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25.01.2022 Understanding nutrient deficiences in children. A great scientific read.
25.01.2022 Got plans for the weekend?? Introducing....the best & most accurate tool you could ever wish for you in your pursuit of diagnosing worms....seriously???!! Seriously.... Unbelievable to think in this day and age, with so many technological advances in medicine and every day life that the gold standard test (that means it’s considered the best and most accurateand wait for ityou won’t believe how fancy this is) for the presence of threadworms or pinworms is the ‘Sticky Tape Test’. But what about a stool test with my doctor?? Inaccurate. Yes, you can be full of the little critters and be told in your standard stool test results that, 'there's nothing wrong you with...and there's certainly no evidence of worms!' Yes indeed...the DIY sticky tape test (oh...for all those people in other countries you may call it scotch tape or cello tape). This simple procedure is effective in identifying if you have little critters using you as a place to hang out! For how to perform the Sticky Tape Test and how often, check out our FREE eBook. Suddenly, you and your loved ones' weekend got awful busy!!
25.01.2022 I thought it was thrush....worms weren't even on my radar! Did you know that 30% of women who thought they had thrush were found to have threadworm! Serious game-changer!! ... No wonder some women say that the thrush treatments don't work! When we think of worms we think the only thing that get's itchy down there is your butt. BUT....with females the ‘mumma worms’ can ‘overshoot’ the mark and end up either in the urinary system or the reproductive one, causing thrush like symptoms. Everything is so close together down there for women (only a matter of millimetres for little girls), so it’s not far for the worms to travel and lay eggs. Those little squiggly things survive well in these environments, laying eggs and are commonly more difficult to treat in girls because they can take refuge in their reproductive systems where the usual medication doesn't work. Very tricky stuff indeed! If they hang out there too long some nasty reproductive health problems can occur such as thrush.or undetected long-term they can produce much more serious gynecological and fertility issues. Who'd have thought?! We did! Check out the free eBook for further information or download the video presentation (see the shop page).
24.01.2022 How long should I stay on a de-worming protocol that includes Anti-Critter Chondroitin Sulphate? long is a piece of string...we mean...your worm? Not really but kinda.... Remember that trying to improve someone's resilience to worms setting up camp is not about Chondroitin Sulphate alone but requires a multi-pronged and often tailored approach to ensure the best success. First we start with eradication and then we follow up with prevention. How long do we need to 'prevent' for, well it depends on the level of host susceptibility for each individual. The most susceptible often have barely had a break for longer than a month from Threadworm. These people need a longer period of treatment to really break the cycle and may continue the protocol for up to 6-12 months. Others with much less severe cases and less susceptibility might do well with just 1-2 months. Either way... your prevention protocol requires little breaks from things like the Chrondroitin Sulphate e.g. monthly, and these can be scheduled together with tailoring of the rest of your program via individualised advice and a WW consult. See the SHOP for this and other worm busting products and don't forget to sign up for the eBook that will tell you all about the worm story.
24.01.2022 Eeek! How insidious can these little critters be? Could your pancreatitis be caused by a parasite infestation?? When it comes to pancreatitis we always suggest seeing your general practitioner pronto!
24.01.2022 It's time to lighten up the mood... this worm stuff is serious business! BUTT... you've got to see's unbelievable that someone has actually made a song about worms...
23.01.2022 Appendicitis is a very big deal and the signs and symptoms should not be ignored. This is a great article that every parent should look at and be familiar with.
23.01.2022 Want to book a personalised appointment so that our Worm Whisperers can assess your individual case and come up with a solution?
22.01.2022 Boosting the intestinal immune system of the host is paramount for addressing a reoccurring or current long-term pinworm infestation. In helminth infections there is the production of the T regulatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)10 and transforming growth factor (TGF), which are immunosuppressive and are believed to inhibit immune responses that protect against the parasite. Put simply this downregulation of the host's immune response allows these little critters to set up Long term parasite issues are not a quick fix and require the understanding of the host. Understanding if there are any other factors putting pressure on this immune system would be a wise move. Nutrients such as mushrooms and specific pre and probiotics may also be of help.
22.01.2022 They're baaaaaaaaaack... One over the counter (OTC) treatment alone will not send these uninvited house guests (worms) packing. You think it should be very straight forward. ... Go get yourself some off-the shelf-pharmaceutical worming tablets and the problem is solved. Right?? Nope OK, don’t get me wrong, OTC treatments are one of the most sensible first steps and are generally effective in treating Threadworms in humans. The initial treatment will knock out the mature population. BUT WHY DO I DO IT AGAIN? Well there’s the little ones..the immature worms, the eggs and they all dodge this bullet...tricky little critters! So you’ve got to do the whole thing again! Yep..that’s right. You need to repeat in 10-14 days after the initial treatment to get the next generation or newly hatched worms that escaped the first dose. There's a bunch of additional things that go hand in hand with the this first step in worming treatment that involve your child, your family and your house. You will find these all listed in the free eBook. Don't know when or why you'd need the Neem Nail Biters, Bum Barrier and Nose Pickers Nasal Spray... READ THE eBOOK AND LEARN!! PS. Leave the pet’s alone...they don’t house these type of worms. When it comes to Threadworm...we've got exclusive rights...if a human you know has them...they got them off another human and so the cycle continues...They're baaaaaaacck!
22.01.2022 PETS...GUILTY OR NOT GUILTY? You’ve heard the stories that you can get some worms from animals and everyone blames the petsNot these ones! Threadworms don't come from our fact humans are the ONLY host for our pets are innocent! The good news is you don’t have to worry about disinfecting your pets and their bedding. ... The bad news isif you’re looking for the source of the infectionwe’re it! Threadworms can't live in cats, dogs or domesticated animals of any description. Remember.humans are the only hosts and therefore the only vehicle (in addition to the things we touch) for spreading this persistent little critter. But getting rid of them out of some humans can actually be pretty tough stuff! Check out the treatments in the free eBook ...follow the sign up button up the top of our page.
21.01.2022 Isn't it hard picking just one?
21.01.2022 FREE PODCAST - Chronic Threadworm infections Threadworms are more sinister than we are meant to believe.... "As a Naturopath, my inception of my fascination, my morbid fascination with worms, was really that I had a series of families coming in, in dire straights really, because their kids didn't present with itchy bottoms. Maybe they did, but that was such a minor concern. What these children were presenting with were often growth/behavioral disorders. So nothing They were...n't on the spectrum, there was nothing like that. But the instability of the mood was drastic in a lot of situations. The sleep disorders were extreme. And mum and dad are sitting there, saying, "We don't understand. No one else in the family has these. We're absolutely certain. We've wormed everybody." But it wouldn't matter how many doses we give this child, whether it's a girl or a boy. The worms never go away. Or they go away, but just really briefly. But, often, by the time they'd come to see me, it was completely non-responsive to the over-the-counter worming agents." - Rachel Arthur Listen to the full podcast
19.01.2022 Yep, worms turn up in all sorts of places and the whole worm eradication journey is so frustrating for many as you may know all too's another story from one of our followers: "I’m In the UK and nearly cried when I discovered your face book page by googling yesterday! I have used over the counter meds for 20 years, been uncomfortable for a lot of that time, and doctors have looked blankly when I explain that the worms are not ‘around the back’ but constantly me ‘around the front’" - Anna Sound familiar? Our Facebook page is a place for you to comment and ask questions, so you know you are not alone. We are here to educate, inform and support people. Make sure you download our FREE eBook to find out how to identify and treat them. Check out the shop for products that help you with this.
19.01.2022 Chronic bacterial prostatitis.. could this be pin worms found in the male urinary track.... No ladies it is not just about you. These little blighters are so insidious that they can be found in very tricky areas....
19.01.2022 Urinary Tract Infections are caused by bacteria, right? Your most common is E. Coli. However, here at The Worm Whisperers we have been trying to get some education out there, that a sign of a pin worm infestation can be UTI’s where there is no bacteria present. The leukocytes are showing you that the immune system is putting up an active response to the infestation. The attached study does suggest using the sticky tape method for diagnosis. Even though this is an out dated method it is, still, sometimes, effective. We would however, suggest testing for 6 days consecutively. Make sure that you take these to your pathology lab as it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye.
19.01.2022 Are those little wriggly things in your water? Have you wondered if you could be contracting Enterobius vermicularis from your food and lovely fresh water supply? In's unlikely unless either of these things are coming into contact with human waste. ... So in some countries they still use human sewerage for agricultural purposes and this can lead to contamination of food at low levels. There have been studies in Turkey for example that found around 7% of raw salad vegetables contained the eggs of a range of intestinal worms, one of which being Threadworm. Washing and cooking of course will greatly reduce the chances of even these leading to new infestations for those consuming these foods....but for most of you...keep up your fruit and veg and all the other good foods and know that your water, while it can house other wriggly critters worth filtering, is not the source of your family's Threadworm story! Sign up for the eBook to get more information on these little critters. Click the Sign up button on top of the page.
18.01.2022 Cleanness is key! Right? Wrong Well sort of Understanding that Pinworm eggs can be transferred to surfaces after scratching the infected areas such as the anus or vagina then touching surfaces. It does require skin to skin contact. The surfaces can include toys, faucets, bedding or toilet seats and can stay alive for up to two weeks. However, close contact, and then putting it in your mouth, such as licking, is required for this to be transmitted. So wiping surfaces that ar...e going to be licked is important. Or discouraging licking of random surfaces as well as washing hands frequently. Showering in the morning. Because pinworms lay their eggs at night, washing the anal and vaginal area in the mornings can help reduce the number of pinworm eggs on your body. The use of the Bum Barrier cream in the evening will also stop any of this adherence. Remembering that this is only necessary during your worming treatments. Wear firm fitting underwear to bed, no boxer shorts and nightgowns without underwear underneath. ** Change underwear every morning** This is probably something that should be done anyway just for cleanliness reasons. But the reasoning is that only items that have close contact will have worm eggs attached. Change the bed linen. Only do this if underwear is not being worn. During a worming phase then change at the onset and every week. Wash in hot water and dry in the sun. Remembering to wash all the laundry in hot water. Don't scratch. Avoid scratching the anal and vaginal area, with direct skin on skin contact. Trim your child's fingernails so there's less space for eggs to collect. Discourage nail biting. So now we have discussed what level of cleanliness is important we need to look at individual susceptibility. As let us be honest, the above-required cleanliness is nothing crazy. We speak to many parents and individuals that go crazy with cleaning but unless you live in a bubble and never leave the house and disinfect every item before it comes into your home or in contact with you or your children or partner there is no way that you will be able to stop the exposure. It is in the air that you breathe, on the surfaces you touch and the food you eat. So the focus should be on killing them if they have taken up residence in your or your families bodies and then ensuring that your natural defences can eliminate them on a day to day basis. Looking at your individual gastrointestinal immunity is vital to this. If you are looking for some support in this area then booking a consult with our trained Worm Whisperers is a must.
18.01.2022 Experiencing a pain in the gut? Not an itchy butt? Introducing Dientamoeba fragilis in the worm arena! That’s a mouthful.but actually can be a ‘gut-full’. Let’s call it D.Frag for short. This is a parasite that is commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of humans. While many infected individuals can have no symptoms, for those that do, these include loose stools, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. Other reported symptoms are weight loss, loss of appetite, nausea and fatigue.... And generally kids are more symptomatic than adults... sounds a lot like our old foe threadworm..hey?! Speak of the devil.....threadworm or Enterobius verimuclaris has been the prime suspect as a carrier of this parasite for 50 years! It’s like a little buddy system going on. The Threadworm brings that parasite into the body and can be the source of infection and reinfection. 51% of individuals who have D.Frag have threadworms. 64% under 14 years of age who have both infections are more likely to be without symptoms and without a clue! D.Frag can’t survive outside of the human host, so it needs its buddy Threadworm who can survive 2 months in the external environment dust, soft furnishings, clothing and bedding... So don’t wait for the itchy bottom to come, if you have tested positive for D.frag...get the D.frag into some threadworm testing and treatment! Check out our audio recording 'Is Threadworm the Missing Link in Dientamoeba Fragilis?
18.01.2022 The sticky tape test is recommended all over the world... We're hearing back that a lot of GPs say, they no longer offer this test...yet it's still listed as the the gold standard investigation for Enterobius vermicularis in the pathology laboratories handbooks... so call a pathology company and get your answer from the source! Or ask your GP to call the lab - so we can educate them along the way ;) Need to know how to accurately perform this test on your own little Cupie at home? ;) Download our free eBook which has plenty of information and instructions within. Click on the 'sign-up' on the top of the page to receive the eBook.
17.01.2022 You can't go wrong with any of these.
17.01.2022 Foods and herbs that may help with the elimination of roundworms: Garlic, Pumpkin Seeds, Peppermint, Olive Leaves, Fig, Lemon
16.01.2022 Only kids get themI’m an adult! ... it couldn’t possibly be, could it?? AhhhhhYES Yeah, it could be, bad newsadults get them too and in fact often adults are less symptomatic than kids, or their presentation does not include the itchy bottom trademark and instead it’s a collection of other unusual features of the condition, ones we are not likely to make the connection with e.g. vulva itching, urinary incontinence, pain mimicking and appendicitis...just to name a few...... Check out our FREE eBook to get more information on these little critters. Click the Sign up button on top of the page.
16.01.2022 I'm OK....No itchy bum here!!! Beyond the itchy bum...When you think worms you think 'I've got this, right? I'm not going to miss someone scratching and complaining about down there. Right? Wrong.' Most people’s knowledge about how threadworm infestations present, stops at their bottom! BUT... research says about 50 percent of patients never present with an itchy bottom. In fact, about 50 percent of patients actually are asymptomatic. They have nothing that you would traditio...nally think oh, they’ve got creepy critters in their gut. So what we want to do is broaden your mind about how worms present... So an itchy bottom, is just the top of a potentially very large (Titanic breaking proportions!!) iceberg. It’s the bit that you can see. Okay, if somebody says I’ve got an itchy bottom, you go, Worms. BUT...beneath the surface that we don’t recognise are things like... unexplained nightmares, night terrors, non-restorative sleep, emotional instability. Even the digestive symptoms associated with this worm can occasionally turn NASTY, most commonly producing appendicitis. The picture gets even more wild and woolly if the worm infestation has migrated to another part of the body (we know!!....right??!!) such as most typically the reproductive system of females. Check out the free eBook for further information or download the video presentation (see the shop page).
16.01.2022 It is quite incredible the impact worms can have on mood and behaviour?! It is hard for many to conceive how dramatic this can be and this great feedback I received from one of my clients says it all... "My eldest was last month diagnosed with an alphabet soups worth of disorders by a psychiatrist. He is a different kid after 2 doses of Combantrim." - Charlotte
15.01.2022 So think for a minute about any child you know who just loves putting a finger, or two, or three, up their nose.... Now let's imagine where those same fingers might have been in the night... Nose picking can be a cause OR a consequence of threadworm problems.... So putting their finger up their nose re-inoculates themselves with threadworm. Sucking on their thumbs, chewing their fingernails, all those sorts of things. And we know that this is one of the main reasons why an infestation can become chronic. That it can actually go on for months and years because we're just never getting our head above water in terms of preventing these kinds of re-exposure risks. And yes threadworm infestations can set up shop in the nasal passages too...that's why we need to flush out the nose for eggs in the nose pickers...our Nose Pickers Nasal Spray is exactly for this reason! Our free eBook gives you some creative ideas on how to help your child stop the nose picking habit and other reasons why they just won’t go awaythumb sucking, nail biting, other places to hide in the body. Browse the shop and you will find the treatments for your beloved little (or not so) nose pickers and nail biters.
14.01.2022 STOP! YOUR PETS ARE INNOCENT! Here's what one mother discovered on Mother's much for flowers and slippers! While it's a great reminder just how common these creepy critter us, it's also interesting to read that they wormed the pet thinking that was a cause, but this is just one many myths we need to bust around worms. Our free eBook clears up 5 others that will surprise you! Your pets are not the cause of worms. While other types of worms can, threadworms can’t surv...ive in the intestinal system of cats or dogs. Humans are in fact the only host for threadworms! Lucky us...right?! Wrong!
14.01.2022 Mixing it up! Here at WW Central we've been getting lots of questions about how best to mix up the Anti-Critter Chondroitin Sulphate. Here are some suggestions... You can put it in a shaker bottle and shake it vigorously. It’s best to use the protein shake containers, as they have the little steel ball inside that mix it up easier. ... Or 'Ye Good Ole' Ye Fashion' way is to mix it in a glass. We suggest you use room temperature water and pop the teaspoon in and mix immediately. It may become gelatinous, but if you leave it for a while it does dissolve. We usually suggest a good 5 minutes. Now this is the hi-tech way....some WW clients just put it in a bullet or add it to your blender with the rest of your smoothie concoction. It yields a caramel like bone broth super liquid :) Here are the Standard Directions of dosage 2-6 yrs: 1/4 tsp 2 x daily 7-12 yes: 1/2 tsp 2x daily Adults: 4g - 1 tsp 2x daily See the SHOP for this and other worm busting products and don't forget to sign up for the eBook that will tell you all about the worm story.
13.01.2022 Once you know about see it everywhere!!!! With all this information we are sharing about worms, one of Australia's leading Naturopathic Fertility Specialist sent me an email this week... "God I wish I could unsee this, but now it's everywhere.... so thanks I GUESS!" ;)... Seems like a lot of people out with 'other issues' like reproductive...are affected more often than we realise.
12.01.2022 A wormy tale about The Worm Whisperer... In early 2018 I started up this Facebook page. I recognised from the many talks I’d given that there was a need to educate people more about threadworms because the information just wasn't getting through and affected individuals were basically being sadly medically mismanaged. There are just so many cases where children have been diagnosed with an alphabet soup of physical or behavioural disorders only to discover that chronic treatme...nt refractory threadworms were in fact the culprit. And no...standard over the counter worming tablets are not going to fix that. I’m so glad I started this up. It’s been an amazing privilege to support women, children and whole families from around with world with their worm journey and see such positive results. And it’s only the tip of the iceberg because there are so many more out there being told their pre-pubescent daughter just has 'thrush' (impossible by the way in this age group) or referring women to psychologists and telling them they're 'hysterical' (that's an old chestnut that has made a strong & unwelcome comeback in this area) when they present with myriad symptoms that just don't fit neatly into other diagnostic boxes. Anyway, together with the joy of being able to help so many came..who would've thought (!)...more and more followers...and more and more work...and well.. The Worm Whisperer is continuing to grow at a rapid pace and a couple of months ago I handed over the baton to a team of people who have the time to focus just on this issue and who are just as passionate about worms as me. So I wanted to let you all's BUSINESS AS USUAL! There is a new team at the helm and I have officially left the (WW) building...but you know...they're cheeky little I'm sure they haven't left me ;) - Rachel Arthur Thank you to everyone who has supported this important initiative and continue to let others know... The Worm Whisperer - the place of information and support on all things Threadworm (Pinworm) with great eBook, resources and products to treat all worm conditions.!
12.01.2022 Got a Wriggling Appendix? In kids and adults with chronic infestations, Threadworm can set up residence in your appendix. And then the max! For the individual affected it 'feels', and to the doctors you visit it 'looks', just like a regular old, 'grumbling appendix' - a bit of lower abdomen pain, maybe some episodic bowel changes, perhaps you've even had to present at emergency and even had an x-ray and still been sent home. Nothing to see! But you know what??... Studies from all over the world, including America and Australia report that a percentage of patients undergoing appendectomy are 'full of worms' and that either... a) this was the source of their appendicitis (not bacteria which is normally the case) or b) that in fact they've just whipped out an appendix that was perfectly healthy..while the surgeons were there. BUT in fact your symptoms were all the result of worms doing what they do best, lower down in the bowel and therefore mimicking an appendicitis. The latter is referred to as a negative appendectomy...and it happens. At WW we've heard all sorts of horror stories in agreement with this research about kids having their appendix removed as a result of 'worms...don't let your loved ones be next! Learn as much as you can by getting our free eBook or purchasing our video presentation - Could it be worms? Check out the SHOP for audio's, video's and worm-busting products.
12.01.2022 IS OUR WORM NET FULL OF HOLES? In a word, Yes. Here are the thoughts and experiences of a Duty Scientist and Microbiologist who has worked in all the major pathology labs in Australia, when we asked about their experience with testing for worms, threadworm or otherwise...... "Oh my...our pathology handbook (a duty scientist's bible) doesn’t even have Ascariasis/roundworm in it! And for Enterobius, certainly some pathology labs recommend the sticky tape preparation method rather than faecal examination & if the sticky tape is presented to the lab, the sample is supposed to of course be applied to a microscopic slide...BUT in all my years of work I've never been sent one! In spite of Threadworm being the most common intestinal pathogen and a major cause of health issues in people, it really seems like as lab scientists we are told about this for completeness but it is pure theory. It's not being applied in general practice. I've worked in labs for over a decade and NEVER performed this test!" Have you got a story to share about your worms falling through the net? Make sure you download or free eBook so you can learn all the lesser-known signs and health problems associated with Threadworm and how to accurately DIY diagnose!
11.01.2022 Is it a bird? A shark? A cow?....A bacteria?...a totally synthetic molecule?? Yes when we talk about the beneficial effects of Chondroitin sulphate as an important defence against worms colonising your digestive system among other need to know that this one 'ingredient' can in fact be many different things, because the term Chondoitin sulphate actually refers to a 'family of molecules' that are all slightly different chemically. But both the source and the struct...ure can make a big difference and some are not as helpful nor as safe. So perhaps another example might be being told that you should eat some vegetables to improve your one person goes out and buys broccoli to eat and another some hot chips...because technically they're still vegetables, right? Right. And they're both still good for you, right? Ah...Wrong. So, in a nutshell a product listed as containing Chondroitin sulphate may be sourced from any of the species listed above or synthesised artificially in a lab, this changes safety and efficacy and its chemical structure will dictate if and where it works - not necessarily in the gut where you're hoping for. Our Anti-Critter Chondroitin sulphate Powder has been specially formulated with source, purity, structure and efficacy in the gut all taken into account. So there's no more guessing...and no more risk taking. Visit our SHOP page the Anti-Critter Chondroitin sulphate Powder for you to purchase with some other handy items like Neem Nail Biters and Nose Pickers Nasal Spray.
11.01.2022 APPENDICITIS... Could this be another result of a pinworm infestation? So, firstly, I would never say that this is the only cause for appendicitis. I am just saying that it may be a cause or a contributing factor. A research article suggests that as much as 1/4 of acute appendicitis was after histological review attributed to helminth infestations. Ask questions! And look into all avenues.
11.01.2022 Mythbuster - 'My butt’s not itchy, I don’t have worms!' Approximately 50% of cases of threadworms are asymptomatic, which means there are no symptoms! Nothing to alert you to the presence of these creepy critters, and this seems to be particularly common in men. So while most people recognise the classic symptom of threadworms - an itchy bottom at night - the absence of the itch is not proof of anything! EEK! So, if someone in your family is not keen to take the worm treatme...nt, when the rest of the family has to, because one of you has worms, and they say I don’t have worms, my butt’s not itchy!. Let them know that not everyone gets an itchy bottom. And if you need to call for back-up, you can show them a copy of our e-book. Then get them to skip to the section on accurate testing and threaten them with the sticky tape real proof! Sign up for our free e-book for other symptoms of Threadworms and the most reliable and accurate tests!
10.01.2022 You are not alone! nor are you an exception... everyone gets worms
10.01.2022 We here at the worm whisperer are often talking about boosting intestinal immunity. Now, how to do this is not always straight forward. One thing that can effect your intestinal permeability is IgG reactions to food. Test kits like the food detective may be indicated.
09.01.2022 Worms don't discriminate! It doesn't matter, who you are, what your socio-economic status can happen to you, your children and family.
09.01.2022 Exposure and Cleanliness: A discussion of cleanliness and how much is enough? Do you drive yourself crazy always cleaning and disinfecting your house? Children's toys? Bedlinen being changed daily? How is that going for you? These are all situations that we hear every day. Is it as effective for cutting the cycle as you have been told?... And the answer is probably not. The suggested cleanliness is: 1: Wear firm fitting cotton underwear to bed after a shower in the evening and change the underwear in the morning. 2: Change your sheets once a week, ensuring that the sheets are almost wrapped/folded when taking the sheets off the bed. This is to reduce the chances of flicking off the ova. 3: Wash your sheets in hot water and dry in the sun. 4: Ensure that hands are washed thoroughly before eating 5: Discourage nail biting and finger sucking The attached research articles discuss points of exposure: Via recycled water treatment, on the surfaces we touch and the food we eat. So the point then becomes to lower your exposure rate by using cleanliness, via the above suggestions and also about boosting the individuals' ability to "kick" off these freeloading parasites. Want to discuss your individual case? Feel free to book a consultation with our clinical worm whisperer.
09.01.2022 Fancy going Raw???? Never having to cook again!!! Who is with me?! MSM is a readily available nutrient and for individuals who only eat unpasteurized milk, raw fish, raw meats, uncooked and fresh vegetables, you are probably receiving enough naturally occurring MSM and do not require the additional supplemental of this nutrient. YAY for you! I would watch the food poisoning risk though... But for the rest of us, who don't eat raw meat and struggle to get the kids to even loo...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Testing for Pin Worms: The gold standard of testing for these often insidious parasites everyone will agree is the sticky tape test. Right?? But how effective is this actually?? This is something we have been doubting for awhile and after reading a research article we have some validation of our crazy worm theories. The research I am referring to was, unfortunately, performed on mice but gives us some interesting information that we can theorise will have similarities in h...uman models. This study discusses that this gold standard for testing is inadequate for testing and should not be what the basis of suspected eradication is founded on. These mice had been medicated on the prescribed drug and had undergone the recommended 2 rounds and had been shown clear by the sticky tape test. However, after autopsies where performed where found to be, still, full of parasites. This is actually what we have found in clinic, often signs and symptoms such as nocturia (night time frequent urination) itchy ears, urinary tract infection symptoms (without any present harmful bacteria like ecoli being able to be cultured), agitation and vaginal discharge, just to name a few are present. Even when the sticky tape test is performed and shows no ova from around the anus for 6 days running. So the take home message of this article is that there needs to be further testing performed to ensure that these little critters are gone! Https://
08.01.2022 Ok, so the below is rather heavy! However, understanding what agents to use and when is important... The use of Myrrh and Thyme in conjunction with anthelmintic drugs (this just means, drugs that kill parasites). The below study shows us that the use of these two herbs should definitely be explored when looking to eradicate long term or problematic parasites. Even though the study below doesn't discuss Pin Worms, the parasite, Trichinella, is commonly used as an experimental model to estimate the effect of many anthelmintic agents, both drug and natural.
08.01.2022 Over the counter worming treatments, are they safe? Here at WW Central we've been having a few questions about the over the counter (OTC) worming treatments you can buy. Some of you have been concerned about any nasty and long term effects on the body, especially the gut or liver. It’s great to see people are asking really good questions. Firstly, OTC worming medication in most countries is the pharmaceutical mebendazole which has less than 1% absorption from the gut. That m...eans it doesn't get into your body beyond your digestive system, which is just one long tube that it pops out the other end of! So no need to be concerned about the liver etc. Secondly, so far one great study in kids last year, suggests mebendazole's effect on the GIT microbiome (that's all your good guys you DON@T want to mess with) suggests using this actually improved the diversity and health of bacteria in the gut and that doesn’t surprise us at all! Because worms are not great for your neighbourhood, if you know what we mean! AND secondly what kills worms doesn't kill bacteria...that's where so many other 'natural worming treatments' go again...mebendazole not going to Rambo-style your good bugs there like anitbiotics do...just help out with some patients who need to 'clear the slate' and kick start the rest of their treatment. If you are using an OTC other than Mebendazole - you need to find out specifically about its bigger story and possible effects - you can book a consultation with us via our shop to do just that! And remember, you shouldn’t need to use OTC’s too many times, not if you’ve read and followed The Worm Whisperer eBook you can receive for free Worms, Where to Start? Follow the suggested treatments in the eBook and send these little critters to the moon! Go to the ‘Free eBook’ page on our facebook page to sign up for the eBook.
07.01.2022 Is your young daughter experiencing discharge but hasn't reached puberty yet? Are you thinking, or did a health practitioner suggest, it's just thrush. WRONG. Thrush doesn't occur prior to puberty...end of story. Back to the drawing board...and you know what is written on capital letters there? RULE OUT THREADWORM!!!!... One of more common explanations in this age group. your young son experiencing scrotal pain and you haven't found the answers to why? Read the same message on that drawing board guys...RULE OUT THREADWORM!!!! Because until we correctly identify the crittery culprit...a lot of time will be wasted on the wrong treatment approach. Sign up for the eBook to get more information on these little critters. Click the Sign up button on top of the page.
07.01.2022 WORM BUSTING....when they just won’t go away!! If the little critters are persisting, the following combination is a great step towards prevention: - Eradicating the digestive threadworm population... - Using the affectionately named 'Bum Barrier Ointment' which you apply around the perianal area (just a circle around the anal opening) in order to make it difficult for the worms to move too far outside of the digestive tract and also bind any eggs laid so they can not move back into the gut again and continue the cycle - Wearing fresh cotton underpants to bed, so that the eggs are less likely to end up on bed linen - Changing into fresh cotton underpants after a bath or hot washer to remove the Bum Barrier Ointment in the morning Our shop page will have the Bum Barrier Ointment for you to purchase with some other handy items like Neem Nail Biters and Nose Pickers Nasal Spray.
06.01.2022 AN EXTRA SPECIAL BEDTIME STORY... that won't send you or your children to sleep...Well not without nightmares! The journey of the Pinworm/Threadworm in your home, acted out with real actors and hilarious props!
06.01.2022 Deny all access and batten down the hatches!!! The whole idea that treating Enterobius vermicularis with any 1 oral agent whether that's pharmaceutical or natural is like...I don't being in a heavy weight final in a body suit filled with jelly!?!* ...something silly like that...... We need to 'batten down the hatches' so to speak, close every route for possible re-infection, treat the surrounds and the siblings and then...we're more likely to break the cycle and eradicate these cunning critters permanently. How do you do this - Step 1: Read our free eBook Step 2: Now read it again Step 3: Purchase the WW kit Step 4: Let the fight begin! Head to the SHOP page to purchase your WW kit here...
04.01.2022 Are Worms Causing Your Infertility? Pinworms are also called threadworms. They’re the most common type of intestinal worm infection in Australia and the U.S., and one of the most common in the world. Rachel Arthur discovered that many of her patients were infected with worms. She saw that worms migrated from the anus into the vagina, bladder and genital-urinary system. She also witnessed the havoc worms had on people’s health. With stool tests being a terribly inaccurate to...ol for diagnosis, she found assessment, diagnosis and treatment protocols that are helping many people affected. We discuss the misconception that worms are something someone picks up in a developing country. Learn how to assess if you are at risk and how you can regain your health and fertility. Enjoy this FREE recording of Rachel's interview
04.01.2022 Came across this great post on Instagram and I'm pretty sure there are a few people they will relate to this when discovering your kids have worms... "Putting my feet up after 3.5 hours of cleaning. My children are yet again infested with thread worm. Every toy, every book, every square inch has been washed, wiped and disinfected. I doubt I got them all. Sneaky eggs. I’m wondering if I can invest in some sort of domestic grade decontam unit. Zap the kids every time they come into my house." #lotsanots To find out all the things that need doing to eradicate these little wigglies, check out the free eBook. Go to the top of the page and hit 'sign up' to receive the link.
03.01.2022 Who SHOULDN'T Use Chondroitin Sulphate to build their Worm Resistance? Great question. So here's a list...if you're on it you need to find another way to remove the welcome mat for these guys * Individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease e.g. Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis... * Individuals who have a 'sulphur sensitivity' e.g. can't eat or drink things high in sulphur (such as conventional dried apricots, or red wine) because of a clear aggravation like headache, rash, upset digestion * Pregnant or breastfeeding women - there is no suggestion that it causes harm but no research to say it's safe that's a big unknown right there * Individuals who upon taking Chondroitin Sulphate appear to experience any kind of side-effect should also stop immediately * Kids under 2 - do you know what..for some unknown reason they are unlikely to be affected by Enterobius if you have a tiny one you think is affected you really need a professional opinion See the SHOP for other worm busting products or book a consult with The Worm Whisperer if need further support or you have more questions. Don't forget to sign up for the eBook that will tell you all about the worm story.
03.01.2022 Here's an article on how kids get pinworms with some examples of how easy it is for kids to spread this gross condition around.
03.01.2022 Why? Why me? Why do I or my family keep getting pinworms? or why do they keep coming back? The treatment of Pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis) requires a multifaceted approach. As it is a multifaceted problem. Things to consider are: 1. That the current medication prescribed has been used for many years, with no new medication being developed. This over time allows for these gastrointestinal nematodes, such as pinworm, to start to develop an immunity against them. W...hich then we have pinworms that are not susceptible to the prescribed medication anymore. 2. Individual susceptibility. Why do some people seem more susceptible than others? This can be caused by many factors, such as diet, lifestyle, the sex of the person, genetic and environmental exposures or even low levels of chondroitin sulphate. 3. The use of herbs and nutrients that also have an anthelmintic effect concurrently with the mainstream medication. These are designed to boost its effectiveness and increase the success rate of the treatment. The failure to look at all facets of this condition can set the patient up for failure. This is why we suggest booking a consultation with our Naturopaths that are specifically trained in this field so that they can look at your individual situation and together discuss the options available to you.
02.01.2022 Want to know more about worms? Our FREE eBook is an easy read. A handy and informative 44 page booklet introduces you to world of worms: the myths, the real signs and symptoms to watch for, the dos and don'ts for accurate detection and some top tips and places to start with breaking the cycle of chronic worm problems And you know what do to once you've finished reading? READ IT AGAIN... Seriously. Then buy yourself the WW kit and get you and your loved ones started on breaking the cycle Sign up and receive a FREE eBook... Where to Start: The Who, The What and The How of Threadworms.
02.01.2022 While in Australia we often refer to the little critters as Threadworms, other countries refer to them as 'Seat worms' and then another alias is 'Pinworms'. This US article talks about Pinworms (aka Threadworms...aka Little Critters) and how this intestinal pathogen infects up to half of children between the ages of 5 and 10, and is the most common parasitic infection in the U.S. There is a referral to the 'sticky tape' test which can be conducted by parents easily enough to get clearer about their presence and involvement in their health of their loved ones. Read more about this in our FREE eBook
01.01.2022 Wow! What a weekend at #minddinternationforum2018 talking Worms! Many of you were shocked that some sleep and behavioural issues can in fact be caused simply by these creepy critters and the new understanding that they can well and truly move in and set up camp in a body, without the typical warning of the itchy bottom. Myth busted! And what's more alarming, these worms have the ability to live in other parts of the body too...right?... Yes, after I got off the stage from speaking, I got to meet lots of parents who relayed similar stories: from bedwetting and urinary tract infection symptoms where in fact no one can find any bacteria to blame, to severely disturbed sleep, attention and defiance disorders, to girls with chronically sore or irritated vajayjays. And these shared tales, were not just about our kids. Adults are not immune and often present with the most unusual and harder to recognise symptoms. We need to identify everyone affected and truly break the cycle. Thank you for's stop the sharing, among loved ones, of these cunning critters!
01.01.2022 [Cue Jaws-like theme music]...Introducing Threadworm (aka Pinworm and Seatworm)....It's true identity can now be revealed and it is Enterobius vermicularis. And here are some of the biggest myths that have been going around for years and making affected people's lives miserable... A) it only happens to kids B) it only happens to dirty kids C) it only happens to poor people with poor hygiene... D) you only get them in the butt or, E) you get them from your pets F) None of the above matters...because a simple over the counter worming tablet will fix every Threadworm issue And all of these are absolute nonsense!! So we want you to know more about these little wiggly things that could be making your life and the lives of your loved ones unnecessarily challenging!! Sign up for the eBook to get more information on these little critters. Click the Sign up button on top of the page.
01.01.2022 It is quite incredible the impact on mood and behaviour?! It is hard for many to conceive how dramatic this can be and this great feedback I received from one of my clients says it all... "I can't believe the difference!! The child we thought we had and the child we have now since the worms have finally been resolved, are two very different people. Even my husband can’t believe the difference this has made to our son’s moods and behaviour and to our families wellbeing overall
01.01.2022 It won't happen overnight BUT it will happen!! So many people message us with truly awful stories about families battling these little critters, made harder, in the absence of support & understanding from their primary health professionals. Well we wanted to share some feedback and let you know, there is a light at the end of the tunnel....and no that is NOT a euphemism for the torch test! Here's some feedback from one of our clients... 'Prior to your help it has been a year... without a break from worms for a 6 year old girl and a complete nightmare of invasive investigations and misdiagnoses from thrush to psychological issues. We've been diligently doing the protocol as you suggested and wow it's been a couple of months now and not a worm in sight!" There's no quick fix, no one magic pill to break the cycles and prevent any reinfection occurring ever again, but a tailored targeted and evidence based approach complete with empathy and understanding from the Worm Whisperer team is your best chance for success! Check out our eBook! See the sign up button at the top of the page.
01.01.2022 'My child has really bad behaviour issues and I can't figure out why'. Does this sound familiar to you? You've tried to seek help to find the cause and still you have no answers. I've got one word for you....WORMS. ... Yep.....worms is one of the common causes for irritability and mood changes in children. And here is what one client said after they successfully treated their child...."I can't believe the difference!! The child we thought we had and the child we have now since the worms have finally been resolved, are two very different people." So download the FREE ebook to find out more, check out the shop for products to help break the cycle of threadworm or book a 60 min consultation for extra support.
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