Three Farmers in Fosterville, Victoria | Livestock farm
Three Farmers
Locality: Fosterville, Victoria
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25.01.2022 I’m so OVER the blasted crows treating the chook palace nest boxes like an all-you-can-eat buffet So after a tip from another fed-up chook owner, I’ve bought out the big guns .... well, 3 reflective ‘owls’ ..... with bells .... and shiny eyes ..... from @bunnings Now to wait, in anticipation of an increase in egg numbers. #blastedcrows #eggscoffingcrows #plasticowlswithshinyeyes #lovelyladiesoffosterville #freerange #happyhens #farmlife #fostervillestyle
25.01.2022 Subtle sign #53 that you have pet lambs living at your place .... messages left on the garden path. #watchwhereyouwalk #upthegardenpath #poddylambs #edwardedithandelsie #farmlife #fostervillestyle
25.01.2022 Two different views ..... the first that of an anxious mum concerned that her baby was not with her, and the second, of a littlie looking for his mum. Theyre back together now and hes drinking so much better. Ive never known a calf to have such a poor sucking reflex but fingers crossed weve got it sorted. #shorthorn #calving2020 #mumsandbubs #fostervillematernity #farmlife #fostervillestyle
24.01.2022 Last light at Fosterville. #winternights #shearingshed #farmyard #farmlife #fostervillestyle
24.01.2022 When some of the #lovelyladiesoffosterville and #rooboy make it up to the house yard, to partake in any tasty critters they may find in the grass under the trampoline ..... and the supervisor is, well, taking it easy. #freerange #happyhens #misterfarmcat #farmlife #fostervillestyle
24.01.2022 Taco, youre speaking my language. Pupil-free day for the smallest farmer today, so were all marching through Friday like its Saturday. #yayforfriday #extracouchtime #longweekend #remotelearning #farmlife #fostervillestyle
23.01.2022 Subtle sign #46 that you have pet lambs living at your place Poor George (the rhubarb .... of course he has a name!). Sorry @_katsimo, not what you were expecting would happen when you left him here #gardenvandals #petlambs #poorgeorge #rhubarb #farmgarden #farmlife #fostervillestyle
23.01.2022 At my back door .... waiting for the days jobs to start. #tacofarmcat #lovethatcat #farmlife #fostervillestyle
23.01.2022 First egg of the day .... so fresh that its the perfect hand warmer for the walk back to the house. #farmfresh #lovelyladiesoffosterville #happyhens #farmlife #fostervillestyle
23.01.2022 I love it when the heifers calve directly in my line of sight from the house yard .... and better still, don’t need any help at all. #calving2021 #shorthorn #shorthornworld #mumsandbubs #farmlife #fostervillestyle
22.01.2022 Anyone got a tissue? #calving2021 #shorthorn #dirtynose #farmlife #fostervillestyle
22.01.2022 Hmmm ..... today I noticed that she briefly left the nest under the shearing shed. I counted 9 eggs through the grating. She returned to the nest and settled back down but Im just not sure her mission is going to end in chickens. #wewilljusthavetowaitandsee #lovelyladiesoffosterville #silverlacedwyandotte #clucky #farmlife #fostervillestyle
22.01.2022 Hmmm ..... might need taller gumboots if she wants to keep helping with trough repairs. #fostervillefashionista #muddyboots #stuckinthemud #troughrepairs #farmjobs #aussieag #farmlife #fostervillestyle
21.01.2022 The best bits are always in the middle .... and youve got to climb in the feeder to get to them. #fostervillelambs #farmlife #fostervillestyle
21.01.2022 The big and the small .... Ernie and Bruiser. #cobbers #shorthorn #poddylambs #lambing2020 #calving2020 #farmlife #fostervillestyle
20.01.2022 Everyone’s out and about early this morning to beat the heat .... even Roo has come up to the house yard for a stroll. #lovelyladiesoffosterville #androoboy #freerange #happyhens #greenpick #vegiegarden #farmgarden #farmlife #fostervillestyle
20.01.2022 These two are only a couple of days old and already loving the warmth of the morning sun. #calving2021 #shorthorn #farmlife #fostervillestyle
20.01.2022 A big morning of drafting .... and dust. #drafting #dustyyards #sheepyards #allhandsondeck #stockagents #fpnevins #farmlife #fostervillestyle
19.01.2022 Frosty morning. #jackwashere #jackfrost #wintermornings #farmyard #farmlife #fostervillestyle
19.01.2022 Early mornings in the shearing shed ..... before shearers pull into gear and the sun starts to peep through the windows. #fostervilleewes #shearing2020 #shearing #aussiewool #aussieag #farmlife #fostervillestyle
19.01.2022 Im in a bit of trouble with Edward .... I know this because when he comes over for a chat, I often get a kick. He, along with Edith and Elsie are out in the paddock now, hanging with a bigger mob (Ernie found himself a new mum in a different mob). #edwardedithandelsie #lambing2020 #fostervillelambs #farmlife #fostervillestyle
19.01.2022 Heading for home .... ready to be yarded, drafted, shedded and penned. #fostervilleewes #shearing2020 #afternoonmuster #farmlife #fostervillestyle
19.01.2022 New digs .... its time for Edward, Edith and Elsie to start their transition to the paddock. No more shall they enjoy the comforts of the edible walls in the maternity ward and being tucked up in bed each night. First step is a move to a small paddock near the house where theres still the option for undercover sleeping (#luckylambs #lambglamping). After shearing is completed next week, theyll head out to a paddock away from the house with their new mob. #edwardedithandelsie #andernie #poddylambs #lambing2020 #farmlife #fostervillestyle
18.01.2022 Morning chores ..... checking the water quality at the #chookpalace tank ..... only the best water for the #lovelyladiesoffosterville. #morningchores #farmcat #misterfarmcat #freshisbest #rainwater #farmlife #fostervillestyle
18.01.2022 Early morning chat with some of the heifers on the hillside. #shorthorn #heifers #inthecoolofthemorning #farmlife #fostervillestyle
18.01.2022 Update (for anyone interested) in the effectiveness of the reflective owls in keeping the blasted crows out of the #chookpalace ..... they’re doing the job!! I’ve never collected so many eggs .... and the crows have never been so confused. I will say though, that the owls are not that robust in strong winds so my tips are to have them suspended on a short string (so they don’t bang into beams or walls in the wind) and secure them (and the bells) with cable tie loops (#101usesforcableties). For now, the egg-eating crow issue seems solved! #blastedcrows #eggsaplenty #plasticowlswithshinyeyes #lovelyladiesoffosterville #farmlife #fostervillestyle
18.01.2022 Not quite sure if Elsie is telling secrets to Edith about Edward or shes telling tales about the new kid in the shed, who today has been named Ernie. And now there are 4. #lambing2020 #poddylambs #newaddition #farmlife #fostervillestyle
17.01.2022 Uber Eats ..... shearer style. #shearing2020 #fostervilleewes #shedlunch #farmlife #fostervillestyle
16.01.2022 Little monkey .... practising rounding up ewes, just for the fun of it. #shorthorn #fostervilleewes #farmlife #fostervillestyle
16.01.2022 Sunny Sunday morning .... and crumpets for breakky. #springmornings #spring #farmgarden #farmlife #fostervillestyle
16.01.2022 The look of a woman who has the post-labour munchies and someone else is muscling in on her snack. Step away from the food sister! #shorthorn #merino #calving2020 #farmlife #fostervillestyle
15.01.2022 Afternoon check of the mob in the Racecourse ...... this proud mum has her newbie tucked away in the channel for safe keeping. #shorthorn #calving2020 #mumsandbubs #farmlife #fostervillestyle
14.01.2022 When exactly did the smallest farmer get so big? And how is it that a different style of ponytail can add years in an instant? Anyone else think #isolife has made their child seem older, or is it just me? #shesabiggirlnow #smallestfarmer #fostervillefashionista #farmersdaughter #farmlife #fostervillestyle
14.01.2022 Todays #farmerfamily bike ride in the Wellsford .... exploring new tracks. #farmerhealth #isofitness #giantbikes #avantibikes #wellsfordforest #bushtracks #farmlife #fostervillestyle
13.01.2022 Surprise!! In the past few days the biggest farmer has been dagging ewes (#newknickersforeveryone) in preparation for shearing. Yesterday he spied this lovely lady sitting in under the grating in the back pen of the shearing shed and clearly, shes sitting on a special job. Weve no idea how many eggs are under her or how long she has been sitting there. Apart from the surprise of it, Im feeling that #badchookmum vibe as I didnt even notice her missing at evening lock-up ro...ll call over at the #chookpalace. Oh well .... the smallest farmer is helping me get back the brownie points by tipping grain through the grating. Next step is try to work out how to get a water dish to her without me having to shimmy up there under the shed! #surprisesarewelcome #lovelyladiesoffosterville #silverlacedwyandotte #mumtobe #wewilljusthavetowaitandsee #farmlife #fostervillestyle See more
13.01.2022 This little lass arrived this morning. Her mum is not quite sure about it all (#heifermum) and it’s a hot day, so while mum is standing quietly we’re making sure she’s getting a good drink. #calving2021 #shorthorn #shorthornworld #colostrum #liquidgold #farmlife #fostervillestyle
12.01.2022 Day 1 #fostervilleewes shearing #shearing2020 #shearing #wooltable #aussieag #farmlife #fostervillestyle
11.01.2022 It’s taken some time, but I’ve finally found it ..... the place where the guinea fowl are laying their eggs. This might look like a pile of rusty junk (or what the biggest farmer refers to as ONE of the places I store things that MIGHT be useful one day ) but underneath it is hiding some treasure. I’m excited to have found this place (as I have been looking for a while) but now I need some advice from more experienced guinea fowl folk ..... if I take all these eggs (di...spose of the stale ones & keep the fresh) will they move to another spot? or now they are laying here, this is THE spot?? Or should I take most, leave some (maybe put a mark on them) and then only collect the new eggs?? We have 3 guinea fowl and I haven’t yet worked out if any are male so I’ve no idea if all 3 are laying here or maybe only 1 or 2 .... would they all know about this spot and be using it to lay? So many questions, hoping someone can help! #thanksinadvance #guineafowl #ifinallyfoundthenest #secreteggstash #farmlife #fostervillestyle See more
11.01.2022 #fluffybuttfriday #lovelyladiesoffosterville #freerange #happyhens #farmlife #fostervillestyle
10.01.2022 When a picture speaks a thousand words .... and all of those words are sad. #effingfox #farmlife #fostervillestyle
09.01.2022 Life goal to own chooks who lay coloured eggs - #lovelyladiesoffosterville #freerange #happyhens #colouredeggs #farmlife #fostervillestyle
08.01.2022 Remote learning just got a whole lot more motivating for me. Making Mars Bar Slice to demonstrate all things geology (think igneous rocks, magma, lava, sedimentary rocks) is pure genius @me_plus_threee_ . #remotelearning #factsaboutrocks #yummyslice #cookingwithkids #farmlife #fostervillestyle
08.01.2022 Just in time for Valentine’s Day ..... a little sweetheart. #calving2021 #shorthorn #shorthornworld #farmlife #fostervillestyle
08.01.2022 Earlier this morning, over in the Racecourse paddock, while trying to convince a cow in need of assistance with calving to leave all her mates and walk home to the yards. It was a big ask but we got there in the end. #paddockstomping #calving2020 #websinthegrass #farmlife #fostervillestyle
07.01.2022 Pretty sure the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow was down on the Home Flat today ..... if only. #rainbow #potofgold #homeflat #shearingshed #farmlife #fostervillestyle
06.01.2022 Poor Ernie .... still trying to work out how on earth he ended up with the three crazies he now shares a room with. #edwardedithandelsie #andernie #lambing2020 #farmlife #fostervillestyle Ernies pjs courtesy of the lovely Glenda
05.01.2022 Wonderful morning yesterday .... out and about with @nona_d24 and @nomesdoak .... on one of Marilyn’s garden tours @marilynswildflowers. Marilyn’s wildflower garden is ah-mazing and listening to her talk so enthusiastically about her garden is infectious. I know Marilyn has more tours planned (you have to book) and some farm gate sales of wildflowers will be held before Christmas .... don’t miss out! #marilynswildflowers #australianwildflowers #nativeflora #loveyourlocal #bendigotourism #bendigobusiness
05.01.2022 #hay #grasshay #mowing #roundandround #farmlife #fostervillestyle
04.01.2022 The smallest farmer and I have just spent the loveliest couple of days in Ballarat with my mum (@nona_d24) in celebration of her 80th birthday, staying at the most marvellous @theprovincialballarat. Happy birthday Nona!
04.01.2022 Oh Monday ..... youre here already. #misterfarmcat #outsidecatinside #mondayitis #farmlife #fostervillestyle
04.01.2022 How big is too big to ride gates? .... #askingforafriend #ridinggates #simplebutfun #farmlife #fostervillestyle
04.01.2022 Happy National Ag Day! A day to celebrate all farmer folk who work hard to feed and clothe Australia and beyond. #agdayau #agdayau2020 #thankafarmer #aussieag #farmlife #fostervillestyle
03.01.2022 Oops! #fartegg #lovelyladiesoffosterville #freerange #happyhens #farmlife #fostervillestyle
02.01.2022 This lovely lady is still waiting for her baby to arrive .... wont be long though. #shorthorn #calving2020 #waitingforbaby #farmlife #fostervillestyle
01.01.2022 Never let a chance go by .... and a cow at the yards who has plenty to spare has kindly helped me out. Freezing colostrum for future use. #calving2020 #colostrum #liquidgold #justincase #farmlife #fostervillestyle
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