Timboon P12 School | Higher education
Timboon P12 School
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25.01.2022 Virtual Cheese Judging Fortunately, our Year 8 Science students made their Camembert Cheeses in the first week of Term 3, prior to a return to remote learning for all classes. This meant that their cheese had almost 8 weeks to mature and ripen. Today, artisan cheesemaker, Simon Schulz, joined Mr Mottram to judge the Camembert Cheese and they were both impressed with the texture and taste of the final product. Our judges first tested the aroma of the cheese, the shape of the ...brined cheese wheel, the appearance of the cheese whilst cut checking for consistency and finally, the taste and flavour. Simon joined a class Webex session with Mr Mottram to discuss the taste and texture of the cheese and Mr Mottram announced the winners. The runner up cheesemakers in Year 8A were Poppy Smith and Ruby Wardwith with ‘OPC’ while the best Year 8A cheese was produced by Axel Lees and Isaac Bedggood. The runner up Year 8B cheese was produced by Sam Stewart with his ‘Ch ch ch ch cheese’ while the overall winning cheese for Year 8, ‘Billy Whey Cyrus’ was produced by Molly Jones and Zara Watt. It is great to be able to have input and expertise from local craftspeople and we thank Simon for helping us conclude this part of our studies of Curds and Whey. See more
25.01.2022 CCC Walking tour of Timboon To conclude our Yr 7/8 CCC - Cows Create Careers unit for this semester, and to demonstrate the depth and breath of careers that directly or indirectly revolve around agriculture in our region, students undertook a walking tour of Timboon. At Total Dairy Service students were hosted by owner, Shirley Walker, who described their business model that services and instals dairy plant and feed systems. Students were introduced to Luke Walker and Mikayl...a Hein, who own and operate their own businesses, Engineer-It and Effluent Solutions Australia. As mechanical engineers their businesses involve working on repairs, farm machinery design, and construction, manufacturing and developing effluent management systems, solid trap systems and systems for utilising effluent efficiently. At Nutrien Ag Solutions, Ben Green described his career path and the variety of careers including agronomy, horticulture, livestock, merchandise, property and agribusiness covered under the Nutrien banner. To conclude our tour, students visited Timboon Fine Ice Cream where students learnt about the career paths of Caroline Simmons and Tim Marwood whose business targets the tourism and hospitality industries. Students heard about the creation of the 12 Apostles Artisan Trail and its role in promoting artisans in our region and gratefully sampled cones of dairy delights. Thank you Shirley, Luke, Mikayla, Ben and Caroline for sharing your journey with us and for helping make students aware of the myriad of careers available across agriculture in our region.
24.01.2022 Lachie Berry completed the second exam of what is a very challenging subject, Specialist Maths. Lachie has completed this subject through Bendigo Senior Secondary School's virtual learning program. Well done Lachie on a great year, we wish you every success.
24.01.2022 After the 2020 P-6 Award and the Year 6 Graduation ceremonies the Year P-6 students were treated to a series of rotating House challenges designed by the teachers including a scavenger hunt, tabloid games and the Tough Udder Challenge. During the scavenger hunt, students had to race around the school grounds searching for clues for a 34 word letter, and it definitely was a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious experience! As the tabloid games unfolded the students had to navig...ate a course whilst carrying loads of water to fill a cylinder with enough water to float a ball. As students competed laps of the course carrying water, challenges included carrying a water balloon under their chin as they were bombarded with water blasters by teachers with three legged, then three armed races included as extra challenges. What a great way to finish off the school year! See more
24.01.2022 TKR Round 2 - Register now - limited places available!! What magnificent meal can you and your family manufacture?? We have enough Mystery parcels for the FIRST 80 FAMILIES to register with the Timboon School Office. Mystery parcels can only be collected on Friday 11th September between 9:00am - 3:00pm from the School Hall where your name will be ticked off a list.
24.01.2022 If any parents who attended today’s assemblies have any photos they would like to share, please email them through via the school email address [email protected] Congratulations again to the Year 6 students and award winners.
23.01.2022 Ready to flex their brain muscles, the Year 12 PE students are sitting their exams as I type. Lachie, Luke, Heidi, Sam and Alanah were more excited than the others as this is their final exam. We wish you all the best as you formally finish your studies. Thanks to Mr Whitehead for his guidance and leadership of these fine young people through Covid.
23.01.2022 Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable break. Well done for your efforts this term.
22.01.2022 Welcome to "Spoonville"- Timboon style! We are pleased to introduce you to our "Spoonville" village that is located in the School grounds next to the Timboon P-12 school sign on the corner of Hospital Road and Bailey Street. Please feel free to add more Spoonvillians to our community over the school holidays. You are welcome to add as many as you like, just be careful of the existing Spoonvillie residents. So, the next time you are enjoying a stroll along Bailey Street on these balmy spring days, or driving past the School, check out our new Spoonville residents. Happy holidays!
22.01.2022 Well done to our Chemistry and Legal Studies students yesterday. For Robbie Glesson and Halle Watt these were their last exams. Congrats, we wish you all the best. With four exams to go we are all encouraging our students to keep focused until their last exam.
22.01.2022 Rail Trail Rockstars The Year 7/8 Step Up Program has been an excellent way for students to build strong relationships with classmates and good connection to Timboon P-12 School this year. The focus has been on upskilling students with a hands on approach to learning and demonstrating that these skills can be utilized to aid our community. Our students have built new seating for the school grounds and, as a TAP community connection, have partnered with Alan Kerr and the Timbo...on Rail Trail Committee to produce and install four new seats for Rail Trail patrons along a two km stretch of trail. Thank you to Alan and Mr Mackieson for helping with the installation but mostly to Mr Bell and students for creating these wonderful resources for our community. The students and teachers joined Alan celebrating their accomplishments with a well deserved treat from Timboon Fine Ice Cream. See more
20.01.2022 TKR- update number 5!!! We have been thrilled with the uptake of our TKR Challenge as even more families have shared their creative cuisine and family cooking photos. The meals created in Timboon kitchens have included Spaghetti Bolog-nest, Pink Pasta, Spaghetti Carbonara, Chicken Pesto Pasta, Lockdown Lasagna, Roasted Butternut Pumpkin Pasta, Spaghetti Bolognase, Spicy (Or not-so-spicy) Tomato and Noodle Soup with Garlic and Cheese Pizza, Gristede Spag Bol, and Team Vogels Slow Cooked Shredded Beef Ragu. Look out Masterchef, here we come!!!
19.01.2022 TKR Round 2 - Challenge issued!!! Such was the reaction and support for our first round of Timboon Kitchens Rule (TKR), we have decided to introduce another round of our TKR family 'iso' challenge to conclude Term 3. BUT, we will only have enough Mystery parcels for the FIRST 80 FAMILIES to register with the Timboon School Office. Mystery parcels can only be collected on Friday 11th September between 9:00am - 3:00pm from the School Hall where your name will be ticked off a list. You can use all or some of the supplied ingredients and can add up to 5 other ingredients. If preferred, we can provide a gluten free option. Families are then to upload a photo of them cooking their chosen dish, the completed dish and a copy of the recipe to be posted on Compass by 18th September. Enjoy!
19.01.2022 TKR participants, you are incredible!!! Even more families and have produced original, amazing meals and creatively shared them with our school community. We've seen meals as diverse as Dragon Eggs, Spaghetti Pizza, Cheesy Chicken Pasta, Mackieson Meatball Pizza, Spaghetti Bolognese Nachos and Chorizo Pasta with Tomato Sauce. Thank you all for rising to our TKR challenge!
18.01.2022 Farmers' Hats Usually our Year 3/4 students visit a dairy and a beef/sheep farm to see their investigation of the Science unit, Paddock to Plate, first hand but a move to remote learning has upended those plans. Instead, two of our hosts, Ashley and Michelle Gristede, challenged our students to become detectives to investigate a series of careers Paddock to Plate. Students had to guess what careers Ashley depicted including an agroforester, CFA officer, weather person, weld...er, calf rearer, payroll officer, accountant, agronomist, concreter, veterinarian, maintenance engineer, conservationist, builder, production manager, footy coach and stay at home Dad. Ashley and Michelle helped demonstrate that all of these careers were combined in a very skilled, versatile, resilient and creative career - a farmer! Thanks Ash and Michelle for bringing this to life. Check out more photos and careers on the TAP Blog See more
18.01.2022 Deep Blue Science Week wrap up. Well done to all families who were involved and submitted work over Science Week. What an effort while remote learning! We have enjoyed seeing experiments, artwork, photos and quizzes coming back to school. We also know many of you enjoyed George the Farmer, the many ocean themed videos, spending time at the beach and the Deakin University sessions. For those desperate to know, the 5 beach locations on the quiz were: 12 Apostles, Loch Ard Gorge..., The Arch, London Bridge, Lace Curtains (Two Mile Bay) The judges have deliberated and prizes will be awarded to the following students! Science Week Quiz Questions- Finn and Alexandra Baxter, Marcus Ovens-Baird, Thea and Zane Vogels, Rantall family, Amazing work! - Elise Schulz, Sophia Basobas, Elise Nicholls, Dane Nicholls, Kai Dodemaide, Jack Couch, Alexandra Baxter, Savannah Beames, Martha Andrews, Charlotte Couch, Hugh Maxwell, Menzel Cooke Thank you Mrs Maxwell for such an interesting and engaging remote Science Week. See more
18.01.2022 TKR Round Two - Bring it on! Despite it being a long, tough term of remote learning we have been delighted that some of our Timboon families have taken on the Timboon Kitchens Rule (TKR) family iso challenge once again. Intrigued by parcels containing eggs, flour and cheese our families have created meals as diverse as Team Vogels Quark Gnocchi (Quocchi?), Cheesy Stuffed Bread Breakfast Pizza, Three Ingredient Brownies, Bacon and Cheese Muffins, All American Slam, Cheese and Vegemite Pinwheels and Bread and Cheese Croquettes. What a feast of recipes you have all created!
15.01.2022 Tough Udder Years P-6 After the Year P-6 Award and Year 6 Graduation ceremonies, the Year P-6 end of year House challenges included a scavenger hunt around the school grounds, tabloid games conveying water over an obstacle course and Tough Udder. During the Tough Udder challenge, multi year level teams competed in a variety of tasks including a hay bale run relay, reel run, silage tube eggs, chook puzzle crawl, milking time, slip n slide, gumboot throw, water cartage, silage spool relay and tyre hop. Thanks to the Year 9 student marshals, all stations were enthusiastically tackled with Halladale winning the prestigious Tough Udder trophy. What a fun way to conclude the school year.
15.01.2022 Running Maths. Just because they can’t join in big community running events, it doesn’t mean that the Year 5/6 students can’t get their collective pulses racing!! Mark Cuthell from the Port Campbell Visitor Information Centre started the running maths session by getting students to record their resting and active pulse rates. He described the weekly run that takes place in Timboon and draws participants from Timboon and from surrounding areas with some participants even comi...ng from overseas. Students had to calculate the number of runners, walkers, volunteers and observers based on their mode of transport by determining ‘what would that sum look like?’ Worksheets developed by Mark and Nina from Port Campbell Visitor Information Centre directed students to consider how many steps or kilometers the participants would run and what that cumulative distance could be. Extension activities explored the impact on tourism in our region included determining the value of fuel and ice cream sales and the Butter Chicken demand from The Corner Store. The Webex session concluded with Mark inspiring our students and their families to safely exercise and get out and about together to explore our amazing region. See more
15.01.2022 Tribute to Nina Barake. The staff, students and wider Timboon P-12 School community both past and present, would like to pass on our sincere condolences to the Barake family. The sudden loss of Nina is a tragedy beyond measure. Nina was a student of great character, fun and loyal to her peers. We offer our support to the family at this very difficult time.
15.01.2022 TKR - Challenge accepted!!! Today our school families picked up their Timboon Kitchens Rule (TKR) mystery parcels from the School hall ready to accept the TAP family ‘iso’ challenge. Families are to design and create a meal using all or some of the 4 provided ingredients and can use up to 5 other ingredients. Students are then to upload to Compass Learning Tasks ‘Timboon Kitchen Rules’, a photo of family members cooking, a photo of the completed dish and a copy of their recipe, by 4th September,2020. The TKR family ‘iso’ challenge is designed to encourage students to cook, teach life skills, provide entertainment and a creative cooking opportunity for families. We thank our main sponsor, Saputo Dairy Australia for their generous support. Bon Appetit!!
14.01.2022 The preps in action during a P.M.P session. These sessions improve coordination, balance and control of the whole body.
13.01.2022 BAA, RAM, EWE ... or you? Paddock to Plate was a major theme for our Year 3/4 students this year as they investigated how milk and other products were produced, collected, processed into various goods and distributed to retailers before they ended up on our tables. To continue this theme, and learn about procedural writing, our students watched sheep and shearing videos generously produced by Marilyn and Richard Gristede when it became apparent that our Paddock to Plate excur...sions could not proceed due to remote learning restrictions. After watching ewes lamb, seeing inside the shearing shed, learning about shears, watching a sheep be shorn and observing a fleece being sorted, skirted and packed into a wool bale, students practiced note taking, drawing a flow diagram and writing a report. What a wonderful living classroom our students are invited into, thanks Marilyn and Richard! Check out more photos and students' work on the TAP Blog. See more
12.01.2022 Tough Udder Challenge Years 7-9 When offered an opportunity to take on the Tough Udder Challenge during their 'Christmas Fun Day' the Year 7-9s students were very keen! As they raced around the course the students had to work in teams of 4 and use various strategies to complete the different tasks which included a gumboot throw, silage spool relay, water cartage, snake bite bandaging, hay bale climb, reel run, breakfast time, and a chook yard puzzle crawl before they reached the slip n slide station. Thanks to Mr Whitehead, Miss Costelloe, Mrs Mackenzie, Michelle Fowler, staff and students who acted as marshals, Jo Moncrieff and Brad Hain who coordinated the snake bite activity and congratulations to Ms Whitworth and students who enthusiastically took on the Tough Udder challenge.
11.01.2022 Paddock to Plate - Processor and Retailer Even though our Year 3/4 students cannot travel to processing sites and retail outlets to follow the trail of milk from Paddock to Plate due to COVID restrictions, they could still investigate what happens to milk when it leaves the farm. Thanks to Peter McDonald, the Continuous Improvement Manager at Bega in Koroit, students were invited on a virtual excursion into a milk factory as he provided information on Bega’s products and the ...journey of the milk through the processing plant from the tanker bay until it is packed and bagged in products for distribution. It was interesting to see the use of technology and robots used in the packing and distribution roles and the construction of the new lactoferrin extraction plant on site. Students then followed the dairy products onto the shelves of a local retailer, Daly’s in Koroit. There they had to find the dairy products and were surprised to learn that, while they are displayed roughly in the same area, that they are not all in the refrigerated shelving display. Students explored the different packaging options for various goods, their shape, materials and the importance of used by date. We really are going Paddock to Plate! See more
09.01.2022 Ricotta Revisited To conclude our Year 3/4 Paddock to Plate unit and to revisit some of the science used in processes to manufacture dairy products, we introduced students to goat farmer and cheese maker Bernie Drake from Childers Cove Cheese Company. Inspired by Bernie’s demonstration of how easy it was to make ricotta cheese, Vanessa Howard and some of the students at school made their own batch of cheese using a Thermomix. The processes were remarkably similar but the main difference was the way the milk was heated as the milk /vinegar combination still separated into curds and whey. Students then enjoyed the ricotta cheese on biscuits with some students suggesting that it tasted a bit like salt/vinegar chips who knew! More pics are available on the TAP Blog
09.01.2022 TKR - Second challenge launched! After the success and uptake of our initial Timboon Kitchens Rule (TKR) family 'iso' challenge, today we launched our second challenge round! Impressed with what Timboon families created with two tins of tomatoes, a packet of pasta, three cloves of garlic and cheese donated by Saputo Dairy Australia during the first challenge, we can't wait to see what magnificent meals you create this time with new ingredients! You can use some or all of the... goodies in our mystery parcel and up to five additional ingredients. Parcels can be collected, today only, from the school hall with a photo of the family cooking, a photo of the completed dish and a copy of the recipe uploaded onto Compass by Friday 18th September to complete the term. The photos and recipes will then be shared on the TAP Blog and the Timboon P-12 FB page. Can't wait to see the results! See more
09.01.2022 UPDATE Number 3! - Check out the new meals added to this post!!! Seriously, Remy and Alfredo from the movie ‘Ratatouille’ have got nothing on our TKR participants!! More Timboon families have accepted the TKR challenge and produced gourmet meals such as Spaghetti Party Bake, Slow Cooked Lamb Ragu, Chicken, Olive and Chilli Spaghetti, Cheesy Meatballs, Sausage and Veg Spaghetti Bake, Creamy Vegetarian Pasta, Slow Cooked Spaghetti Bolognaise with Cheese Stuffed Meatballs, Fettucine Alfredo, Chicken and Bacon Spaghetti Bake, Zucchini Tomato Pasta, Vegetarian Ragu, Pink Pasta, Italian Meatballs and Sicilian Spaghetti. Muma Mia, what a creative bunch!
08.01.2022 Just keep TAPping... Unfortunately, COVID restrictions have meant that we have had to cancel our November 2020 TAP's On! curriculum expo for this year, but keep watching this space for TAP activities for the remainder of the semester.
08.01.2022 TKR Round Two.... Challenge cuisine. The second round of TKR saw school families receive mystery parcels containing two eggs, two cups of plain flour and either Tasty or Colby cheese donated by Saputo Dairy Australia. By using some, or all of our ingredients, and adding up to five other elements, our creative chefs have once again produced some amazing dishes such as Breakfast Scrolls, Cheesy Chicken Parcels, Birthday Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting, Chicken Parmigiana, Spiced Chocolate Brownie Cookies and Quark Parcels. Can't wait to see what else other Timboon families create!
07.01.2022 Paddock to Plate - Goat to Cheese To conclude their Paddock to Plate unit, and as a final investigation, the Year 3/4 students were introduced to the Childers Cove Cheese Company. The class were acquainted with the local business by a movie featuring goat farmer and cheesemaker, Bernie Drake. Bernie described how goats are milked, explained the differences between goats and cows and demonstrated how the Childers Cove Cheese Company produces Sea Spray, a fetta style cheese, at... their local processing site. As a consequence of their enquiries this term, the students are very familiar with the Paddock to Plate journey of milk as a raw product through a processing plant and they could see that the processes were similar to a large processor, like Bega, but just on a much smaller scale. During a second video Bernie described the type of goats milked, the products in their range and where their goods are sold. He demonstrated how easy it was to make ricotta cheese in your own kitchen using milk and vinegar and a learning task offered students the opportunity to make ricotta cheese and design a label to advertise and sell their own cheesy creation. See more
06.01.2022 Our Year 1/2 students had their fairy tale dress up at school today. We have been looking at fairytales as part of our unit on narrative writing. The students all looked great in their costumes and had a lot of fun!
05.01.2022 TKR definitely!!! The families of Timboon have definitely proved that they rule in the kitchen! Our mystery packages consisted of two tins of tomatoes, a packet of spaghetti, three cloves of garlic and a block of cheese that was generously donated by Saputo Dairy Australia. Challenge recipes created were as diverse as Chicken Spaghetti, Sicilian Pasta Crisps, MKR Hotpot, Spaghetti Bolognese Cups, Gluten Free Balls, Spaghetti Garlic Cob, Pasta Frittata Muffins, Spaghetti Fritters with Spicey Tomato Sauce, Pork and Fennel Meatballs with Roast Onion, Garlic and Tomato Sauce, and Spaghetti Bolognase. Click onto Compass or the TAP Blog to see even more of these great chefs and their diverse, creative recipes.
04.01.2022 The Year 7 and 8 Netballers had a wonderful day in Terang competing against the Hampden District teams. Everyone improved as the day went on and most importantly all had FUN! Well done girls!
04.01.2022 Well that exam is history. Well done to our students in completing the Australian History exam this afternoon. An exam that comprises short answer and an essay, they are working hard right now to complete it. Well done to Ms Dyer in preparing her students for today.
02.01.2022 Focaccia Art As a remote learning task the Year 9/10 Taste of Europe Food Tech class had to design a piece of focaccia floral art. A fictional business, Meee’s Bakery, had tasked students with designing and producing a work of art to go on display in their window to celebrate the start of the spring racing carnival. The colourful display had to feature seasonal vegetables as a garnish and students had to work through the design process to design, create and evaluate a focaccia art production. During the task, our bakers had to submit a food order and production plan, safely and hygienically produce a recipe and their evaluation had to consider if the product was suitable to the brief and suggest improvements for future productions. As you can see, Meee’s Bakery would be very happy with the results!
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