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Thoughts Drawn Out

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to load big map

25.01.2022 A quiet Sunday morning committing words to paper, capturing a half awake thought before it's lost, setting intentions and logging gratitude. Of course my journalling buddy is never far away #sundaymorning #jounaling #womansbestfriend ... #startthedayright See more

24.01.2022 I finished knitting this shirt last week and it's actually chilly enough to wear it today! #lovetoknit #womenwhomake #makerlife #creativemind

24.01.2022 It's been a pleasure bulding this artefact with you today @venetia.brown!! #livescribe #liveillustration #graphicrecording

24.01.2022 There is so much imaginary sass on my kitchen table this morning. Not to mention the look my husband is giving me while I chuckle to myself and make this pic #crackmyselfup #drawingonphotosisfun #probablytimetogobacktowork #creativemind #creativebusiness

24.01.2022 I want to write in my journal, he wants to sit in my lap. So we compromise, I don't write in my journal while he sits in my lap . Yeah I know, I know - but how do you turn that face away? I like to sit and think and write and drink coffee and write some more - even in this quiet time I'm trying to do at least 3 things at once! But dogs, they know how to just sit. All they want is to simply be with you. #zendog #bepresent #enjoythemoment #morningritual #puppyvjournal

24.01.2022 I FINALLY have my new sketch book designs loaded in the Thoughts Drawn Out tool shop. Check them out and let me know what you think! #sketchbooks #lovewhereyoudraw #starttakingvisualnotes #getdoodling #lifedrawnout #creativemind #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #womenwhomake #femaleentrepreneur

24.01.2022 Doodle challenge time! Hit me up in the comments, what is this doodle saying to you? #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #creativemind #picturestellathousandwords #picturesarefun

23.01.2022 Good morning fellow fountain pen geeks, I'm looking for your recommendations! I am obsessed with brown ink in my fountain pens right now, making drawings that look like old treasure maps. Pic is a Kaweco brown that I love. What others would you recommend with good shading? #fountainpenink #fountainpen #fountainpenaddict

23.01.2022 Another battle begins in the war between journal and Jack Russell. #morningritual #journaling #puppycuddles

22.01.2022 Time for this week's doodle challenge... Tell me what you think the picture is saying! #doodlechallenge #picturestellathousandwords #doodlefun #creativemind

20.01.2022 Your notebook does not need to look beautiful, your hand writing does not need to be neat. The masterpiece you are creating is not on your page at all, it is the cognitive space and mental calmness that comes after you empty all your brain noise out onto a page. #journaling #dailyjournal #clearyourmind #mentalhealth #getcreative #creativemind #creativebusiness

19.01.2022 The dust cloud that's descending on us is making for an interesting sketch. #creativelife #creativemind #creativeday #lifedrawnout

19.01.2022 Doodle Challenge!! This week is the first of a series of TV show / movie titles. See if you can guess this one... Post your answer in the comments! #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #picturestellathousandwords #guessinggame

18.01.2022 Illustrating your values is bringing them to life through a powerful shared visual narrative.

18.01.2022 Finished the keynote capture, now to work out how to share the roadmap with you! #livescribe #graphicrecording #liveillustration

17.01.2022 For everyone in the arena today, thought you might need a reminder... #bebrave #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur #creativeentrepreneur

17.01.2022 Board set, pens inked, ready to go. I'll be graphic recording a session on Deconstructing Flood Insurance for the Flood Community of Practise this afternoon. #graphicrecording #livescribe #creativebusiness #picturestellathousandwords

17.01.2022 These moments are not about the caffeine. They are about time for slow thinking. Waking up all the senses. Straightening out brain tangles before the influx of new tangling begins for the day. They are about grabbing hold of the dream thread and drawing it back before it slips away forever. They are about sitting long enough with a calm centre that it can carry you through the day. Slow mornings feed my spirit. #slowmornings #slowthinking #mindful #creativemind #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

17.01.2022 The start of a roadmap we are building in real time from participant input, this will be illustrated by the end of the day, as well as a graphic capture of key speakers - covering a lot of ground today!! #graphicrecording #livescribe #liveillustration #lovemyjob

17.01.2022 Wanna watch me digitally draw this kingfisher? I've uploaded a video to the Thoughts Drawn Out Youtube channel that shows the entire process and talks you through why this bird is important to me this year. I am going to be sharing more visual communication videos, how to's and other fun stuff over on Youtube so please make sure you hit subscribe while you're there so you don't miss anything!

16.01.2022 The first drenching rains fell while I lay in bed last night. Then this morning I woke to find the clouds were lost, I told them they could stick around. #morningmuse #goingtojournalintheclouds #stillsmellslikerain

16.01.2022 The capture so far... #livescribe #graphicrecording #listenanddraw #creativebusiness

16.01.2022 Ink & wash and coffee to start my brain for the day. Heading to the city later for a graphic recording. #slowmornings #inkandwash #journaling #feedyourcreativity #creativemind #creativebusiness #femaleentrepreneur

16.01.2022 And that's a wrap for today folks. Big day today, got lots done. But as Kenny Rogers would have advised, you've got to know when to fold em. Time to rest and recharge. #restandrecharge #mentalwellbeing #creativemind #creativebusiness #creativeentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #womeninbusiness

16.01.2022 Everybody meet Dennis. I see this guy almost every morning when I go for a run. He is always outside the paddock he is supposed to be in, eating the grass along the side of the road. He could wander anywhere he wanted, he could also jump back in anytime he wanted - I’ve seen him do it. His family watch him from the other side of the fence but none ever dare to join him. Dennis does what Dennis wants. He watches me jog past each morning, sometimes he follows me up the road a little, sometimes he makes creepy eye contact with me while he pees, sometimes he crosses the road and eats the grass with the horses on the other side. But every day, Dennis ignores the fence and eats whatever dam grass he wants. #cowspiration #bemorelikedennis #jumpyourfence

15.01.2022 I'm cooking up something new. Something I've been wanting to build for a really long time. It's just in the planning stage at the moment, but I just know you're going to love it! Stay tuned friends... #unlockcreativity #newprogram #fromtheheart #cantwait

15.01.2022 Sign up to this self-paced, online learning experience and start tapping into your creativity, developing a new skill and improving your visual language.

15.01.2022 When does your kitchen double as your filming studio? When your table has the perfect wood grain for the background of a drawing hand explainer video. My husband, seen here getting everything ready, is the other half of Thoughts Drawn Out you don't see much. He's more comfortable behind the camera. I draw the pages, he makes them move! #dreamteam #lovewhatwedo #workingfromhome #creativebusiness

15.01.2022 Some people consider themselves to be creativity while others do not. The capacity for creative expression is in all of us. You just need to know how to invoke your creative consciousness. #creativity #creativeconsciousness #learnhow #joinourscribetribe #creativeentrepreneur #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness

15.01.2022 It's Doodle Challenge time! There might be one obvious answer to this one so hit me up in the comments section if you know what that is, but I'd also love to hear what else you think it could represent. #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #picturestellathousandwords

14.01.2022 It's feeling like a Diamine ink kind of week. #fountainpenink #fountainpenaddict #journaling #creativemind

14.01.2022 And that's a wrap folks! #livescribe #graphicrecording #listenanddraw

14.01.2022 I love waking up to a view that sets my creativity alight for the day. This is what I see from my backdoor this morning, so much gratitude for this life. #creativemind #creativebusiness #creativeentrepreneur #countrylife #workingfromhome #workinthecountry #lovemyjob

14.01.2022 I've been thinking a lot lately about just how magical the words 'thank you' are. There's a difference between the mindless thank you's we say out of habit and the mindful thank you's we say when we are moved to say them. Those are the kind we need to find more of. They might only last a moment but they truly are magical, they fill the giver with warmth and the recipient with love. And another level of magic is reached when we write them down because then we get to keep them forever. #thankyou #thankyoumagic #gratitude #creativemind #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

13.01.2022 Doodle Challenge time! What tv or movie is this? #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #picturestellathousandwords

13.01.2022 Good morning friends, I hope the post-Christmas Twilight zone is treating you well. Take some slow thinking recharge time while you can. Keep the busy at bay as long as you can. For me that means staying on the verandah with my journal and coffee a little longer. #slowthinkingtime #deepbreaths #recharge #enjoycreativity #creativemind #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

13.01.2022 My happy place. Pen, journal and a cushion on the floor of my office. I love to get down and work on the floor for a change of perspective. It reminds me of getting lost in a game as a kid and it makes me think of my mum sewing when I was small. Cutting, pinning and creating on the carpet. I guess some ideas are just too big for a desk to hold. #creativespace #creativemind #creativebusiness

13.01.2022 I held my first Scribe Tribe session yesterday. A Drawn Retrospective was a walk through a powerful thinking and drawing frame that I use to close out the year. It gives you a sense of closure and the chance to take a breath before embarking on setting a new plan. I had so much fun - I could have talked about it all day, but I didn't. These sessions are meant to be snappy, bite-sized things you can do on your lunch break and it doesn't even take your whole lunch break. I have plenty more in store for 2021 so if you want to join in head over to the Thoughts Drawn Out website and join our tribe. #scribetribe #scribetribesessions #bitesizedlearning #powerofdoodling #creativemind #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

13.01.2022 What a view to end the day on...and exhale... #pensdown #familytime #endonahigh #creativelife #creativebusiness

13.01.2022 I completed this scribe yesterday from my own office! Another 2020 first where all the event participants were together in a venue except me, I captured the content remotely. #livescrive #graphicrecording #illustration #businessstorytelling #visualstorytelling #womenwhomake #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur #creativebusiness

13.01.2022 What a cracker of a morning. Did my usual run to Harrisville with an extended loop since I was feeling good. Made friends with a new 'Dennis' along the way, I think he looks more like a Clyde or maybe a Calvin - suggestions welcome. Then while enjoying my awesome coffee from @vineysplace I saw on my tracking app that I've run more than a thousand KMs so far this year. No wonder I sleep well. #sundaymorning #sundayrun #getoutside #freshcountryair

13.01.2022 Zoom session prepped. Slides lined up, iPad ready for doodling, pens out for show and tell, cup of tea made, lucky crystal on hand. I'm ready, let's do this. #facilitatinglearning #learningonline #learntodraw #creativebusiness #creativeentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #womeninbusiness

13.01.2022 I'm live scribing at HOTA on the Gold Coast today. Stay tuned for progressive doodling throughout the day! #graphicrecording #livescribing #qwmn #floodcop

11.01.2022 How's the view from this great QUT venue? I'm at the Kelvin Grove campus today, live scribing for the Flood Community of Practice. #livescribe #graphicrecording #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness

11.01.2022 What are you waiting for? Join the challenge and start learning some drawing skills today. Each challenge only takes about 10 minutes but teaches you something about drawing as a visual language. Whether you already doodle daily, or you’d rather jam your pen into your eyeball than use it to draw - there is something in this challenge for you. Commit to a creative practise every day for 30 days and reap the benefits. Join before the end of January for half off! Link in bio. #learntodraw #creativechallenge #investinyourskills #havefundoodling #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

11.01.2022 So I'm running this morning, listening to Glennon Doyle talk about what she thinks bravery is, she starts by describing it as living from the inside out, rather than the outside in, I like that. And then a little further up the road there's Dennis - roadside as usual - eating the best looking grass around, following his truth outside the fence, brave as always. It got me thinking. So bravery starts inside and like Dennis we use it to get to the outside - outside our comfort z...ones, the status quo, our current limitations. We are in a constant pursuit from inside to outside. Which made me think about Rob Bell and how he talks about the fact that it is the nature of the universe to expand, it's been doing it for billions of years. So it does make sense that we ourselves should be constantly expanding too since we are part of the universe. The constant expansion from inside to outside. So to be brave is not something some people choose to be. It's the nature of the universe that you are a part of. You are inherently brave. We are all inherently brave even though sometimes we forget. Not sure who needs to hear this today, but you got this! Your brave is in there trying to get out. And if you can't quite find it - think of Dennis, he'd tell you to go for it - eat whatever dam grass you want. But PS, the best stuff is outside the fence. @glennondoyle @realrobbell #bemorelikedennis #braveinside #yougotthis #inherentlybrave #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

11.01.2022 Who else needs reminding of this today? @ginadevee I love your thoughts on this topic, you and Ferris Bueller are my fun heroes. #slowdown #gratitude #ferrisbueller #maketimeforfun

11.01.2022 On this day last year I did something that scared the pants off of me. I stood up on a red circle on a stage in front of an auditorium of people, cameras all around, with some giant red and white letters on the stage beside me spelling out TEDxUQ, and I poured out my heart. Yep, this time last year I gave my TEDx talk about visual storytelling. [ 585 more words ]

10.01.2022 A tribute to my favourite part of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I just reread it for maybe the 10th time, I've been reading it every few years since I was 12. This time I read it with my boy Hugo, a few pages every night at bedtime. It was so very special to share it with him and hear the messages he took from it. Part of my fascination is the style of the story, a set of valuable life lessons wrapped in a fantastical adventure with mysterious characters. I feel like there is a book like that inside me and one day I fully intend to coax it out. Hold me to it please friends, as Santiago in The Alchemist would say, it might just be my personal legend. #fortheloveofbooks #readwithyourchild #personallegend #myheartisawriter #creativemind #creativelife

10.01.2022 Looking for something fun and creative to do on your break? Why not try joining our 30 day drawing challenge. No previous drawing experience required. The challenge is designed as a short daily workout for your brain. It will boost your creative confidence and teach you some visual language skills you can use at home, study or work. You can even share the challenges with your children, giving you a fun activity to share together over the holidays. Start today at

09.01.2022 It's doodle challenge time! Tell me what tv show or movie you think this pic represents! #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #picturestellathousandwords

08.01.2022 #merrychristmas #happyholidays2020 #homealonefanclub

08.01.2022 New day, and a new assortment of drawing tools spread across the desk. I'm mapping an illustration from a word heavy document today. It takes time and brain power. Using my favourite pens helps. #creativebusiness #creativeentrepreneur #workingfromhome #brainpower #fountainpenaddict #lovemyjob

07.01.2022 It's been a while since I've prepped for a face to face live scribe! Capturing a workshop today on Demystifying Flood Models for the Flood Community of Practice. #livescribe #graphicrecording #capturingstories #inkyhands

07.01.2022 I've just finished spring cleaning my office! Since the state of my desk is a direct reflection of the state of my mind, (or is it the other way around?) either way, I am now feeling ready to make stuff again. #cleardeskclearmind #springclean #creativespace #creativemind #creativebusiness

07.01.2022 Ahh Dennis, you’ve got such a way with words. But your actions speak loudest, 6am on new year’s day and you’re already out eating the good grass, seizing the day and all that. #carpediem #seizetheday #belikedennis #jumpyourfence

07.01.2022 These are my happy hands. #lovetoknit #makerlife #womenwhomake #creativemind #happyhands #mentalwellbeing

06.01.2022 And we're done!

06.01.2022 So I know I shared the start of this spicy argument here the other day, but things heated up from there! So I’ve collated the whole saucy affair here for your viewing pleasure. #spicerackargument #cantstopdoodling #timetoturnmybrainbackon #creativemind #havepencilwilldraw

05.01.2022 Want to learn visual note taking? Well you’re in luck because our Drawn Out course is running one last time in 2020! The course is run entirely over Zoom so you can be anywhere in the world, the sessions are recorded for you to play back later so you won’t miss a thing and the groups are kept small so you get plenty of interaction in a safe and fun space. Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? Then head over to the Thoughts Drawn Out website (link in bio) to secure your spot. #learnvisualnotetaking #learntosketchnote #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

05.01.2022 This is my favourite place on my property to disappear to with my journal and watercolours. A chair carved out of a log with a chainsaw that my Dad made many years ago. Now it lives under my giant fig and provides the perfect place to sit amongst the life of the garden and look out from under the leafy canopy across to the cattle yards and beyond out to the west where the sun sets and also where the storms roll in from. #journaling #journalinthegarden #findyourbliss #creativemind #creativebusiness #creativeentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #womeninbusiness

05.01.2022 Soccer training, but my hands just won't stop. #drawingislife #drawwhatisee #creativemind #makerlife

05.01.2022 Work days started by emptying my brain fog onto a page, are more productive days. Clearing the noise, the nagging thoughts, the ideas I don't want to lose, the dreams. All of it hits my page and then no longer has to occupy cognitive space. #dailyjournal #clearyourmind #creativemind #creativebusiness #creativeentrepreneur #femaleentrepreneur #womeninbusiness

05.01.2022 Someone asked me earlier today what famous quote I thought summed up this year for me. I think they may have been looking for something motivational or inspirational, perhaps from a famous philosopher. So I dug deep and listened to my soul. It gave me these wise words from the great Bill Murray, ‘we came, we saw, we kicked its ass’. Yes I thought, that’s perfect. But then before I could say them aloud, a second voice whispered ‘No, say nobody puts baby in the corner’. I’m s...till tossing up which one best sums up my 2020, but either way I decided that with aaaallll the social media posts out there sharing famous quotes, there aren’t nearly enough of them quoting Bill Murray. So here you go, you’re welcome. Share it with everyone who needs some deep 80s movie wisdom to get them through the rest of the year. Now excuse me while I go watch Dirty Dancing for the bazillionth time. #inspirationalquotes #quoteoftheyear #famouswisewords #creativeminds #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur See more

04.01.2022 Icon doodle challenge time! Give me your best guess, what is this doodle saying? #icondoodlechallenge #picturestellathousandwords #visualcommunication #handdrawn #creativemind

04.01.2022 I often find myself involuntarily cringing when someone introduces me as an artist, I don’t feel like an artist. I do love the experience of artistic expression but I don’t feel it’s where I excel. I am however an illustrator, I think my skills really come into their own when used to support the expressions of others. I love working with people to help them distil their thoughts, feelings and messages and then taking it all as input to produce an artefact for them that encaps...ulates it all. This process makes my heart sing! While it is all fuelled by creativity, the motivation is quite different. I will however be challenging myself this year to be more fully expressed in my creativity so stay tuned for some artistic experiments as I give this a go, probably fail a few times but hopefully learn a lot in the process. #fullyexpressed #creativity #artist #illustrator #creativeconsciousness #experimentandlearn #creativeentrepreneur See more

03.01.2022 It's a special doodle challenge this week friends! Everybody who guesses it will go in the draw to win a copy of my book (see second photo). So comment below with your answer and tag your friends so they can enter too!! #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #picturestellathousandwords #winmybook #everyguessgoesinthedraw

03.01.2022 When you're trying to sketch in the sun but puppy wants to see too. #sundaysketchtime #inkwashanddog

03.01.2022 Enjoying a coffee with this little mad axe. #mumtime #schoolholidayfun #yesibroughtmyjournal #creativelife #creativebusiness #workmyway

03.01.2022 So much gratitude for the fact I get to live (and run) in this beautiful corner of the world. This landscape is like medicine. Sometimes the walls start to close in when I'm sitting at my desk for too long, but an afternoon stroll along this country road restores my balance. Starting my day here with a run before the rest of the house is awake reminds me that I can do hard things. #untamed #icandohardthings #countryroads #startwitharun #countryairmedicine

03.01.2022 Hoping to stretch your brains with this week's Doodle Challenge! It's another movie / tv show again this time. Hit me up in the comments with your best guess, and do it before you read the other comments!! #doodlechallenge #doodlefun #picturestellathousandwords

02.01.2022 Sometimes the best way to communicate an idea to someone is to grab a pen and sketch it out for them. You will get your point across faster and you both get to possess the same shared mental image of the concept. It will act as shorthand whenever you talk about that same topic later. #visualcommunication #drawnout #sharedunderstanding #visualbrain #creativemind #creativebusiness #womeninbusiness #femaleentrepreneur

02.01.2022 Good morning last day of 2020! Off to a cracker of a start. #goodmorning #startwitharun #countryroads #feedyoursoul

02.01.2022 And the winner of last week's Doodle Challenge is...

02.01.2022 Check out my sketchnote about what I learnt from David Goggins.

01.01.2022 With the launch (coming soon) of our new Learning Hub that will focus on self-paced online learning, I am retiring my Zoom courses. They are a lot of fun but they are also time intensive for me, and I am working on ways that I think I can serve you better. But for anyone who was thinking about signing up for the live Zoom session style course - this is your last chance, both Drawn Out and Drawn Together will run just one last time in February. I'm not retiring them because they aren't effective, on the contrary, past participants have given great feedback on the experience. I'm retiring them to make space for new stuff because there aren't enough hours to do it all! So don't miss out, grab yourself a spot today by heading to the Thoughts Drawn Out Learning Hub.

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