #bellangrynsw #gardening #sortofcloudy #hopeful Did you know - In most countries corn is called maize, and a cob will always have an even number of rows. [source:]
15.01.2022 Amazing thunderheads yesterday afternoon over the Hump Scrub Paddock. Did you know Thunderheads (Cumulonimbus clouds)often produce lightning in their heart. This is caused by ionized droplets in the clouds rubbing against each other. The static charge built up creates lightning. [source:]
14.01.2022 Cow selfie of the week. Penny. Penny thinks the grass is greener on the other side. You be the judge - come camping
14.01.2022 Did you know - Echidnas are monotremes, egg-laying mammals. The only other living monotreme is the platypus. A female usually lays one egg at a time which goes into a pouch to incubate. After seven to 10 days, the egg is ready to hatch and a baby echidna is called a puggle. The puggle stays in its mothers pouch for another six to eight weeks, which give its spines time to harden. [source:]
14.01.2022 The blood oranges are spectacular this year! Did you know- The blood orange is a natural mutation of the orange, which is itself a hybrid, probably between the pomelo and the tangerine. The distinctive dark flesh color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family of polyphenol pigments common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon in citrus fruits.[source -]
14.01.2022 Dinner is served... just kidding, but if you were an owl that rat could look very tasty. So please don’t use poison to kill vermin. We use Goodnature traps which are well worth the investment to protect our wildlife. Come camping maybe see an Owl #campingaustralia #farmlife #nswtourism #goodnature #protectourwildlife #midnorthcoastnsw
13.01.2022 Been busy making mustard cucumber pickles! But are they actually pickles? Pickles, relish, or chutney Does anyone know what the difference is?
10.01.2022 A bee making a visit to a rockmelon flower in our garden. #bees #nature #onthefarm #gardening #bellangrynsw Did you know - Honey is the ONLY food source produced by an insect that humans eat [source:]
10.01.2022 How fluffy does that algae look at the bottom of the creek? Did you know algae is a one-celled plant that can grow in your pool if conditions are favourable, algae are used in many wastewater treatment facilities, reducing the need for harmful chemicals, and are used in some power plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. [source:]
10.01.2022 Did you know - Petrichor is the smell of rain. The word comes from the Greek words petra meaning stone and ichor which in Greek mythology refers to the golden fluid that flows in the veins of the immortals.
08.01.2022 Morton Creek (once known as Belangie Brook) from the bridge below our house. Hasnt had water flowing in it for over a year; 237mls of rain since Friday. The change is astonishing. Did you know - Rivers and streams are among the most powerful forces on Earth. Currents in rivers are strong enough to pick up and move items as large as cars. This is what makes it especially great at generating electricity. [source:]
07.01.2022 Pretty afternoon light. #rurallife #bellangry #scenicvista #campingNSW Did you know that being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. [source:]
07.01.2022 Today’s wanderings discover some Iron bark orchid on a Sheoak. Happy Friday!
07.01.2022 Has anyone been bitten by one of these bad boys?! Did you know - The jack jumper ant is a venomous species of omnivorous ant native to Australia, they can jump 3 to 4 inches. An average worker lives more than one year and the sting can even be fatal in some cases. [Source:]
06.01.2022 Did you know - Holding up a tree is often achieved by surprisingly shallow roots. Most trees dont have a taproot, and most tree roots lie in the top 18 inches of soil, where growing conditions tend to be best but lack of depth is offset by lateral growth: The root system of a mature oak, for example, can be hundreds of kilometres in length. [source:]
05.01.2022 Dried mud on the tractor bucket. We have been trying to clear a path to the dam water so cattle dont get bogged in the mud. #drought #rurallife #diggingthedirt #dryweather #countryaustralia Did you know - Mud packs owe their popularity to vitamin E in mud which revitalises the skin. [source:]
04.01.2022 Pasture silage, mowed, wilted, raked, baked and wrapped. Will be left a month or so to undergo a controlled fermentation process; ready for spring when pasture is low after winter.
04.01.2022 Amazing lichen on our firewheel tree. Did you know - lichen is a natural air quality indicator, it absorbs everything in the environment around it, but only thrives when the air quality is clean. In fact, scientists use lichen as a measure of air quality in different geographic areas.
04.01.2022 How cute are our new boys Jimi and Kippa. Did you know - In order to arrive at the ideal herding dog in the Kelpie, a number of different herding breeds were mixed with the Collie, including Australias famous feral dog, the Dingo. [source:]
01.01.2022 Gum nuts from a red flowering gum (eucalyptus ptychocarpa). Native to WA and NT. #nature #gumnuts #snugglepotandcuddlepie #campingnsw #flora #eucalyptus Did you know - people call them gumnuts but theyre actually capsules which means that they open by valves at the top of the fruit. These valves dry up and open up and seeds drop out. [source:]
01.01.2022 How pretty are the different green hues from mountain to paddock? Did you know - Gradation in art is a visual technique of gradually transitioning from one colour hue to another, or from one shade to another, or one texture to another. [source:]
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