Thrish Montessori Childcare Centre Redbank Plains in Redbank, Queensland, Australia | Education
Thrish Montessori Childcare Centre Redbank Plains
Locality: Redbank, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3814 4533
Address: 3 shannon street 4301 Redbank, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 8th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Another very busy day of the week. It was great to see how engaged the children were with their favorite activities whilst showing an understanding about self dependence and social skills. ... Children loved dressing up more than ever before, and today EVELYN, JOANN are literally dress up to go for shopping and had dinner together(pretend play). Our little tradies are ready for their jobs to be done.CEJAY and KEYAN dressed up as a tradies and worked hard together(pretend play). Spending time in home corner is a familiar environment for children. JAYDEN was using his fantastic communication skills and language with a babydoll, also loved to pat and feed it.Learning to care is such a beautiful thought! The Pictures in book makes JOANN easy to understand and fun to read aloud, allowing her to learn words quickly. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 5: children are effective communicators
24.01.2022 9th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Strumming our way into another day.... In our junior kindy room our kids are lucky enough to have music group as well,where they show their interest in music and engage in movement activities with their favorite music. Our kids love learning about rhythm, timing and dance while sharing smiles and laughter. JHETT, TOMMY and JAYDEN had a fabulous day creating in our Montessori area with gaint wooden blocks building house and showing their hand biceps muscles strength after lifting wooden blocks.JHETT and TOMMY engaged with their imagination and used wooden blocks to create Ski's.Good job boys! MERCY, COMFY and JOANN together built a rocket with our outstanding outdoor resources. Good team work! Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world
23.01.2022 9th SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY Our toddlers yard looks amazing with lots of attracted and colourful resources.... JOANN and ELIZABETH had a bike ride together and enjoyed beautiful morning. I must say interlocking blocks provides endless fun. JOANN, MOSES built a tower together. Playing in sand is a great way for kids to learn many skills.JOANN, MOSES and ELIZABETH experienced different texture while developing their fine motor skills.Today they learnt the difference between dry and wet sand and also using words such as "wet" and "dry" ,"cool" and "warm". They pour sand on their hands and feets so they can feel the sensation it causes. During morning tea time Ms Amar taught to our little learners about healthy fruits they often eat during fruit time. Toddlers loved creating cute Lion craft using their footprint. I must say adding a fingerprint mane is a nice extra touch. Eylf 3:Children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: Children are confident and involved learner
23.01.2022 11th September 2020 SENIOR KINDY FRIDAY Today began with the children deciding to move our seats to make an L. This is where we are our morning tea. Play today; marble flicking along the table (m word), playdough balls and pizzas cooked in the play oven, cubby play, chasing games, singing rhymes. Dress ups with hats today for role play.... KRISTIAN shared his cards, ALINE climbed and played dressups too, COMFORT was super at being up, NIRYLA went on a trip to the zoo with KYRO. A busy happy Friday. EYLF1 shared hat play (off to the zoo) EYLF2 Responding to fair decisions (who will be first) EYLF3 accepting new challenges (how to flick a marble) EYLF4 using play to imagine (off to the zoo) EYLF5 rhymes (who took the cookie?, Here is the land.)
22.01.2022 7th SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR AND JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY What a beautiful start of the week.Our new outdoor resources are really fun building experience for children. Great for improving gross motor skills. TOMMY,JHETT and CEJAY got busy with colorful, big blocks and connectors which are really easy to stack and with connectors CEJAY and TOMMY worked together to design and build intricate and thoughtful structure using their creativity.... Ms Pinky was going through some old cases of teaching supplies when she found a few pencils cases unsharpened. Our curious kids NIRYLA,KYRO,TOMMY and LOYAL wanted to sharp it and Ms Pinky realized the potential in offering kids the novel exercise of sharpening pencils! NIRYLA and LOYAL learnt all the major bones as they assembled the soft foam skeleton puzzles. JHETT got busy on sandpit digging sand with shovel and developing great skills that go beyond sensory learning. Spending time in role play situation can help a child to make some of their world. Today CEJAY made a cup of tea and offered to Ms Pinky snd act out his real life experience that he have in his home. Lots of literacy we did today while practicing writing letter A. Our children enjoyed handprint fish painting and later when it dry we will decorate it with googly eyes and glitter pen. CEJAY enjoyed playing with doll house. Eylf 2: Children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 4: Children are confident and involved learner Eylf 3: Children have strong sense of wellbeing
22.01.2022 24th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Our junior Kindy children have been very busy working on their social, fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and their control. Show and tell is usually the opportunity for kids to stand up in front of a small group and speak. Today RYDER got something for his friend to show them.RYDER was thrilled to show the nest and egg in one of the container, he told them it's from his roof and his daddy found it.RYDER is doing a good in ge...tting more confident and is more comfortable contributing in room. JOSHUA,MERCY and BEN showing their interest in literacy and practicing to write their name, they mindfully trace, and improve their visual spatial skills and their fine motor skills. RYDER and TOMMY learning to recognize their numbers between one and twenty.Good Job boys! Our junior boys had oodles of fun creating masterpiece with block construction they all were busy with building blocks CEJAY enjoyed playing dinosaurs toys and putting them in and out in doll house. ALEXIS and KRISTIAN got attracted to magnetic tiles and created cubes, pyramids which made their learnings fun by getting them involved using a "hand-on" techniques,allowing them to become critical thinkers through creative play. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 5: children are effective communicators
22.01.2022 21st SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY What a stunning day in toddlers room and great start of the week.Our little learners perfectly expresses their emotions using mood meter chart.Happy, sad, angry and bored were the fun emotions that they explored through play and conversation.... Ms peggy decided to make shapes activity with our toddlers as well as an introduction to use a glue stick to some of our new kids. CHRISTOPHER and LUCHIANA was very excited about putting glue on the shapes. Ms peggy talked about different colours and shapes as they glued on the shapes. CHRISTOPHER wants Ms simran to read a story book for him. CHRISTOPHER and LUCHIANA using magnetic tiles to build something from their imagination , they also recreated an image that JOANN made. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner
19.01.2022 16-17/6/21 Wednesday and Thursday Toddlers Today children explore on the letter Mm were children learnt the letters of the Alphabet and sounds particularly the letter Mm and the words that begins the letter. For their arts and craft activity they had a letter Mm that they turned the letter into a mouse which begins with the letter for the day. Miss Theresa draw the little nose and mouth of the mouse then children added the mouse’s whiskers. Children learnt colours, sizes ...and shapes as they added the whiskers. This also supports fine motor skills, cognitive and creativity. To extend their learning with the alphabet, phonics and the letter Mm, children had some thinking play. Children will look at the pictures on the alphabet chart then point into the letter that Miss Theresa ask. They also had the letter Mm decorated with natural resources that we can find at the playground where children extends their learning in recognising the letter Mm by manipulating objects through decorating around it. This helps children develop their cognitive development, fine and gross motor skills as they manipulate objects, language and communication as well as self confidence. This also supports their developing creativity and imagination. They also learnt Numbers through the numbers on the clock where children learnt to recognise, understand the concept of counting and communication. Since children are learning to use observational skills to identify the different objects. They’re also learning about Shapes. This recognition of shapes helps develop problem- solving skills, boost letter recognition, categoration and comparison e.g puzzles EYLF Outcome: 1. Children are confident and involved learners 2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world 3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing 4. Children are confident and involved learners 5. Children are effeective communicators
17.01.2022 14th SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY After preparing our fruit and juicing our oranges, we looked at our dinosaur chart, story and did dinosaur role play. JHETT made awesome dinosaur sounds while NIRYLA, KYRO and LOYAL his in the volcano. JHETT and KRISTIAN have an interest in dinosaurs so we were lead on our learning by Ms Kim to learn some more. ... "Spring is here!" was the name of a little book we read and coloured. It told us about rain, flowers and butterflies. Loyal's toy came to play today and so did our other toy friends. JHETT was the doctor and invited his patients to the table. KRISTIAN had a turn too. Our tapping sticks teach us counting to 8 and also help us to explore materials in our playground. Our routines are consistent now and we are starting to look and act like Preppies. Lots of nice words and sharing today. We are learning a rainbow song for the end of year. EYLF1 exploring dramatic play EYLF2 learn to read behaviours EYLF3 physical play to explore ideas EYLF4 extending interests EYLF5 verbal responses See more
17.01.2022 14th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Strumming our way into another week. An exciting week ahead for our little learner!... Today our amazing indoor activities kept our learners busy. JOSHUA and JOANN engaged with the stethoscope in our Montessori area. It seems to naturally inspire such a deep level of empathy and care. It makes me smile to watch them taking turns to hear each others heart beat. MASON and EME busy with farm animals and perfect for their imaginative and creative play, and also MASON recognized some animals name. EME did some experimenting with our thing that swing today. She is independent explorer as she takes risk and problem solve her way to developing new skills. Awesome EME! JOANN oue little pirate getting ready for a fun time. KEYAN created his own little world with blocks which also helps in developing his fine motor skills. Eylf 3:Children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2:Children are connected with and contribute to the world
16.01.2022 24th NOVEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Our session began with songs today... Our favourite is our feeling song where we act out different emotions; laughing, crying, being nervous, angry, mad, excited, thankful, happy, embarassed.... The children listened to more rhyming in our book for folding; rat, hat, mat, cat. Kyro found his own play today of making a megaphone and decorating it with stickers. Cejay joined in and made one too. Books enjoyed today; Enchanted Forest (Aline) and Manners in a car (Kyro). EYLF1expressing emotions EYLF2 projects (wands and megaphones) EYLF3 making choices (books they like) EYLF4 exploring ideas EYLF5 exploring concepts (indoor and outdoor play... What is appropriate)
16.01.2022 15th June 2021 JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDY ROOM The new play dough mats were a hit with the children this morning. They help the children to learn shapes whilst working the fine motor muscles in their hands. It also teaches the children to take turns, share and be patient. Another popular activity today was using the tweezers to get the pompoms out of the bowl to put onto the number mats. This is also great for working on fine motor development, as well as number recognition an...d counting. EYLF Outcomes 1.1 Children feel safe, secure and supported. 1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency. 1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities. 3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
16.01.2022 SENIOR KINDY TUESDAY Outside learning started with chopping today. This activity builds the muscles in our hands to become super writers. It also teaches the value of length a concept in maths. We have also been doing this with our fruit. Our routine for washing our hands today got a bit messy when a puddle formed near our water pot. The grass has been getting a good drink and is growing nicely. JHETT'S love of dinosaurs was the reason for us talking about the different of dinosaurs and we played a matching game after cutting the pieces out. Cutting on the straight lines was the skill needed. Miss Maria helped to staple our books. Our game today was a bug game. This needed the children to match colours. We counted and talked about pairs being the same. Inside today was Montessori work. It was a time to use our thinking and problem solving. Our science table displays our learning about koalas. It also shows us other Australian animals; powerful owl and platypus. They live near us on Woogaroo Creek. EYLF1 show interest in other children EYLF2 broaden their understanding of the world EYLF3 increasingly cooperate EYLF4 express wonder in their environment EYLF5 explain mathematical ideas
15.01.2022 17TH SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM THURSDAY Another beautiful sunny day and our junior kindy kids thrilled to get engaged with parachute play, our children evenly spread out around the parachute and hold the edges,we added some balls to the parachute fun.... NIHAL read a book outside while on his bike. RYDER, EVELYN, YVONNE and TOMMY had painting storm and creating their own masterpiece. Stories are an important part of practicing reading skills! Ms pinky read a story " Brian the smelly Bear" . Glad to see our good listening skills. JAYDEN perfectly developing and improving gross motor skills as he use his imagination to make playtime fun on balancing beam. Today we were lucky to have Simon who came to swap our fire extinguisher and we got an opportunity to see how to handle the fire extinguisher and children were thrilled to see the water pressure when the handle was squeezed.Thank you Simon Eylf 4:Children are confident and involved learner Eylf 3: Children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 5: Children are effective communicators
15.01.2022 10th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY What a great morning today! Our junior Kindy kids worked hard experimenting with Bubble wrap. We recently discovered the contents of a parcel protected in bubble wrap, our first thought was, " Oooh, this could be fun!". Then we thought about using on the paper to do some painting.And children had fun doing this activity.... JOSHUA explored his understanding of pattern through engaging with a collection of loose parts.Also painting experience was offered where he encouraged to make his own pattern using the sponge and paint. RYDER,TOMMY, KEYAN had been busy exploring text in meaningful ways using pencils to write their name.Ms Corrina and Ms pinky supported them understanding of text through discussing each letter of their name and assisting them to write it with pencil. JAYDEN proudly recognized all the fruits placed in front of him for morning tea. Good job JAYDEN! RYDER and TOMMY busy on activity table connecting fish connectors. During group time children explored the various names for each of the finger in human hands, while learning children are able to dominate their fingers and hands, mastering their fingers movements and achieving hand eye coordination Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: Children are confident and involved learner
15.01.2022 25th NOVEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Today was a little bit different with photo day happening in the centre. Our usual routine was changed a little but busy learning and creations were busily happening. ... Mrs Tanielle treated us to Christmas tree creations and Miss Simran practiced pattern making with Niryla and Loyal. Jaiden, Loyal and Mason also got to create a card out of sustainable materials. EYLF1 negotiating and sharing (tree art) EYLF2 exploring tradition (Christmas tree) EYLF3 making choices (what decorations to use) EYLF4 explore ideas using imagination EYLF5 respond verbally to what you see touch and feel
14.01.2022 22nd SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY What an awesome tuesday we had today. Our junior were exploring and learning and having fun outside today.Our new friend SARAH was welcomed and already she got her new friends.... Playing in the sand is a great way for kids to learn many skills. Our kids made their own choices, they simply sitting and feeling the texture of the sand to build and create games to play. Today they manipulate the sand to make all different kind of shapes and even added water to see and feel how the texture changes and built things from wet sand. LOYAL loves trying to jump and land over a rope. TOMMY used his gross motor skills as he rode the bike and used his cognitive thinking when he stopped and watched his peers ride the bike. Kicking is actually a complex and basic skills that children master as they grow, and it is an important physical and motor milestone and MERCY is so good in learning and developing this skills. Together we sang some beautiful songs.KYRO was keen to sing Christmas songs Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world
14.01.2022 18TH SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM FRIDAY Our toddlers absolutely love the sensory appeal of sand play but it doesn't need to just stay in the sandpit, our little learners enjoyed having fun creating patterns and designs with sand and glue,when finished it took on such a stunning art work. They all created their own imagination. ... MOSES and DEANDRE used foam blocks to stack different shapes on top of each other and created a new creature and this helps them to learn to take turns and share materials. During group time JOANN picked her song and sang it with clear words. Ms Deep talked to our toddlers about respectful behaviour and reminds them our classroom rules. Our educators provide a play based environment and curriculum that allows children to follow their interest and support their strength. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 1: Children have strong sense of identity
14.01.2022 9th SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Playdough learning and play today. We started with hearts and looked at lots of other shapes. Together the children explored tearing, patting and flattening with a spatula, chopping with a flat plastic blade, rolling with a rolling pin. By adding black rice sprinkles extra texture was added. Some children used the sprinkles to fill shapes they had made. This activity was a great way to reinforce shapes which is a mathematical concep...t. The fine motor element strengthened the muscles in our fingers and wrists. There is a recipe to photograph near the sign on books - no cook playdough!! Our obstacle course was down, across, down, through, over and stepping. Other gross motor play was hitting the ball with ping pong bats, tricycle riding and bee dress ups. As a part of our self regulation exercises we have been using our tapping sticks counting to 8. During fruit snack we discovered how to make orange juice. This will be part of our learning tomorrow. KYRO practised making cookie crumbs. ALINE showed us pinching with her playdough. NIRYLA read a new book from our calming tree bag. KRISTIAN gave out extra rice after he worked out how to open the bag. LOYAL was super at helping at pack up time. NAZARETH showed us how to roll his playdough in the rice to decorate it. EYLF1 negotiating and sharing EYLF2 using play to explore new ideas EYLF3 moving around and through EYLF4 cause and effect, trial and error EYLF5 using mathematical language about shapes and size
12.01.2022 16th SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY The simplest things bring the most pleasure. Our little cuties had a wonderful time together doing rainbow painting. MEHTAB had fun sensory experience while using her fingers and explore colour mixing and blending! Also helps them to get familiar with the colours name. MOSES enjoyed spending time exploring the farm with blocks that intrigue and capture his imagination and also he is able to learn about the farm in a fun and relaxed way... while working on key learning outcomes including the ability to stack and build. Our little cuties enjoyed their time in sorting the wooden puzzles, matching colour lend helping hand and make their puzzles beautiful. MOSES took photos with his toy camera and was keen to show the photos to his friend. Such a good photographer you are MOSES. Our toddlers are worthy independent learners. Eylf 4: Children are confident and involved learner Eylf 3: Children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 5: Children are effective communicators
12.01.2022 24th NOVEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY For our activity today was doing hand printing Christmas tree from the story Spot’s Christmas. They had their hands painted with a green paint and press it onto the white paper forming a triangle shape like a tree. They still have to decorate their Christmas tree art when it gets dry though, but the children are already excited when they get to see their own tree made from their hand prints. This activity helps children learns colo...ur and shape. Exploring their sensory and fine motor skills. The children are also supported with their developing creativity and imagination. The children were also enjoying our story time at the reading corner particularly, the story from the book People Activities, Alphabet and Angel Baby. They’re very enthusiastic while listening especially Mosses and Luciana. After our story time Jayden and Elizabeth was on with the number puzzles. Mosses and Luciana playing pretend play cooking and baby feeding while Deandre exploring the cake shape toy at the home corner. Daniel and Adit stayed at the reading corner going through the books pictures. Children are supported in their many skills and cognitive development during this activities especially in communication, vocabulary and problem solving. EYLF Outcome: 1. Children have a strong sense of identity 2. Children are connected with and contribute to their world 3. Children have a strong sense of wellbeing 4. Children are confident and involved learners 5. Children are effective communicators
12.01.2022 15th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Another very busy day in our junior Kindy room today. EVELYN,TOMMY, and JAYDEN busy with their literacy work practising to write lower case alphabets. ... TOMMY reading a story book and having some quite time. EVELYN and NIHAL busy with farm animal toys with realistically detailed farm animals that also encourages imaginative play. EVELYN used fences and trees to make real farm for her toy animals and NIHAL helped her with it. Good job NIHAL and EVELYN! MERCY and KEYAN built a giant shed for animals sitting on table and they both were so thrilled to fit them in their creative shed built with blocks and their mastermind. MERCY busy with connect 4 activity on the table and provides him the opportunity to detect patterns. NIHAL,JAYDEN set up their own walking hospital to check their patients using Blood pressure and stethoscope.This set up enable them to follow and extend their interest through role play, as they took on the roles of doctors and patients Who knew learning could be so much fun Eylf 3: children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner
12.01.2022 10th SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY The children used a juicer to make juice today. We held cut oranges and squished, twisted and pushed the pieces to make juice. Ms Kim also shared a paw paw and some passionfruit from her garden. Mrs Roopa scooped out the seeds for us. This was a new tasting experience. The children were surprised at the sweetness of the passionfruit. ... A sensory activity using hard and soft spaghetti helped us to use lots of describing words and helped us to explore length and patterning in maths. Coffee beans were also used for counting. Free choice lead us to creative cubby play. KRISTIAN learnt to tie knots to secure the cubby to the fort with our rope. It had three rooms. COMFORT enjoyed looking at books in her room. Playing on the swings, target play and running games were also enjoyed. EYLF1 express thoughts (train travel chat during alphabet book today) EYLF2 relationship with other living things EYLF3 shared projects (cubby making) EYLF4 contribute ideas to play EYLF5 Use language to communicate thinking.
11.01.2022 23rd SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Our Bush Buddy program today focused on habitats. We put this into practice by setting up a koala enclosure in our Animal Zoo.... The butterfly garden near our entry had extra plants and signage added thanks to the wonderful painting work of COMFY, KYRO and LOYAL. Painting lead us on a colour mixing journey. KYRO was fascinated by his red and pink water. We problem solved a way to hang our paintings on our easels and used pegs and string. One of our chook feathers was used to paint up and across as well. Our story today was "Possum Magic" and we learnt about Pavlova and lamingtons. We also learnt the words visible and invisible. We watched on YouTube the sounds of wombats and platypus. This was really interesting. A fun day of inquiry based play lead by Our koala interest in Australian animals. EYLF1 shared play EYLF2 respond appropriately to others EYLF3 share humour EYLF4 express wonder in the environment (we learnt about bark) EYLF5 sing songs (I went to visit a zoo one day.)
11.01.2022 17TH SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM THURSDAY Our toddlers had a wonderful time exploring inside. CHRISTOPHER our little happy boy introducing himself while standing in front of mirror and giving his beautiful smile to himself. JOANN our little sincere girl always wants to keep herself busy with new books and everyday learning new words. Good job JOANN !... JOANN, MEHTAB, MOSES used the wooden curve rainbow to build, knock down and then rebuild again,they perfectly fit together and created brilliant bright rainbow, also they correctly recognized the colours name. Playdough is a wonderful sensory and learning experience for toddlers. Our toddlers shapes the playdough into ball, snake and gingerbread man, they're thinking creatively. Also squeezing, pinching and pulling movements been used to strengthen their hand muscles. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world
11.01.2022 15th SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY Our toddlers had a wonderful time exploring outside. MOSES, CHRISTOPHER and MEHTAB enjoyed coming through the tunnel created by Ms Amar with recycle box. They had lots of energy coming in and out. ... Toddlers enjoyed using different art medium to create their own masterpiece with their little hands showing how good they can make a sunflower with their beautiful hands.Good work toddlers! MEHTAB abd MOSES busy building a big tower together. JOANN prepared a lunch for her friends in room with the help of her little recipe pocket book. MOSES showed his creative skill by making ball with magnetic tiles. So much learning, laughter and fun happened in toddlers room today. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 5: children are effective communicators
10.01.2022 27th November Junior kindy room GROUP TIME Today the children we are doing the hokey pokey dance and learning about left and right arm and right and left foot, also during group time the children were learning about 3D shapes and light and dark colours.... ACTIVITIES Today the children had fun choosing what their would like to play with today we have a variety of activities to play with Kristian, Keyan and nihal read some books. Nihal was reading the spot book and saying look miss corrina their is dog on all the pages Mercy was playing with the plastic blocks trying to make a robot and asked Miss Pinky to help to make a big robot to show to my mum EYLF4 children are confident and involved learners EYLF5 children are effective communication EYLF1 children have a strong sense of identity
10.01.2022 23rd SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY AND SCHOOLIES TODAY Children learn through play by doing, asking, question, interacting with others, devising theories about how things work and then trying them out. As they engage in exploration, they begin to develop attitudes and expectations that will continue to influence their learning throughout life.... TOMMY, JOSHUA and MASON dropping the letters down the cardboard tubes which was great fine motor busy activity and they loved it! This is fun great way to learn or practice letters and colour recognition. Our schoolies wants to be inside today with our junior Kindy.MALAK and KATHERINE had such a fun with colourful snails craft, they found it such a happy and cheerful craft. MALAK and KATHERINE played with variety of animals where they used their mastermind to create different kinds of farm. They showed their creativity to ms pinky, MALAK was thrilled to tell what exactly she did,she told Ms pinky she created Chicken farm, duck farm and cow/ sheep farm.Good job girls! MASON loved to pretend like a duck by covering his face with little toy duck and sounding"quack quack"! Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 4:Children are confident and involved learner
10.01.2022 7th SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY Our little explorers in toddlers room today are always curious and always busy researching questioning, gathering data and growing under standing along with big, beautiful brains.... MOSES, JOANN and ELIZABETH enjoyed the playdough, they smashed it with hand and tools, used the cookie cutter, and enjoyed poking it with finger and squished it.While playing with playdough our little explorer use their creativity while developing their imagination. JOANN enjoyed sitting still by holding a books and trying her best to read it.Ms peggy introduced letter to DEANDRE when he was holding a Alphabetic book. MOSES busy with number puzzles and recognized the numbers. Eylf 3:Children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4:Children are confident and involved learner Eylf 5: children are effective communicators
10.01.2022 17th June 2021 JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDY ROOM Today, the children followed patterns through a variety of activities. They painted snake dot colour patterns using cotton buds which is a great fine motor activity that teaches children about how patterns work. The children also enjoyed playing with the pattern block boards. This is another great fine motor activity teaching children how different shapes can come together to form a picture. It also promotes hand eye coordination a...s well as shape and colour recognition. EYLF Outcomes 1.1 Children feel safe, secure and supported. 1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency. 1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities. 3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes. 5.4 Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.
09.01.2022 SENIOR KINDY MONDAY A special treat today with Mrs Tanielle in the garden. She has given us a new wicking garden with plants. Niryla, Kristian, Kyro, Aline, Mason and Keyan all helped in some way; digging, planting and watering. Learning to put on gardening gloves required special skill. Inside learning was busy too! Niryla folded her book of rhyming words; boil, foil, soil and oil. Tommy and Niryla practised tracing wavy lines. Jhetts masterpiece today was titled People at ...the Park. Aline read books with Miss Pretti. Caleb did some block play. A visit from Alice the guinea pig ended our inside learning this morning. EYLF1 individual achievements EYLF2 concern for others EYLF3 respect for nature EYLF4 mirroring (words and pictures from our chart EYLF5 rhyming
09.01.2022 18th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM FRIDAY What a lovely friday everyone is working hard, exploring and learning. Today kids learnt why plants need water, how much they need, and how often to give it to them. Children measure the water into the watering can and pour it into our veggie garden. ... Today Ms Jenny introduced our Guinea pigs and chickens to some of our little pet lovers. Our kids gave them lots of Pat's and cuddles. We can see the love and bonds forming already , our Guinea pigs and chickens are not fazed by the children squeals of excitement and joy for them. KRISTIAN, TOMMY and RYDER got engaged with quality pretend play farm set including some farm animals which also helps them with language & communication skills. NIRYLA,KEYAN,MERCY,COMFORT and KYRO loves hide and seek so the recycle box was provided where they could hide and also climb, they enjoyed compact places spaces to play in so this is an udeal. BEN is learning his shapes and colours with magnetic tiles which is STEM learning. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world
09.01.2022 21st SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY A beautiful start to ur day in the junior Kindy room. LOYAL and COMFORT was with us to make some dragonflies, we are gonna make dragonflies from popsicle sticks, which was painted today for our project.We all are excited to see what really it will looks like.... Our beautiful Alphabets Butterfly is an intricate and challenging wooden puzzle which is helping TOMMY to learn ABC.TOMMY with his little hands perfectly introduced himself with all the letters. Good job Tommy! KRISTIAN & MASON was provided plenty of car toys to sustain their interest and give them the opportunity to use their imagination. Everyday new construction been seen, KENYAN & KRISTIAN constructed a gaint shopping complex and enhances their social skills because they learn how to co-operate with each other,make compromises and unite around a common purpose. Our pretend play animals are a perfect addition to our room.CEJAY sorted toy animals into small groups and pointed to each animals in the group as he count and learnt one to one counting. Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world
08.01.2022 23rd SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY Our toddlers enjoyed exploring and learning inside and creating their masterpiece. Pretend play is always a popular game in our toddlers room.JOANN pretends to be a doctor and moses was thrilled to be her patient.MEHTAB spent considerable time in home corner cooking dinner for her friends.... The simple finger print tree is a great craft for toddlers Ms Amar got an opportunity to see a pair of willing hands! ELIZABETH, MOSES,DEANDRE used all their fingers for painting and this is such a great sensory experience of exploring paint, texture and prints. Our new friend JAYDEN was given warm welcome and is already interacting with his new friends Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 1: children have strong sense of identity
08.01.2022 21st SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY SCHOOLIES(Vacation care)... Schoolies were welcomed into our learning today and what a great day of planning our program. The children have decided to create an Australian Animal Zoo. This was inspired by the pretend snake Alexis brang with her. The easels were used to draw sketches of animals we knew. Koalas were most popular, however Alexis opted to draw a dingo. Sandpit play is one of our favourite things in this area. Making sandballs and throwing them at targets is something NIRYLA and KYRO like to play together. This is great shared play and something which brings them enjoyment. The tent was used to introduce the Schoolies to our comfort bag. This bag helps us to build our resilience and guides us on a journey of being happy. Bullies do not win at our kindy. Board Games are on the list of things to enjoy this week and next while our Schoolies are here to teach us. JAIDEN was awesome at teaching KYRO how to hit balls into the target. He also smashed our kindy skipping record! Tomorrow will be setting up the zoo. So much to do. EYLF1 increase awareness of rights and needs of others EYLF2 feel empowered to make choices EYLF3 recognise contributions to shared projects EYLF4 explore ideas using imagination EYLF5 engage in enjoyable interactions
07.01.2022 4TH SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR AND JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY What a stunning friday today!... MALAK, KATHERINE and COMFORT had fun mouldings and shaping their imagination using kinetic sand which also provides a range of sensory experience for children. MALAK enjoyed making Cactus with our new resources and Niryla built a motorbike with it.What a good way to use their fine motor skill. MERCY enjoyed the beautiful shinning morning by reading book and pointing his favourite picture. Our kids are eagerly waiting for Fathers Day and enjoyed making beautiful cards by decorating and colouring it and ofcourse answering some question related to their dads.Surprise for Dads are being wrapped now and ready to go home.I must say they have perfect way to spoil their amazing dads. RYDER busy with wooden jumbling tower, he stacked it up before it falls down! And trying to move one level to another without letting the tower teeter and fall. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND EYLF3 :children have strong sense of wellbeing EYLF 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world EYLF 5: Children are effective communicators
07.01.2022 17TH SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Mrs Jenny shared some butterflies with us today from her garden. An insect for sharing. The diagram we looked at showed us the antennae, wings, head, body and abdomen and we talked about the proboscis and how butterflies taste with their feet. The children started our butterfly garden which will have flowering plants and muddy water. It is near our kindy gate. Butterflies are drawn to flowers and muddy water. ... Our ninja scarves reminded us of how we act at kindy and also of how we use kind words too. We were all super ninjas today. In the sandpit the children dug, playing together and sharing this space safely. Ms Kim reminded us of the safe way to dig with our shovels by turning the dirt over. KYRO and NAZARETH hid their treasure and COMFORT showed us her clever sandcastle making. KYRO and LOYAL made pretend snowballs which were sphere shaped. The highlight today was releasing the butterflies. It was great being in the sandpit playground. EYLF1 increasingly cooperate and work collaboratively EYLF2 listen to others ideas EYLF3 recognise their contributions to a shared project EYLF4 explore the function of tools EYLF5 respond to what they hear (noises from our clapping sticks)
06.01.2022 16th SEPTEMBER 2020 JUNIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY A very beautiful day, we enjoyed the beautiful weather all day.... NIHAL made her way up to the bridge(cubby house) to spot the traffic. Our junior kindy kids working hard, exploring and learning on sandpit. They did some experimenting with wet sand. JOSHUA and NIHAL were independent explorers as they take risks and problem solve their way to developing new skills. We moved forward to play in Pairs and sat on floor, facing each other with legs crossed and holding hands and played " Row Row Row your boat", everyone rocks back and forth to the beat while singing the song. Our kids loved Hokey Pokey which is an all time favourite dance song they sang the words wonderfully. We are looking forward for full day to venturing outside to enjoy the sun shine yay! Eylf 3: Children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: Children are connected with and contribute to the world Eylf 5: children are effective communicators
06.01.2022 8th SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY What a stunning Tuesday in our toddlers room today.LUCIANA had the best first day. Welcome LUCIANA, we 're so stoked to have you with us. Our other little cuties had done their job perfectly by comforting our new friend and showing her the activities. What a beautiful welcome for LUCIANA.... MOSES inside creating his masterpiece using the gaint blocks to build a bridge and trying to balance himself on it. Good job MOSES! LUCIANA, MOSES, ELIZABETH were curious to do free painting. Talking and communicating to each other while expressing themselves through art. DEANDRE thrilled to flip the book pages and loved pointing his favourite one. MOSES got busy on carpet with rainbow stackers and recognized the rainbow colours which is helping him in the development of intelligence. Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 4: children are confident and involved learner Eylf 5:Children are effective communicators Eylf 2:Children are connected with and contribute to the world
05.01.2022 22nd SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY AND SCHOOLIES Bush Buddies was in full swing today with a puzzle challenge. Animals, plants and indigenous art themed puzzles were out to challenge us. Some harder than others. ... Our program topic for today was birds and we studied the different types of feet by matching feet to pictures. Some were webbed and others had claws others had feet perfect for scratching in dirt. ALEXIS showed an interest in dingoes so today we studied some indigenous art images of dingoes. KRISTIAN and KEN worked on a block challenge. It took a reconstruction to get it strong enough. This was good team work. EYLF1work collaboratively EYLF2 solve oroblems EYLF3 enjoy moments of solitude EYLF4 manipulate objects EYLF5 sing songs (Kookaburra sits in the big gum tree)
04.01.2022 14th SEPTEMBER 2020 TODDLERS ROOM TODAY Today our toddlers inside creating their masterpiece.we are so stoked to have our new friend in our toddlers room. Welcome CHRISTOPHER, his first day and he is already familiar with our toddlers and activities in room ... Talking and communication to each other while expressing themselves through their crafting. Our little learners in toddlers room made their favorite flavors icecream with popsicles sticks. Great work toddlers! ELIZABETH busy recognizing the colour name Eylf 3:children have strong sense of wellbeing Eylf 2: children are connected with and contribute to the world
02.01.2022 18th SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM FRIDAY Today the children were introduced to Snakes and Ladders. We practiced following the numbers, going up the ladders and down the snakes. ... Name recognition was practiced using our whiteboard pens to match names with photos. We also put our work into our name pockets. Our learning in the sandpit was all around using rice, tea leaves and water. Language around mixing, floating and sinking was used. Great sharing and collaborative play. Our learning of animals continued with the reading of our story about bush animals. We are learning about emus, koalas, wombats, platypus, kookaburras, cockatoos and possums. ALINE and LOYAL put the koala up the pole. Our learning has continued inside with information added to our science table and some alphabet puzzles added to the puzzle shelf. EYLF1 shared play EYLF2 listen to other's ideas EYLF3 enjoy moments of solitude EYLF4 inquiry based learning EYLF5 enjoyable interactions
02.01.2022 16th SEPTEMBER SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Indoor Montessori Learning today. The children used cards to find the work on their picture card. This card reminded them where to put their work back. Ms Kim taught us a song, "Do we love Montessori? Montessori is fun."... Dress-ups followed as a child initiated play. This became a feast for many including our visiting koala. Using the oven, utensils and kitchen props needed problem solving and sharing and imagination. Tearing gum leaves to make gum leaf tea was a tricky task done by KRISTIAN and NAZARETH. Lots of role play today with the Doctor bag needing to come out when injuries needed to be treated. Injections and bandages were used to treat the patients. LOYAL and COMFORT took turns at treating each other. Humpa lump the caterpillar was used by NAZARETH to practice counting and matching in pairs. Our reading spot was a peaceful place to read while needing some quiet alone time. NIRYLA shared her favourite book with ALINE. End of learning time was used to discuss our caring and good manners used today. When we respect someone we look at them when listening and use their name. EYLF1 respond to ideas and suggestions EYLF2 acting with compassion and kindness EYLF3enjoy moments of solitude EYLF4 persist when finding tasks difficult. EYLF5 engage in play to imagine
01.01.2022 10th June 2021 JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDY ROOM Today, we had a focus on numbers includes counting based action songs at group time. Some of these were '5 little ducks', 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' and a favourite with the children 'Little Bunny Foo Foo'. ... One of our activities for the morning was pasting puzzles together in numerical order from 1-10. This helps the children with their basic counting, as well as number recognition and concept of print. It also helps encourage language and cooperation with peers as the children helped each other. This was a very popular activity with some children requesting to do more than one puzzle. EYLF Outcomes 1.1 Children feel safe, secure and supported. 1.2 Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency. 1.3 Children develop knowledgeable and confident self identities. 3.1 Children become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. 4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity. 4.2 Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating. 5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes. 5.4 Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.
01.01.2022 8th SEPTEMBER 2020 SENIOR KINDY ROOM TODAY Today was a day to remember some of our learning; koala facts, insect facts, name writing, what are words, what are letters. Our koala song helped us to think about what koalas do and what they look like.Our puzzle relay helped us to remember the parts of a grasshopper; head body, abdomen, legs, antennae, wings. ... Writing in mud helped us to remember our first letters. This was also a great sensory activity lead by Miss Christine. Our new outdoor shapes got packed away by colour. KRISTIAN, NAZARETH and KYRO made dogs and walked them around the playground. LOYAL was a super helper cleaning the brushes today. ALINE joined in to our moving games. JHETT helped to pack up the pens. NIRYLA was a super bee friend in dress ups. EYLF1 effective routines EYLF2 Co-operate with others in a group EYLF3 knowing how to self regulate EYLF4 initiate their own ideas EYLF5 expressing ideas
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