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25.01.2022 ONLY 3 DAYS TO GO!!! Are you coming?... Are you ready to: Find that truly confident you? Discover or rediscovering youre style? Understand how to dress for your shape, and the importance of colour Start illusion dressing NOW! Have a kid free night with food and wine?!? Cant wait to see you there!!

25.01.2022 THANK YOU to all the amazing Mums that came out on Friday night for our Confidence and Style Night! An incredible bunch on women who made the night what it was - thank you!!! You all absolutely rock and we cannot wait to connect more! Welcome to TRML family Thank you to @thestyledlifeofficial for Teaching us how to dress for the amazing shape we already have!!!! You guys are just incredible!! If you need any help with simple styling - contact these beauties ASAP!!!... @featherandnoise - thank you for providing the outfits for styling! (I know there were girls online shopping on the night!!!) and for the amazing gift for each guest! We love ALL your collections and cannot wait to share more @featherandnoise with Canberra!! @artisanclinics - we cannot thank you enough!!! Every woman in the room was completely blown away with their complimentary Artisan Glow Treatment (valued at a whopping $330!!!) everyone loved hearing all about Atrisan and are all so excited to come see you all! @fullthrottletrainingcentre - youre going to have even MORE mums in now! Thank you for firstly keeping Sarah and I on our toes (or asses in some cases) and providing each guest with a weeks FREE membership!!! Amazing! @hercanberra - thank you for proving all the magazines and for always supporting - you guys are amazing! What a night - for those who missed it, We are looking to plan another, but we need you to let us know - what do you want? Be sure to let us know - Coby & Sarah xxx . . . . . . . . #canberra #canberralife #canberralocal #canberrafashion #canberramums #canberraevents #thiscanberralife #canberrawomen #mumswhostyle #mumswhohustle #mumswhowine #mumswhowine_au #mumstyle #mumsgonewild #mums #mumsofinstagram #feathers #feathera #featherandnoise #featherandnoisetribe #featherandnoisestylist #featherandnoiseaddiction #thestyledlifeofficial #beyondstyling #beyondstylingbyjustina #stylewithfashion

25.01.2022 Sit with this for a moment... If everything was your responsibility and nothing was your fault...youre not being the victim. If everything is your responsibility it means you give yourself the responsibility to change what needs to be changed...make things better and LEARN the lessons in front of you. IF it were your fault...its placing yourself in a position of no change and instead blame which is then becoming the victim.... So, is everything your responsibility or your fault? . . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator

24.01.2022 With today being World Mental Health Day I thought a lot about what to share. What to write and honestly, I was a bit stuck at one point but this is what I really, honestly want to say. Mental health to me is the fundamental most important thing in your life. When someone is struggling with their Mental health and managing their thoughts, feeling and emotions it is not always seen and understood by others. Someone struggling with their mental health is not weak. They are... a human feeling normal human emotions. They are not broken. They are feeling normal human emotions. They may at the time feel lost. But they are feeling normal human emotions. Life isnt meant to be easy we need to experience anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt in our life, these are normal human emotions, but I understand as humans we can feel stuck in these emotions and not be able to get past them, But I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart that this doesnt need to be your forever story. What I really want to share is, if you know where you are and how you feel is not how you want things to stay...tell someone. Ask for help. Reach out. Because you are bloody amazing. No one is ever broken. We are all feeling normal human emotions and a lot of the time need some help with navigating these. #worldmentalhealthday See more

23.01.2022 Sitting with your vulnerability is honouring how and why you feel a certain way... This is not what I use to think... I use to think that If I admitted to being vulnerable, it meant that everyone would know that I get insecure and Im not always Miss Positivity. In those moments I was masking my true-self and was too afraid to look at and understand what was really going on internally.... But how wrong was I... being vulnerable and owning your story, being true to yourself is the bravest, most healing thing you can do. Letting yourself feel those deep rooted emotions (understanding that emotions themselves cannot hurt us) and working through those emotions, being able to release them and walk forward is LITERALLY the most freeing thing you can do. But it takes owning your story, removing the mask and being authentically true to yourself first for this to happen. Owning your story isnt shameful. Its not wallowing and sitting in pitty for yourself. Its brave, healing and shows you care so much about YOU! . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator

23.01.2022 2 DAYS TO GO!!! If youve been sitting on the fence, but are really ready to: Find that truly confident you?... Discover or rediscovering youre style? Understand how to dress for your shape, and the importance of colour Start illusion dressing NOW! Have a kid free night with food and wine?!? (Agh, yes please!!!) Jump over to and secure your spot now - or see Confidence and Style night in link in bio! Cant wait to see you there!! Coby & Sarah xx

22.01.2022 Lets talk about investing in yourself...AND being a Mum. Going to the shops and having no problem buying clothes for the kids, because they need problem getting birthday presents, things for your husband or partner or grabbing some things for a friend on the way home... Because youre a nice person and you care about others right? But what about you? Why is it that when we become a Mum we put everyone else before us? And slowly but surely we forget abou...t what it is to invest in ourselves...take time for us that isnt just eating alone while hiding in the pantry or peeing alone... Im talking about actually going outside the house...with no kids and doing something for YOU. Something that maybe allows you to let your hair down, maybe teach you something or maybe even just meet some new amazing people...why though? Because when you invest in you...and value show up as a better version of you for everyone else. Honestly, doing a styling session with @thestyledlifeofficial at @featherandnoise was something that I knew I needed as I never shopped for me because things would turn up and Id literally look like a potato in a stocking... but, now I know how to dress my shape. How to use the clothes I ALREADY have and when I do want another item, I KNOW what style it is. Investing in you is what you feel is right for you...will light you up. Not what others think. This is why we have collaborated with @thestyledlifeofficial , @featherandnoise and other local retailers to bring you a night where you can invest in you... inside and out. Wine on arrival (IMPORTANT!!!) Kid free dinner - Canapes and paella prepared by the talented chefs at Pialligo Estate Real tools and tips on how you can be confident in the skin youre in RIGHT NOW! The Styled Life giving you exclusive style tips - how you can rock the wardrobe you already have, along with showing off an amazing Feather and Noise wardrobe on 2 REAL Mums who are different sizes and have different shapes! Exclusive gift bags - just for you (with exclusive offers from Feather and Noise, and so much more!) See Wine Not in link in bio! See more

22.01.2022 We all have a comfort zone. Somewhere that feels a little safer. Yeah? But when its uncomfortable staying still and uncomfortable to grow and move forward...what would you rather be doing? Staying still, stagnated or growing? The choice is yours! Always yours!!! And, what have you got to loose?... . . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

21.01.2022 [What does it mean to love you?] Its written everywhere love your first love you self love - but what does it even mean? Because then there is Self Care so whats the different and why is this even important? Well, im here to give you my 2cents. Because this is something I talk about a lot in The Thriving Mums Society...and honestly, can be confusing at first - but really, it is simple!... Self Care - is looking after you. This might be grooming, resting, taking time out for you, saying nice things to yourself is in there - caring for you. Like you care for your kids. But, this is irrelevant if you dont have self love.... Self Love - is knowing who you are at the core and LOVING that person inside and out regardless of the things you might say, What you might do. You speak to yourself the same way youd speak to your bestest friend, you actually treat yourself like your best friend. Know you deserve respect so treat yourself with respect and look from the inside of you instead of looking to the outside work for validation or acceptance. That level of self love might be daunting to some, but something that I live by is that if you cant love you, how can you expect others to love you? Its the reality that you are enough right now. Its just you finding you again and truly believing it! Hands up if self love is something you are or want to work on? . . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #selflove #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

20.01.2022 Somethings are hard to say. Which one are you #fridayfunny

19.01.2022 Just because we change and grow doesnt mean we need to loose who are are at the core I am honestly always changing, always evolving and always finding news things about me that I didnt know were there before. This doesnt mean that im still not the Coby that was there years ago. My core is the same and has never changed. What has changed is my visions, passions, loves and dislikes. So while I continually grow and re-identify aligning with everything that is changing, I still the core me. I am still just as loving as always (probably more now) im still Emotional, Im still an introvert (as much as people think im not) and Im probably always still going to do things backwards. Because thats me...just some of my beliefs, the things I do and who and where I like to spend my time and give my heart has changed. Never loose who you are at the core. And if you forget? You can always find you again. Its never too late. NEVER! This is why i do what I do. Everyone should feel they can grow, change and still identify as them throughout the journey, never loosing them. - 7yr old Cooper . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator

18.01.2022 AND THE WINNER IS @weber_stacy !!!! grab a friend babe, because you are coming along to our Confidence and Style night!!!! Congratulations!!! Well be in contact with all the details ... Thank you to all who entered!! There are still some tickets available for those who are wanting to start having some real Confidence and get your style back...with wine, and food, and US! Cant wait to see you there!!! - Coby & Sarah xx

17.01.2022 Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. Around the world every 40 seconds someone loses their life to suicide. Every 40 seconds!!! This is not ok. That is a beautiful human life every 40 seconds!! With this, I saw a campaign that was 40 seconds of action. So I wanted to take the opportunity to share some actions that could only take 40 seconds that could save someones life, or your own. Take 40 seconds to: . Ask someone each day how they are. If they say not good, a res...ponse could be do you want to talk about it, Im here to listen and listen. You dont need to solve everything, just be there. You can then suggest additional professional help if need be. Check in on someone that has just had a baby, even a text message. Or drop something special in their letterbox. Leave an anonymous note for someone - especially if you see them struggling with kids. That you see them, and theyre doing an amazing job. start a conversation with someone either in a lift or at a coffee shop - a short conversation where someone is seen might be just what they need for the day. if you know someone who has lost someone to suicide, check in on them, ask how they are doing. . These are just some small, simple things that may seem too simple, but really could make someone feel seen and save their life. . Life isnt designed to be easy for anyone. We all have challenges, we can go through times of pain and struggle but please remember that it doesnt need to be your story. When I say figure out what you need to do to move forward that might be calling a friend, a professional, going for a walk - everyone is different, but everyone is so worthy of living, feeling loved and being cared for. Everyone! #wspd See more

15.01.2022 [No matter what you have done, or will do, you are more than enough right now] - You dont need to try and make up for the mistakes of the past to be enough, you need to move forward because you are already worthy. - You dont need to loose weight or gain more muscle, your body is perfect just the way it is.... - Just because you lost your cool at the kids are still enough - go cuddle them - You dont need to earn more money to be enough - show your wealth through your love! - Even though you have 2000 loads of washing to do - still enough. - House a mess? Still enough! - Got the days wrong for school assembly (me today ) - still enough, still worthy. - Missed school dress up day? Still enough! - Said something you regret? Say sorry and give love because you are enough, you are worthy. - You were born worthy - only your perception of your own worth has changed. Thats it. Change your perception of yourself. I am enough, I am worthy just as I am RIGHT NOW. Tag someone who needs to hear this . . . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

15.01.2022 I know its me...but its hot in here... and I aint talkin about menopause... and sometimes you just meet a really good egg that can also dress you to assist with the hotness... @following_franki @seriously_milestones !! @ohbaby.canberra - a great day. Whose ready for @jimmyrees_ tomorrow???

14.01.2022 Who needs to hear this? Reminder: that any situation has no meaning other than the meaning we give it. No matter how shit something may seem, the result is controlled by your emotion to the situation... . .... . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

14.01.2022 3 DAYS TO GO!!! Are you ready to: Find that truly confident you?... Discover or rediscovering youre style? Understand how to dress for your shape, and the importance of colour Start illusion dressing NOW! Have a kid free night with food and wine?!? Only a few spots left!! Secure your spot now - see Confidence and Style night - Cant wait to see you there!! Coby & Sarah xx

12.01.2022 [FOR THOSE IN CANBERRA] Weve been invited to an exclusive event at Artisan in Casey on wed 16 September at 6pm (if you havent been to the new clinic - it is ahhh-mazing!!!!) They have given us some extra tickets for TRML community (thats you!!!) this is an opportunity to see the clinic, there will be exclusive discounts, giveaways etc and champagne and nibbles! ... Comment YES below if youre keen - and see Artisans website below.

12.01.2022 MUST READ! . Having high self confidence isn’t being arrogant or egotistic. Nor is it having the fittest, ‘skinniest’ body. It is simply knowing exactly who you are at the core. Your beliefs, your values and truly loving you. Appreciating you and treating yourself as your best friend. . Once that level of self awareness and self love is reached...high self confidence becomes a byproduct and a given.... . Share this with someone who needs to hear this . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

10.01.2022 To some, this might seem like just another awards night and thats fine. But I want to take the time to let you know what it means for me. Becoming a Mum at 21 years young, it was an eye opener to say the least. Cooper was the most amazing baby, so everything looked perfect from the outside but I hid behind a MASSIVE facade, a mask. The mask was strong, capable, and to a lot I was a supermum doing it all. Truth be told, I kept so busy to suppress my feelings. My chest... would ache, my head would spin and my toes would curl up. I would cry at anything, stress over the smallest thing. I was going through miscarriages, working full time, building a house and kept so busy I became emotionless. During this whole time I was in and out of doctors, physiologists, counsellors etc - you name it, I did it...until one day I had a panic attack in the car and in one swift movement undid my seatbelt, opened the door and lent out. Matt grabbed me. From that moment, I knew there had to be another way. This was not the end of my story. It became clear - how could I love me (which so many people told me to do) if I didnt know who I was? I had never been taught HOW to redefine who I was after kids (or in general). This was the start. This was the fundamental piece I was missing that NOONE told me or taught me. From there I developed and learnt more tools and strategies that have literally transformed my life and continue to this day. NO Mum should need to feel lost, alone and not themselves. Every Mum is so much more than just Mum . Every dad is so much more than just Dad (or the provider, worker) what ever your situation is, you are YOU first and you are fucking amazing just the way you are. This awards reaffirms to me that I am right where I need to be and I am here to make a REAL difference to Mums lives through sharing my story and teaching Mums the same tools that literally saved my life. As my tattoo says that I got on the day of my last miscarriage ehfar; (everything happens for a reason - and I choose if my story continues) Win or not tonight, I am so proud of myself and have won so much more in my eyes already thank you all for being amazing See more

10.01.2022 Love can seem complicated...but simply put, it is a feeling. You can say ‘I love you’ a million times over but feeling love is something entirely different and moving. Knowing someone loves you just by the way they treat you...that is everything! If you haven’t completed the 5 love languages quiz - I highly, highly recommend it!!!... . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

09.01.2022 TICKET SALES CLOSE AT 11AM!!! And there are only 2 tickets left!!! If youve been sitting on the fence! Get onto it now!!... Find that truly confident you? Discover or rediscovering youre style? Understand how to dress for your shape, and the importance of colour Start illusion dressing NOW! Have a kid free night with food and wine?!? (Agh, yes please!!!) Jump over to and secure your spot now - or see Confidence and Style night in link in bio! Cant wait to see you there!! Coby & Sarah xx

09.01.2022 Whats your genius zone? Because mine sure isnt dressing myself!!! I use to think I could do it all. That I needed to be a rocking mum, a picture perfect wife, the best friend, the stylist, the creative one, the accountant, the mindset guru, the Gardner, the cleaner...and while I am some of those things in my eyes (you can guess which ones) Im not all, nor need to be all of them. By me thinking this I was setting myself the expectation to be responsible for all... people and things (and with high standards) and honestly, where is that going to leave me? Yeah, most likely disappointed. This is why I preach knowing who you are at the core. What is your genius zone. Or, maybe start with what isnt your genius zone? Because I have learnt that styling isnt one of mine and I will spend way more time and money trying to get that one right then its worth, so I call in others to help with that. For the @ohbaby.canberra expo happening on 26 and 27 October I am going to be dressed my @peachbudboutique and styled by @following_franki - honestly what this means is I can focus on what I AM good at. And what im there for. They will also be there selling clothing and @following_franki will be doing some workshop style sessions. So, whats your genius zone, or maybe what isnt? . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

09.01.2022 [Do you like taking risks?] Risk is something that can be exciting even thrilling for some, and can be daunting and sickening for others. Everyone sees risk levels differently and individually know where they are comfortable but, chances are that if youre here reading this you know that you want more for you. That there has to be a better way, maybe a happier more fulfilling life out there...yeah? Or maybe you just want to really give life everything? Give it a good ...crack? To do this, you need to take some form of risk. And the level of risk is up to you. But without taking any risk and stepping outside of your comfort zone you will forever sit with your dreams. A long time ago for me one of the risks I took was putting A LOT of money (that we didnt have - and had to get a credit card for it) into a course that I didnt know would help me or not - I was running blind. Did it pay off? 100000%!!!!!! But if I didnt take that risk then, I wouldnt be where I am today. Have things not paid off? Hell yes!!!! So many things Ive done have not gone to plan, but you know what? I take the lessons, put one foot infront of the other and keep going....why? Because my dreams are worth it and I will make them reality. So this has me asking, What are your dreams? What is maybe something you have out off due to scarcity? Or because the risk might be too high? Because it doesnt need to be a dream. But you have that choice! . . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

08.01.2022 ‘I know it’s me...but it’s hot in here...’ and I ain’t talkin about menopause... and sometimes you just meet a really good egg that can also dress you to assist with the hotness... @following_franki @seriously_milestones !! @ohbaby.canberra - a great day. Whose ready for @jimmyrees_ tomorrow???

06.01.2022 ONLY 11 DAYS TO GO!!! Till our much anticipated Confidence and Styling Wine Not night...because, Wine Not? If youre ready to really step into your confidence...just as you are right now AND want to learn from stylists from Melbourne (@thestyledlifeofficial ) showcasing a @featherandnoise capsule wardrobe...including food and a drink on arrival...AND goodie bags valued MORE than the ticket price... Yes yes yes!... Dont miss out - book your spot now for a much deserved mums night out...and actually get something from it! Cant wait to see you there. . . . . . #canberra #canberralife #canberralocal #canberrafashion #canberramums #canberraevents #thiscanberralife #canberrawomen #mumswhostyle #mumswhohustle #mumswhowine #mumswhowine_au #mumstyle #mumsgonewild #mums #mumsofinstagram #feathers #feathera #featherandnoise #featherandnoisetribe #featherandnoisestylist #featherandnoiseaddiction #thestyledlifeofficial #beyondstyling #beyondstylingbyjustina #stylewithfashion

06.01.2022 Love can seem complicated...but simply put, it is a feeling. You can say I love you a million times over but feeling love is something entirely different and moving. Knowing someone loves you just by the way they treat you...that is everything! If you havent completed the 5 love languages quiz - I highly, highly recommend it!!!... . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

04.01.2022 Cinnamon, fireball...same same yeah? Happy Friday!!! . . What are your Friday plans???

04.01.2022 Just because someone or something isnt broken, doesnt mean that cant be EVEN better. This is something Sarah and I talk about a lot. I know for myself in MANY areas of my life I feel amazing and I see things for the amazingness that they are. Regardless of whats happening, my headspace is good, I feel grateful, I know who I am, I know what I want... but that doesnt mean I dont work on my mindset and continue to grow... Why?... Because I WANT to show up as a better version of myself each and everyday...I want to challenge myself as to what I can achieve mentally, physically, emotionally. So, just because someone or something isnt broken it doesnt mean that it cant be taken to the next level...I know for me, I cant bloody wait to see what this lifetime has install for me...and I know Ill be ready for the challenges, the amazing times and all the lessons. Never stop learning, never stop growing. Hands up if you agree!? Coby xxx . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator

03.01.2022 [People treat you based on the way you treat yourself] Read that again... And again.... We spend so much time searching for love, longing for others to love us, but have you ever stopped to think that others treat you based on the way you show you treat you? Food for thought. How do you treat you? Does that need to change? . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

02.01.2022 MUST READ! . Having high self confidence isnt being arrogant or egotistic. Nor is it having the fittest, skinniest body. It is simply knowing exactly who you are at the core. Your beliefs, your values and truly loving you. Appreciating you and treating yourself as your best friend. . Once that level of self awareness and self love is reached...high self confidence becomes a byproduct and a given.... . Share this with someone who needs to hear this . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur #mumpreneurlife #mindsetquotes #pursuehappy #your #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #chooseyou #womenwithgoals #successmindset #trustyourjourney #mindsetcreator See more

02.01.2022 Whose been there!?!?

01.01.2022 [ CONFIDENCE is not just about standing in front of people and talking] Let me explain... Before I knew who I was and stood in my own I always use to find myself playing the comparison game with what others were doing in their life... searching outside of myself...for me, for confidence. I would catch myself saying things like i wish I could look like them, I wish I could dance like them, if only I had the confidence to do that, I should like that kind of music, they w...ent there for holidays so maybe I should as well..... Does this sound familiar? Have you maybe caught yourself saying these things to yourself as well??. Whats interesting is now at least once a week I get said to me I wish I was as confident as you...I dont know how you talk in front of so many people. I get it, everyone wants to feel confident in their skin, confident in what youre doing...but confidence doesnt come from the comes from the inside and shines out. You might be thinking ok cool, but how do I become confident on the inside - You need to Master knowing who you are! How can you love you and stand true in your own if you dont know who you are? You cant! So, if you like SOOO many others do look at seemingly confident happy people and think I wish - firstly stop wishing because you can find you and be YOU sooner than you think... To really MASTER knowing who you are is a SKILL... and is why I do what I do day in day out because when you truly know who you are, you can love who you are and live your most confident, purposeful life...because after all, thats what were all here for yeah? If you resonated with this, you have to come check out The Thriving Mums Society - this is where i have taken everything I talk about and TEACH it to you in a SIMPLE way so you can be that fun, happy you again now! Ready? See you in the Society!!! . . . . . . . #mamamindset #mindset #you #youhavethepower #beconscious #perspective #takeaction #selfawareness #nevergiveup #keynotespeaker #keynote #emotionalhealth #emotionalawareness #personaldevelopment #selflove #selfcare #selfimprovement #morethanjustmum #manifestingmums #mumpreneur

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