The Zestful Way | Community
The Zestful Way
Phone: +61 407 806 494
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23.01.2022 A great little reminder for us all.
23.01.2022 Want to try out our free online yoga me for the link!! Di at [email protected] Classes run every Wednesday at 4pm. Aimed at lower primary aged kids but anyone can join in. Sessions are simple and fun and create an opportunity for kids to connect to their peers. #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #kidsinteraction #kidsyogaisfun
21.01.2022 We are back for term 2! Get in touch if your mini would like to try out a class for free! #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses #kidsyogacreatesconfidence #term2kidsyogaclasses #kidsyogaisfunyoga
20.01.2022 Yes we are starting our FREE online sessions back up again! These are aimed at lower primary and start next week! Email Di at [email protected] to receive the link #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #kidsonlineyogaclasses #kidsyogaisfun
20.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who came on to my zoom session this week! So lovely to see some familiar faces and meet some new ones. If you would like to register for our free kids your online sessions please email Di at [email protected] we are running then at 4pm every Wednesday. #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #onlinekidsyoga #connectingkids #torquaykidsyogateacher #spreadtheword
19.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who made it on to my class this morning, you guys made my day! Amazing to see so many faces jump on and have some yoga fun with me. Next week will be on Tuesday at 8.30am. For anyone else wanting to come and join us please email Di at [email protected] #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #onlinekidsyogaisfun #growingyogisrock
19.01.2022 The other day I heard a story of how a simple ‘how are you?’ really brightened the day of someone who was feeling under appreciated, under heard and quite low. We all go through life and deal with struggles at some point. During this time life can seem tough and our emotions can be all over the place. A simple gesture of kindness can make a world of difference in our day. We won’t know of the struggles a lot of people are going through, so if there is one thing you can be every day, is be kind, because you don’t know how powerful your actions/words can be #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #kidsyogaclassestorquay #kindnessmatters
18.01.2022 I came across this little gem with some great ideas that I thought I’d share. Ways of calming down doesn’t always need to be meditating or breathing deeply. Try out multiple to see what works for you! #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses #waystocalmdown #findwhatworksforyou #kidsyogateacher
16.01.2022 Love a good refreshing beach exploration on a chilli winter’s day. Very grateful for where we live and the outdoor opportunities we have all around us. #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses
16.01.2022 Classes are back this week! Places still available to book in for a free trial
15.01.2022 Monday saw us have our last class for the term. While we only managed 3 weeks before lockdown, we made sure our last session was one to remember...we introduced disco lights! We used them throughout the class in many ways and finished with a calming, sensory relaxation. Now putting plans into place for some online kids yoga sessions starting next week, stay tuned for details! #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #lastsessionbeforelockdown
13.01.2022 Week 3 starts tomorrow at 8.30am! If you would like to come and join in our yoga fun please email Di at [email protected] to register your interest. #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #kidscanstillhavefun #kidsyogaonline
12.01.2022 Every week I teach my growing yogis a different way to relax. Finger mazes are a great way to distract a busy mind and calm down. #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #fingermazes #relaxationtechniques #kidsyogatorquay
11.01.2022 At the moment we are running FREE online kids yoga sessions! If you have ever wondered what they are like, now is the best time to find out!! Email Di at [email protected] to receive the link! #thezestfulwaykidsyogaonlineclasses #kidsyogaonline #onlinekidsyogaclass
11.01.2022 This week we have learnt about power poses and the amazing effect they can have on our emotions. Our classes are all about understanding the connection between our body and mind. #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #torquaykidsyoga #powerpose #wonderwoman #bodymindconnection
10.01.2022 I’ve been very quiet on the social media front lately but that does not mean I’ve been quiet behind the scenes. I’m just waiting a little longer before I make the decision about term 3 yoga. I am crossing every part of my body and hoping we can recommence in some capacity. I will let you know as soon as possible. If you have any queries please let me know. #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses #kidsyogaclassestorquay
10.01.2022 Last online session this Wednesday (16th Sept) it will be full of fun, come and join us!
06.01.2022 In this weeks session we talked about our invisible buckets and how important it is to fill not only our own but others too. It is super important in these times that we take the time to be kind and caring to each other. A simple smile or wave could really fill someone’s bucket and brighten their day, which in turn will fill our own. Have you filled someone’s bucket today? #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #torquaykidsyoga #fillingbuckets #kindandcaring #kidsyogaismorethanjustposes
05.01.2022 Oh my, this is one of my most favourite photos from the term that was. This photo while blurry and not perfect, captures everything I love about our kids yoga classes...connection, interaction and fun! #thezestfulwaykidsyoga #kidsconnection #kidsyogaisfun #torquaykidsyoga #torquaykidsyogateacher
04.01.2022 This week’s age 6+ session was all about balance! We practiced our balancing poses, we created our own balancing poses and we balance ourselves from within with a chakra balance relaxation practice. Looking forward to the 6 and under’s session tomorrow with an exciting yoga journey. You are still able to join our online sessions, just email Di at [email protected] for the link. #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses #kidsyogaonline #kidsyogaisfun
02.01.2022 For the past 7 weeks I have been running some online kids yoga sessions on zoom. And while they have looked a little different than our normal classes they were still full of smiles, visual connection and fun! With school returning next week for some I have decided to end those classes due to logistical challenges. Thank you to all of you that jumped on to my sessions throughout the 7 weeks, it was so lovely to see so many happy kids and a great way to start my day. Normal classes are still on hold for the time being, but I am hopeful of a term 3 start in some sort of capacity. #thezestfulwaykidsyogaclasses
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