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Ray Behan in Perth, Western Australia | Education

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Ray Behan

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 6364 0371


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22.01.2022 Are the people around you, those who love and like you, the very people who are subconsciously adding to your limited self perceptions, encouraging you to struggle financially, telling you to say single or remain in your toxic relationship, keeping you limited? Here's why.

21.01.2022 Relationship Issues? Try Solfeggio Frequency 396hz Here’s a point you should not miss. Have you been attracting any of these types of people into your life for some time? (Note: nothing you are about to read is based on supposition. This is science)...Continue reading

21.01.2022 Are you living your life by the design of other people? If so, why? But more importantly, how can you divorce yourself from living a life you don't want to live? I call it, the "Indoctrinated Imnagination". It's a epiphenomenon to be raised.

13.01.2022 WARNING: This is going to challenge the fact that you were ever in love in the first place. Recently we talked about the possibility that you may have married the most negative trait of your most negative parent. Why? Because your negative parent FORCED you, inadvertently by their negative actions to develop characteristics to ‘survive’ or cope with, being their negativity. These traits, that you develop, end up as pathways of memorised strengths in the super subconscious brain. This brain, realising the power of the characteristics, will make sure you marry that negative trait as an adult. Why? Because the trait serves you. Now, I want to question the fact that you believe you love your partner. Here we go The Chemical of Love We’ve all experienced that feeling we experience when we declare to ourselves that we have found the ‘love of our life’. Each time we think of the person’s name, each time we see them, every time someone mentions their name, or we see a photo, we feel an emotional response in the body that expresses itself as warm, comfortable, and hearty. One of the chemicals responsible for delivering this feeling is called oxytocin. The moment our phone rings and we see that the call is coming from the person who we deem to be the love of our life, the image creates a thought and the oxytocin chemical is released. The oxytocin is then delivered to the body to give us that feeling of warmth and love again. This emotional adventure can continue for a lifetime, a year, or any length of time. As long as we keep producing the chemical we keep convincing ourselves that we are in love, right? Are you sure? Well, during this adventurous journey through our lives, if the flow of chemicals stops, we tell ourselves that we are no longer in love with that person. Why? Because we no longer FEEL it. Therefore, were we ever at any stage, actually in love with the person? Or, were we just in love in the anticipation of the oncoming emotion, oxytocin, produced by the memorised thoughts of the person who we have declared our love for? So, was it the person, or has it always been the chemical that gave us the love feeling in the first place? Are we in love with things and people, or chemicals and emotions?

11.01.2022 SHIFT SNIPPET OF THE DAY Did you know that if you change your tribe, you'll change your life? Look at everyone in your life and attracted each one of them. This is the science of vibrational frequencies. Therefore, to change your tribe, divorce yourself from naysayers, escape negative personalities, disconnect from toxic people...simply alter the frequency you emit, and watch as they literally 'disappear' from your life.

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