Tim Clifford MLC | Politician
Tim Clifford MLC
Phone: +61 8 9274 8484
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25.01.2022 Thanks The Perth Voice for the yarn. We have one of the highest rates of unemployment in Australia, our rental market is being squeezed and many social support measures will run out soon. Our state is staring down a massive housing crisis. Please help us secure protections for struggling renters by completing our survey, link in comments.
25.01.2022 A look into what’s possible.
25.01.2022 Thanks to everyone out there who contacted me or referred a family member or friend in need to get in touch. The last of the care packages were donated to the Womens Health Care Place in Midland today. We must continue to support the community during these tough and unprecedented times.
24.01.2022 Anyone here been watching ABCs new series Fight for Planet A? What do you think? Brad Pettitt, Greens candidate for South Metro and I are running a zoom discussion next Tuesday to talk about the show and taking climate action here in WA. --> Fight for Planet A: Discussion on climate action <--... Come talk about the show with us!
23.01.2022 Had a great time checking out the opening of The Dice Club in Midland today. Jeremy and family have done an amazing job opening up a dedicated community space to play designer board games and table top role playing games. You should check it out and organise a group of friends/family to come down and play. Youll really enjoy it
23.01.2022 Fantastic morning at the Bayswater Growers Market catching up with Diane Evers, Greens MLC for South West, Charles Pratt, Greens candidate for Bassendean. Great coffee, people and stalls
23.01.2022 Reports like this show why it's so important to reform the way we do politics. We need to ban corporate donations, publicise ministers diaries, record donations in real time and crack down on cash for access. Western Australians need to have confidence that people and planet are at the forefront of decisions that ministers and the State Government are making. Until we reform our political donations laws to remove the possibility for undue influence, people will not have faith... in our political system. I'm proud to be a part of our Greens movement that doesn't (and will never) accept fossil fuel donations. We will always act in the best interests of our climate and our communities. Well done 350 Perth
23.01.2022 We are facing another summer of bushfires compounded by extreme weather conditions driven by climate change. WA needs to take strong action on climate change instead of propping up the very industries that are causing it. Please be safe this bushfire season.
22.01.2022 Outside Nev Powers corporate breakfast. There is a powerful push from oil & gas corporations to return to business as usual, but business as usual is what gave us the climate crisis. -> timclifford.com.au/climatechangeact<-
22.01.2022 Should WA do something similar? would add more incentive for renewable energy generation will save households money on energy bills start cutting emissions from dirty gas generation ... would save our planet See more
20.01.2022 The only thing a gas-led recovery will do is destabilise our planet. We currently have a bill in state parliament that will transform our energy system, cut emissions and ensure successive state governments focus on creating a healthier future. We need your help passing it. Link in comment section.
19.01.2022 Our democracy is not for sale. --->greens.org.au/cleanupdemocracy<---
19.01.2022 What Im palying tonight - Necrobarista @route59games Necrobarista is a 2020 visual novel game developed by Australian development studio Route 59. The player follows a cast of characters around a Melbourne back-alley coffeehouse staffed by necromancers, named the Terminal. In the Terminal, the souls of the recently departed are given a final 24 hours to reside in the world alongside the living. The game was released on July 17, 2020 for macOS and iOS via Apple Arcade, and... July 22, 2020 for Microsoft Windows. Necrobarista has upcoming ports for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch scheduled to release in 2021. You can purchase Necrobarista here: https://bit.ly/2ZTwxhb Why am I streaming games? The games industry is worth billions of dollars globally but sadly Australian developers need more support from both federal and state governments to reach its full potential. I have included some links (below) with some useful information relating to the Australian games industry. If you have any games suggestions that you would like me to play please leave a comment below Industry Snapshot Overview PDF: https://bit.ly/3ckbadF IGEA New Story: https://bit.ly/35Ng81s IGEA (Interactive Games & Entertainment Association) Website: https://igea.net/| Interesting games related news stories: Australian video game development industry broken, insiders say: https://ab.co/2RGKme3 How Queenslands Games Industry Is Quietly Thriving: https://bit.ly/3mEjNVm
18.01.2022 Just want to thank every single person who supported our climate change act. Although it wasn't the outcome we were hoping for, after feeling the passion, focus, energy, excitement and sense of community yesterday I can't help but be filled with hope. We must savour this energy, bottle and use it to propel us forward. The fight for a better future will be long and hard but we're getting there. ... Thanks again.
18.01.2022 I can understand why so many people in our community feel hard done by when politicians consistently choose to listen to the folks in the oil and gas industry instead of scientists and community. It helps that these large corporations give hundreds of thousands of dollars in political donations. We need to clean our democracy.
18.01.2022 Clives latest lawsuit is part of a long history of our state being bullied by mining/gas billionaires. Its why we dont have renewable energy/net-zero emissions target, why our Gas industry pollutes so freely and why were missing so many opportunities for green investments. This problem goes beyond a state agreement act. We have a bigger issue with political donations, big mining influence and integrity in democracy.... Help us fix it.
18.01.2022 Congratulations Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all who contributed to removing Trump from the White House. The pressure is now on Australia with Biden naming climate change an existential threat and a plan for zero emissions electricity by 2035.
16.01.2022 Okay so this is a first of hopefully many streams showcasing wonderful and talented Australian games developers. The games industry is worth billions of dollars globally but sadly Australian developers need more support from both federal and state governments to reach its full potential. If you have any games suggestions that you would like me to play please leave a comment below :) Happy Saturday night and Honk! Honk!
15.01.2022 I joined Taylah on Breakfast from RTRFM 92.1 last Friday to discuss the Climate Change Act debate and next steps.
13.01.2022 Young people are being locked out of the housing market, paying back tens of thousands of dollars of uni debt, theyve had to dip into their superannuation to keep a roof over their head, theyve lived through two global recessions, one pandemic, a climate crisis and now they cant even receive support from their elected representatives without being blamed for violence in Northbridge.
13.01.2022 Multiple fires, a tropical storm and 3 hurricanes happening at the same time in the US right now... Think of these events and last years devastating fires everytime the Premier or the Prime Minister spruik gas or other fossil fuels as a covid recovery. We need more clean jobs, less pollution.
13.01.2022 What if I told you you could help the The Greens (WA) raise funds for the 2021 election AND have a fun night with friends! --> Escape 2020 An online Escape Room fundraiser <--
13.01.2022 Our planet is destabilising, and its being fuelled by fossil fuels like gas. WA needs to set a net-zero emissions target, drive renewable energy investment and establish an independent Climate Council to oversee the transition to a renewable economy. Now is the time for a WA Climate Change Act.
13.01.2022 Please respond to our renters survey and let us know if we need to extend the eviction moratorium. Link in the comments -->
12.01.2022 Anyone else see the news this morning? Both Albanese and Scomo are both jeopardising any progress were making towards a safer planet. All for their fossil fuel donor mates.
12.01.2022 Can we stop destroying our beautiful Jarrah forests please? Since the 1960s, 23 000 hectares of beautiful Jarrah forests along the Darling Scarp have been cleared for bauxite mining and alumina production. Alcoa is now proposing to expand its mining operations and clear a further 8700 ha an area more than 20 times the size of Perth’s Kings Park in some of the most ecologically significant Jarrah forests in the Dwellingup, Jarrahdale and Serpentine areas.... Protecting our forests is climate action. We can't let this happen. Wishing the WA Forest Alliance, Save Our Jarrah, Save Dwellingup Discovery Forest and The Wilderness Society WA the best of luck with your petition today, here's hoping all parties take it extremely seriously.
12.01.2022 "There is no need for any increase in gas for power generation due to the increasing cost-efficacy of battery storage, pumped hydro, demand-side management and the integration of hydrogen and EV storage systems into the grid." Climate Analytics latest report has shown that gas is not needed as a transition fuel and that the LNG industry should begin substantially reducing its emissions. The evidence keeps rolling in, gas is not the answer, and any further government investment into WA's massive gas industry is harmful, unsustainable and economically unviable.
10.01.2022 Theres a powerful push from oil & gas corporations to return to business as usual, but business as usual is what gave us the climate crisis. #climatechangeact
10.01.2022 Climate change is making our fire seasons, longer, hotter and more unpredictable. We need to do our part in cutting global emissions ASAP. We have a #ClimateChangeAct currently sitting in WA Parliament that will dramatically cut our states emissions, drive renewable investment and establish an independent climate body to oversee our states transition away from fossil fuels. Will you help us get it passed?... : The Climate Council
10.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC week from Noongar land here in Boorloo (Perth). From Senator Lidia Thorpe's op-ed in The New Daily today: "NAIDOC Week celebrates the diversity of Aboriginal cultures. We are not one nation but First Nations, made up of hundreds of language groups, each with rich and diverse cultural practices, customs, politics and beliefs. Many people in this country aren’t aware of the history behind this week and how it came to be."... Make sure to follow National NAIDOC and Naidoc Perth to stay up-to-date with news and events. #NAIDOC2020 #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
09.01.2022 Today we found out over 5000 West Australians have applied for rent relief. Many people in our community are struggling to keep a roof over their head, afford the cost of living and now we know many will be straddled with accumulated debt from rent deferrals. This is combined with news that due to a shrinking rental market rent will likely increase over the next few months! We have a housing crisis emerging in this state.... This is why we must maintain job keeper and jobseeker, why we must continue helping those who are struggling beyond the eviction moratorium and why our state government has to continue working to prevent thousands from becoming homeless.
09.01.2022 Bennett Resources have officially started the process of fracking our state. Even though we know fracking contributes to climate change, it also poisons our food and water, and it doesnt make any economic sense. Instead of listening to the majority of Western Australians who are calling for action on climate change, and to protect our air, land and water, the McGowan Labor government is taking hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from oil and gas corporations.... Make no mistake - Mark McGowan and WA Labor are working for oil and gas companies, not our communities.
08.01.2022 So The massive Waitsia fossil fuel project (which has been greenlit without environmental approval) gets special exemption to export gas overseas. Would it have something to do with the fact Kerry Stokes - whos pushing the project - has donated over $150,000 to the Labor party?? Something smells fishy.
08.01.2022 We got a real lacklustre response from state government last night, the fact they are mulling over supporting a covid commission stacked with corporate gas executives over the safety and well being of the community is shocking. Weve gotta keep shouting to these politicians that gas is not the solution and that we can and we must do better. We got a real lacklustre response from state government last night, the fact they are mulling over supporting a COVID commission stacked with corporate gas executives over the safety and well being of the community is shocking.
07.01.2022 Something doesnt make sense here...
07.01.2022 In contrast to the rest of Australia, rent in WA has been dramatically increasing since the Coronavirus pandemic. This is a dire situation, we're living through a historic rental squeeze and potential homelessness crisis. Even before the pandemic WA had 23,000 people on the waiting list for social housing, that number is increasing every day. Our state is extremely under-prepared.... WA Labor should have invested heavily in increasing our limited social housing stock in their state budget. If we learnt anything during the coronavirus pandemic its that Governments have always had the means to help people, they've just chosen not too. Image description | four different graphs showing the advertised rent growth of apartments, townhouses and houses in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Perth’s rent growth for apartments and townhouses and houses has increased dramatically compared to the other 3 states.
07.01.2022 After almost four years in government, WA Labor has finally released their key climate policy. It does nothing to tackle climate change - in fact it actively undermines global efforts to cut emissions by allowing our state’s carbon pollution to keep rising. This policy provides no real strategy on how this government will effectively reduce emissions. It does not address the drastically rising emissions from the LNG industry, or legislate interim emissions reduction targets a...nd renewable energy targets or include a carbon budget. Instead, WA Labor has created a policy that allows their major fossil fuel donors to keep polluting. We are in a climate crisis. Scientists are telling us this is a critical decade. We have to halve pollution by 2030 and get to zero emissions as fast as possible or face the catastrophic consequences of irreversible global heating. As we head into what is predicted to be one of WA’s worst bushfire seasons on record, we need more than just aspirational targets from the Premier - we need action. The Greens have a plan to completely transition away from fossil fuels, to develop a large scale renewable energy industry, to ban political donations from fossil fuel companies and to create thousands of clean, green jobs. We want to propel our state into the future, but we need more Greens voices in WA Parliament to do it. We can’t do it without you - will you help us?
05.01.2022 --Perdaman Urea Plant-- Im trying my hardest to get excited about our state governments recent renewable announcements, I really am. But if we wanna save our planet, and I mean like really save it, were gonna have to commit to this energy transition, not make it harder. The $35.5 million will support the new Perdaman urea plant on the Burrup.... This project will be powered by gas and use gas as feedstock to make fertilizer. This in turn means our agricultural industry will find it harder to cut emissions. Also, the carbon-intensive fertilizer will be shipped to other countries, creating further pollution. Why spend $35.5 million in support of a project that does nothing but make it harder to reach net-zero by 2050? One step forward two steps back. #climateaction #WApol #Auspol
05.01.2022 Just wanna talk about Clive, Nev and Peter. Mining CEOs have long got away with influencing our democracy, and community health and safety is suffering.
04.01.2022 Instead of keeping jobseeker (and over 1 million Australians who rely on it) above the poverty line, our government is considering implementing tax cuts for those on 6 figure salaries. We need to invest in job-creation, the care economy and nation-building infrastructure, not giving tax cuts for those that dont need extra support.
04.01.2022 "The combustion of natural gas is now the fastest growing source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, the most important greenhouse gas driving climate change." We need to cut our emissions from coal, oil and gas, invest in renewable energy and create a safer planet.
04.01.2022 It’s taken almost a full term but WA Labor are finally due to release their government's key climate policy. There’s a lot riding on this policy, cause frankly WA Labor have been lukewarm on climate action. WA’s emissions have gone up by 12% over the past 5 years, we’re the only state that hasn’t reduced it’s emissions below 2005 levels, we’re the only state without a legislated Renewable energy and net-zero emissions target and we’re the state with the highest per-capita emi...ssions. We’ve got some work to do. With that in mind, here’s what we’d like to see in WA Labor’s state climate policy. What would you like to see?
03.01.2022 Yesterday morning I visited the Hazara Community in Maddington. The Community have fundraised to start build a Community Centre and so many others are volunteering their time to help with the building process. Thanks to Towhid Associations Reza Danish and Tahir Merzaie for showing me around.
03.01.2022 They employ less than 0.2% of Australias workforce, renewable energy is cheaper and safer, they already pay bugger all tax and the thing they produce is destroying our planet. But sure, tell me more about how the Oil & Gas industry needs a tax break.
03.01.2022 Great start to a big weekend of action. Thanks Charles Pratt, Greens candidate for Bassendean and to all the wonderful volunteers for hitting the streets and doorknocking this morrning. I will be posting more over the weekend with more doorknocking and catch up events with other fantastic Greens candidates from across the metro area.
03.01.2022 Record Store Day is happening tomorrow! So please make sure you visit any one of these record stores over the weekend! (Let me know if I missed one) Also please share your most recent music purchase and/or let me know what youre like to buy next in the comments! Junction Records Fremantle... https://bit.ly/3gCFxfQ Mills Records Fremantle http://www.mills.com/ The Record Finder Fremantle Rhubarb Records Vic Park Vinyl Cafe Leederville : Midland Records Midland Diabolik Books & Records Mt Hawthorn Dada Records Perth Urban Records Leederville http://www.urbanrecords.com.au/
03.01.2022 This is great news for residential renters! The government has extended many of its rent relief measures until March 2021 next year. With jobseeker soon dropping, a high unemployment rate, and a rental market thats becoming more expensive its so important we help those who are struggling as much as possible.
03.01.2022 @cpsucsa Silent Vigil rally at parliament house tonight #everychildcounts We need a real plan for child protection, we need a plan to ensure Every Child Counts Western Australias child protection total caseload is up 29% (since 2014) with nearly 6,000 children now on care and protection orders. Notifications of substantiated abuse and neglect are up 61% (since 2014) with nearly 5,000 incidents every year.... This is unacceptable. We need child protection workers who are safely resourced so they can provide essential support to WA Children. We need a Department that delivers real support and relief to our amazing foster carers. We need public services which invest in Aboriginal families and are resourced to stay committed to Aboriginal Child Placement Principles. We need a real plan for child protection, we need a plan to ensure Every Child Counts! Visit our website: www.cpsucsa.org/everychildcounts
01.01.2022 We dont need gas.
01.01.2022 Escape 2020: Online Escape Room Fundraiser! The State Election in 2021 is quickly approaching and to kick things off were launching Escape 2020 - our first ever online escape room fundraiser! Not only is this event special because its the first fundraising event of our election campaign, its the first time in Greens (WA) history that members and supporters from across the country will join together to help raise funds! So get your team together, buy a ticket and help us ...win big in 2021. Friday, 25th September, 6.00pm-8.00pm. More details and get your ticket here: http://bit.ly/Escape2020Fundraiser Room tutorial: http://bit.ly/Escape2020Tutorial
01.01.2022 We need to build more social housing and do everything necessary to protect and support the people who are currently struggling to keep a roof over their heads. WA is one of the wealthiest states in the world and the state government needs to harness that wealth to ensure every person has access to affordable housing.
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Units 7 & 8 Grand Cinema Complex, Corner of Victoria and Clifton Streets 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia