Thyme4Health in Yeppoon, Queensland | Naturopath
Locality: Yeppoon, Queensland
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25.01.2022 Bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhoea and other seemingly unrelated symptoms such as brain fog and chronic pain can be the result of a condition known as SIBO. This condition is a sub type of IBS where bacteria in the small intestine has grown to pathogenic levels. Causes include antibiotics and other medications, stress, low stomach acid, poor dietary habits and nutrient deficiencies. A tell tale sign of SIBO is when symptoms worsen after ingesting prebioti...cs or probiotics through food or supplements as this feeds the already overgrown population of bacteria. Initially a low FODMAP diet may help but this will not reduce bacterial levels. A protocol using herbal anti-microbals and gut healing nutritional supplements are required so that food can be reintroduced to the diet. Call for more information or to make an appointment. #SIBO #naturopath #herbalmedicine #ibs #yeppoon #bloating #guthealth See more
25.01.2022 Had some fun yesterday talking to a class of year 10 students about naturopathy (none of them had heard of it) and the medicinal benefits of herbs. While some of them did their best not to listen, much like my own kids, I know a little bit of what I was saying seeped in. It might have even been enough to open their minds to alternatives instead of taking medications for dealing with health conditions in the future. #futurehealth #naturopathy #yeppoon #herbalmedicine #naturalmedicine #naturalhealth #healthoptions
24.01.2022 This is the most recent food pyramid advised by Nutrition Australia. While some peoples diets need to be modified for particular health goals this is generally a great guide for how I think the wider population should eat. Its interesting how its changed from years ago when grains were the largest group, now replaced by vegetables and some fruit. How does your diet compare? #nutrition #healthguide #naturopath
23.01.2022 PERFECT POTION HAND SANITIZER IN STOCK NOW !! Due to the demand on this product we will not be holding unless prepaid. Limited Stock so come in, or call and pay on 49224500.
21.01.2022 How to wash your hands properly.
21.01.2022 With the start of the school year in full swing I am hearing of more and more people coming down with respiratory viruses... colds etc and envisage that as we head into cooler months there will be more to come. (I dont really need to discuss the current headlines do I). With this in mind there are some important, obvious and really simple things to remember... wash your hands PROPERLY and regularly with soap and water... stay home if you are sick to reduce risk of spreading to others Also we can help our immune system to reduce chances of contracting viruses as well as lessening the effects of them if we do get sick through other simple measures... eating fresh, nutritious food and drinking plenty of water reduce stress: manage your time effectively, meditate exercise regularly get some sunshine (when it eventuality comes out again) for vitamin d If your immune system is low for whatever reason (life stress, illness etc), it could be worthwhile getting your blood tested to check that levels are optimal and consider the following... medicinal mushrooms (reishi, Cordyceps, lions mane) help to balance immunity vitamin c and zinc supplements a herbal remedy including andrographis at the first sign of infection to unregulated your immune response and help to kill off the virus #hygienetips #immunity #naturalmedicine #improveimmunity #naturopath #naturalhealth
20.01.2022 What did you do today? Me... weekly grocery shop Swim Garden... Walk dog Wii Just Dance ... best place in the world to be physical distancing from people #loveyeppoon #naturalliving #whatdidyoudotoday #socialdistancing #grateful #queenslandlife See more
20.01.2022 Rocky Health Foods have ordered bulk of HAND SANITISER. !! We will let you know when we receive it!! Watch our posts
20.01.2022 Unfortunately there will be far more devastation from Covid19 than just those attributed directly to the virus. Loss of income, businesses and other financial and personal pressures will be rife. Maybe you have been feeling isolated or overwhelmed with everything that has been happening lately? It is important to reach out if you are starting to feel overwhelming sadness and negative thoughts. However, depression doesnt always manifest in sadness, particularly in older peopl...e. Some less know symptoms include loss of motivation or energy, change in appetite, sleeping too much or headaches. If you know someone that might be feeling pressure with their finances or relationship or lives alone, reach out so they know someone is there for them. Maybe someone you know has a health condition or family stress and just needs someone to listen to them and show some understanding. We need to continue to provide balance in our lives to ensure we look after our physical, emotional and psychological health AND look out for each other. #naturalhealth #naturopathicmedicine #reachout #healthylifestyle #hereforyou #bodyandmind #helpeachother #depression #sadness See more
18.01.2022 A common symptom I come across with people is ongoing fatigue and general lack of energy. Often people try to guess why they are feeling this way and opt for a quick fix by drinking more coffee, eating high sugar food or perhaps they TRY to be healthy by taking herbs like ginseng or vitamin B nutrients. These may help in the short term but generally dont address the underlying cause which inevitably leads to ongoing issues. Individual testing to determine the reason for fatigue is important to determine the proper treatment and save money in long term. Naturopaths can order pathology testing and develop a plan to regain energy for ongoing health. #naturalhealth #naturopathy #yeppoon #fatigue #regainenergy #longtermhealth #treatthecause #vitamindeficiency
17.01.2022 HAND SANITISER Weve just had a bunch of new stock come through so theres no limit on sales! Come and see us in store if youre running low Stay safe
17.01.2022 With everything happening at the moment we just wanted to let you know that we are still trading as normal and we are here to help with any advice that you may ...need. We do have a couple of requirements in store now to protect our staff and our customers health. There is a marked line in front of the counter which we would appreciate everyone remaining behind whilst being served. Also we would appreciate no personal belongings being put on our counters. With the social distancing rules we can only have a maximum of 10 customers in the store at one time. And the most important one of all, if you have cold or flu symptoms or have been in contact with anyone that does, it may be better to do a phone or postal order with us to avoid coming to the shopping centre. Thank you all for supporting us and for your cooperation during this time See more
16.01.2022 #naturopathy #guthealth #restorehealth #naturalhealth #stepstowellness #yeppoon #nutrition #foodismedicine #wellness
15.01.2022 Looking for ways to reduce chlorine exposure? We have one of these chlorine neutralising shower heads in our showers and a beautiful purifier for drinking water. Great for anyone sensitive to toxins or those who get a bit too much chlorine in their daily lives ... we know a few of those
15.01.2022 Did you know 1 in 5 Australians are affected by anxiety, depression or another mental illness? Unfortunately many choose not to speak up due to social stigma. ...#WorldMentalHealthDay aims to reduce this and raise education and awareness around mental health We encourage you to shine a more positive light on mental health not only today, but everyday. We've collated a number of practical tips to build resilience and support your mental health on our blog:
15.01.2022 Often when we experience symptoms such as heartburn or indigestion a visit to the pharmacy or doctor might result in antacids to help reduce stomach acid. Unfortunately this is often compounding the problem because the real issue is in fact LOW stomach acid! Many digestive issue result from stress, medications, poor dietary habits and/or vitamin deficiencies etc leading to reduced capacity to produce stomach acid. To help increase production of acid you can try chewing food... slowly, apple cider vinegar with meals, ginger or digestive enzymes. If this is not sufficient you may need to supplement with HCL. Contact a naturopath for more information. #guthealth #ibs #sibo #naturopath #yeppoon #naturalmedicine #digestiontips #stomachpain #foodintolerances
14.01.2022 Choosing which sunscreen we use is something worth thinking about this time of year.
14.01.2022 Going gluten free can be challenging at first but as we become familiar with foods that are gluten free, it soon becomes second nature and rewarding for our health. Our taste buds will also adapt with time so dont worry if the taste of gluten free replacements are not appealing initially as you will adapt to different food in time. There are, of course, many foods that are already gluten free such as all fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds and these should be... staple in our diet anyway. Also, dont worry about making mistakes as this is inevitable when first learning and making lifestyle changes. It will get easier! Many restaurants and cafés are familiar with dietary requirements so dont be worried about asking questions if you need to eat out. Be aware that many pre-prepared gluten free products are high in sugar or refined carbohydrates so only eat them very occasionally and begin to learn how to make your own and/or rely less on packaged food. GLUTEN CONTAINING GRAINS & INGREDIENTS Spelt Semolina Wheat Oats Malt Rye Durum Barley Kamut GLUTEN FREE GRAINS & ALTERNATIVES Amaranth Arrowroot Buckwheat Corn (maize) Millet Quinoa Rice Sago Sorghum Tapioca Taro Teff Flax, sunflower and other nuts & seeds PRODUCTS TO CHECK Dressings Sauces Gravies Seasonings Flavourings All pre-packaged food *Check all labels as some items may appear gluten free but have added ingredients (eg. Some corn flour brands contain gluten, and some dont).
13.01.2022 TOMORROW ONLY! $50 Relaxation Massage with Courtney! Limited to 2 only. A lemongrass inspired relaxation massage to soothe your muscles, mind & soul. Call or text 0438622787 to book. (Not available online). Limited!!!
13.01.2022 It was impossible to make this look appealing but I promise its a hit in our house and a super easy, healthy treat. I generally dont measure ingredients but its pretty fool proof. Just blend all the following ingredients in your high speed blender (nutri bullet etc) and add more almond milk if it doesnt mix. 1/2 an avocado 2 tbspn almond butter (or coconut cream or combo of both) 1 cup frozen berries Almond milk (enough so it will blend.. I think about 1/4 cup)... Oh and I like to add sunflower seeds on top but Tahlz doesnt so thats optional . #healthyfats #quickhealthy #healthykidsfood #fasthealthyfood #healthyrecipes #glutenfree #dairyfree #glutendairyfree #healthytreat See more
13.01.2022 New advancements in gut testing! I love how natural medicine can be supported through modern science. Evaluating the gut microbiome provides us with a valuable tool to analyse levels of gut bacteria that are contributing to health or disease. Testing your microbiome can help to learn how your gut bacteria is contributing to illness or how to maintain health. The microbiota within our gut influences how we metabolise food, our immunity and nervous systems. Conditions such a...s depression and anxiety are largely influenced by gut health and can be assisted through nutrition alterations. Metabolic conditions including diabetes and obesity as well as cardiovascular conditions are also largely influenced by gut microbiome which can be improved using diet interventions. Weight loss can be made easier through evaluating gut health and making supportive changes. Microba testing uses metagenomic sequencing (an advanced DNA sequencing format) to look at all genes within a bacterial species. Testing is non-invasive and simple. Contact us now for a naturopathic appointment to see if metagenomic testing can help you. #naturopath #cq #yeppoon #guthealth #naturalhealth #functionaltesting See more
13.01.2022 The shops are a bit low on meat these days but there are plenty of options. I love the grass fed beef at our local butchers but tonight we went meat free with lentil, chickpea and sweet potato patties. Recipe 1 1/2 cups lentils (soaked and cooked) 1 Cup chickpeas (soaked and cooked) 1 medium sweet potato (pre cooked)... 1 grated onion 2 eggs 1 cup coriander leaves 1 tsp crushed garlic Optional spices I sometimes add include 2-3 tsp each of turmeric, coriander seed and cumin. Blend well together and fry gently in generous amounts of olive oil until golden each side. Add Himalayan salt to both sides while frying. A few extra minutes in the oven improves texture. Rating from Jaymie and Richard 8/10 #yummydinner #vegetariandinner #vegetarianrecipes #nomeatnoproblem #healthydinnerideas #thyme4health #healthymeals #healthykidsfood
13.01.2022 #guthealth #foodintolerances #naturopath #nutrition #yeppoon
12.01.2022 #cute #naturopathy #foodasmedicine #nutritionfun #funfood #yeppoon #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #meditationfun
12.01.2022 Headache workshop coming your way!!!
11.01.2022 Increase vege intake Assist immunity Convenient and simple Delicious ... Top tip 4 kids! When making green juices or smoothies add some beetroot to make the colour more appealing to little (or big) fuss pots. Recipe for this juice = 1/2 cup orange juice 1/2 cup ice Small handful coriander Stalk of celery 1 lime segment 2 slices fresh beetroot 1/4 carrot 1/2 tsp ginger Verdict from Jaymie 9/10 #deliciousnutrition #kidshealth #boostnutrition #immunehealth #convenientnutrition #nutritiontips #nutritiousrecipes #extraveggies
11.01.2022 #psoriasis #yeppoon #skinhealth #guthealth #fatigue
09.01.2022 Teriyaki tofu Why did you decide to make this dish? Because I like the flavours and I prefer vegetarian meals.... How did come up with the recipe? I adapted it from a gluten free cooking magazine that we borrowed from the library. Was it difficult to prepare? No but it took a long time to marinate which I didnt like because I dont like waiting. Did you like it? Yes... it was really yummy! Do you think you will make it again? Next time I will add some different vegetables. What were the ingredients? 1 block diced Firm tofu 1/4 cup tamari 1/2 tsp ground ginger 1/2 tsp crushed garlic 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup About 1/4 cup corn flour Spring onion broccoli rice How did you make it? Mixed the tamari, ginger, garlic and maple syrup to make sauce. Marinated tofu in sauce for 1 hour. Preheated oven time 200 and toss in corn flour. Put tofu onto baking paper and bake for 25 mins, turn after 12 mins. Cook rice and broccoli. Add remaining sauce and 2 teaspoons corn flour to saucepan and heat to thicken. #lunchrecipe #teriyaki #vegetarianrecipe #healthylunch #healthyfood #deliciousandnutritious #asianfood #healthyrecipes
08.01.2022 We know that vegetables are healthy but did you know that eating a wide range of vegetables is key to good gut health. Recently probiotics have been in favour as they are thought to hold the key to good gut health. However, it is the FOOD that we feed our already established microbiota that determines its health and plays a major role in its diversity. Studies show that people who eat a larger variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the week have a more diverse gut microbiota than those whos diet is more restricted. In our house we aim for at least 20 DIFFERENT types of vegetables through the week. How many do you eat? #naturopath #yeppoon #guthealth #microbiome #foodmatters #nutrition #healthtips
05.01.2022 HAND SANITISER We’ve just had a bunch of new stock come through so there’s no limit on sales! Come and see us in store if you’re running low Stay safe
05.01.2022 Are you a too busy bee? Sometimes it seems like being busy is an accidental consequence of modern life. We seem to get trapped or perhaps addicted to being busy and dont notice the effects of constant stimulation on our health until its too late. It can be that constantly doing more makes us feel more successful. In particular, high achievers feel an adrenalin rush that comes with reaching goals and this can become addictive. For some, being busy is a way to avoid negativ...e emotions or they just dont like to miss out on anything so their schedule becomes packed to the brim. Of course, there are also times in life where we are forced to be busy due to circumstances beyond our control. While, at times, I find it tempting to join in with the culture of always being busy, after 15 years of living with fibromyalgia and experiencing some of the above, I have learned to accept my limits. In particular, the last few years for me have helped me to gain perspective and feel fortunate that I can now use balance and not business as the key to happiness and fulfillment. I still feel proud of my achievements, even though they take a little longer to reach and I still get a twang of frustration when I have to opt out of something I want to do because it will cause my figurative basket to overflow. But Ive learned that maintaining a good pace in life makes it infinitely more enjoyable and of course vastly beneficial for emotion and physical health. It often takes illness for people to realise they need to learn how to find balance. Adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, depression, IBS and other health conditions can be the result of prolonged periods of stress. If you need help learning how to get back to balance, call for more information or to make a booking. #adrenalfatigue #adrenalhralth #fibromyalgia #insomnia #hypertension #anxiety #depression #ibs #guthealth #naturalhealth #naturopath #yeppoon #stress #naturalhealth #balancedliving See more
03.01.2022 Tahlz favourite post swimming breakfast... VEGE FRITTA How we make them... 2 cups grated veg (usually carrot, zucchini & swede) Spring onion... Lots of parsley 2 eggs Mix together. Fry in olive oil and season with Himalayan salt. Flip and fry other side Easy way to increase veg intake and get protein to kick start the day. #postexercisefood #proteinbreaky #lotsofveggies #howtoeatwell #simplefood #foodforhealth #naturopath #easybreakfast See more
03.01.2022 Mouth ulcers? As a child I developed mouth ulcers regularly and my children have had them constantly over the years. I always put it down to a deficiency of some kind (which is well known to cause mouth ulcers) but have recently learned about a compound in most toothpastes that is used to produce the foaminess of the cleansing agent and "penetrate" surfaces more thoroughly. Of course in sensitive individuals, particularly younger children, penetrating the surfaces within our mouth is not such a good thing and causes wearing away of our oral lining. I mentioned this to Jaymie (my youngest) who has had a recent bout of mouth ulcers and she agreed that since swapping from the "SLS" free toothpaste, she had noticed a difference. If you know someone who suffers from recurrent mouth ulcers, suggest they try "SLS" free toothpaste.
03.01.2022 What you feed your soul, dictates your quality of life.
02.01.2022 My first day back at body balance today for quite some time. This is definitely me but you gotta start somewhere! #naturopath #yeppoon #healthylife #healthylifestyle #justmove #yogaforeveryone #naturalmedicine
01.01.2022 Even though people have differing requirements in regards to treatment of health conditions, I find an overwhelming majority of people are unable to tolerate gluten and/or dairy.. and the health implications go far beyond upset tummies. There are so many studies backing this theory but actually seeing it in clinic really reinforces my opinion about how toxic these foods are. Unfortunately, they are also highly imbedded in our diet culture... its no wonder gut issues are so wide spread.
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