Thomastown Neighbourhood House in Thomastown, Victoria | Community organisation
Thomastown Neighbourhood House
Locality: Thomastown, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 8376 6939
Address: 52 Main Street Thomastown 3074 Thomastown, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1088
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23.01.2022 Its time to ask R U OK? if youve noticed a change, no matter how small . . . ask them if theyre OK? By acting as eyes and ears and reaching out to anyone whos going through a tough time, you can show them theyre supported and encourage them to get help sooner.
23.01.2022 Reminder that this training is also on today.
23.01.2022 R U OK? Conversations in the Community - To The Guys At The Mens Shed, Thank You for Sharing.
22.01.2022 The fundamentals of organic gardening The condition of soil ...
22.01.2022 Live Music for Kids & Family today ... Zoom Video Link @ Bringing Up Kids Expo Online Wednesday 9th of September - 11.00am AEST Event by Whittlesea Unites (Facebook page). For more information contact Family Services Officer on 03 9404 8865 or email [email protected] See more
22.01.2022 What are you doing today at 11.00am? Zoom Video Link Meeting ID: 833 4309 9370 Passcode: 359007
19.01.2022 16 Days of Activism Women Helping Women "The most important thing you can do is to listen without judging, respect her decisions, and help her to find ways to become stronger and safer." Source:
19.01.2022 Vacant to Vibrant Program A program looking to match vacant shops with the perfect business and bring life to the City of Whittlesea’s local shopping strips. Our local council want to assist the local business community - and find the "right mix of local shops for each community area, and ensure residents can continue to shop locally.... To find out more about the Vacant to Vibrant program Participate or listen in on this information session on Next Thursday 19th of November at 10.00am. To obtain an invitation (Zoom Live Video) contact The City of Whittlesea via email to - [email protected] or call 03 9217 2492.
19.01.2022 Coffee and poems! What more could you want on this fine day
19.01.2022 National Organic Week check out some information and communication from National Organic Week, celebrate and appreciate organic produce
18.01.2022 Creative Arts Practitioners of Whittlesea - CAPOW workshops happening this week. If you need guidance navigating digital media, City of Whittlesea may be able to help you and its FREE! Registration booking required for each workshop. For more information email [email protected] ... Call 03 9217 2377 National Relay Service 133 677 (ask for 9217 2377) Telephone Interpreter service 131 450 See more
18.01.2022 Whittlesea Community Farm Wollert (planning session) Whittlesea Community Connections & Whittlesea Food Collective are inviting you to an information-sharing session, to let local people/groups know what is in the works for the Community Farm in Wollert. Next Thursday the 19th of November Registration is free.... Starts at 6pm. See more
18.01.2022 Artists call out for 2020 to 2021 The City of Whittlesea produces events of different sizes and types both live events and online. If you are interested in participating contact [email protected]
17.01.2022 Need answers . . . how about Life Advice. Danny Diesendorf (of Melbourne Playback Theatre Co) has set up a panel of characters who act as experts of life, who attempt to solve peoples problems. You can submit your dilemma and the panel of Life Advice will attempt to provide you with a public response.... Experts of Life Advice will try to meet demand, however not all problems can be addressed (Warning, they do not always offer sound or sensible advice). To submit your dilemma for some "advice" from Life Advice contact [email protected] or SMS 0437 920 593 and sit tight as you wait for some Life Advice.
17.01.2022 Does my child need a second year of kindergarten? All children are different, no matter what experiences children have before they arrive at school, they will have developed a range of skills and abilities that form the basis for learning and teaching. Read more here: or visit the Education Departments website
16.01.2022 Communication Development of Children - Information session for parents & carers of children aged from birth to 3 years. When - Thursday 10th of September at 10.00am AEST. Facilitator - DPV Health - speech pathology department (overview of communication for children). Online - session is free via booking only at: More information See more
16.01.2022 A special once-off Pranayama (breathing exercises) class exploring the link between breath, mind and body. Next Saturday 26th of September 5pm.
16.01.2022 Remembering September 11th On the morning of Wednesday 12th of September 2001 Australia woke to the news that United States had suffered devastating terrorist attacks ... at that stage nobody knew the extent of the carnage ... The attacks started late evening Tuesday 11th September Australian time. By then most Australian newspapers had gone to print, that is except for The Courier in Ballarat Victoria.
16.01.2022 Fix it Friday - this week. Get your problems ready . . . Ask for help over the phone call Whittlesea Community House 03 9716 3361 on Friday 18th of September between 10am and 1pm.
15.01.2022 Even though we (Melbourne) are in Covid-19 lockdown, Women (especially women) need to maintain routine medical check ups. General information on routine health checks for women.
15.01.2022 Today is Australia Reads Day. Join us for free coffee and poems!
15.01.2022 Get Ready for Fix it Friday ... phone in this Friday 18th of September for help with your problems, issue or other situations on 03 9716 3361. Calls will taken this Friday at Whittlesea Community House between 10am and 1pm. #fixitfriday
15.01.2022 Aussie Olympian, Caroline Anderson ... an insight into her way of coping with change and more via Jean Hailes for Womens Health.
15.01.2022 Your temporary home office, can it be healthier and more relaxing?
15.01.2022 Sustainable House Day - Sunday 20th of September. Visit homes around Victoria or even Australia wide (virtually). These houses are leading green sustainable homes. They are cheaper to run and are more comfortable to live in. To see these (environmentally friendly) homes, you will need to register before this Sunday.... For questions about Sustainable House Day (virtual event) send a message via website or call 03 9631 5421.
14.01.2022 RMIT - career & self development workshops free delivered by RMIT via Eventbrite Checkout some of the career counselling workshops, presented in collaboration with leadership consulting firm; Organisations That Matter. Further Information: Visit Eventbrite or contact [email protected]
14.01.2022 Speech & Hearing - signs and symptoms of hearing loss in children of all ages. Information Session online via booking. Thursday 10th of September 2020 at 11.00am AEST. Facilitated by DPV Health - Audiology department. See more
13.01.2022 Community Group Support Grant (program) The Community Group Support Grant is a one-time opportunity grant (fund amount) obtainable via the City of Whittlesea. Funding of up to $2,000 is available to support Community Groups (located in the City of Whittlesea) to reconnect with the Community by resuming pre-COVID activities or transitioning to new ways of operating (e.g. online programs and resources). ... Information, guidelines and application are now available on Councils website. Contact the Community Development Grants Officer on 9217 2397 or email [email protected] if you require more detail.
12.01.2022 Collectively Caring for Climate. This project is about awareness of climate change and how people can individually and collectively help mitigate its effect through their Art. There will be an online gallery and exhibition of the artworks produced by residents of City of Whittlesea. This exhibition and online gallery will take place at the City of Whittlesea offices. Dates of the exhibition (online gallery) to be announced.
11.01.2022 World Ozone Day 16th of September The ozone layer is vital to life on earth. The ozone layer is a protective shield that blocks the suns harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching the earths surface. Spread awareness of this issue and do what you can to help protect our world. #WorldOzoneDay #Ozoneforlife
11.01.2022 Great Southern Bioblitz (By the City of Whittlesea) Nature At Your Fingertips. What do you have around you? Do you know what it is? Take a photo and make brief notation.... You can record as many plants and animals as you like. You dont need to know the details of what you have observed, simply upload a photo to the iNaturalist app with any detail you can add. To join this project, download the iNaturalist app, sign up, and join the project called Whittlesea - Great Southern Bioblitz. You will need to record your findings between 25 and 28 September via this app/project. This activity can be done in your own backyard, on your daily walk around your neighbourhood, if you live near a reserve, park or open space, see whats around (within 5km of your home). Visit or download the iNaturalist app. For more information, contact [email protected]
10.01.2022 Financial Assistance Session - Next Monday 30th of November . See this via live Zoom Video Communication
09.01.2022 Australian Citizenship Day today the 17th of September. Australian citizenship ceremonies are held nationwide. The date of 17 September was chosen because it is the anniversary of renaming of the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 to the Australian Citizenship Act 1948. #australiancitizenship
09.01.2022 Fix it Tomorrow! Get some help by calling Whittlesea Community House Friday 18th of September on 03 9716 3361 from 10.00am
09.01.2022 Womens Health Week ambassador and psychologist, Aussie Olympian - Caroline Anderson discusses ways to nurture good mental wellbeing.
09.01.2022 Self Care September (guide) Today, Saturday 12th suggestion is to allow yourself to take breaks . . .
08.01.2022 16 Days of Activism Day Three Reporting Workplace Sexual Harassment in Australia Fewer than One in Five People (17%) made a formal report or complaint about workplace sexual harassment in 2018. Almost one in five people who did report, were labelled "troublemaker" (19%) others were ostracised, victimised, or ignored by colleagues (18%) people resigning (17%). Source: #CallItOut #standtogether #orangetheworld See more
07.01.2022 Whittlesea Disability Network - WDN For people with disabilities and carers. City of Whittlesea has an online newsletter - WDN News. There is also a private Facebook group - WDN Monthly meetings - Whittlesea Disability Network meeting (currently online).... Get this information by contacting Access Team on Email- [email protected] or phone 03 9217 2429. For more information on the Whittlesea Disability Network visit:
07.01.2022 R U OK? Theres more to say after asking someone if they are OK?
06.01.2022 Parks and Outdoor Playgrounds are now open again. Can you spot any new parks that have opened whilst we have been in lockdown? The new Linear Reserve playground which is complete with shelters, picnic seating, basketball key and ring, active playspace and even a flying fox! (Park location - runs between Macedon Parade and Yann Drive, Wollert). Remember: stick to your 5km zone, adhere to social distancing regulations, take hand sanitiser. Public facilities such as toilets and drinking fountains may not be operating. Please stay home if you are not feeling well.
04.01.2022 Sustainable House Day - Nillumbik Trail - Online Q&A with home owners Saturday 19th Sep starts at 9.00am AEST This is a series of on Zoom video meetings, from participating homes/homeowners of Sustainable Houses (Day) 2020. Each Zoom meeting will run for 30 minutes, you can attend as many homes as you like. ...
04.01.2022 Need answers . . . how about Life Advice? Danny Diesendorf (of Melbourne Playback Theatre Company) has set up a panel of characters who act as experts of life, who attempt to solve peoples problems. You can submit your dilemma and the panel of Life Advice will attempt to provide you with a public response.... Experts of Life Advice will try to meet demand, however not all problems can be addressed (Warning, they do not always offer sound or sensible advice). To submit your dilemma for suggestions & advice from Life Advice contact [email protected] or SMS 0437 920 593 and sit tight as you wait for some Life Advice.
03.01.2022 Whittlesea Community Connections Financial Assistance Information Sessions (online) Get more information regarding government Utility Relief Grant. Learn about resources to help save on your gas, electricity or water bills/expenses.... Sessions are in multiple languages Monday 30th November, English: 9:30 10:30am Urdu/Hindi: 11 am 12noon Tuesday 1st December, Farsi: 11:30am 12:30pm Arabic: 1 2pm Wednesday 2nd December, Wednesday Nepali: 9:30 10:30am Punjabi: 11 am 12noon For inquiries and booking, please contact Hassan at (03) 9401 6666 Meeting ID: 826 0359 3140 Passcode: 831790
03.01.2022 16 Days of Activism Day Four According to the 2016 Personal Safety Survey (ABS), a friend or family member was the most common source of support for men and women who had experienced partner violence. RESPECT 1800 737 732 Safe Steps VIC 1800 018 188 or 03 9928 9600 Lifeline 13 11 14 See more
03.01.2022 Reduce Waste - Workshops/Webinars (online) - tips on how to reduce waste run by City of Whittlesea One of the workshops is on this evening at 7pm. This webinar will be run via Microsoft Teams. You can access the webinar by clicking on this link: See less
02.01.2022 Start with a Dot. International Dot Day, a global celebration of creativity and courage. It began when a teacher Terry Shay in USA, introduced his classroom to a book by Peter H. Reynolds "The Dot" on September 15, 2009. This book is about a teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to make her mark. It started with a small dot on a piece of paper, then becomes a breakthrough in confidence and courage. #dotday #makeyourmark... See more
02.01.2022 16 Days of Activism Day Five. Gender inequality is widespread. Women's voting rights around the world are disproportionate.... In 2015 Saudi Arabia granted women the right to take part in municipal elections. The Vatican City (located in Rome being the smallest State in Europe) is currently a place where women cannot vote. Women’s representation in voting on a national scale is low in countries such as Pakistan and China. Australia in 1902 with the establishment of the Commonwealth Franchise Act became the second country in the world after New Zealand in 1893 to give women the right to vote nationally. Thanks to the activism of the Suffragettes. However, Australia still had a long way to go before Indigenous Australians, Asian people, African people and Pacific Islanders (except New Zealand Maori) were allowed to vote. Source: Source:
01.01.2022 Spoonville has popped up in our neighbourhood. This is part of an international movement. Check out Spoonville in Thomastown, Vic, 3074. Add your spoony too. Thomastown spoonville is number 213 on the international spoonville list. Thank you Liz Liz Skitch Share your spoons, take a photo and use the hashtag #spoonville Register your neighbourhood @
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