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18.01.2022 The story of sotems has been most old profoundly. As usual it is the women’s system that determines everything. Xx
13.01.2022 Full Moon - Blood Moon - Super Moon (closest to earth in its orbit) - Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius A trigger point. Many planets in supportive alignment and ...going retrograde to support the coming shake up. The sun is already ramping up its activity in tandem. This Moon will bring highly emotional energies. It will bring wild dreams. It will bring illusions and delusions requiring you to listen to your intuition to determine reality. It will bring madness. The crazies are being activated now. Tomorrow night. The 26th. 8.43pm here in Adelaide. In full splendour. Over Australia from Moonrise. Which means it will impact us the most in terms of energies. For the next 6 months. Buckle up. It’s about to get teal lol xx The Meditation tomorrow night will dance with these energies. With the Dark Goodess. Who has been contained for 13,000 years of the sleeping masculine yuga. This meditation we let her run. Finally. With all the rage of the horror inflicted on the feminine principle during that time. Before the sweeping changes that arrive with the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on 10th June xx Come join us xx
11.01.2022 On line tickets on sale! So you can be here if you can’t be here! Woo hoo 7 days to go peeps.
09.01.2022 Meditation for Full Moon in Cancer December 30th 2020 And so we began this year of years with a Full Moon in Cancer and we finish it the same. And what a year it has been the end of the Age of Pisces in January the beginning of the Age of Aquarius in December and the initiation of the collapse of the old world throughout the year with the increasingly desperate attempts by the old guard to cling on to their power in a world that is fading away from their grasping claws. Understand also they have not yet surrendered to the inevitable and in fact as they feel it slipping away their attempts will in all likelihood become increasingly desperate and tyrannical in an attempt to keep humanity frozen in fear for some this will work but there are enough awake now. And the awakened energy is divine light and love and so much more powerful than the shallow petty clinging to fear. They do at this point however still hold all the weapons of propaganda, fear and control and have a malleable well indoctrinated population in their sway we have all seen the witch burnings to know how dumb the sleepwalkers can be. Be mindful as you go. The great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the 21st like clockwork ushers in the new generation the new epoch and the new 13,000 year age of the waking feminine. Earmarking the age ahead. We also had the two powerful eclipses in Gemini/Sagittarius signalling a new 18 year cycle of the lunar node eclipses ushering in an era of cognition, information, education, open ideology, philosophy, self awareness and waking from the herd mentality. The dull drudgery of heritage, tradition, culture and insane religion will now give way to changeable, inter-dimensional, technological mastery, open minded awareness of the human mind and its ability to break free of the propaganda of the false narrative that has enslaved humanity for far too long. Sagittarius represents the symbol of firing the arrow of purpose and direction to aim way beyond human meddling, lies and delusions lighting the illuminated path of the heart. As more corruption is exposed in the new year of 2021 emotions will be heightened but these energies of the eclipse will allow us to rise above the un-housing and shaking the dead wood from the tree and see it for what it was and let go. These end of year December eclipses also aligned powerfully with Neptune in Pisces planet of mad religious nutbaggery, delusions and illusions and conspiracy and in the light of trumps presidential loss the mass psychosis has really taken hold of a good percentage of the population. Some of the beliefs of the Qanon and ilk is truly mind blowing and their dedication to it, takes over their lives, obsessively. Becomes all consuming and the ability of this madness to morph to other countries absorb other beliefs is truly impressive. It is understandable with terrified people, however it is going to cause problems further down the line. For its "them and us" thinking. However these eclipses put their stamp on us all and all will ultimately be exposed. It really is time to move on. And then on the night of the 30th here in Adelaide a Full Moon in Cancer winds up the year with a calm, earthy awareness as it aligns strongly with the other big move this month Uranus stationing direct in Taurus. Each time Uranus has been in Taurus - major issues of food security, weather calamities, financial insecurity, health and sickness sweep the planet and 2020 has not disappointed in that regard. Pandemic, increasing uptick in climate change, meteors, asteroids, cosmic ray maximum, Solar Cycle 25, crop losses, lockdowns and loss of freedom, poverty and greed all of it. There are still 6 more years of this to unfold and my sense is we ‘aint seen nothin yet’ when if comes to issues of physical security on the globe. It kind of sets the tone for what to expect for the year ahead. Everything we thought we knew about what it is to be human and to have faith in the status quo and the institutions of society is being swept away in a tidal wave of change and none of us will escape the swirling waters. It is how we choose to be in the face of it that will determine our own personal journey. This Moon in Cancer with the Sun in Capricorn aligned powerfully with Uranus in Taurus. Cancer is the birth sign of Humanity. It rules the Mother, the womb and the entry of humanity into the physical realm of 3D. Humans arrived on this planet during a long ago Age of Cancer when a certain level of awareness and creation had been reached. The portal opened and the evolution of the human experience began. With the assistance of many species of energies in the vast cosmos of reality the human DNA was carefully built of 12 strands 2 for the limited 3D experience of the physicality and 10 for the awakening human when ready interdimensional and awakening. Through what ever means unfolded in the creation of that blueprint a particle of the divine source of all that is was a part of the creation as human consciousness began its evolution and journey. To become the bridge between heaven and earth. Alice Bailey [whose writings appeared the last time Neptune was in Pisces and the gates to the divine were accessible] describes the sign of Cancer as one of the two great gates of the Zodiacinto physical incarnation and the world of forms. the duality of form and soul is unified in the physical The other gate is Capricorn the twin sign of Cancer its polar opposite and is the gate out of human experience releasing the soul back into the world of spirit as the evolution of consciousness comes full circle. From instinct to intuition. The realisation of oneself as a particle of the divine experiencing itself as separate and at one with all simultaneously a drop in the ocean with the whole ocean contained in the drop. Cancer rules over the human development that enables the light to be remembered and shine from within. The search for meaning and learning to listen within we begin to respond to the movement of the light through the four bodies of our existence and ultimately into our multidimensional forms. At this cycle it is particularly focused on the emotional body, its' patternings, its' systems and illusions and delusions. Ruled by the Moon as are the Gaia’s vast oceans the link between water and emotion is strong. It has us identify with the form I feel, therefore it is real when it fact this is not true at all. It is the great illusion and as the diamond awakened heart arrives its wisdom propels us through the illusion into truth. Love. The Moon reflects the light of the Sun after all no matter how brightly it shines. Signified by the crab who carries its home on its back representing the security that is always with us despite the illusions. Its’ hard crust represents also the prison of our bodies that we identify strongly with until we realise this is not true. We experience our body, mind and emotions however we are not these things. We create them moment by moment and are also the sacred soul that inhabits them the Keyword for Cancer is I build a lighted house within and therein I dwell So with this understanding we can expect the energies of this Full Moon between xmas and new year to be somewhat emotional. As we are releasing the last of the year it may feel heavy and come crashing in like the weight of a tidal wave have us feeling like we are drowning under the weight and turbulence of it. Whilst it may feel like a maelstrom in truth it is washing us clear and clean. Let it go what ever it is that comes let it go. Cancer occupies the 4th house [home] in the zodiac and this is the end of a universal 4 year of 2020. And in truth have we not spent a lot more time at home this year? Having to figure out what that looks like? Who does it involve? And with Chiron in Aries [childhood wounds] still an influence at this Moon its’ energy would also encourage letting go rather than picking scabs. Just let it all be washed away. We are enough just as we are and Chiron reminds us of this at this Moon. Doing this will really set a positive sign for the year ahead and set the tone for how you choose to travel in the next tumultuous 12 months ahead! Be in your inner home and know all is well. The alignment to Uranus in Taurus at this Moon brings change, freedom, excitement and enhanced intuition. The year ahead will hold many challenges and the jesus vaccine will be manipulated strongly for the containment of humans it will be challenging. Everything in my system recoils at the very thought of that particular vaccine and that is an intuition I will trust however the controllers of humanity desperately want all humans to have it for whatever reason - so people will need to be on their toes with this. It truly is a time to trust your intuition and the flashes of insight will be quite illuminating at this Moon go with the flow of that where ever it may take you. Exciting possibilities may unfold here for the year ahead. Allow what it is that makes you uniquely you shine. No more hiding your light for fear of judgement other’s judgements are about them remember lol. This Moon arrives in Decan 1 of Cancer so family matters will be front and centre and success can flow easily if that family unit is supportive and kind. Things will just fall in your lap with this. Jobs, creative ideas, business plans etc. Perfect for end of year festivities and the gathering of clan do not allow dour or cranky people into your circle at this Moon. It is a bummer and you are open to being brought down by this so be aware and ensure such peeps are not in your circle at years end and new beginnings. It really does behove us all to start this year ahead with kindness in our hearts. And if you arrive heavy handed with someone or allow someone else to do that to you at this time then the seeds of bitterness may be planted deep and suffering really will be the direct result no matter how long it takes. Stay out of city hotspots. The rats nests, the sound of sirens blaring and the smell of blood flowing. It really is a time to be with family and friends like all Full Moons it can bring out the crazy in peeps and Neptune and Chiron and Cancer can all do this and Uranus energy here can make that truly out of left field and explosive. Definitely a night to be nurtured and nurturing with tribe instead. The fixed stars at this Moon due to the precession of the equinoxes - are Alhena in the Constellation of Gemini and Mirzam in the Constellation of Canis Major. This can lead to exposure of crimes within the media, or some obnoxious loudmouth broadcasting forth in the media and who is difficult to shut up. There is a power hungry monster associated with this who cannot take no for an answer and this is likely to have significant ramifications for those who listen. It can also mean formidable, outspoken leaders for the underdog and determined seekers of the truth. Both are possible here barking mad demagogues and idealistic exposers of corruption. Artistic endeavours show up here also especially with the written or spoken word and this can be really helpful in resolving disputes between partners and loved ones or when mediation is required. An awareness of the greatness of spirit is here also and a fascination for physics and expansion of sciences. There is a genuine hopefulness in these fixed stars and a possibility in a leader emerging that can take people forward. These energies will flow until the New Moon in Capricorn on January 10th and are still working powerfully with the Solar Eclipse energies of December 14th. So be aware a new trajectory has begun be as you want to continue in the world in a new life unfolding we are still here and still dealing with crap on a daily basis however we genuinely need to focus on love and the future path forward now witness all detach from everything remember why you are here to awaken xxx
04.01.2022 Do this. Two weeks to go. Xx
04.01.2022 Nature. Health.
02.01.2022 Trauma it is the new catch-cry for all that is wrong with the world. And there is a very real truth to this. But like all things that become the catch-cry a... little bit of knowledge about this vast area has people using it for all things and all explanations without a lot of real knowledge about it. And with actual Trauma its sequalae and consequences this can actually prove to be dangerous. For Trauma is fraught. It is frozen in time. It cannot be approached as one would approach other cause and effect scenarios in the field of mental health. It has no logic or reason it requires the lightest touch. This workshop facilitated by a pioneer and leader in the field of Trauma and Consequence will provide real insight and information into what Trauma actually is. What it is not. How to approach it. What works and what does not. Trauma in truth is the experience that underpins all mental illness. There is a lot that is being understood about it and a lot yet still to be understood. Come and learn from the best - space is limited so secure your tickets now
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