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24.01.2022 Ok so apologies for it taking a few too many days to get this up but that’s just the way things are at the minute! I took on a few extra clients to test the waters for July and probably not my finest hour because ‘snowed under’ is my new name... Anyway FULLY BOOKED FOR AUGUST & SEPTEMBER. 2 spots left for October. Not taking on anymore websites or graphic projects until further notice either. Sorry guys! This gov marketing grant is great but I’m flat out due to it! Anyways...... here are a few things you can try to attract more followers! . . First of all... you have to be willing and able to put in the work. You may know that Instagram has disabled & blocked almost all automated services so you literally have to put the hours and the effort in yourself! Ugh ! . . 1) SEEK OUT YOUR AUDIENCE. Follow them, interact with them, study them, engage them, repeat! . . When your audience join Instagram they generally don’t start looking for new businesses to follow. They probably have one they already LOVE! And they’ll stick with that until something pops up in front of their face that peaks their interest. So ensure you content is quality in order to do so. Follow them, like and comment on their content, message them with some ‘can’t say no’ material! HINT: people love stuff that is just too good to say no to. . . 2) GIVEAWAYS (loop giveaways in particular) . . Giveaways as previously noted can be categorised as ‘too good to say no to’ so hosting a giveaway is a no brainer. Get your current followers to work for you! They rag their friends, their friends tag their friends and before you know it your audience has quadrupled! . . 3) COLD MESSAGE (just ask them to follow you) . . This one is unbelievably surprising! You would think cold messaging comes across like a telemarketer selling a holiday but more often that not people see it as bold, forthcoming and strategic and unoriginal... (WHAT!?!?)... (survey said so)! . . 4) TALK ABOUT YOURSELF... . . On groups, at events, in social settings, on Facebook pages, literally just talk about yourself until people know you like they know T Swizzle from the radio! . . Stay tuned more to come in the next few days See more

24.01.2022 COMPLETELY BOOKED FOR JUNE (my devices may as well be glued to my face ) . . What a week! Just thought I would just on here and let all of you amazing people know that Thrive is fully booked for the remainder of the month of June. I am responding to all queries as we speak so all website quotes will be finalised and issued by midday tomorrow. Website requests submitting from tomorrow onwards where quotes are accepted will be subject to a 60 day turn around due to being... at capacity (this will be stipulated on quotes of course just read carefully before accepting a quote). . . I’ll be on the gram tomorrow responding to DM’s guys so if you have sent me one in the past 48 hours, forgive me! I’ll be all over it tomorrow. Tomorrow is my IG day. Completely dedicated to Instagram and you guys. Thank you all again for your support and patience. . . . . . . . . . . #australianbusiness #womeninbusiness #socialmediamarketing #socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmediamanager #socialmediaguru #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoastbusinesswomen #brisbanebusiness #brisbanebusinessewomen #girlbossau #ladyboss #girlbossesau #giveawayau #bettersocialmedia #betterforyou #businessmums #socialpsychology #workhardplayhard #growthmindset

24.01.2022 DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOU . . The world is a crazy place and we all have a responsibility to take part in the revolutionary things that are happening around us. But in order to care for those around us, to properly educate ourselves on current issues and actively participate in change - you have to remember to care for yourself too. . .... Yes every life matters. Yours, your kids, your wives, husbands, your mums and dads, friends and neighbours. But change is needed for black lives. BLACK LIVES MATTER! If you feel scared, it’s ok. Change is scary. If you feel isolated, it’s ok. Read some books, take an online course, watch some docos. If you feel anxious, it’s ok. These are pressing times. 2020 has been a roller coaster of a year. We are all living in at least a little bit of confusion and uncertainty. Just know that it’s ok to feel a little frightened as the world stands up to a cause that has not been addressed the way it deserves to be for far too long. . If 2020 has taught me anything it is that I need to do better in areas of life that I never thought I needed to improve in. It’s a harsh realisation to me that it took a worldwide pandemic to help me realise that everything I need are part of my everyday life already. That travel is not an essential part of life... yes it’s great to go out and experience the world but how can you appreciate the beauty of the big wide world when you can’t even appreciate the beauty within your 4 walls. Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful before but I always felt like I was missing out. Like I belonged elsewhere, like I was some sort of caged animal . I also thought I knew all about racism but the truth is I knew NOTHING! In all honesty I thought racism issues towards our fellow humans were an issue played up by the media because I personally see myself as equal to every other human that lives and breathes in this world. I thought our 21st century society had revolutionised from a history of injustice and oppression. Turns out I’m a sheltered, privileged woman and you might be too. I can’t change that but I’m sorry I didn’t know better until now, I’m sorry I didn’t think about my privilege until now. All I can do is be better. I can open my eyes wider and pay attention to what is really happening in other countries, in our own country - Australia, in our local neighbourhood, our backyard. I can educate my children better. I can educate myself better. I can take notice of issues in our world. I can stand up to racism. I can be better and I can encourage you to as well. Just read a quote by Will Smith racism isn’t getting worse, it’s getting filmed. Let’s work together as one race - the human race - for change! #blacklivesmatter #antiracism #endracismmovement

23.01.2022 THE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT SOCIAL MEDIA GROWTH... . . Hot topic in my DM’s this week! ‘How do you get followers?’ Good question! Here’s some information you probably don’t want to hear... but unlike a lot of the e-book ‘masterclass’ rubbish out there that you pay for (hoping and dreaming that it’s legit), this info is true and free.... .... . Hold onto your hat there is no secret formula to growing drastically on social media in a short period of time . There just isn’t. Social media for most businesses is just a marketing platform where you can connect with your ideal audience on a daily basis with new content and it comes with the added bonus of huge potential for exposure... over time and with good old fashioned, strategic marketing techniques. This platform is not just about posting a pic every few days with a one-liner caption/some reference to wishing it were Friday and a couple of hashtags that are supposed to have some miracle growth formula (no such thing)... it’s about qualitative content (let’s face it, this is a visual platform), connection (yes, the emotional kind) and CONSISTENCY. . . There is no one size fits all formula either. What works to grow my audience, probably won’t work to grow your audience. It’s also important to realise that some industries can potentially organically grow by up to 50 new followers a day on social media while others might grow by a mere 2 a week... just like the yellow pages marketing platform works for some and not for others... social media shares that possibility. . . SEE NEXT POST FOR SOME THINGS YOU CAN TRY ON YOUR INSTA TO HELP BOOST YOUR GROWTH.... See more

21.01.2022 H O L I D A Y S . . Are you put off of holidays given everything going on in the world? Or are you so ready to book your next holiday and get out of town that your bags are packed and you are ready to go. If there were no travel restrictions, no global pandemic and no mass riots right now, where would you go? I think I’d fit in nicely on a secluded beach in Portugal or on a super yacht in Croatia .... . If dreaming is all we got right now, then dreaming we shall do! . . . . . . . . . . . #destinationearth #earth #sunrays #island #islander #enjoylife #travel #ocean #picoftheday #amazing #swim #surf #spring #snow #gopro #journey #love #life #lost #liveyourlife #coast #view #beauty #beautifuldestinations #canon See more

20.01.2022 WHAT'S YOUR WHY? . . Here’s mine

17.01.2022 Today, 3 years ago, I married my best friend! . . Full disclosure/off topic re: posting : recently the struggle has been real trying to post on my own Insta since Instagram only lets you have 6 accounts logged in at a time on each device but I couldn’t miss the candid anniversary post so here I am. .... . In all honestly it’s been a wild few years. We’ve moved interstate, we’ve renovated the house, we lived on an island for a couple of months and most wild of all - we became parents to the most awesome little man in the world. While it’s been some of the best years of my life, it’s been hard to adjust to all the change. The marriage part has been great, not much changed there besides joint bank accounts so I can no longer talk myself out of spontaneous spending but I wasn’t prepared for becoming a parent and it’s been a complex transition, but also the best one yet! How lucky to get to do parenthood together, and strictly could not have chosen a better person to do it with. Sometimes we don’t see eye to eye but we communicate so well that even our biggest problems aren’t problems for long! . . I love married life and mum life, I’m not fussed about ‘finding myself again’ because I actually feel like this is me, I’ve never been much of a career gal, more the free spirit - just riding the days like waves and being as present as possible in this day and age. The important things in my life are family, freedom, happiness, time and love - anything outside that scope doesn’t really impact me much. And I’m lucky I found someone that shares those values with me. . . So happy anniversary to us! 10 years of partnership, 3 years of marriage, 9 months as parents. What a resume See more

17.01.2022 BIO LOW-DOWN . . Maybe you post great content, you’re the king/queen of value-adding and you engage your current audience every time. So what's the go with not getting followers? .... When your insights are telling you that you’ve got new people visiting your profile regularly, you must ask yourself why isn’t my growth exploding? . . It could be because people can’t see WHO YOU ARE, WHAT YOU DO, WHAT YOU SELL or WHERE YOU'RE FROM. People don’t appreciate mysteriousness on Instagram. It’s creepy. People want to know if they want what you’re offering, and if they can’t figure it out in that first few seconds of visiting your profile. They’ll find somewhere else where they can. . Think of your bio as a virtual handshake. You should treat it as though it is the first thing someone is ever going to read about your business, blog and self so make it count. Because if it’s in shambles, you may find out that it’s the last thing they ever read about you too. . Here's some tips for you: . 1) Name (1st line) This can be your name or the name of your business! However you want to introduce yourself. . 2) The offering statement (lines 2-3) State what you do and why people want it. Quickly get to the point. Not stating what you do in a clear and concise way is the social media equivalent of spam emails. Nobody wants it, it will remain unread as it gets sent to the trash folder. . 3) Your location! (line 4) Where you are is super important. People like to paint pictures therefore knowing your location is not only relevant to their ability to attend your store or utilise your service. It’s also how they visualise your product/service/lifestyle in the real world. Also, if you ship or do business worldwide. Let them know. . . 4) Your call to action (in the website/url bar) Make sure you put a URL here that sends them straight to where you want them to be! . Change it when you’re hosting a sale or when you’ve just posted a new blog or when you’ve got some new content you want them to be wowed by. You can even direct your audience straight to your email list sign up, more on email lists later! See more

16.01.2022 Someone once said life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all and I somewhat live by that theory . . Ever since I met my husband I’ve been a little annoying bird in his ear always complaining about the daily grind, harping on about how there HAS TO BE MORE TO LIFE! More adventure? Why can’t we just adventure? Maybe it’s the Romanian in me, Gypsy running through my veins but as I’ve mentioned in previous posts career has never been among my goals. I’m on more of ...a helping people get the most out of what they’re passionate about buzz. And a make the most of what you’ve got, spend less time looking for more, more, more. I guess everyone’s different. . . What’s your buzz? Or for the sake of better English, life goals? See more

15.01.2022 INTERNATIONAL WEDDINGS - YAY or NAY? . . We're a big Yay over here because we've done it ourselves and couldn't have dreamed up a more spectacular outcome. What an adventure. Followed closely by 50 of our nearest and dearest we boarded this plane and literally flew off into the sunset. The whole experience was too good to be true. .... . If you're chasing a wedding planner when this Covid thing is over in Bali. Make sure you look up Wangi Bali Weddings. Still wouldn't recommend anyone else. See more

10.01.2022 #IAMANTIRACISM . . I hope the legal system is able to find justice for George Floyd. How the hearts of his family, his friends and his community must be aching. He was murdered. Whether he was black or white, yellow or blue. Murder is murder and we can only hope his spirit can find peace among all this chaos. .... . Racism sucks... it’s totally unacceptable, unjustified & unnecessary. We are supposed to live in a revolutionised society of freedom and equality but the truth is - we absolutely DO NOT. I think the history of white supremacy is too painful, runs too deep and is too disturbing for the people of our world to ever truly live in perfect harmony... history is an obstacle that cannot be forgotten and plays a huge role in racisms place at the forefront of almost every social issue between multi-racial human beings in today’s society. . We can only do our individual part and hope and pray for a better future. . #JUSTICEFORGEORGE @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland See more

08.01.2022 S U P P O R T . . Something we all need from time to time, in one way or another. Support is crucial in life. No matter how powerful a human being you are, there is no shame in needing support. Support allows us to be the best version of ourselves, to work harder, to be more present, to enhance our lives, to be able to support in return also primarily to be able to share the greatest joys in our lives with the people that we care for and that care for us the most. Whether we for support, have a team of friends and family for support or colleagues, maybe team mates or some other form of support. . . Pictured is my mum. She taught me that support is more than just being available when someone is in need. She taught me that support is listening, sharing, encouraging and empowering, celebrating the victories of your loved ones, giving love, giving time and sometimes giving space. My mum supports me and my quality of life is better for it. I'm so grateful to you mum, and all of the other people in my life that are part of my support system. Thank you as TGFM (thank god for mums) . . . . . . . . . . #australianbusiness #womeninbusiness #socialmediamarketing #socialmediatipsandtricks #socialmediamanager #socialmediaguru #sunshinecoastbusiness #sunshinecoastbusinesswomen #brisbanebusiness #brisbanebusinessewomen #girlbossau #ladyboss #girlbossesau #giveawayau #bettersocialmedia #betterforyou #businessmums #socialpsychology #workhardplayhard #growthmindset

07.01.2022 MORE ON INSTAGRAM GROWTH . . 1) LIKE & COMMENT - YES YOU! .... Insta users, popular accounts especially, can make the mistake of being silent followers to their audience that give them all this love and engage in all of their content. HINT: You kinda get what you give...! . . 2) CONSISTENCY... . I know! This one isn't exactly rocket science but, you gotta consistently give your audience what they want. There's no scapegoating on Instagram. Take some more pics, give them what they want! . . 3) STORIES & IGTV . Instagram doesn't give you all these new features for no reason. Like any new product or service, the provider wants you to use them and will reward you in return. . . 4) ACT NATURAL . Don't try too hard. The more staged your content, the less relatable. And the less relatable it is, the less anyone wants it clogging up their feed. . . 5) THINK LESS ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE SELLING & MORE ABOUT WHO'S BUYING IT... . I throw out brochure junk mail because I get offended by having products and services 'shoved down my throat'... Maybe it's a little extreme... But when someone tries to sell something to me, I get offended. It's just the way it is. I do however, get sucked into clever marketing that makes me feel something. See more

07.01.2022 I’M SORRY! I haven’t posted here for months, there are a few reasons but there’s still no excuse! a) I don’t have enough room to be logged in to the 16 accounts that I need to be logged into across my phone and iPad so this one got the flick...... b) I moved out of my house into a camper trailer as we embark on our lap of Aus next Tuesday... c) I’ve been running around after my heavily mobile 1 year old who now has wide open spaces to explore rather than small confined spaces within the 4 walls of our home... BUT I’M STILL SORRY... I’ve decided to focus on my current clients with less concern for growth now anyway. So I’m gunna start posting some different stuff about working and being a mum from the luxurious abode of a camper trailer in various locations around Australia... some people think I’m crazy but I’d be more inclined to call myself none-the-wiser so I look forward to sharing my journey, warts and all to either encourage you to do something that scares the shit outta you or not

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