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25.01.2022 Are you feeling overwhelmed by an organising project in your home? My best piece of advice is to resist all or nothing thinking. You don’t need to set aside a whole day to declutter. You can do it in bits and pieces, a few minutes here or there, or half an hour at a time. Thinking in this way takes the pressure off and allows you to side-step some of the indecision, procrastination and analysis paralysis that inevitably crops up and just get started. ... Once you begin, it’s amazing what you can actually achieve if you put a timer on, focus on a small area and just see what you can get done in that time. Even if it’s just to clear off and wipe down a few surfaces around your home, sort out a drawer, or reorganise your handbag. In a short time you’ve made progress (often a surprising amount) which feels amazing and will inspire you to tackle another small area. And the best part is - it all adds up. If you need some extra support, I'm here for you. Contact me via the link in my profile or [email protected] . . Photo: . #clearingtheclutter #clutterfree #declutteryourhome #declutteryourlife #declutter #declutteringtips #homeorganisation #organiseyourlife #organiseyourhome #getorganised #professionalorganiser #simplify #simplifyyourspace #simplifyyourlife
24.01.2022 Planning to sell or move over the Summer? Want to make the process less stressful? Now is the time to start thinking about your new life: what do you want to take with you into your new space, and what can you let go of, donate or throw out before you get there? Dedicate some time to really go through every drawer, box, cupboard and room well before it's time to start packing - look at all your possessions with a view to simplify, pare back and declutter. Trust me that the... - "I'll deal with it at the other end" approach tends to just result in more chaos, stress and cost (and boxes that remain unopened for months). Some of the benefits of editing your home before you move: - potential buyers love your home more - packing will be so much easier - you'll save on removal costs and lessen your stress at the other end. You'll also experience the freedom and enjoyment of setting up your new space with only the things that you really need, use and love. . And if you need some support with pre-move decluttering please get in touch. DM me to book a FREE consultation to discuss how we can simplify the process to save you time and reduce your stress! . Photo: @thriving.spaces . . . #clearingtheclutter #clutterclearing #newstart #freshstarts #newlifestyle #organiseyourlife #newhousenewlife #declutteryourhome #declutteryourmind #propertyselling #movinghouse #declutteringadvice #homesellingtips #organisingforsale #declutteringforsale #homestaging #getorganised #professionalorganiser #homeorganisation
23.01.2022 Day 8. Need some inspiration in the kitchen? A really quick step -clear out the fridge. . In 15 minutes you can check expiry dates, toss anything old, weird or dried out, and clear space for the good stuff. . The beauty of sorting out the fridge is that you minimise food going to waste, and you can see what you actually have (or need to get). You're more aware of what you have and what you enjoy. It can also help you be more inventive with what's already there.... . . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #kitchenideas #foodstorage #kitchenorganization See more
23.01.2022 Anyone else reorganising their closet as we shift into a new season? I got my winter clothes out of storage recently and, having not bought anything new in months, it felt like I got to shop in a magical store of my old favourite things that I can now wear again. . If you’re feeling inspired to declutter as you go through your seasonal (or current) clothes, some good questions to ask: . Does it still fit and do you feel good in it?... When was the last time you wore it? Do you enjoy wearing it? Is it in good condition? Can it be repaired, or repurposed? Can you donate it, so someone else can enjoy it? *Please donate thoughtfully and check with local charities if they’re accepting donations at the moment. If not, box up and store your donations at home for now and donate when they’re accepting again. . By clearing out the clothes that are weighing you down you can create space for the items you use and love right now. . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #homeorganization #homeorganisation #professionalorganizer #declutteryourlife #simplifyyourlife #closetorganization See more
21.01.2022 Looking for ways to stay productive, active and resilient during this time at home? Check out my new post on the blog - Thriving Inside Support Guide - Resources to Help You Make the Most of Being at Home. The Guide includes tips and resources for: health and wellbeing, exercise, mental health, hobbies and activities to try, food for the Brain and Mind, ways to help others and support for working from home. ... Read the full guide on the blog - __ During the coming days, I’ll be sharing more ideas, resources and activities to help you boost your resilience and feel happier and more productive whilst staying at home during this quarantine period. Meanwhile, stay safe, stay home. Be kind, gentle and patient with yourself and others, and take really good care. #thrivinginside #thrivingspaces #stayinghome #bewell #beorganised #professionalorganiser #simpleliving #simplepleasures #stayhome #quarantinelife
21.01.2022 Organising is like a jigsaw puzzle. A young client said this to me recently and I realised it was such a great way to describe the process. Have a picture or vision of why you’re getting organised Take out the items you’re going to work with and sort them into categories Start with the easy bits (like the edges/ or the surfaces of a space) to build a framework and gain some momentum... Go through the items bit by bit, one piece at a time to see if they fit (you may have to do some rearranging) Enjoy the process Celebrate the result, when your vision comes to life Find your next jigsaw/ space to start It’s been a long time since I’ve done a jigsaw puzzle, but after that client conversation, I was inspired to dig one out! Any jigsaw tragics out there? . . . . #homeorganisation #organiseyourlife #organiseyourhome #getorganised #professionalorganiser #simplify #simplifyyourspace #simplifyyourlife #organisingtips #jigsaws
20.01.2022 Feeling cooped up at home and looking for a productive outlet? Do you want to tackle some decluttering without getting totally overwhelmed? . I’ve created a practical 14 day Organising Quick Start Guide with some simple and effective micro steps to help you declutter and organise your space in under 30 minutes a day - I’m talking kitchen, surfaces, bag, phone, drawers, habits and more - [link in bio for the full guide]. . To help keep you going, I’ll be taking you through... the guide step-by-step over the next few weeks. We can work on it together! . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife See more
19.01.2022 New on the blog! ...9 Gentle Ways to Declutter During Isolation. . If you're feeling called to declutter or make space in your home right now, a few tips: remember to take things one step at a time, start small, set time limits, don't overthink it, have water and snacks on hand, and most importantly be gentle with yourself and celebrate your progress! . You can read the full post at the link in my profile or at . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #homesweethome See more
18.01.2022 If you’re anything like me, you’ve been riding a wild rollercoaster of emotion these last few weeks whilst we’re all staying home and adjusting to this surreal time. As I come to terms with what’s unfolding, I’m becoming more mindful of my days and have realised just how little I really need to be happy. I’m appreciating with fresh, grateful eyes the people in my life, the objects I use and value in my home, and the experiences I have each day - the quiet moments, the simple... pleasures. This morning, just drinking a coffee out of my favourite childhood Tiggy Winkle cup and writing in a colourful notebook was enough for me to feel happy and content. What small pleasures are bringing you comfort at the moment? #thrivinginside #thrivingspaces #stayinghome #bewell #simpleliving #simplepleasures #stayhome #quarantinelife #selfcare #lifeathome #happyathome
14.01.2022 Now more than ever it's important that feel safe, calm and supported by our homes. If you're looking for some inspiration for indoor projects at the moment, allow me to share some of my favourite organising, simplicity and home improvement books. I'm enjoying diving back into these and getting inspired!... #organise #professionalorganiser #thrivingspaces #simplify #homeprojects #simpleliving #soulspace #wabisabi #mariekondo #organizing #decluttering #organisedlife #sydneyorganiser #indooractivities #readinginspiration
13.01.2022 Day 6. A little job for a rainy day Tame your Tupperware! . Get it allllll out, make sure everything has a lid. Toss any weird mismatched items, and or anything old, warped etc . Focus on keeping containers that are the same shape so they can nest and save space. Storing lids all together in a separate container can help keep things under control.... . Now, step back and admire your handiwork, aaah, so much better!Now, time for tea . . . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #homedecor #drawers #tupperware See more
12.01.2022 Day 3. It’s handbag or wallet time! Like the ocean, you turn your back on these for a minute and a fresh wave (of clutter) flows in. The weekend is a perfect time to empty out the week from your bag or wallet. . Take everything out, toss the receipts and random bits and bobs that have taken up residence. . Group your key contents into categories eg - wallet, technology (phone, headphones), personal items. Small inner bags, mesh pouches or containers can keep like items tog...ether and make them so much easier to find, so you don’t have to go rummaging around in the depths! . What’s the one thing you can never find in your handbag? For me it’s pens and hair elastics - I either have 5 or none! . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife See more
10.01.2022 Newest team member aka 'Storage Inspector', taking her work very seriously! . #mymumsdog #puppylove #corgipuppy #selfemployedlife #organiseyourhome #organiseyourlife #declutteryourhome #organisedinteriors #thrivingspaces #professionalorganiser #decluttering #storagesolutions #gettingorganised #homeorganisation
08.01.2022 A key to thriving at home is to create space for what brings you joy. Even if it's just one small corner of the room, a calm, beautiful space does wonders for the soul. . .... . #thrivinginside #wellbeingathome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #flowers #professionalorganiser #lessismore #declutter See more
07.01.2022 Day 5. Today’s micro project - clear out your medicine cabinet or first aid kit. You’ll be amazed at how many old or expired medications are hanging out in there (and weird, old, sticky cough drops etc!) . This is a very satisfying task where you’ll see quick progress - I did this recently for our house and essentially halved the contents of the drawer in 15 minutes! Make sure you take note of any essentials that are missing and need restocking as you sort and toss. Note: medicines need to be disposed of carefully - check with your chemist if you’re unsure. . When you’re done, organise the remaining items into categories and containers, label and store safely (away from heat, and kids). . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife See more
07.01.2022 Day 7. Edit the pantry. You may already be well on top of this one, considering how much shopping and food have become one of the things we’re all super focused on these days! There are so many tins in my pantry at the moment, that they’re almost lined up like a mini-supermarket! . If you are inspired to go deeper on your pantry, keep in mind that organising a whole pantry can be a HUGE undertaking - so try to focus on just ONE section to begin with eg the spice drawer/ or ...condiments shelf for now. Just check expiry dates and toss anything that’s old or out of date. This will free up some space and easier access for the new shopping coming in. . Pro tip, do a first pass of your panty BEFORE checking pinterest for inspiration, otherwise you’ll find a whole afternoon has passed before you know it! . . . #thrivingspaces #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #homedecor #pantry #kitchenideas #foodstorage #pantryorganization #kitchenorganization #kitcheninspo #declutteryourlife #decluttering #simplifyyourlife #tidyhome #kitcheninteriors See more
06.01.2022 **Declutter key areas for quick wins** If clutter is stressing you out, here’s a little secret. Decluttering areas of your home that you use the most is going to have the biggest positive impact on your life. Your bedside table, entryway, desktop, kitchen counter - spending 15 minutes clearing off and simplifying one of these areas (with a drawer, dividers, containers, baskets - whatever you have at hand) will make at least one key part of your day flow more smoothly - which... means less stress over all. Pop a timer on, and see just what you can achieve in 15 minutes! You'd be surprised . . . . #clearingtheclutter #clutterfree #declutteryourhome #declutteryourlife #declutter #declutteringtips #calmingspaces #inspiringspaces #homeorganisation #organiseyourlife #organiseyourhome #organisingtips #getorganised #professionalorganiser #simplify #simplifyyourspace #simplifyyourlife
06.01.2022 Create one clutter free zone to feel some instant calm - decide on one surface or space in your home or office (eg a countertop, bedside table, or shelf) that will remain clutter free at all times. . Clear everything off it and every time you find yourself about to put something there ‘just for now’ take the extra few minutes to put it back where it belongs. . This might seem kind of obvious and simple, but if you can begin to cultivate this small habit it will make a huge ...difference to the visual calm of your space. Once you start enjoying the benefits of one clear, uncluttered space, you’ll be motivated to work on other spaces. . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife See more
05.01.2022 The goal of simplifying and decluttering shouldn't be about pushing yourself to get to some perfectly organised destination, but rather a process of letting go of 'shoulds' altogether. Ultimately being organised is really about feeling free. Free to be yourself, free to focus on what matters to you, unencumbered by stuff that doesn't matter. Free to enjoy your life. If you're feeling stuck or overwhelmed right now by all the things you think should be doing, let me offer som...e gentle advice. Whatever you feel like starting, start. Whatever you feel like stopping, stop. Give yourself the freedom to do or not do whatever helps you feel free, calm and safe in your space. Be well. #stayhome #staysafe #professionalorganiser #thrivingspaces #insideactivities #thrivinginside #happyathome #lifeathome #selfcare
05.01.2022 There is no doubt we’re all feeling vulnerable and concerned right now about the impacts of the covid-19 coronavirus around the world. Everything seems to be changing and evolving day by day. One change facing a lot of people right now is moving to working from home, which can be a big adjustment. If you’re finding this transition challenging, here are a few ideas that might help you to make working from home easier and more enjoyable. - Firstly, be mindful that your work pr...actices will be different and to allow yourself time to adjust. - Try to maintain your workday routine as much as possible. So continue waking up at the same time and have your breakfast, get dressed as if you’re going to the office (comfortably) and get started - try to keep to your usual work hours (including lunch break) as much as possible, which will help you feel more in work mode and make the adjustment feel less jarring. - Set up a dedicated space to work, if at all possible - a spare room, or somewhere away from the living and bedrooms, so you can separate your work time from downtime. - Try to set yourself up with a comfortable working space including a supportive chair, and prop up your computer or laptop if your table or desk is lower than usual. - Prioritise your 3 most important tasks first, use timers and schedule your time and calendar as you normally would. Be mindful though that your work practices will be different and to allow yourself time to adjust. - Take breaks! Have a cup of tea or coffee. Get some sunshine. Pay attention to how your body feels during the day and take advantage of the flexibility of being in your own space to move, stretch, take a walk whenever you need to. - Stay connected. We’re all in this together. Check in on your colleagues - not just about work but about how you’re all coping, call or skype chat/ facetime with a friend. - Be kind to yourself. These are strange times and it’s ok to feel whatever you’re feeling about it. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, and look out for those who may be most vulnerable during this time. #covid19 #workingfromhome #socialdistancing #officeorganising
04.01.2022 For many of us the recent weeks have completely transformed the way we think about and engage with our home environments. We are having to make conscious choices every day about how we operate in our homes so we can transform them into the multipurpose spaces we now need them to be. As we navigate our way through this new normal, it’s understandable if you’re struggling to find your balance and create, or maintain, new spaces to support all your various activities at home. It... can be helpful to remember that this is an iterative process. You can experiment with different arrangements and see what works best for you. The ultimate goal is to feel at home What changes have you been making to your spaces to make them work better for you during this time? This week I rotated my office desk 90 degrees and it changed everything! If you’d like to read this week’s blog post on how to create multi-function spaces at home, clink the link in bio or visit #thrivinginside #thrivingspaces #stayinghome #beorganised #professionalorganiser #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #declutter #isolationlife #workingfromhome
03.01.2022 Day 2. For today's micro project - let's start with an easy win and get stuck into a drawer! Set a timer for 15 minutes and go! Pick a drawer you use often (junk drawer/ stationery drawer/ bedside drawer) and give it a good going over. Small, clear ziploc bags, cable ties and tupperware containers work well to contain like items eg batteries, coins, loose clips, phone cables etc #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife
03.01.2022 Day 9. Considering the current health crisis, we’re probably already hyper-aware of all our cleaning products but if you’re looking for a quick decluttering job for today, try consolidating your cleaning kit. You’ll be surprised at how much these tend to wander to many different locations. . Round up all the cleaning products from every spot in your house and consolidate them or toss any that are empty or that you don’t use. Decide on two places at most for them to live for... example kitchen related under the sink and general cleaning in the bathroom or laundry. . Note: for safe chemical disposal, check your local council guidelines, many have dedicated drop off locations. There are also many great resources online if you’re interested in learning how to make your own homemade eco-friendly cleaning products. . . . . . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #homedecor #homeorganization #homeorganisation #professionalorganiser #declutteryourlife #decluttering #simplifyyourlife #cleaningproducts #ecofriendly #lesswaste See more
02.01.2022 Need some festive season gift ideas? . I’ve put together a clutter-free gift guide featuring some simple, local (mostly Sydney and Australia based) and sustainable gift ideas to get you inspired . When you’re looking for gifts this year consider making an effort to support our local and regional independent shops, small businesses, makers & creatives!... . Experiences + Activities - eg memberships, tickets, classes Rural + local market produce and wares Art + Illustration by local artists Gift vouchers for independent shops, and services Food, hampers, delivery + subscription services Plants + gardening supplies . . You can find more ideas and links in the complete Clutter-free Gift Guide via the link in bio [] . . Illustrations: @kristian_aus . . The Guide also features: @buyfromthebush @kristian_aus @sarahwhiteart @art_emmamcnamara @thefilingfairies @photosinorder @artestartschool @___claysydney___ @berkelouwbooks @betterreadbookshop @gleebooks @sapphobooks . . #thrivingspaces #giftideas #shoplocally#australianchristmas #feelingfestive #clutterfreegifts #clutterfreeXmas #shoplocalthischristmas #buyfromthebush #clutterfreechristmas #christmasgiftguide #supportlocalbusiness #holidaygifts #sustainablegifts #giftcards #giftideas #organisingservices #professionalorganiser #sydneyorganiser See more
02.01.2022 With a few weeks left to go before Christmas, if you're thinking about seeking some support to organise a space in your home, I still have a few spots available for initial consultations before the end of the year. I'm also opening up my calendar to start taking on clients in the new year. When it comes to organising and decluttering your space, figuring out where to start is almost always the hardest part. By enlisting my help, you’ll benefit from a fresh set of eyes to your situation and help you get started. Whether you need some advice about decluttering strategies, storage systems or hands-on help to reorganise an entire home, I’m here to support you. Please get in touch for an obligation-free chat if you'd like to find out more. I would love to discuss how we could work together to help you organise your home or systems to support you better. Send me a message or visit for more details. . . . #thrivingspaces #clearingtheclutter #declutteryourhome #declutteringservices #homeorganisation #homeorganising #organiseyourhome #getorganised #professionalorganiser #sydneyorganiser
02.01.2022 Thriving Spaces GIFT VOUCHERSThis festive season, why not treat a loved one (or yourself) to some organisational/ decluttering support and the gift of a calm space. Do you know someone who's super busy or feeling a bit overwhelmed by projects that they want to do around the house? Would they love to be more organised but don't know where to start? Maybe a friendly, supportive extra pair of hands to help with a post-xmas/ new year declutter would get their new year sta...rted on a positive note. Gift vouchers for organising sessions of 1, 2 or 4 hours are available to purchase through my website, or please get in touch if you have a special request. Vouchers can be used for in-person sessions in Sydney (I also offer 1hr virtual sessions). See the link in my profile or via for more details. . . . #declutter #declutteryourhome #homeorganisation #homeorganisationconsultant #loveyourhome #Christmaswishlist #giftideas #organisedhome #cleartheclutter #calmspace #clutterfree #livingsimply #professionalorganiser #wellbeingathome #organisedspace #thrivingspaces #calmgifts #sydneyorganiser #clutterfreegifts #supportsmallbusiness
02.01.2022 Day 4. Clean up your phone. When you consider just how many times we look at our phone each day it’s no wonder we can get SUPER distracted when it’s cluttered up by apps, photos, downloads etc etc! . For today’s micro-step, set yourself a timer and start by deleting any apps you haven't used in a while, or at least move them off your home screen so it looks clearer and less cluttered. If this is all you do - BRILLIANT - this action alone will make your phone a calmer space.... . If you’re feeling inspired to do more you can go deeper and organise some photos into albums so you can find them more easily and delete some unnecessary ones, to free up some space on your phone, and on your mind. . However.. photos can be a large undertaking so try to just do a bit at a time and you’ll see some progress without getting hugely distracted. . If you’re wanting to do a photo organising deep dive I can recommend @nancyray and @thefilingfairies for some amazing resources to help you with this! . . . #thrivingspaces #getorganised #thriveinside #virtualorganising #professionalorganiser #declutter #decluttering #isolation #isolationlife #quarantine #stayinghome #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #photoorganising #photoorganizing See more
01.01.2022 Hello again! I'm back after an extended instagram and FB break (oops) and keen to reconnect and catch up on here! . At the moment I'm really feeling inspired by doors and entryways in my neighbourhood. Each one seems to tell a little of the story of the people who live there. . Doors are such an interesting visual representation of the connection between our outer and inner worlds. Especially during times of transition, behind and around doors is often a place where stuff ...begins to accumulate. . So if you're feeling called to make a change, to simplify or declutter, your entryway can be a great place to start. Even a small change - a new plant, a splash of colour, or clearing off a dedicated shelf to organise your important daily items can make quite a difference to feeling better in your space, and in general. . I love a colourful door - I think yellow is probably my favourite . . #thrivingspaces #beorganised #professionalorganiser #simpleliving #simplepleasures #lifeathome #happyathome #homeorganising #organisedlife #declutter #organised #decluttering #progressoverperfection #sydneyorganiser #homeorganising #organisedlife #declutter #seeksimplicity #beautyinsimplicity #propertystaging #propertystyling #livingwithcolour #slowliving See more
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