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22.01.2022 Kiwis kicking goals: John and Hailey share what they learned from their strategy session today and how our 4 step coaching program is helping them develop a clear plan, build their skills so they can achieve their objectives faster and help their family

21.01.2022 SPECIAL PODCAST: John Pidgeon is one of Australia's top property commentators plus the founder of Solvere and my millennial property podcast. I caught up with John for a chat and to share some of the key principles and philosophies that have guided us on our property and coaching journey, enjoy. [my millennial property] 311 aligning property purchases with your goals (with guest David Neradil) #myMillennialProperty via @PodcastAddict

20.01.2022 #xyzpropertytip - BANK RULES! Since the royal commission and the economies 2020 trauma banks have made it even harder for small business people to build their assets. Currently banks not only want to see 2 years of strong financials they now wanting to see your quarterly BAS statments as well. If you taken Jobkeeper your also likely to have your loan pushed back until they see new consistent income. Banks are also looking much more deeply into your personal spending and circu...mstances and tracking ever time you tap and spend which can greatly reduce your borrowing power as all the previous cash spending is now visable. Proactive things you can do and some banks are asking for is to complete a budget and have written goals. Buy providing these items it will give the bank much more confidence your incontrol of your money, have good buffers and a clear and focused on what you are trying to achieve. So no doubt the process is a bit harder but don't let that deter you as Interest rates and repayment levels have never been so low. For those who persist there is $10,000s of free cash you can apply for and boost your deposit and fast track track your first purchase. Don't miss the opportunity to get your home or first investment as supply's definitely tight in most areas in SE Qld and land in keys area is limited so we are still seeing good growth in specific areas.

20.01.2022 #motivation This is the time of year to reflect on what you want to achieve for 2021 and review your finances after a period of holidays and for most a period of indulgence. The good news is that if you looking to buy your first property be that a home or investment you probable already have the deposit and just don't know it. So many clients i have worked with think they will have to rent forever yet within 18 months or less we been able to rearrange their finance and create a money managment plan and make the house a reality. There is no better time to buy with rates so low and lots of free money if you put a clear plan together you can avoid the key mistakes and have your own home

19.01.2022 Interesting story from my good friend Adam, the only financial planner I would trust and a great storyteller and always some great insights, read this one re crypto.... The Dinner Party You’ve just finished the main meal and you can feel the mood around the table begin to loosen up a bit....Continue reading

18.01.2022 It was a lovely day yesterday for last day of work this year. It was actually not work and more like social catchups. So many people that started as clients are now long term friends. Its been awesome to see them on their journey and see their family grow. Its certainly a privilage to be connected to so many cool people. Have a fantastic Christmas and new year and looking forward to an awesome 2021

18.01.2022 A real christmas story, Bill and Mary can finally get their home in Pacific Pines. For many years they had dreamed of getting their own home but when ever they went to the banks and found out about what was required they always fell short on having enough deposit and the repayments where to high. So what's changed? A big one is interest rates meaning that their monthly repayments even paying principal and interest is approx $100 less than renting the same property. Even i...Continue reading

16.01.2022 IS IT YOUR GOAL TO GET YOUR OWN HOME IN 2021? How many moving pieces are part of making your first property purchase a reality? How many different parties do you need to deal with to make the purchase viable? Bill and Mary where looking for their first property but with limited experience they underestimated the time, knowledge and expertise needed to make a successful purchase possible. They found there where so many pitfalls they didnt know particullay with finance that... stopped them being able to buy. One of their key mistakes was believing a PRE-APPROVAL for finance equalled a guaranteed loan approval. They went to the bank they been with for years but when they actually found a property the bank wouldn't lend them enough for the purchase and wanted a larger deposit which they didn't have. The whole situation has created a lot of stress and wasted energy for no result. The last thing they want is to buy the WRONG property and get to emotional as they are hoping to use their home for the spring board to get their first investment property. Bill and Mary have now decided to invest some time and money on building their skill and knowledge so they can avoid costly mistakes and get their home sooner after the false start in 2020. If you looking to buy your home in 2021 or investment property keep and eye out for my FREE training posts. They will be short, educational and help build your skill set to you can have a smooth ride on your way to being a property owner.

15.01.2022 Market update, some good insights from my close friend John at Solvere.

13.01.2022 TAX DEDUCTIONS, COULD THERE BE A WORSE REASON TO BUY AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY? I am not sure about you but after working with over 1000 students in the last 20 plus years I haven't met anyone who wanted to just work in a job and wait for a pension. The most common reason most people start property investing is to pay there home mortage off faster, set up other streams of cashflow, create a more secure future and help their kids. Tax Deductions is never a reason to buy its a side benefit and only if your strategy happens to lean towards new property. Lets look deeper, in a normal interest rate market of 5% plus and purchases of property above $500k most new properties are losing money. Would you buy a business that's negative cashflow? The only way you get positive cashflow is after a tax refund to bring it back into balance. Since 2017 this is no longer possible with existing properties only brand new so you carry the shortfall. Q - Why would you buy a brand new property when its the highest price and biggest debt. You paid the developer, builder, marketeer and their no equity left for you so now you just have to hope it goes up. You can't build equity from add value its down to time and your not in control. How can you ever get your time back where you now locked into a strategy to keep slogging away at work to get a tax benefit based off owning a negative cashflow asset? Low interest rates won't last forever.....what do you do then? Worse than that this negative cashflow reduces your ability to get a loan for another property which is why 70% of property investors get stuck at 2 purchases and never get to build a portfolio and get the true benefits of property. There is a 4 step solution: - You need to develop a solid foundation before you even consider buying. - You need to have a specialized finance structure that matches your objective. - You need to utilise the most effective strategy at the time inline with the market opportunity and your investor profile. - You need an acquisitions plan to build a portfolio that's inline with your end goals and brings in cashflow.

11.01.2022 THE BUSINESS OWNER CONUNDRUM - Is it smart as a business owner to buy assets and invest in property or roll all your cash back into the business? I suppose it comes down to the answer to this question? Are you working in your passion and do so for love or are you working to create income and have cashflow for your life and your business is just a vehicle? ... Neither approach is wrong but each option has a very different strategy attached and outcome Do you want passive income so you don't need to work or are you happy to work till retirement age exchanging time for money? What is the trap? Most self employed people have a goal to pay virtually no tax. This means they can never get approval for lending to build their assets. As a result of always having to reinvest capital back into the business they struggle to build a deposit and have no time. Is this you? Is there another way? YES, YOU NEED A PLAN. A clear strategy to setup your business in the correct entity which will give you the option to distribute your income more favorable and pay less tax. Then a specific plan to build your income for lending A four step system to lay a safe foundation before looking for your property. Choosing the right property that will make you money, cater to your personal needs and create further equity to build your portfolio. The skill, knowledge and support so manage your properties, pay off your home loan faster and create residual income so you can work when you want doing something you love.

11.01.2022 WHERE SHOULD YOU BUY YOU NEXT PROPERTY? If you looking to make a purchase for your home or investment is it best to buy where you live or where you can make money? is there a middle road? Scenario 1. Traditionally most people buy there home where they live and work. As a result they create a bad debt that brings in no income, has no tax offsets and has higher repayments. The real issue is the mortgage over 30 years that keeps them a slave to debt as most people have little... cash left after tax and living costs to pay extra. These people rarely purchase an investment property. Scenario 2. Rent where you love and buy an investment property where you make money. This has always been the smartest approach as with higher interest rates your rent was much less than a principle and interest mortgage. You got to live in the area that suits work and lifestyle and have more cash for things you want. The investment property would give you extra income at retirement. Scenario 3. The middle road today with interest rates at an all time low. Be strategic when buying your home, choose a location where you can make money by buying well or have a property that offers add value potential to create extra equit. Take advantage of any grants offering free money or rebates so you only need a small deposit. Recycle the equity and purchase your next investment property and use the rents to pay down you home loan faster. Having a plan - Many of our clients are on track to pay off the home loan in half the time and now have a portfolio of 2 to 6 properties, pay virtually no tax and will be able to retire early. Which scenario is yours? Do you want better options? This is the time of year to start asking those questions and start investing in yourself, your knowledge or getting some help

08.01.2022 #GuruPropertyTip: The 4 S's you need to understand before you buy your home or investment property, STATUS, SPEED, SUPPLY, STRATEGY and the SECRET! STATUS: This is a feel of the market at the time your looking. This is based on sentiment, what people think is happening whether its accurate or not combined with market drivers and state of the economy. SPEED: This aspect reflects which cycle the property market has entered. Is it a sliding market after a massive peak, has the... market plateaued with little activity, is it in recovery phase and starting to pick up or is it overheated and heading up fast. This is crucial to understand as it massively impacts your purchase price and you don't want to pay over the market SPEED: Is all about supply and demand and measured by your micro drivers. These drivers are auction clearance rates, level of discounting and time on the market. This area is what most people get wrong as they buy at the worst time and wonder later why the price of their property hasnt increased. STRATEGY: There are dozens of different property strategies to make money. The key is using the Right Strategy and the Right Time. Even when you are buying your first property if you overcapitlise or get emotional that error can impact you for years, effect your cashflow and limit your lifestyle. The SECRET: INVEST IN YOURSELF FIRST TO DEVELOP YOUR KNOWLEDGE & SKILL. Work with coaches & experts who have the experience you lack to avoid costly mistakes and build a plan following the Key 4 steps before you ever start shopping for a property, this should be the last action not the first. This is what we do at #thexylemzone as Strategic coaches after teaching over 1000 students for over 20 years

08.01.2022 Hi Folks, I have got a webinar on tonight, "How to Buy 5 Properties in 5 years" without a get rich quick approach. I know many in this group have achieved that result or are well on the way. Feel free to jump on or share with any friends or family you think could be intersted and are open to learning. Its on live Tuesday 7pm tonight EST.... The post is below and they need to register via the zoom link included. Hope your all well and catchup soon. Regards David

03.01.2022 #xyzpropertytip - BUYING POWER, of all the principles you need to understand when starting your property journey this concept is the most important. Invest in your skill own skill to help create the future you truly desire

02.01.2022 XYZ PROPERTY TIPS: LVR - Understanding this principle could be the difference between being able to buy your first property or not. Many people start to look for their home without the knowledge around finance and it can cost them $10,000s. This short educational video will ensure you are informed and can make a more effective plan to make your first property a reality.

01.01.2022 COULD OWNING A PROPERTY PORTFOLIO WITH 10 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES BE A NEGATIVE? Absolutely, its like having a second job and you spend your time doing lots of admin (fortunately my wife helped there) and managing countless issues. One of the biggest challenges is having a balanced property portfolio that lines up with your personal goals that increases cashflow, give you some tax offsets and chunks of equity to pay down bad debt. Over the years I met 2 couples that had 16... and 20 properties in their control. They where what you call true blue renovators, they love getting in and getting dirty and turning these old properties around. If became their identity and its what they did instead of a job. They where also old school and didn't like the idea of selling anything. They wanted to keep properties for retirement and help their kids. Nothing wrong in the sentiment but it all went wrong. The flaw to their strategy was they bought everything not only in one state but in one suburb. They lived in the area and so where familiar with the market, knew the micro drivers, best and worst streets. This is a fatal mistake many investors make to only buy in their own backyard. The bigger issues where they didn't understand finance so had all their loans with one bank cross-collaterised. Unfortunately the market dived and they had used up all their cash doing reno's. As a result of wanting to avoid paying tax everything was cash and their declared income was low. Even though they had equity in their portfoilo they couldn't release it due to low servicability and banks not taking their full rents as income. They had limited personal cashflow and needed to start selling. Now the marketing was sliding so the worst time to offload and asset. Even worse the banks now considered them high risk and even if they made a profit on a sale the banks took the funds to lower their overall debt ratio. These folks where pushing sixty and saw their retirement plan disappear because they didn't understand key principles around cycles, structuring finance and managing risk. These are the same mistakes so many people still make today. There are 3 key phases and you need to understand what to do at each. 1. ACQUISITIONS, when your buying and you may go in and out of this step multiple times. 2. BUSINESS, this is when you need to learn how to hold and manage a portfolio. Its much harder than buying and most investor's dont enjoy it but it crucial to your long term success. 3. TRANSITION, at this stage you shift growth assets for better blue chip and cashflow properties. You sell some of your older trading properties and reduce your number of properties and debt levels. Now you want your time back and to have some fun after the years of hard work. This is ultimately the true purpose of building a portfolio, to create the life you truly desire whatever that looks like for you .

01.01.2022 WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE A MASTER OF MONEY? There are 4 KEY STEPS you can learn that will put you in control of your money WITHOUT having to complete a daily BUDGET This system will also help you manage your finances better and build a PLAN to get RID OF BAD CONSUMER DEBT that can drains all your cash and instead create a safer future 2 families, 2 different stories? one family has consequences, the other has choices! which one represents where you are today? which scenario ...would you like to create? Both couples have similiar income, are on the same tax brackets and pay the same cost for shelter yet one family has more money!? Both couples want to start a family and buy there own home and get out of the rent TRAP. They all want better choices for the future other than just having till work till 70 for a pension. They would love to help their kids get a kick start to life. In both cases there parents taught them how to work hard but didn't teach them how to manage money, use debt wisely or how to invest. The TIPPING POINT: One couple continued to put their head in the sand and not acknowledge the fact that they spend more than they make and have no buffers to fall back on if things change. The other couple thought deeply about their life and dreams, outlined their goals and realised they needed to change, learn new skills and break out of patterns of behaviour and create new habits to realise their objectives. They took action and now have paid off all the bad debt on their home, own two investment properties, have increased their cashflow becuase they manage there money better and have tax deduction from their properties and now can work less and get back some time to spend with family. Have you reached your Tipping point and realised you need help and its time to invest in yourself and build new skills. If you have just know you can create any outcome you desire if you have the focus, willpower and committment to your dream. You probable have all the right ingrediants and they just are setup in the right way to get your outcome, we can help with that

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