Timbarra Farm in Yarra Junction, Victoria | Farm
Timbarra Farm
Locality: Yarra Junction, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5967 3696
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25.01.2022 Waving birthday candles out when we cant blow them anymore. Little happy pick-team moment today. Grateful to be an overworked veggie farmer with a cool crew. #backoftheute #birthdays . Thanks @kym_e_sinclair
25.01.2022 This possy of Veg off to @northsidefruitandveg for their veg box scheme in the city. Helping us to move produce destined for restaurants- fantastic work guys!
25.01.2022 Knocking shiitake plugs into oak logs with friends here today and sealing with our own bees wax...always learning, always producing, always sharing. Food cultures. #yarravalley #shiitakemushrooms
25.01.2022 Brussels- better late than never. At our best timing our Brussels can start being harvested in April but seed delays, delayed the planting not surprisingly. Despite the little later than desired sowing, they grew well, free of maladies. This year almost completely free of aphids which is s first- but aphid pressure has been decreasing on the farm over the years. Probably a combination of many things but this spot grew green manures last winter/ spring, and an early crop of parsley that went to seed prematurely. The green manures got an application of trace elements that were low in our soil, and the Brussels got a freed on compost placed as a surface mulch rather than being dug in. Lots going on in the making of a sprout!
25.01.2022 Thanks @silvacoffee for these incredible and tough recyclable bags which are now being re used for feeding the soil over winter. Autumn leaves from deciduous tress are a great thing for covering the soil in beds that are too late for a green manure crop . #wishtheycamealreadybagged #excerciseinthepark #gatheringresources
24.01.2022 Our Market garden in the Don Valley supplies community vegetable boxes, some fine resuraunts and the Healesville organic market in peak season.
24.01.2022 Pink daikon heading for @healesvillefoodmarket tomorrow. And carrots have come to the party too. #knowyourfarmer #organicmarket #supportlocal
23.01.2022 One heck of a cold snap and rain to make the creeks roar like the wind in the trees. Our fruits have ended and the roots are taking over just as the soil gets colder and wetter! Our cover crops are taking the place of summer veg- what was Tomatoes is now sprouting peas, vetch, fava beans and mustard. Incidentally this years Tomato crop was grown on a cover crop and not much else and they grew beautifully
23.01.2022 When I come back in from working on getting good food out to folks and my 15 year old has made me an immune boosting tea with fresh herbs like lemon balm, ginger, licorice and gotu kola from her medicinal garden. Skills and knowledge for life.
22.01.2022 Another long term project- growing skirret. These second year divisions are quite decent. Until today we havent had enough roots to cook - but oh my goodness theyre moreish- when roasted, tasting like a mixture between chestnut and sweet parsnip. They are perennial and flower for quite a bit of summer setting a crop of seed and roots. Probably a great permaculture plant in the right climate and soil. #skirret
21.01.2022 Bok Choi is always up there with radishes to start our spring veggies season...it grows well even with a cold start and plants out nicely with the #paperpot. Now with these warm days it grows even faster! Good work Chris.
21.01.2022 Our first snow day of the winter - pretty magical. None settling on the ground here yet.
21.01.2022 Seeding time. I love this time of year when the nursery hot houses are totally full of babies tucked into their various starts and the season ahead is so full of promise and potential. Its like being poised at the top of a really big slide - were ready to ride all over again #paperpot #marketgarden #yarravalley
20.01.2022 Ok peeps...thanks for your patience with early boxes and no farmers market for us tomorrow but this is whats been happening here...the roller rink! So now we can wash and pack on wheels! AND cool off in the once again working coolroom. phew. #rollerderbyison #elbowpads #lycra
20.01.2022 Ok peeps, weve got you sorted at @healesvillefarmersmarket this Saturday with all the usual amazing produce in a new look stall. Therell be a little extra space in the layout, some products in grab-and-go bagged portions, single serve items still in their crates to reduce handling, hand sanitizer at the stall front and both the farmers on hand to help with hygiene and flow. If youre unwell stay at home. If youre coming down, give each other plenty of space and patience and kindness, thank all the producers who are there to support you and shop for a friend or neighbour who needs you! Hey weve been working on plaited carrots...what do ya reckon? #wevegotthis #avoidthesupermarkets #nopanicbuyinghere #supportyourfarmers
20.01.2022 It’s the guesswork of your farmer...pick it, wash it, stack it all up and wonder if the ease in restrictions will bring the folks down or have them all getting away! We’re all set up and ready for you Yarra Valley @healesvillefoodmarket Come on down and support your growers and makers. #yarravalley #organic #farmingforyou
20.01.2022 Despite the lack of warmth and light at this time of year the salad greens dont stop growing - once weve finished picking these mustard greens we let them bulk up and mow them down as a green manure before getting ready for tomatoes Swipe Were harvesting our Japanese turnips that have been intersown with green manures. This means that once we pull the turnips , the green manures keep on growing into spring, keeping the ground covered and setting nitrogen and carbon in the soil. Intercropped beds can get a little weedy as youre sowing in the interrows which then cant be hoed for weeds.
19.01.2022 Waiting for the thaw- hoping these caulis arent too damaged by this mornings frost- walking between the beds is like walking on gravel!
19.01.2022 School holiday fun- all these beds are clean as a whistle now - almost. The boy and I took turns at tractoring, while I seeded a couple of blocks to green manure.
19.01.2022 We all came to a standstill on Friday as we waited for the sun to unfreeze our veg before we could pick it. Could have had another hour to stand in front of the fire! #jumpedthegun #winterpicking #winterharvest
17.01.2022 Water, shelter, food. We need them all to live well. Get some food from the @healesvillefarmersmarket today
17.01.2022 Our broccoli, cauliflower and celeriac coming on well. Taken off the nets now as the butterflies are about finished and the rabbit numbers are much reduced. A few more successions to go before the end of June and theyll be dusted with a bit of now between now and then. #youcanneverhavetoomuchbroccoli
17.01.2022 ...and then we were let out so we went surfing. Happy days to all who went the hard yards.
17.01.2022 Shiso almost ready for a pick. Sometimes referred to as Japanese basil, this plant seems to be a bit more cold tolerant than basil. It’s often tricky to germinate and many of these plants were transplanted from places in the garden where they had naturally germinated.
16.01.2022 Still marketing today at Healesville. Be patient and kind as the market will implementing more strategies to maintain social distancing while shopping. This will mean limits on the number of people shopping at a stall at any one time. Goods that can be pre packaged will be. Only touch what you are going to buy. Market will open 8:30 and not before. Thanks for helping with these strategies so we may continue to operate our market.
16.01.2022 The things you might find on a forest tree when children are left to play in the gullies all alone with their imaginings and their creativities. #lovewherewelive #forestart #natureplay
16.01.2022 Twas a cold and rainy pick day today...all day!Heres cheers to all our farming friends who brave these pick days every week for their #farmersmarket See you in the morning @healesvillefarmersmarket #yarravalley
16.01.2022 Tarping beds before holidays. A couple of beet beds and a row of Oca, which although still s bit green was becoming a feeding ground for king parrots- so well pretend the Oca was frosted. The dahlia bed was also tarped after the plants were removed for subdivision. Next season well plant them, apply a compost mulch and drippers , followed by some trellis a bit later on
16.01.2022 Love ya work @markebbels @_tarrawarra_ for making a dent in our shiso hedge. Its probably only around a few more weeks as the weather cycles get increasingly cold.
16.01.2022 Not high tech, but works with the addition of boots. Now we have a few years supply of black radish seed.
15.01.2022 Rainy day jobs- taste testing our carrots before replanting for seed crop. The left ones were the sweetest and most tender. The right lot were acceptable and a lot on the reject pile which had off flavours , too fibrous or excessive root scarring. Also taste tested our musque de provance squash, beautiful colour ,sweet with soft flesh when roasted so probably best used as s soup or pumpkin pie .
15.01.2022 Plenty of stay at home food projects at Timbarra this weekend ( most weekends really). Peppers charred and preserved in oil, kimchi with turnip , carrots and Swede greens, spinning honey and drying mountain pepper berries, and turning rabbit into rillets. Not to mention peaches and quince and apples that need something done with them, and passata day tomorrow with jarring Monday. Oh and firewood date tomorrow just to pack things in a bit more. Making our larder delicious is a labour of love that somehow gets done as everyone has their thing that they like or prefer doing and theres always a new recipe to try. #notboredbusy #needanonna
14.01.2022 We lost this one during the pumpkin harvest, a clandestine summer carving performed by curious beings.
12.01.2022 That time of year again. First to come are the kuri and Galacteau de eisines . Well put these into the glasshouse for some curing then theyll be ready to go. Both of these pumpkins have grown well in a cooler than average season in a cooler than average spot half way up a mountain. Love pumpkin season
12.01.2022 Weve had two great new farm workers on board this past week. all hands on deck to get food to the folks. Never heard such hilarity coming from the saucing tommy patch...the bike helmet is to protect her from projectile rotten ones!
12.01.2022 The annual Garlic run. One big day...all is harvested, cleaned and driven to friends in Bonnie Doon who have a dry and airy shed perfect for curing garlic (our place is too humid). Super happy with the size and quality of the heads this year and we love the flavour and storage qualities of this one. It’s a white Italian and we’ve been growing it for about 8 years now. Grateful for farmer friends and helping hands. #organicgarlic @eatlocaleatwild
10.01.2022 That’s a bed of radish done. Thanks to @oakridgewines @northsidefruitandveg and @markebbels at Tarrawarra for their patronage of small local growers. Our brassicas are also about to pop with sugarloaf cabbage about ready to go and broccolini looking good. All these crops shown were grown on the residues of a leguminous green manure with nothing more added in the way of fertiliser.
10.01.2022 Garlic tucked into the beds for the year - until December. Pre cut holes in the weed gunnel saved so much time! Thanks @remispatch for allowing us to tack onto your bigger order. The whole fam were out in the sterling sunshine yesterday planting and pinning, barrowing and spreading amendments. Good to be alive!
09.01.2022 The last of our peonies and ranunculus for @healesvillefoodmarket tomorrow. Then we wait for dahlias! We’ll also have lovely Bok Choi, spinach, salad, radish, coriander and other goodies. See you in the morning. #yarravalley #organicmarket #knowyourfarmer
08.01.2022 Celeriac is on again. This variety is called mars, the seed grown by some of our favourite farmers @transitionfarm . Farmers growing seed for other farmers- love the idea, and doing it here too in a small way.
08.01.2022 Sneaky first fig. I ate it all myself under the fig tree and didnt leave a trace...Which makes me think...was it really the first fig?
08.01.2022 How good are these green salad bowl lettuces!! Big, fast growers, bright and great flavour/texture. Get into these you cheffing legends! #yarravalley #lettucelove #organic
07.01.2022 Its about time to hunker down for the winter. Lady beetles are known to congregate over the winter but this is the first time Ive found them in big numbers- under the bark of a dead wattle. I cant say that Ive noticed this particular lady beetle in the garden - a smaller version with less spots is what I remember seeing. There have been so many insects in the air in the sunny days of Autumn- but hunkering down time is upon us.
05.01.2022 Tamarillo Love. Big shout out to Zoe and Lachlan at Greasy Zoes for dancing the crazy jig that is pivoting your entire business model in covid lock down and still staying so true to your values. #knowypurchef #knowyourfarmer #hyperlocalfood
05.01.2022 Storms ebbed and brewed around us today , but just a few drops and a nice day for growing. Anyone else get rained on?
04.01.2022 Sunday mornings gym work out sorted
03.01.2022 When Sunday slow walking in the rain is still a thing. Love you farm family.
02.01.2022 So, I think you are getting the idea that there is no shortage of food in this country. All around my area there are farmers with a surplus of fresh food which... would usually have been used for tourism and restaurants. Rayners Orchard local fruit farm usually hosts thousands of international tourists at this time of year and now they are throwing away rotting fruit by the tonne - yes the TONNE! This will be happening all over our beautiful country. SO if you have ever been interested in drying fruit, bottling, making jam, freezing fruit or just indulging please go out to your local farmers market or contact a local farm and see if they need your support. Wash all fruit well in a sink of soapy warm water, rinse and enjoy! For breakfast today we enjoyed apricots poached with vanilla and coconut sugar on our museli - yum! Afternoon tea will be roasted peaches and coconut cream custard. And if you haven't made apricot ice cream yet you're missing out! Enjoy See more
02.01.2022 Ok growers and gormets alike...in the absence of our wonderful local chefs ordering up all our oca in these strange times, we have a heap of it wed like to move. If you want any posted to anywhere in Australia (except Tas and WA?) its $35 for a 1.5kg post bag or $50 for a 2.5kg post bag (postage inclusive). DM us if you dig it. We do!
01.01.2022 We lifted the Ring of Steel here this week! #funnycarrots #waslookingforthatwasher
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